There are 2716 total results for your 樹 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
樹氷高原駅 see styles |
juhyoukougeneki / juhyokogeneki じゅひょうこうげんえき |
(st) Juhyoukougen Station |
樹海ライン see styles |
jukairain じゅかいライン |
(place-name) Jukairain |
樹突狀細胞 树突状细胞 see styles |
shù tū zhuàng xì bāo shu4 tu1 zhuang4 xi4 bao1 shu t`u chuang hsi pao shu tu chuang hsi pao |
dendritic cell |
Variations: |
isunoki; yusunoki; yushinoki; hyonnoki; isunoki; yusunoki; hyonnoki いすのき; ゆすのき; ゆしのき; ひょんのき; イスノキ; ユスノキ; ヒョンノキ |
Distylium racemosum (evergreen tree of the winter-hazel genus) |
アミノ樹脂 see styles |
aminojushi アミノじゅし |
amino resin |
ケイ素樹脂 see styles |
keisojushi / kesojushi ケイそじゅし |
silicone resin |
ビニル樹脂 see styles |
binirujushi ビニルじゅし |
{chem} vinyl resin |
ユリア樹脂 see styles |
yuriajushi ユリアじゅし |
urea resin |
五十嵐英樹 see styles |
igarashihideki いがらしひでき |
(person) Igarashi Hideki (1969.8.23-) |
井上真樹夫 see styles |
inouemakio / inoemakio いのうえまきお |
(person) Inoue Makio (1940.11.30-) |
仲宗根美樹 see styles |
nakasonemiki なかそねみき |
(person) Nakasone Miki (1944.6.23-) |
伊丹三樹彦 see styles |
iyamimikihiko いやみみきひこ |
(person) Itami Mikihiko |
伊藤優津樹 see styles |
itouyuzuki / itoyuzuki いとうゆづき |
(person) Itō Yuzuki (1974.4.7-) |
佐々木宏樹 see styles |
sasakihiroki ささきひろき |
(person) Sasaki Hiroki (1942.1.2-) |
八重樫純樹 see styles |
yaegashijunki やえがしじゅんき |
(person) Yaegashi Junki |
加藤真樹子 see styles |
katoumakiko / katomakiko かとうまきこ |
(person) Katou Makiko (1979.4.19-) |
北勝力英樹 see styles |
hokutourikihideki / hokutorikihideki ほくとうりきひでき |
(person) Hokutouriki Hideki (1977.10.31-) |
印度菩提樹 see styles |
indobodaiju; indobodaiju いんどぼだいじゅ; インドボダイジュ |
(kana only) sacred fig (Ficus religiosa); peepul; bo-tree; bodhi tree; pippala tree; ashwattha tree |
土橋宏由樹 see styles |
dobashihiroyuki どばしひろゆき |
(person) Dobashi Hiroyuki (1977.11.27-) |
大久保裕樹 see styles |
ookuboyuuki / ookuboyuki おおくぼゆうき |
(person) Ookubo Yūki (1984.4.17-) |
大和田廣樹 see styles |
oowadahiroki おおわだひろき |
(person) Oowada Hiroki |
大樹緊那羅 大树紧那罗 see styles |
dà shù jǐn nà luó da4 shu4 jin3 na4 luo2 ta shu chin na lo Daiju Kinnara |
The King of the mahādruma Kinnaras, Indra's musicians, who lives on Gandha-mādana. His sutra is 大樹緊那羅王所門經, 4 chuan, tr. by Kumārajīva. |
大麻南樹町 see styles |
ooasaminakichou / ooasaminakicho おおあさみなきちょう |
(place-name) Ooasaminakichō |
姫乃樹リカ see styles |
himenogirika ひめのぎリカ |
(person) Himenogi Rika (1971.10.6-) |
娑羅雙樹林 娑罗双树林 see styles |
suō luó shuāng shù lín suo1 luo2 shuang1 shu4 lin2 so lo shuang shu lin Sara sōjurin* |
Śāla Forest |
安次富真樹 see styles |
ajifumasaki あじふまさき |
(person) Ajifu Masaki (1976.2.1-) |
導電性樹脂 see styles |
doudenseijushi / dodensejushi どうでんせいじゅし |
conductive resin |
小出水直樹 see styles |
koidemizunaoki こいでみずなおき |
(person) Koidemizu Naoki (1976.2.1-) |
小櫃由樹生 see styles |
obitsuyukio おびつゆきお |
(person) Obitsu Yukio |
山上樹実雄 see styles |
yamagamikimio やまがみきみお |
(person) Yamagami Kimio |
山手樹一郎 see styles |
yamatekiichirou / yamatekichiro やまてきいちろう |
(person) Yamate Kiichirō |
山神の樹叢 see styles |
yamagaminojusou / yamagaminojuso やまがみのじゅそう |
(place-name) Yamagaminojusou |
岩戸山樹叢 see styles |
iwadosanjusou / iwadosanjuso いわどさんじゅそう |
(place-name) Iwadosanjusou |
岩豪友樹子 see styles |
iwagouyukiko / iwagoyukiko いわごうゆきこ |
(person) Iwagou Yukiko |
