There are 2667 total results for your 風 search. I have created 27 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
北風と太陽 see styles |
kitakazetotaiyou / kitakazetotaiyo きたかぜとたいよう |
(work) The North Wind and the Sun (fairy tale); (wk) The North Wind and the Sun (fairy tale) |
北風連別川 see styles |
kitafuurenbetsugawa / kitafurenbetsugawa きたふうれんべつがわ |
(place-name) Kitafūrenbetsugawa |
南風ノ波瀬 see styles |
haenohase はえのはせ |
(personal name) Haenohase |
反対貿易風 see styles |
hantaibouekifuu / hantaiboekifu はんたいぼうえきふう |
antitrade winds |
善良の風俗 see styles |
zenryounofuuzoku / zenryonofuzoku ぜんりょうのふうぞく |
(exp,n) (See 公の秩序) good morals; public order |
地水火風空 see styles |
chisuikafuukuu; jisuikafuukuu / chisuikafuku; jisuikafuku ちすいかふうくう; じすいかふうくう |
More info & calligraphy: Five Elements |
大淀三千風 see styles |
ooyodomichikaze おおよどみちかぜ |
(person) Ooyodo Michikaze |
姶良幸風園 see styles |
airakoufuuen / airakofuen あいらこうふうえん |
(place-name) Airakoufūen |
寒風山隧道 see styles |
kanpuuzanzuidou / kanpuzanzuido かんぷうざんずいどう |
(place-name) Kanpuuzanzuidō |
寒風沢内田 see styles |
kanpuzawauchida かんぷざわうちだ |
(place-name) Kanpuzawauchida |
寒風沢水道 see styles |
sabusawasuidou / sabusawasuido さぶさわすいどう |
(place-name) Sabusawasuidō |
山田風太郎 see styles |
yamadafuutarou / yamadafutaro やまだふうたろう |
(person) Yamada Fūtarō (1922.1-) |
山田風見子 see styles |
yamadafumiko やまだふみこ |
(person) Yamada Fumiko |
川戸小風呂 see styles |
kawatokoburo かわとこぶろ |
(place-name) Kawatokoburo |
常陸風土記 see styles |
hitachifudoki ひたちふどき |
(work) Hitachi Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE); (wk) Hitachi Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE) |
平地起風波 平地起风波 see styles |
píng dì qǐ fēng bō ping2 di4 qi3 feng1 bo1 p`ing ti ch`i feng po ping ti chi feng po |
trouble appearing from nowhere; unforeseen situation |
強風注意報 see styles |
kyoufuuchuuihou / kyofuchuiho きょうふうちゅういほう |
storm warning; strong wind warning |
性風俗産業 see styles |
seifuuzokusangyou / sefuzokusangyo せいふうぞくさんぎょう |
sex entertainment industry |
播磨風土記 see styles |
harimafudoki はりまふどき |
(product) Harima Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Harima province; 715 CE); (product name) Harima Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Harima province; 715 CE) |
擬洋風建築 see styles |
giyoufukenchiku / giyofukenchiku ぎようふけんちく |
(hist) {archit} pseudo-Western architecture (of Meiji-period Japan) |
日野西風呂 see styles |
hinonishifuro ひのにしふろ |
(place-name) Hinonishifuro |
春風亭小朝 see styles |
shunpuuteikoasa / shunputekoasa しゅんぷうていこあさ |
(person) Shunpuutei Koasa (1955.3-) |
春風亭昇太 see styles |
shunpuuteishouta / shunputeshota しゅんぷうていしょうた |
(person) Shunpuutei Shouta (1959.12.9-) |
春風亭柳太 see styles |
shunpuuteiryuuta / shunputeryuta しゅんぷうていりゅうた |
(person) Shunpuutei Ryūta |
春風亭柳昇 see styles |
