There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
相違決定不定過 相违决定不定过 see styles |
xiāng wéi jué dìng bù dìng guò xiang1 wei2 jue2 ding4 bu4 ding4 guo4 hsiang wei chüeh ting pu ting kuo sōi ketsujō fujō ka |
a reason that is contradictory (to another reason that the proponent accepts) |
確定拠出型年金 see styles |
kakuteikyoshutsugatanenkin / kakutekyoshutsugatanenkin かくていきょしゅつがたねんきん |
defined-contribution pension |
確定給付型年金 see styles |
kakuteikyuufugatanenkin / kakutekyufugatanenkin かくていきゅうふがたねんきん |
defined-benefit pension |
統一資源定位符 统一资源定位符 see styles |
tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi fú tong3 yi1 zi1 yuan2 ding4 wei4 fu2 t`ung i tzu yüan ting wei fu tung i tzu yüan ting wei fu |
universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress |
製造者規定信号 see styles |
seizoushakiteishingou / sezoshakiteshingo せいぞうしゃきていしんごう |
{comp} vender unique |
認定NPO法人 see styles |
ninteienupiioohoujin / ninteenupioohojin にんていエヌピーオーほうじん |
authorized nonprofit organization |
超文件傳輸協定 超文件传输协定 see styles |
chāo wén jiàn chuán shū xié dìng chao1 wen2 jian4 chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4 ch`ao wen chien ch`uan shu hsieh ting chao wen chien chuan shu hsieh ting |
hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP |
超文本傳輸協定 超文本传输协定 see styles |
chāo wén běn chuán shū xié dìng chao1 wen2 ben3 chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4 ch`ao wen pen ch`uan shu hsieh ting chao wen pen chuan shu hsieh ting |
hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP |
重力加速度定数 see styles |
juuryokukasokudoteisuu / juryokukasokudotesu じゅうりょくかそくどていすう |
(rare) {physics} (See 重力定数) gravitational constant |
関税暫定措置法 see styles |
kanzeizanteisochihou / kanzezantesochiho かんぜいざんていそちほう |
{law} Act on Temporary Measures concerning Customs |
非想非非想處定 see styles |
fēi xiǎng fēi fēi xiǎng chù dìng fei1 xiang3 fei1 fei1 xiang3 chu4 ding4 fei hsiang fei fei hsiang ch`u ting fei hsiang fei fei hsiang chu ting |
concentration of neither perception nor non-perception |
Variations: |
teinen / tenen ていねん |
(1) (compulsory) retirement age; age limit; (n,vs,vi) (2) (See 定年退職) (compulsory) retirement (on reaching retirement age); mandatory retirement; (3) (停年 only) (hist) minimum years of service at a particular rank before eligibility for promotion (in the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy) |
Variations: |
jougi / jogi じょうぎ |
(measuring) ruler |
Variations: |
joubikeshi / jobikeshi じょうびけし |
firefighter (Edo period) |
定光寺自然休養林 see styles |
joukoujishizenkyuuyourin / jokojishizenkyuyorin じょうこうじしぜんきゅうようりん |
(place-name) Jōkoujishizenkyūyourin |
定義文字実体集合 see styles |
teigimojijittaishuugou / tegimojijittaishugo ていぎもじじったいしゅうごう |
{comp} definitional character entity set |
Variations: |
jouren / joren じょうれん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) regular customer; regular patron; frequenter; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) constant companion |
Variations: |
gojou / gojo ごじょう |
(See 諚・じょう) lord's command |
アドレス指定例外 see styles |
adoresushiteireigai / adoresushiteregai アドレスしていれいがい |
{comp} addressing exception |
アドレス指定能力 see styles |