峨嵋山樹林 see styles |
kabisanjurin かびさんじゅりん |
(place-name) Kabisanjurin |
川島茉樹代 see styles |
kawashimamakiyo かわしままきよ |
(person) Kawashima Makiyo (1984.6.12-) |
志茂田景樹 see styles |
shimodakageki しもだかげき |
(person) Shimoda Kageki (1940.3-) |
感光性樹脂 see styles |
kankouseijushi / kankosejushi かんこうせいじゅし |
photosensitive resin |
成田三樹夫 see styles |
naritamikio なりたみきお |
(person) Narita Mikio (1935.1.31-1990.4.9) |
我那覇和樹 see styles |
ganahakazuki がなはかずき |
(person) Ganaha Kazuki (1980.9.26-) |
拘毘陀羅樹 拘毘陀罗树 see styles |
jū pí tuó luó shù ju1 pi2 tuo2 luo2 shu4 chü p`i t`o lo shu chü pi to lo shu kubidara ju |
the kovidāra tree |
拘鞞陀羅樹 拘鞞陀罗树 see styles |
jū bǐ tuó luó shù ju1 bi3 tuo2 luo2 shu4 chü pi t`o lo shu chü pi to lo shu kuhidara ju |
the kovidāra tree |
曽我部直樹 see styles |
sogabenaoki そがべなおき |
(person) Sogabe Naoki |
木村直雄樹 see styles |
kimuranaoyuki きむらなおゆき |
(person) Kimura Naoyuki (1976.6.28-) |
東大樹木園 see styles |
toudaijumokuen / todaijumokuen とうだいじゅもくえん |
(place-name) Tōdaijumokuen |
松田樹利亜 see styles |
matsudajuria まつだじゅりあ |
(person) Matsuda Juria (1975.2.7-) |
果樹園芸学 see styles |
kajuengeigaku / kajuengegaku かじゅえんげいがく |
pomology; fruit crop science |
果樹指導所 see styles |
kajushidoujo / kajushidojo かじゅしどうじょ |
(place-name) Kajushidoujo |
果樹栽培者 see styles |
kajusaibaisha かじゅさいばいしゃ |
orchardist; fruit grower |
果樹研究所 see styles |
kajukenkyuujo / kajukenkyujo かじゅけんきゅうじょ |
(org) National Institute of Fruit Tree Science; NIFTS; (o) National Institute of Fruit Tree Science; NIFTS |
果樹試験場 see styles |
kajushikenjou / kajushikenjo かじゅしけんじょう |
(place-name) Kajushikenjō |
果樹試験所 see styles |
kajushikenjou / kajushikenjo かじゅしけんじょう |
(place-name) Kajushikenjō |
桃樹明日香 see styles |
momokiasuka ももきあすか |
(person) Momoki Asuka |
植物性樹脂 see styles |
shokubutsuseijushi / shokubutsusejushi しょくぶつせいじゅし |
(1) vegetable resin; (2) bioplastic |
母樹林沢川 see styles |
bojurinsawagawa ぼじゅりんさわがわ |
(place-name) Bojurinsawagawa |
水蝋樹蝋虫 see styles |
ibotaroumushi / ibotaromushi いぼたろうむし |
(kana only) Chinese wax scale insect (Ericerus pela) |
沢樹くるみ see styles |
sawakikurumi さわきくるみ |
(person) Sawaki Kurumi |
油井昌由樹 see styles |
yuimasayuki ゆいまさゆき |
(person) Yui Masayuki |
湯本香樹実 see styles |
yumotokazumi ゆもとかずみ |
(person) Yumoto Kazumi |
湯本香樹美 see styles |
yumotokazumi ゆもとかずみ |
(person) Yumoto Kazumi (1959-) |
瀬田美樹男 see styles |
setamikio せたみきお |
(person) Seta Mikio |
熱可塑樹脂 see styles |
netsukasojushi ねつかそじゅし |
(rare) (abbreviation) (See 熱可塑性樹脂) thermoplastic resin |
真樹日佐夫 see styles |
makihisao まきひさお |
(person) Maki Hisao (1940.6.16-) |
石炭酸樹脂 see styles |
sekitansanjushi せきたんさんじゅし |
(See フェノール樹脂) phenolic resin |
福薗由布樹 see styles |
fukuzonoyuuki / fukuzonoyuki ふくぞのゆうき |
(person) Fukuzono Yūki |
純多摩良樹 see styles |
sumitamayoshiki すみたまよしき |
(person) Sumitama Yoshiki |
美樹本晴彦 see styles |
mikimotoharuhiko みきもとはるひこ |
(person) Mikimoto Haruhiko (1959.8.28-) |
芹沢太麻樹 see styles |
serizawatamaki せりざわたまき |
(person) Serizawa Tamaki |
荻野目悠樹 see styles |
oginomeyuuki / oginomeyuki おぎのめゆうき |
(person) Oginome Yūki |
菴婆羅樹女 菴婆罗树女 see styles |
ān pó luó shù nǚ an1 po2 luo2 shu4 nv3 an p`o lo shu nü an po lo shu nü Anbarajunyo |
Āmradārika |
萩原美樹子 see styles |
hagiwaramikiko はぎわらみきこ |
(person) Hagiwara Mikiko (1970.4.17-) |
落葉広葉樹 see styles |
