There are 2983 total results for your 那 search. I have created 30 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
菩提僊那 see styles |
pú tí xiān nà pu2 ti2 xian1 na4 p`u t`i hsien na pu ti hsien na bodaisenna ぼだいせんな |
(person) Bodhisena (8th-century Indian Buddhist monk) Bodhisena |
華那李亜 see styles |
kanaria かなりあ |
(female given name) Kanaria |
薩婆若那 萨婆若那 see styles |
sà pó ruò nà sa4 po2 ruo4 na4 sa p`o jo na sa po jo na satsubanyana |
(Skt. sarvajña) |
西上那珂 see styles |
nishikaminaka にしかみなか |
(place-name) Nishikaminaka |
西地那非 see styles |
xī dì nà fēi xi1 di4 na4 fei1 hsi ti na fei |
sildenafil (virility drug) (loanword) |
西那須野 see styles |
nishinasuno にしなすの |
(place-name) Nishinasuno |
規那丁幾 see styles |
kinachinki キナチンキ |
(kana only) tincture of cinchona |
計那詩川 see styles |
kenashigawa けなしがわ |
(place-name) Kenashigawa |
誐那鉢底 誐那钵底 see styles |
én à bō dǐ en2 a4 bo1 di3 en a po ti ganahatsutei |
gaṇapati |
誐那鉢氏 誐那钵氏 see styles |
én à bō shì en2 a4 bo1 shi4 en a po shih ganahashi |
gaṇapati, a leader, Gaṇeśa, the 'elephant god'; it is, however, defined as 歡喜 pleased, joyful. |
豆那掘多 see styles |
dòu nà jué duō dou4 na4 jue2 duo1 tou na chüeh to Zunakutta |
Jñānagupta |
赤鄂衍那 see styles |
chì è yǎn nà chi4 e4 yan3 na4 ch`ih o yen na chih o yen na Shakkakuenna |
Chagayana. 'An ancient province and city of Tukhāra, the present Chaganian in Lat. 38° 21 N' Long. 69°21 E.' Eitel. |
路迦那他 see styles |
lù jiān à tā lu4 jian1 a4 ta1 lu chien a t`a lu chien a ta rokanata |
intp. 世尊 lokajyeṣṭha; lokanātha, most excellent of the world, lord of the world, epithet of Brahma and of a Buddha. |
輸拘盧那 输拘卢那 see styles |
shū jū lún à shu1 ju1 lun2 a4 shu chü lun a Shukurona |
Śuklodana, a prince of Kapilavastu, younger brother of Śuddhodana, and father of Tiṣya, Devadatta, and Nandika. |
辛辛那提 see styles |
xīn xīn nà tí xin1 xin1 na4 ti2 hsin hsin na t`i hsin hsin na ti |
Cincinnati, Ohio |
迦利沙那 see styles |
jiā lì shān à jia1 li4 shan1 a4 chia li shan a karishana |
half a Chinese ounce |
迦止栗那 see styles |
jiā zhǐ lìn à jia1 zhi3 lin4 a4 chia chih lin a kashiritsuna |
(Skt. kācalindikāka) |
迦絺那月 see styles |
jiā chin à yuè jia1 chin1 a4 yue4 chia chin a yüeh Kachina zuki |
Kārttika-māsa, the month in October-November, intp. as the month after the summer retreat, when monks received the 'kaṭhina ' robe of merit; the date of the month is variously given, but it follows the summer retreat; also 迦提月; 迦栗底迦月 (or 羯栗底迦月); 迦利邸迦月; 迦哩底迦麽洗 (or 迦剌底迦麽洗). |
迦那提婆 see styles |
jiān à tí pó jian1 a4 ti2 po2 chien a t`i p`o chien a ti po Kanadaiba |
Kāṇadeva, a disciple of Nāgārjuna and fifteenth patriarch, a native of South India, of the Vaiśya caste; said to have only one eye, hence Kāṇa his name; known also as Deva Bodhisattva. |
途慮檀那 途虑檀那 see styles |
tú lǜ tán nà tu2 lv4 tan2 na4 t`u lü t`an na tu lü tan na Toryodanna |
Droṇodana |
達梨舍那 达梨舍那 see styles |
dá lí shèn à da2 li2 shen4 a4 ta li shen a darishana |
darśana, seeing, a view, views, viewing, showing; 見 v. above, dṛṣṭi. |
達磨陣那 达磨阵那 see styles |
