There are 6751 total results for your 学 search. I have created 68 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
東京大學 东京大学 see styles |
dōng jīng dà xué dong1 jing1 da4 xue2 tung ching ta hsüeh |
Tokyo University, Japan |
東北大学 see styles |
touhokudaigaku / tohokudaigaku とうほくだいがく |
(org) Tohoku University; (o) Tohoku University |
東北大學 东北大学 see styles |
dōng běi dà xué dong1 bei3 da4 xue2 tung pei ta hsüeh |
Northeastern University (in Shenyang 瀋陽市|沈阳市[Shen3 yang2 shi4], Liaoning); Tōhoku University, Sendai, Japan |
東南大学 see styles |
tounandaigaku / tonandaigaku とうなんだいがく |
(org) Southeast University; SEU; (o) Southeast University; SEU |
東南大學 东南大学 see styles |
dōng nán dà xué dong1 nan2 da4 xue2 tung nan ta hsüeh |
Southeast University |
東吳大學 东吴大学 see styles |
dōng wú dà xué dong1 wu2 da4 xue2 tung wu ta hsüeh |
Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC from 1900-1952); Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan since 1954) |
東和大学 see styles |
touwadaigaku / towadaigaku とうわだいがく |
(org) Towa University; (o) Towa University |
東洋医学 see styles |
touyouigaku / toyoigaku とうよういがく |
(See 西洋医学) Oriental medicine; Eastern medicine |
東洋哲学 see styles |
touyoutetsugaku / toyotetsugaku とうようてつがく |
Eastern philosophy; Asian philosophy |
東洋大学 see styles |
touyoudaigaku / toyodaigaku とうようだいがく |
(org) Toyo University; (o) Toyo University |
東洋学園 see styles |
touyougakuen / toyogakuen とうようがくえん |
(place-name) Tōyougakuen |
東海大学 see styles |
toukaidaigaku / tokaidaigaku とうかいだいがく |
(org) Tokai University; (o) Tokai University |
東海大學 东海大学 see styles |
dōng hǎi dà xué dong1 hai3 da4 xue2 tung hai ta hsüeh |
Tunghai University (in Taichung, Taiwan) |
東海学園 see styles |
toukaigakuen / tokaigakuen とうかいがくえん |
(place-name) Tōkaigakuen |
東燃化学 see styles |
tounenkagaku / tonenkagaku とうねんかがく |
(org) Tonen Chemical Corporation; (o) Tonen Chemical Corporation |
東邦大学 see styles |
touhoudaigaku / tohodaigaku とうほうだいがく |
(org) Toho University; (o) Toho University |
東都大学 see styles |
toutodaigaku / totodaigaku とうとだいがく |
(org) Tohto University; (o) Tohto University |
東電学園 see styles |
toudengakuen / todengakuen とうでんがくえん |
(place-name) Tōdengakuen |
松山大学 see styles |
matsuyamadaigaku まつやまだいがく |
(org) Matsuyama University; (o) Matsuyama University |
松本大学 see styles |
matsumotodaigaku まつもとだいがく |
(org) Matsumoto University; (o) Matsumoto University |
松蔭大学 see styles |
shouindaigaku / shoindaigaku しょういんだいがく |
(org) Shoin University; (o) Shoin University |
松阪大学 see styles |
matsusakadaigaku まつさかだいがく |
(org) Matsusaka University; (o) Matsusaka University |
林間学校 see styles |
rinkangakkou / rinkangakko りんかんがっこう |
school camp; outdoors school |
柿生学園 see styles |
kakiogakuen かきおがくえん |
(place-name) Kakiogakuen |
栄光学園 see styles |
eikougakuen / ekogakuen えいこうがくえん |
(place-name) Eikougakuen |
栄研化学 see styles |
eikenkagaku / ekenkagaku えいけんかがく |
(company) Eiken Chemical Co, Ltd.; (c) Eiken Chemical Co, Ltd. |
栄養学者 see styles |
eiyougakusha / eyogakusha えいようがくしゃ |
dietitian |
校外学習 see styles |
kougaigakushuu / kogaigakushu こうがいがくしゅう |
out-of-school learning; off-campus learning |
核子醫學 核子医学 see styles |
hé zǐ yī xué he2 zi3 yi1 xue2 ho tzu i hsüeh |
nuclear medicine |
核物理学 see styles |
kakubutsurigaku かくぶつりがく |
nuclear physics |
核科学者 see styles |
kakukagakusha かくかがくしゃ |
nuclear scientist |
桐友学園 see styles |
kiriyuugakuen / kiriyugakuen きりゆうがくえん |