adoresushiteinouryoku / adoresushitenoryoku アドレスしていのうりょく |
{comp} addressability |
コネクション設定 see styles |
konekushonsettei / konekushonsette コネクションせってい |
{comp} connection setup, initialization |
サンプリング定理 see styles |
sanpuringuteiri / sanpuringuteri サンプリングていり |
{comp} sampling theorem |
セキュリティ設定 see styles |
sekyuritisettei / sekyuritisette セキュリティせってい |
security settings |
バートレット検定 see styles |
baatorettokentei / batorettokente バートレットけんてい |
{math} Bartlett's test |
ピタゴラスの定理 see styles |
pitagorasunoteiri / pitagorasunoteri ピタゴラスのていり |
Pythagorean theorem |
ベルヌーイの定理 see styles |
berunuuinoteiri / berunuinoteri ベルヌーイのていり |
(exp,n) {physics} Bernoulli's theorem; Bernoulli's principle |
リュードベリ定数 see styles |
ryuudoberiteisuu / ryudoberitesu リュードベリていすう |
Rydberg constant |
ルーティング決定 see styles |
ruutingukettei / rutingukette ルーティングけってい |
{comp} routing decision |
一切法界決定智印 一切法界决定智印 see styles |
yī qiè fǎ jiè jué dìng zhì yìn yi1 qie4 fa3 jie4 jue2 ding4 zhi4 yin4 i ch`ieh fa chieh chüeh ting chih yin i chieh fa chieh chüeh ting chih yin issai hokkai ketsujōchi in |
The "true word' of assurance of Vairocana and of all the eight classes of beings, as the symbol through which all may attain the sure Buddha-wisdom. |
一定ビットレート see styles |
itteibittoreeto / ittebittoreeto いっていビットレート |
{comp} (See 固定ビットレート) constant bit rate; CBR |
丹沢大山国定公園 see styles |
tanzawaooyamakokuteikouen / tanzawaooyamakokutekoen たんざわおおやまこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Tanzawa-Ōyama Quasi-National Park |
倍率付き測定単位 see styles |
bairitsutsukisokuteitani / bairitsutsukisokutetani ばいりつつきそくていたんい |
{comp} scaled measurement unit; SMU |
全球位置測定系統 全球位置测定系统 see styles |
quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng quan2 qiu2 wei4 zhi4 ce4 ding4 xi4 tong3 ch`üan ch`iu wei chih ts`e ting hsi t`ung chüan chiu wei chih tse ting hsi tung |
GPS (Global Positioning System) |
処理系定義の動作 see styles |
shorikeiteiginodousa / shoriketeginodosa しょりけいていぎのどうさ |
{comp} implementation-defined behavior |
利用者定義代入文 see styles |
riyoushateigidainyuubun / riyoshategidainyubun りようしゃていぎだいにゅうぶん |
{comp} defined assignment statement |
単安定トリガ回路 see styles |
tananteitorigakairo / tanantetorigakairo たんあんていトリガかいろ |
{comp} monostable trigger circuit |
単純連結処理定義 see styles |
tanjunrenketsushoriteigi / tanjunrenketsushoritegi たんじゅんれんけつしょりていぎ |
{comp} simple link (process definition) |
双安定トリガ回路 see styles |
souanteitorigakairo / soantetorigakairo そうあんていトリガかいろ |
{comp} bistable trigger circuit; flip-flop |
名前指定実体参照 see styles |
namaeshiteijittaisanshou / namaeshitejittaisansho なまえしていじったいさんしょう |
{comp} named entity reference |
名前指定文字参照 see styles |
namaeshiteimojisanshou / namaeshitemojisansho なまえしていもじさんしょう |
{comp} named character reference |
固定ディスク装置 see styles |
koteidisukusouchi / kotedisukusochi こていディスクそうち |
{comp} immovable disk unit |
固定ビットレート see styles |
koteibittoreeto / kotebittoreeto こていビットレート |
{comp} constant bit rate; CBR |
固定小数点表示法 see styles |
koteishousuutenhyoujihou / koteshosutenhyojiho こていしょうすうてんひょうじほう |
{comp} fixed-point representation system |
国際法定計量機関 see styles |
kokusaihouteikeiryoukikan / kokusaihotekeryokikan こくさいほうていけいりょうきかん |