dá mó zhèn nà da2 mo2 zhen4 na4 ta mo chen na Damachinna |
Dhammadinnā |
遮那一郎 see styles |
shanaichirou / shanaichiro しゃないちろう |
(male given name) Shanaichirō |
鄔闍衍那 邬阇衍那 see styles |
wū shé yǎn nà wu1 she2 yan3 na4 wu she yen na Ujaenna |
Ujjayinī, Oujein; cf. 烏. |
鄔陀衍那 邬陀衍那 see styles |
wū tuó yǎn nà wu1 tuo2 yan3 na4 wu t`o yen na wu to yen na Udaenna |
*Udayana |
野忽那島 see styles |
nobutsunajima のぶつなじま |
(personal name) Nobutsunajima |
野沢那智 see styles |
nozawanachi のざわなち |
(person) Nozawa Nachi (1938.1.13-) |
鈴木玲那 see styles |
suzukireina / suzukirena すずきれいな |
(person) Suzuki Reina (1983.9.18-) |
鈴木環那 see styles |
suzukikanna すずきかんな |
(person) Suzuki Kanna |
鉢鐸創那 钵铎创那 see styles |
bō duó chuàng nà bo1 duo2 chuang4 na4 po to ch`uang na po to chuang na Hatakusōna |
Badakshan, 'A mountainous district of Tukhara' (M.W.); also 巴達克山. |
闍提首那 阇提首那 see styles |
shé tí shǒu nà she2 ti2 shou3 na4 she t`i shou na she ti shou na Jadaishuna |
Jātisena, an ancient sage mentioned in the Nirvana Sutra. |
闍耶宰那 阇耶宰那 see styles |
shé yé zǎi nà she2 ye2 zai3 na4 she yeh tsai na Jayasaina |
Jayasena |
闍耶犀那 阇耶犀那 see styles |
shé yé xī nà she2 ye2 xi1 na4 she yeh hsi na Jayasaina |
or 闍耶宰那 Jayasena, a noted Buddhist scholar of the Vedas. |
闍那崛多 阇那崛多 see styles |
shé nà jué duō she2 na4 jue2 duo1 she na chüeh to Janakutta |
Jñānagupta, a native of Gandhāra, tr. forty-three works into Chinese A.D. 561-592. |
闍那耶舍 阇那耶舍 see styles |
shé nà yé shè she2 na4 ye2 she4 she na yeh she Janayasha |
Jñānayaśas, a native of Magadha, teacher of Yaśogupta and Jñānagupta, co-translator of six works, A.D. 564-572. |
關塔那摩 关塔那摩 see styles |
guān tǎ nà mó guan1 ta3 na4 mo2 kuan t`a na mo kuan ta na mo |
Guantanamo |
阿也怛那 see styles |
ā yě dán à a1 ye3 dan2 a4 a yeh tan a ayatanna |
āyatana |
阿周陀那 see styles |
ā zhōu tuó nà a1 zhou1 tuo2 na4 a chou t`o na a chou to na Ashūdana |
Arjuna v. 阿順那. |
阿梨斯那 see styles |
ā lí sin à a1 li2 sin1 a4 a li sin a Arishina |
(阿梨耶斯那) Āryasena, a monk of the Mahāsaṅghikāḥ. |
阿波陀那 see styles |
ā bō tuó nà a1 bo1 tuo2 na4 a po t`o na a po to na ahadana |
阿波陁那; 阿波他那 avadāna, parables, metaphors, stories, illustrations; one of the twelve classes of sutras; the stories, etc., are divided into eight categories. |
阿浮呵那 see styles |
ā fú hēn à a1 fu2 hen1 a4 a fu hen a abukana |
(or 阿浮訶那) āvāhana, or āpattivyutthāna, the calling of a monk or nun into the assembly for penance, or to rid the delinquent of sin. |
阿浮訶那 阿浮诃那 see styles |
ā fú hēn à a1 fu2 hen1 a4 a fu hen a afukana |
āvāhana |
阿盧那花 阿卢那花 see styles |
ā lún à huā a1 lun2 a4 hua1 a lun a hua arunake |
aruṇakamala, the red lotus. |
阿耶怛那 see styles |
ā yé dán à a1 ye2 dan2 a4 a yeh tan a ayatanna |
(or 阿也怛那) āyatana, seat, abode, intp. by 入 or 處 entrance, or place i.e. the sadāyatanas, six entrances or places of sense-data, or sensation; v. 六 入. |
阿蘭那行 阿兰那行 see styles |
ā lán nà xíng a1 lan2 na4 xing2 a lan na hsing aranna gyō |
ascetic practice of dwelling in the forest |
阿輸割那 阿输割那 see styles |