(place-name) Kiriyūgakuen |
桐生大学 see styles |
kiryuudaigaku / kiryudaigaku きりゅうだいがく |
(org) Kiryu University; (o) Kiryu University |
桜町学園 see styles |
sakuramachigakuen さくらまちがくえん |
(place-name) Sakuramachigakuen |
森友学園 see styles |
moritomogakuen もりともがくえん |
(c) Moritomo Gakuen (Japanese private school operator; involved in a 2017 political scandal implicating Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and his wife, Akie Abe) |
植物学者 see styles |
shokubutsugakusha しょくぶつがくしゃ |
botanist |
植物學家 植物学家 see styles |
zhí wù xué jiā zhi2 wu4 xue2 jia1 chih wu hsüeh chia |
botanist |
業餘大學 业余大学 see styles |
yè yú dà xué ye4 yu2 da4 xue2 yeh yü ta hsüeh |
college for people who attend after work |
極東大学 see styles |
kyokutoudaigaku / kyokutodaigaku きょくとうだいがく |
(org) Far Eastern State University; (o) Far Eastern State University |
榮譽學位 荣誉学位 see styles |
róng yù xué wèi rong2 yu4 xue2 wei4 jung yü hsüeh wei |
honorary degree; (U.K. etc) honours degree |
構造力学 see styles |
kouzourikigaku / kozorikigaku こうぞうりきがく |
structural mechanics; theory of structures |
模糊數學 模糊数学 see styles |
mó hu shù xué mo2 hu5 shu4 xue2 mo hu shu hsüeh |
fuzzy mathematics |
機器人學 机器人学 see styles |
jī qì rén xué ji1 qi4 ren2 xue2 chi ch`i jen hsüeh chi chi jen hsüeh |
robotics |
機械学習 see styles |
kikaigakushuu / kikaigakushu きかいがくしゅう |
{comp} machine learning |
機械工学 see styles |
kikaikougaku / kikaikogaku きかいこうがく |
mechanical engineering |
檢驗醫學 检验医学 see styles |
jiǎn yàn yī xué jian3 yan4 yi1 xue2 chien yen i hsüeh |
laboratory medicine |
正修學時 正修学时 see styles |
zhèng xiū xué shí zheng4 xiu1 xue2 shi2 cheng hsiu hsüeh shih shō shugaku ji |
when undergoing training |
正勤修學 正勤修学 see styles |
zhèng qín xiū xué zheng4 qin2 xiu1 xue2 cheng ch`in hsiu hsüeh cheng chin hsiu hsüeh shōgon shugaku |
proper application toward religious cultivation |
武器学校 see styles |
bukigakkou / bukigakko ぶきがっこう |
(org) Ordnance School; (o) Ordnance School |
武漢大学 see styles |
bukandaigaku ぶかんだいがく |
(org) Wuhan University; (o) Wuhan University |
武漢大學 武汉大学 see styles |
wǔ hàn dà xué wu3 han4 da4 xue2 wu han ta hsüeh |
Wuhan University |
武蔵大学 see styles |
musashidaigaku むさしだいがく |
(org) Musashi University; (o) Musashi University |
歯科大学 see styles |
shikadaigaku しかだいがく |
dental college; dental university |
歴史哲学 see styles |
rekishitetsugaku れきしてつがく |
historical philosophy |
歴史学派 see styles |
rekishigakuha れきしがくは |
{econ} historical school (of economics) |
歴史科学 see styles |
rekishikagaku れきしかがく |
historical science |
歷史學家 历史学家 see styles |
lì shǐ xué jiā li4 shi3 xue2 jia1 li shih hsüeh chia |
historian |
死に学問 see styles |
shinigakumon しにがくもん |
useless learning |
母子留学 see styles |
boshiryuugaku / boshiryugaku ぼしりゅうがく |
mother and child moving abroad for study (while the father stays and works in Japan) |
毒性学会 see styles |
dokuseigakkai / dokusegakkai どくせいがっかい |
(org) Society of Toxicology; (o) Society of Toxicology |
比較文学 see styles |
hikakubungaku ひかくぶんがく |
comparative literature |
比較文學 比较文学 see styles |
bǐ jiào wén xué bi3 jiao4 wen2 xue2 pi chiao wen hsüeh |
comparative literature |
比較法学 see styles |
hikakuhougaku / hikakuhogaku ひかくほうがく |
comparative law |
民族大學 民族大学 see styles |
mín zú dà xué min2 zu2 da4 xue2 min tsu ta hsüeh |
University for Nationalities (university of ethnic studies) |
民族学者 see styles |
minzokugakusha みんぞくがくしゃ |
ethnologist |
民族誌学 see styles |