shunpuuteiryuushou / shunputeryusho しゅんぷうていりゅうしょう |
(person) Shunpuutei Ryūshou (1920.10-) |
春風亭柳朝 see styles |
shunpuuteiryuuchou / shunputeryucho しゅんぷうていりゅうちょう |
(person) Shunpuutei Ryūchō (1929.10.29-1991.2.7) |
春風亭柳枝 see styles |
shunpuuteiryuushi / shunputeryushi しゅんぷうていりゅうし |
(person) Shunpuutei Ryūshi |
春風亭柳橋 see styles |
shunpuuteiryuukyou / shunputeryukyo しゅんぷうていりゅうきょう |
(person) Shunpuutei Ryūkyō (1935.8-) |
春風亭梅橋 see styles |
shunpuuteibaikyou / shunputebaikyo しゅんぷうていばいきょう |
(person) Shunpuutei Baikyō (1934.10.1-1984.?.?) |
春風馬堤曲 see styles |
shunpuubateinokyoku / shunpubatenokyoku しゅんぷうばていのきょく |
(work) haiku by Yosa Buson (Spring Wind on the Riverbank of Kema); (wk) haiku by Yosa Buson (Spring Wind on the Riverbank of Kema) |
時津風順一 see styles |
tokitsukazejunichi ときつかぜじゅんいち |
(person) Tokitsukaze Jun'ichi |
杉阪道風町 see styles |
sugisakatoufuuchou / sugisakatofucho すぎさかとうふうちょう |
(place-name) Sugisakatoufūchō |
村田清風墓 see styles |
murataseifuuhaka / muratasefuhaka むらたせいふうはか |
(place-name) Murata Seifū (grave) |
村田清風館 see styles |
murataseifuukan / muratasefukan むらたせいふうかん |
(place-name) Murata Seifū Hall |
松風はる美 see styles |
matsukazeharumi まつかぜはるみ |
(person) Matsukaze Harumi (1933.1.3-) |
梅ケ畑風吹 see styles |
umegahatakazefuki うめがはたかぜふき |
(place-name) Umegahatakazefuki |
河内の風穴 see styles |
kawachinofuuketsu / kawachinofuketsu かわちのふうけつ |
(place-name) Kawachinofūketsu |
波風が立つ see styles |
namikazegatatsu なみかぜがたつ |
(exp,v5t) (idiom) to be discordant; to have discord |
津風呂ダム see styles |
tsuburodamu つぶろダム |
(place-name) Tsuburo Dam |
流行り風邪 see styles |
hayarikaze はやりかぜ |
influenza |
浦戸寒風沢 see styles |
uratosabusawa うらとさぶさわ |
(place-name) Uratosabusawa |
清風荘庭園 see styles |
seifuusouteien / sefusoteen せいふうそうていえん |
(place-name) Seifūsōteien |
温風暖房機 see styles |
onpuudanbouki / onpudanboki おんぷうだんぼうき |
(See 温風暖房) warm air heater |
無風三尺浪 无风三尺浪 see styles |
wú fēng sān chǐ làng wu2 feng1 san1 chi3 lang4 wu feng san ch`ih lang wu feng san chih lang |
lit. large waves in windless conditions (idiom); fig. trouble arising unexpectedly |
無風不起浪 无风不起浪 see styles |
wú fēng bù qǐ làng wu2 feng1 bu4 qi3 lang4 wu feng pu ch`i lang wu feng pu chi lang |
lit. without wind there cannot be waves (idiom); there must be a reason; no smoke without fire |
甲子園春風 see styles |
koushienharukaze / koshienharukaze こうしえんはるかぜ |
(place-name) Kōshienharukaze |
甲子園浦風 see styles |
koushienurakaze / koshienurakaze こうしえんうらかぜ |
(place-name) Kōshien'urakaze |
疾風知勁草 疾风知劲草 see styles |
jí fēng zhī jìng cǎo ji2 feng1 zhi1 jing4 cao3 chi feng chih ching ts`ao chi feng chih ching tsao |
lit. sturdy grass withstands high winds (idiom); fig. strength of character is revealed in a crisis |
石林風景區 石林风景区 see styles |
shí lín fēng jǐng qū shi2 lin2 feng1 jing3 qu1 shih lin feng ching ch`ü shih lin feng ching chü |