ā shū gēn à a1 shu1 gen1 a4 a shu ken a Ashukatsuna |
Aśvakarṇa |
阿達婆那 阿达婆那 see styles |
ā dá pó nà a1 da2 po2 na4 a ta p`o na a ta po na adatsubana |
ātharvaṇa |
阿那含人 see styles |
ān à hán rén an1 a4 han2 ren2 an a han jen anagonnin |
non-returner |
阿那含向 see styles |
ān à hán xiàng an1 a4 han2 xiang4 an a han hsiang anagon kō |
One who is aiming at the above stage. |
阿那含果 see styles |
ān à hán guǒ an1 a4 han2 guo3 an a han kuo anagon ka |
The third of the 四果 four fruits, i.e. the reward of the seeker after the above stage. |
阿那含道 see styles |
ān à hán dào an1 a4 han2 dao4 an a han tao anagon dō |
path of the non-returner |
阿那律陀 see styles |
ān à lǜ tuó an1 a4 lv4 tuo2 an a lü t`o an a lü to Anaritsuda |
Aniruddha |
阿那波那 see styles |
ān à bō nà an1 a4 bo1 na4 an a po na anahana |
(阿那阿波那); 安般; 安那般那(or 阿那般那) ānāpāna, breathing, especially controlled breathing; āna is intp. as exhaling and apāna as inhaling, which is the opposite of the correct meaning; the process is for calming body and mind for contemplation by counting the breathing. |
阿闥婆那 阿闼婆那 see styles |
ā tà pó nà a1 ta4 po2 na4 a t`a p`o na a ta po na adatsubana |
(or 阿達婆那) (or 阿達波陀 or 阿達波陀) ātharvaṇa, v, 阿他 the Atharva Veda. |
阿陀那識 阿陀那识 see styles |
ā tuó nà shì a1 tuo2 na4 shi4 a t`o na shih a to na shih adana shiki |
ādāna-vijñāna |
阿陁那識 阿陁那识 see styles |
ā tuó nà shì a1 tuo2 na4 shi4 a t`o na shih a to na shih adana shiki |
appropriating consciousness; adhering consciousness |
阿須那町 see styles |
asunamachi あすなまち |
(place-name) Asunamachi |
陀那伽他 see styles |
tuó nà qié tā tuo2 na4 qie2 ta1 t`o na ch`ieh t`a to na chieh ta danakata |
dānagāthā, or dakṣiṇāgāthā, the verse or utterance of the almsgiver. |
陀那鉢底 陀那钵底 see styles |
tuó nà bō dǐ tuo2 na4 bo1 di3 t`o na po ti to na po ti danabatei |
or 陀那施主 dānapati, almsgiver. |
鞞嚧杜那 see styles |
bǐ lú dùn à bi3 lu2 dun4 a4 pi lu tun a |
v. 毘 Vairocana. |
鞞摩那修 see styles |
bǐ mó nà xiū bi3 mo2 na4 xiu1 pi mo na hsiu |
Vekhanassa |
鞞紐婆那 鞞纽婆那 see styles |
bǐ niǔ pó nà bi3 niu3 po2 na4 pi niu p`o na pi niu po na |
Veṇuvana, 竹林, a park near Rājagṛha, the Karaṇḍaveṇuvana, a favourite resort of Śākyamuni. |
鞠利衍那 see styles |
jú lì yǎn nà ju2 li4 yan3 na4 chü li yen na |
Kuryana; Kuvayana; also 鞫和衍那. "An ancient kingdom south-east of Ferghana, north of the upper Oxus, the present Kurrategeen." Eitel. |
鞫和衍那 see styles |
jú hé yǎn nà ju2 he2 yan3 na4 chü ho yen na |
Kuryana |
須陀般那 see styles |
xū tuó bān nà xu1 tuo2 ban1 na4 hsü t`o pan na hsü to pan na |
srota-āpanna |
頗勒具那 颇勒具那 see styles |
pǒ lè jun à po3 le4 jun4 a4 p`o le chün a po le chün a |
(or 頗勒窶拏) Phālguna, the twelfth month in India (February-March). |
頻那夜迦 频那夜迦 see styles |
pín nà yè jiā pin2 na4 ye4 jia1 p`in na yeh chia pin na yeh chia |
Vināyaka (Gaṇeśa), name of a demon or spirit, cf. 毘. |
首圖馱那 首图驮那 see styles |
shǒu tú tuó nà shou3 tu2 tuo2 na4 shou t`u t`o na shou tu to na |
輸頭檀 (or 閱頭檀) Śuddhodana, intp. 'pure food', king of Kapilavastu, husband of Mahāmāyā, and father of Śākyamuni. |
首訶旣那 首诃旣那 see styles |