rakuyoukouyouju / rakuyokoyoju らくようこうようじゅ |
deciduous broad-leaved tree |
蒹葭倚玉樹 蒹葭倚玉树 see styles |
jiān jiā yǐ yù shù jian1 jia1 yi3 yu4 shu4 chien chia i yü shu |
lit. reeds leaning on a jade tree (idiom); fig. the lowly associating with the noble; the weak seeking help from the strong |
蒼樹山秀樹 see styles |
aogiyamahideki あおぎやまひでき |
(person) Aogiyama Hideki (1970.2.18-) |
蒼樹山秀輝 see styles |
aogiyamahideki あおぎやまひでき |
(person) Aogiyama Hideki |
藤樹書院跡 see styles |
toujushoinato / tojushoinato とうじゅしょいんあと |
(place-name) Toujushoin'ato |
蚍蜉撼大樹 蚍蜉撼大树 see styles |
pí fú hàn dà shù pi2 fu2 han4 da4 shu4 p`i fu han ta shu pi fu han ta shu |
lit. an ant trying to shake a big tree (idiom); fig. to overrate one's own strength; also written 蚍蜉撼樹|蚍蜉撼树[pi2 fu2 han4 shu4] |
西岡久寿樹 see styles |
nishiokakusuki にしおかくすき |
(person) Nishioka Kusuki |
見血封喉樹 见血封喉树 see styles |
jiàn xuè fēng hóu shù jian4 xue4 feng1 hou2 shu4 chien hsüeh feng hou shu |
Antiaris toxicaria (botany) |
豊ノ島大樹 see styles |
toyonoshimadaiki とよのしまだいき |
(person) Toyonoshima Daiki (1983.6.26-) |
追手風直樹 see styles |
oitekazenaoki おいてかぜなおき |
(person) Oitekaze Naoki |
金冠樹八哥 金冠树八哥 see styles |
jīn guān shù bā ge jin1 guan1 shu4 ba1 ge5 chin kuan shu pa ko |
(bird species of China) golden-crested myna (Ampeliceps coronatus) |
長谷川智樹 see styles |
hasegawatomoki はせがわともき |
(person) Hasegawa Tomoki (1957.7.19-) |
長門美由樹 see styles |
nagatomiyuki ながとみゆき |
(person) Nagato Miyuki (1962.3.14-) |
阿月渾子樹 阿月浑子树 see styles |
ā yuè hún zǐ shù a1 yue4 hun2 zi3 shu4 a yüeh hun tzu shu |
pistachio tree |
青柳志解樹 see styles |
aoyagishigeki あおやぎしげき |
(person) Aoyag Ishigeki |
頼三樹三郎 see styles |
raimikisaburou / raimikisaburo らいみきさぶろう |
(person) Rai Mikisaburō |
高樹のぶ子 see styles |
takaginobuko たかぎのぶこ |
(person) Takagi Nobuko (1946.4-) |
高樹マリア see styles |
takagimaria たかぎマリア |
(f,h) Takagi Maria (1978.10.25-) |
高樹千佳子 see styles |
takagichikako たかぎちかこ |
(person) Takagi Chikako (1979.6.5-) |
鴨志田英樹 see styles |
kamoshidahideki かもしだひでき |
(person) Kamoshida Hideki |
黃果樹瀑布 黄果树瀑布 see styles |
huáng guǒ shù pù bù huang2 guo3 shu4 pu4 bu4 huang kuo shu p`u pu huang kuo shu pu pu |
Huangguoshu waterfalls, Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou |
ABS樹脂 see styles |
eebiiesujushi / eebiesujushi エービーエスじゅし |
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; ABS resin |
樹懶(rK) see styles |
namakemono(gikun); namakemono なまけもの(gikun); ナマケモノ |
(kana only) sloth (animal) |
樹木園遊歩道 see styles |
jumokuenyuuhodou / jumokuenyuhodo じゅもくえんゆうほどう |
(place-name) Jumokuenyūhodō |
樹海トンネル see styles |
jukaitonneru じゅかいトンネル |
(place-name) Jukai Tunnel |
Variations: |
ki き |
(1) tree; shrub; bush; (2) (木 only) wood; timber; (3) (木 only) (usu. written as 柝) wooden clappers (signalling the beginning or end of a performance) |
Variations: |
kainoki; kainoki かいのき; カイノキ |
Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis) |
Variations: |
mokugenji; mokugenji もくげんじ; モクゲンジ |
(kana only) goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) |
Variations: |
shinjusan; shinjusan しんじゅさん; シンジュサン |
(kana only) ailanthus silkmoth (Samia cynthia); cynthia moth |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "樹" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.