minzokushigaku みんぞくしがく |
ethnography |
気体力学 see styles |
kitairikigaku きたいりきがく |
gas dynamics |
気候学者 see styles |
kikougakusha / kikogakusha きこうがくしゃ |
climatologist |
気象学者 see styles |
kishougakusha / kishogakusha きしょうがくしゃ |
meteorologist; climatologist; aerologist |
氣候學家 气候学家 see styles |
qì hòu xué jiā qi4 hou4 xue2 jia1 ch`i hou hsüeh chia chi hou hsüeh chia |
a climatologist |
氣象學者 气象学者 see styles |
qì xiàng xué zhě qi4 xiang4 xue2 zhe3 ch`i hsiang hsüeh che chi hsiang hsüeh che |
a meteorologist |
水圏科学 see styles |
suikenkagaku すいけんかがく |
hydrospheric sciences |
水府学院 see styles |
suifugakuin すいふがくいん |
(place-name) Suifugakuin |
水産大学 see styles |
suisandaigaku すいさんだいがく |
fisheries college; (o) Suisan University |
水産学部 see styles |
suisangakubu すいさんがくぶ |
faculty of fisheries; faculty of fishery science |
汕頭大學 汕头大学 see styles |
shàn tóu dà xué shan4 tou2 da4 xue2 shan t`ou ta hsüeh shan tou ta hsüeh |
Shantou University |
江南大學 江南大学 see styles |
jiāng nán dà xué jiang1 nan2 da4 xue2 chiang nan ta hsüeh |
Jiangnan University (Jiangsu Province) |
江蘇大学 see styles |
chansuudaigaku / chansudaigaku チャンスーだいがく |
(org) Jiangsu University; JU; (o) Jiangsu University; JU |
決定科学 see styles |
ketteikagaku / kettekagaku けっていかがく |
decision science |
沖縄大学 see styles |
okinawadaigaku おきなわだいがく |
(org) Okinawa University; (o) Okinawa University |
河北大学 see styles |
kahokudaigaku かほくだいがく |
(org) Hebei University; (o) Hebei University |
河南大学 see styles |
kanandaigaku かなんだいがく |
(org) Henan University; (o) Henan University |
河川工学 see styles |
kasenkougaku / kasenkogaku かせんこうがく |
river engineering |
油脂化学 see styles |
yushikagaku ゆしかがく |
oleochemistry; oil and fat chemistry |
法制史学 see styles |
houseishigaku / hoseshigaku ほうせいしがく |
legal history (studies) |
法學博士 法学博士 see styles |
fǎ xué bó shì fa3 xue2 bo2 shi4 fa hsüeh po shih |
Doctor of Laws; Legum Doctor |
法律学者 see styles |
houritsugakusha / horitsugakusha ほうりつがくしゃ |
lawyer; jurist |
法政大学 see styles |
houseidaigaku / hosedaigaku ほうせいだいがく |
(org) Hosei University; (o) Hosei University |
法文学部 see styles |
houbungakubu / hobungakubu ほうぶんがくぶ |
faculty of law and literature |
法社会学 see styles |
houshakaigaku / hoshakaigaku ほうしゃかいがく |
sociology of law |
法解釈学 see styles |
houkaishakugaku / hokaishakugaku ほうかいしゃくがく |
legal hermeneutics |
泗水学園 see styles |
shisuigakuen しすいがくえん |
(place-name) Shisuigakuen |
波動力學 波动力学 see styles |
bō dòng lì xué bo1 dong4 li4 xue2 po tung li hsüeh |
wave mechanics (physics) |
波恩大學 波恩大学 see styles |
bō ēn dà xué bo1 en1 da4 xue2 po en ta hsüeh |
University of Bonn |
波田学園 see styles |
hatagakuen はたがくえん |
(place-name) Hatagakuen |
洋務學堂 洋务学堂 see styles |
yáng wù xué táng yang2 wu4 xue2 tang2 yang wu hsüeh t`ang yang wu hsüeh tang |
college of Western learning in late Qing |
活學活用 活学活用 see styles |
huó xué huó yòng huo2 xue2 huo2 yong4 huo hsüeh huo yung |
to creatively combine learning with usage; to learn and apply pragmatically |
派閥力学 see styles |
habatsurikigaku はばつりきがく |
factional dynamics; power relationships among factions; factional power politics |
流体力学 see styles |
ryuutairikigaku / ryutairikigaku りゅうたいりきがく |
fluid mechanics; fluid dynamics; hydrodynamics |
流行病學 流行病学 see styles |
liú xíng bìng xué liu2 xing2 bing4 xue2 liu hsing ping hsüeh |
epidemiology |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "学" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.