Petrified forest scenic area in Shilin Yi autonomous county 石林彞族自治縣|石林彝族自治县[Shi2 lin2 Yi2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4] in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan |
神風特攻隊 神风特攻队 see styles |
shén fēng tè gōng duì shen2 feng1 te4 gong1 dui4 shen feng t`e kung tui shen feng te kung tui |
Kamikaze Unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II); kamikaze (vodka-based cocktail) |
神風突擊隊 神风突击队 see styles |
shén fēng tū jī duì shen2 feng1 tu1 ji1 dui4 shen feng t`u chi tui shen feng tu chi tui |
kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II) |
秋風が吹く see styles |
akikazegafuku あきかぜがふく |
(exp,v5k) (1) to blow (of autumn wind); (exp,v5k) (2) to fall out of love |
秋風が立つ see styles |
akikazegatatsu あきかぜがたつ |
(exp,v5t) (1) (See 秋風が吹く・あきかぜがふく・1) to blow (of autumn wind); (exp,v5t) (2) (See 秋風が吹く・あきかぜがふく・2) to fall out of love |
秋風掃落葉 秋风扫落叶 see styles |
qiū fēng sǎo luò yè qiu1 feng1 sao3 luo4 ye4 ch`iu feng sao lo yeh chiu feng sao lo yeh |
lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves (idiom); to drive out the old and make a clean sweep |
聽風就是雨 听风就是雨 see styles |
tīng fēng jiù shì yǔ ting1 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3 t`ing feng chiu shih yü ting feng chiu shih yü |
lit. to believe in the rain on hearing the wind (idiom); to believe rumors; to be credulous |
肥前風土記 see styles |
hizenfudoki ひぜんふどき |
(work) Hizen Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hizen province; approx. 732 CE); (wk) Hizen Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hizen province; approx. 732 CE) |
草庵風茶室 see styles |
souanfuuchashitsu / soanfuchashitsu そうあんふうちゃしつ |
rustic tea house made out of a thatched hut |
西洋風蝶草 see styles |
seiyoufuuchousou / seyofuchoso せいようふうちょうそう |
(See クレオメ) spider flower (Cleome hassleriana) |
西風田茂木 see styles |
naraitamogi ならいたもぎ |
(place-name) Naraitamogi |
誹風柳多留 see styles |
haifuuyanagidaru / haifuyanagidaru はいふうやなぎだる |
(work) The Willow Barrel (collection of Edo-period senryu); Haifu Yanagidaru; (wk) The Willow Barrel (collection of Edo-period senryu); Haifu Yanagidaru |
谷風梶之助 see styles |
tanikazekajinosuke たにかぜかじのすけ |
(person) Tanikaze Kajinosuke, 4th sumo grand champion |
豊後風土記 see styles |
bungofudoki ぶんごふどき |
(product) Bungo Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Bungo province; 732 CE); (product name) Bungo Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Bungo province; 732 CE) |
赤道無風帯 see styles |
sekidoumufuutai / sekidomufutai せきどうむふうたい |
doldrums |
追手風直樹 see styles |
oitekazenaoki おいてかぜなおき |
(person) Oitekaze Naoki |
野谷石風呂 see styles |
notaniishiburo / notanishiburo のたにいしぶろ |
(place-name) Notaniishiburo |
鈴々舎馬風 see styles |