(org) Organisation internationale de metrologie legale; International Organization of Legal Metrology; OIML; (o) Organisation internationale de metrologie legale; International Organization of Legal Metrology; OIML |
大周刊定衆經目錄 大周刊定众经目录 see styles |
dà zhōu kān dìng zhòng jīng mù lù da4 zhou1 kan1 ding4 zhong4 jing1 mu4 lu4 ta chou k`an ting chung ching mu lu ta chou kan ting chung ching mu lu Daishū kanjō shūkyō mokuroku |
Catalogue of Scriptures, Authorized by the Great Zhou |
大周刋定衆經目錄 大周刋定众经目录 see styles |
dà zhōu qiàn dìng zhòng jīng mù lù da4 zhou1 qian4 ding4 zhong4 jing1 mu4 lu4 ta chou ch`ien ting chung ching mu lu ta chou chien ting chung ching mu lu Daishū senjō shukyō mokuroku |
The catalogue in 14 juan of the Buddhist scripture made under the Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty, the name of which she changed to Zhou. |
大和青垣国定公園 see styles |
yamatoaogakikokuteikouen / yamatoaogakikokutekoen やまとあおがきこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Yamato-Aogaki Quasi-National Park |
大学入学資格検定 see styles |
daigakunyuugakushikakukentei / daigakunyugakushikakukente だいがくにゅうがくしかくけんてい |
(See 高校卒業程度認定試験) University Entrance Qualification Examination (establishes the equivalent of high-school graduation prior to 2005) |
奥行き表現定義表 see styles |
okuyukihyougenteigihyou / okuyukihyogentegihyo おくゆきひょうげんていぎひょう |
{comp} depth cue table |
実用数学技能検定 see styles |
jitsuyousuugakuginoukentei / jitsuyosugakuginokente じつようすうがくぎのうけんてい |
Global Mathematics Certification; Practical Mathematics Proficiency Test |
実用英語技能検定 see styles |
jitsuyoueigoginoukentei / jitsuyoegoginokente じつようえいごぎのうけんてい |
(See 英検・えいけん) EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency; STEP test |
属性定義並び宣言 see styles |
zokuseiteiginarabisengen / zokuseteginarabisengen ぞくせいていぎならびせんげん |
{comp} attribute definition list declaration |
愛知高原国定公園 see styles |
aichikougenkokuteikouen / aichikogenkokutekoen あいちこうげんこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Aichi Kōgen Quasi-National Park |
指定緊急避難場所 see styles |
shiteikinkyuuhinanbasho / shitekinkyuhinanbasho していきんきゅうひなんばしょ |
designated evacuation shelter |
数値指定文字参照 see styles |
suuchishiteimojisanshou / suchishitemojisansho すうちしていもじさんしょう |
{comp} numeric character reference |
日本海事検定協会 see styles |
nipponkaijikenteikyoukai / nipponkaijikentekyokai にっぽんかいじけんていきょうかい |
(org) Japan Marine Surveyers and Sworn Measurers' Association; (o) Japan Marine Surveyers and Sworn Measurers' Association |
日本消防検定協会 see styles |
nipponshouboukenteikyoukai / nipponshobokentekyokai にっぽんしょうぼうけんていきょうかい |
(org) Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute; (o) Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute |
日本漢字能力検定 see styles |
nihonkanjinouryokukentei / nihonkanjinoryokukente にほんかんじのうりょくけんてい |
(product) The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test; (product name) The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test |
日本英語検定協会 see styles |
nihoneigokenteikyoukai / nihonegokentekyokai にほんえいごけんていきょうかい |
(org) Eiken Foundation of Japan; (formerly) Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP); (o) Eiken Foundation of Japan; (formerly) Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP) |