shǒu hē jì nà shou3 he1 ji4 na4 shou ho chi na |
(or 首阿旣那) Śubhakṛtsna, the ninth brahmaloka, i.e. the third region of the third dhyāna of form. |
麻宇那上 see styles |
asounakami / asonakami あそうなかみ |
(place-name) Asounakami |
麻宇那西 see styles |
asounanishi / asonanishi あそうなにし |
(place-name) Asounanishi |
麻那古川 see styles |
managogawa まなごがわ |
(place-name) Managogawa |
麻那姫湖 see styles |
manahimeko まなひめこ |
(personal name) Manahimeko |
Variations: |
nahen なへん |
(pronoun) (form) where |
那の津大橋 see styles |
nanotsuoohashi なのつおおはし |
(place-name) Nanotsuoohashi |
那先比丘經 那先比丘经 see styles |
nà xiān bǐ qiū jīng na4 xian1 bi3 qiu1 jing1 na hsien pi ch`iu ching na hsien pi chiu ching Nasen biku kyō |
Sūtra on the Questions of King Miliṇḍa |
那加不動丘 see styles |
nakafudougaoka / nakafudogaoka なかふどうがおか |
(place-name) Nakafudougaoka |
那加五反田 see styles |
nakagotanda なかごたんだ |
(place-name) Nakagotanda |
那加住吉町 see styles |
nakasumiyoshichou / nakasumiyoshicho なかすみよしちょう |
(place-name) Nakasumiyoshichō |
那加信長町 see styles |
nakanobunagachou / nakanobunagacho なかのぶながちょう |
(place-name) Nakanobunagachō |
那加兼橋町 see styles |
nakakanehashichou / nakakanehashicho なかかねはしちょう |
(place-name) Nakakanehashichō |
那加前洞新 see styles |
nakamaeborashin なかまえぼらしん |
(place-name) Nakamaeborashin |
那加前野町 see styles |
nakamaenochou / nakamaenocho なかまえのちょう |
(place-name) Nakamaenochō |
那加北栄町 see styles |
nakakitasakaemachi なかきたさかえまち |
(place-name) Nakakitasakaemachi |
那加北洞町 see styles |
nakakitaborachou / nakakitaboracho なかきたぼらちょう |
(place-name) Nakakitaborachō |
那加南栄町 see styles |
nakaminamisakaemachi なかみなみさかえまち |
(place-name) Nakaminamisakaemachi |
那加吾妻町 see styles |
nakaazumachou / nakazumacho なかあづまちょう |
(place-name) Nakaazumachō |
那加土山町 see styles |
nakadoyamachou / nakadoyamacho なかどやまちょう |
(place-name) Nakadoyamachō |
那加大東町 see styles |
nakadaitouchou / nakadaitocho なかだいとうちょう |
(place-name) Nakadaitouchō |
那加大谷町 see styles |
nakaootanichou / nakaootanicho なかおおたにちょう |
(place-name) Nakaootanichō |
那加大門町 see styles |
nakadaimonchou / nakadaimoncho なかだいもんちょう |
(place-name) Nakadaimonchō |
那加太平町 see styles |
nakataiheichou / nakataihecho なかたいへいちょう |
(place-name) Nakataiheichō |
那加宮浦町 see styles |
nakamiyaurachou / nakamiyauracho なかみやうらちょう |
(place-name) Nakamiyaurachō |
那加山下町 see styles |
nakayamashitachou / nakayamashitacho なかやましたちょう |
(place-name) Nakayamashitachō |
那加山崎町 see styles |
nakayamazakichou / nakayamazakicho なかやまざきちょう |
(place-name) Nakayamazakichō |
那加山後町 see styles |
nakayamaushirochou / nakayamaushirocho なかやまうしろちょう |
(place-name) Nakayamaushirochō |
那加岩地町 see styles |
nakaiwachichou / nakaiwachicho なかいわちちょう |
(place-name) Nakaiwachichō |
那加巾下町 see styles |
nakahabashitachou / nakahabashitacho なかはばしたちょう |
(place-name) Nakahabashitachō |
那加御屋敷 see styles |
nakaoyashiki なかおやしき |
(place-name) Nakaoyashiki |
那加手力町 see styles |
nakatejikarachou / nakatejikaracho なかてじからちょう |
(place-name) Nakatejikarachō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "那" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.