明示アドレス指定 see styles |
meijiadoresushitei / mejiadoresushite めいじアドレスしてい |
{comp} explicit addressing |
暗黙アドレス指定 see styles |
anmokuadoresushitei / anmokuadoresushite あんもくアドレスしてい |
{comp} implicit addressing |
暗黙連結処理定義 see styles |
anmokurenketsushoriteigi / anmokurenketsushoritegi あんもくれんけつしょりていぎ |
{comp} implicit link (process definition) |
欧州金融安定基金 see styles |
oushuukinyuuanteikikin / oshukinyuantekikin おうしゅうきんゆうあんていききん |
(o) European Financial Stability Facility; EFSF |
特定健康保険組合 see styles |
tokuteikenkouhokenkumiai / tokutekenkohokenkumiai とくていけんこうほけんくみあい |
(org) Specific insurance Society for the retired; (o) Specific insurance Society for the retired |
特定優良賃貸住宅 see styles |
tokuteiyuuryouchintaijuutaku / tokuteyuryochintaijutaku とくていゆうりょうちんたいじゅうたく |
government-subsidized high-quality rental apartment |
特定業務向き言語 see styles |
tokuteigyoumumukigengo / tokutegyomumukigengo とくていぎょうむむきげんご |
{comp} application-oriented language |
特定用途向けIC see styles |
tokuteiyoutomukeaishii / tokuteyotomukeaishi とくていようとむけアイシー |
{comp} Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
特定省電力無線機 see styles |
tokuteishoudenryokumusenki / tokuteshodenryokumusenki とくていしょうでんりょくむせんき |
special low power transceiver (wireless) |
特定船舶整備公団 see styles |
tokuteisenpakuseibikoudan / tokutesenpakusebikodan とくていせんぱくせいびこうだん |
(org) Passenger Ship Corporation; (o) Passenger Ship Corporation |
環太平洋連携協定 see styles |
kantaiheiyourenkeikyoutei / kantaiheyorenkekyote かんたいへいようれんけいきょうてい |
(abbreviation) (See 環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定) Trans-Pacific Partnership; Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement; TPP |
病院認定合同機構 see styles |
byouinninteigoudoukikou / byoinnintegodokiko びょういんにんていごうどうきこう |
(o) Joint Committee on Accreditation of Hospitals |
米国決定科学学会 see styles |
beikokuketteikagakugakkai / bekokukettekagakugakkai べいこくけっていかがくがっかい |
(o) American Institute of Decision Sciences |
胎児性別の判定法 see styles |
taijiseibetsunohanteihou / taijisebetsunohanteho たいじせいべつのはんていほう |
determination of a child's sex before birth (e.g. by ultrasound) |
色定義スプライン see styles |
iroteigisupurain / irotegisupurain いろていぎスプライン |
{comp} colour spline |
貞元新定釋教目錄 贞元新定释教目录 see styles |
zhēn yuán xīn dìng shì jiào mù lù zhen1 yuan2 xin1 ding4 shi4 jiao4 mu4 lu4 chen yüan hsin ting shih chiao mu lu Teigan shinjō shakkyō mokuroku |
Zhenyan Revised List of Canonical Buddhist Texts |
資格認定委員協会 see styles |
shikakuninteiiinkyoukai / shikakuninteinkyokai しかくにんていいいんきょうかい |
(o) Association of Boards of Certification; ABC |
金剛喩定現在前時 金刚喩定现在前时 see styles |
jīn gāng yù dìng xiàn zài qián shí jin1 gang1 yu4 ding4 xian4 zai4 qian2 shi2 chin kang yü ting hsien tsai ch`ien shih chin kang yü ting hsien tsai chien shih kongōyu jō genzai zen ji |
at the time of experiencing the adamantine absorption |
関税貿易一般協定 see styles |
kanzeibouekiippankyoutei / kanzeboekippankyote かんぜいぼうえきいっぱんきょうてい |
(hist) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (abolished in 1995); GATT |
關稅與貿易總協定 关税与贸易总协定 see styles |
guān shuì yǔ mào yì zǒng xié dìng guan1 shui4 yu3 mao4 yi4 zong3 xie2 ding4 kuan shui yü mao i tsung hsieh ting |
GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
限度額適用認定証 see styles |
gendogakutekiyouninteishou / gendogakutekiyonintesho げんどがくてきようにんていしょう |
Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount Application |
鼻油千右衛門時定 see styles |
hanaaburasenemontokisada / hanaburasenemontokisada はなあぶらせんえもんときさだ |
(person) Hanaabura Sen'emon Tokisada |
Variations: |
sadamenai さだめない |
(adjective) uncertain; transient; changeable |
Variations: |
teinentaishoku / tenentaishoku ていねんたいしょく |
(compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 65); mandatory retirement; reaching retirement age |
Variations: |
kakutei / kakute かくてい |
(noun, transitive verb) demarcation |
Variations: |
osadamari おさだまり |
usual; normal; stereotyped |
ターンオン安定時間 see styles |
taanonanteijikan / tanonantejikan ターンオンあんていじかん |
{comp} turn-on stabilizing time |
ブレトンウッズ協定 see styles |
buretonuzukyoutei / buretonuzukyote ブレトンウッズきょうてい |
Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) |
個人型確定拠出年金 see styles |
kojingatakakuteikyoshutsunenkin / kojingatakakutekyoshutsunenkin こじんがたかくていきょしゅつねんきん |
{finc} individual-type defined contribution pension plan; iDeCo |
双安定トリガー回路 see styles |
souanteitorigaakairo / soantetorigakairo そうあんていトリガーかいろ |
{comp} bistable trigger circuit |
固定小数点レジスタ see styles |
koteishousuutenrejisuta / koteshosutenrejisuta こていしょうすうてんレジスタ |
{comp} fixed-point register |
国連レバノン暫定軍 see styles |
kokurenrebanonzanteigun / kokurenrebanonzantegun こくれんレバノンざんていぐん |
(org) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon; UNIFIL; (o) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon; UNIFIL |
國家文物鑒定委員會 国家文物鉴定委员会 see styles |
guó jiā wén wù jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì guo2 jia1 wen2 wu4 jian4 ding4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 kuo chia wen wu chien ting wei yüan hui |
National Commission for the Identification of Cultural Heritage |
在留資格認定証明書 see styles |
zairyuushikakuninteishoumeisho / zairyushikakuninteshomesho ざいりゅうしかくにんていしょうめいしょ |
Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status |
天竜奥三河国定公園 see styles |
tenryuuokumikawakokuteikouen / tenryuokumikawakokutekoen てんりゅうおくみかわこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Tenryū-Okumikawa Quasi-National Park |
形状定義スプライン see styles |
keijouteigisupurain / kejotegisupurain けいじょうていぎスプライン |
{comp} geometry spline |
放射性炭素年代測定 see styles |
houshaseitansonendaisokutei / hoshasetansonendaisokute ほうしゃせいたんそねんだいそくてい |
(See 炭素14法) radiocarbon dating; carbon-14 dating |
棺を蓋いて事定まる see styles |
kanoooitekotosadamaru かんをおおいてことさだまる |
(expression) (idiom) a person's worth is assessed only when their coffin is sealed |
欧州安定メカニズム see styles |
oushuuanteimekanizumu / oshuantemekanizumu おうしゅうあんていメカニズム |
European Stability Mechanism; ESM |
決定的文脈自由文法 see styles |
ketteitekibunmyakujiyuubunpou / kettetekibunmyakujiyubunpo けっていてきぶんみゃくじゆうぶんぽう |
{comp} deterministic context-free grammar |
無指定ビットレート see styles |
mushiteibittoreeto / mushitebittoreeto むしていビットレート |
{comp} unspecified bit rate; UBR |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.