reireishabafuu / rereshabafu れいれいしゃばふう |
(person) Reireisha Bafū |
鈴鹿野風呂 see styles |
suzukanoburo すずかのぶろ |
(personal name) Suzukanoburo |
阿多福風邪 see styles |
otafukukaze おたふくかぜ |
(med) mumps; epidemic parotitis |
類風濕因子 类风湿因子 see styles |
lèi fēng shī yīn zǐ lei4 feng1 shi1 yin1 zi3 lei feng shih yin tzu |
rheumatoid factor |
馬の耳に風 see styles |
umanomiminikaze; mumanomiminikaze(ok) うまのみみにかぜ; むまのみみにかぜ(ok) |
(expression) (idiom) (See 馬の耳に念仏) preaching to the deaf; wind (blowing) into a horse's ear |
鷹志風呂山 see styles |
takashiburoyama たかしぶろやま |
(personal name) Takashiburoyama |
Variations: |
kazakiri かざきり |
(1) (See 風見) pennant on a boat showing wind direction; weather vane; (2) {archit} round roof tile (for gables); (3) (See 風切羽) remiges; flight feathers |
Variations: |
fuuai / fuai ふうあい |
texture (cloth, fabric, paper); feel; appearance |
Variations: |
fuushin / fushin ふうしん |
rubella; German measles |
風に吹かれて see styles |
kazenifukarete かぜにふかれて |
(work) Blowin' in the wind; (wk) Blowin' in the wind |
風の吹き回し see styles |
kazenofukimawashi かぜのふきまわし |
(exp,n) chance; stroke of luck; (curious) turn of events |
風伝トンネル see styles |
fuudentonneru / fudentonneru ふうでんトンネル |
(place-name) Fūden Tunnel |
風俗アイドル see styles |
fuuzokuaidoru / fuzokuaidoru ふうぞくアイドル |
(colloquialism) (slang) star of the demimonde |
風力タービン see styles |
fuuryokutaabin / furyokutabin ふうりょくタービン |
wind turbine; windmill |
風営適正化法 see styles |
fuueitekiseikahou / fuetekisekaho ふうえいてきせいかほう |
{law} Act on Control and Improvement of Amusement Business, etc. |
風当りが強い see styles |
kazeatarigatsuyoi かぜあたりがつよい |
(exp,adj-i) (1) windswept; (2) receive harsh treatment |
風早トンネル see styles |
kazehayatonneru かぜはやトンネル |
(place-name) Kazehaya Tunnel |
風波トンネル see styles |
kazanamitonneru かざなみトンネル |
(place-name) Kazanami Tunnel |
風濕性關節炎 风湿性关节炎 see styles |
fēng shī xìng guān jié yán feng1 shi1 xing4 guan1 jie2 yan2 feng shih hsing kuan chieh yen |
rheumatoid arthritis |
風穴をあける see styles |
kazaanaoakeru / kazanaoakeru かざあなをあける |
(exp,v1) (1) to penetrate a body (e.g. with a spear or bullet); (2) to breathe new life into |
風穴を開ける see styles |
kazaanaoakeru / kazanaoakeru かざあなをあける |
(exp,v1) (1) to penetrate a body (e.g. with a spear or bullet); (2) to breathe new life into |
風車発電機跡 see styles |
fuushahatsudenkiato / fushahatsudenkiato ふうしゃはつでんきあと |
(place-name) Fūshahatsudenkiato |
風連別右股沢 see styles |
fuurenbetsumigimatazawa / furenbetsumigimatazawa ふうれんべつみぎまたざわ |
(place-name) Fūrenbetsumigimatazawa |
風連別左股沢 see styles |
fuurenbetsuhidarimatasawa / furenbetsuhidarimatasawa ふうれんべつひだりまたさわ |
(place-name) Fūrenbetsuhidarimatasawa |
風邪をうつす see styles |
kazeoutsusu / kazeotsusu かぜをうつす |
(exp,v5s) to give a cold (to someone) |
風間八佐衛門 see styles |
kazamahachizaemon かざまはちざえもん |
(person) Kazama Hachizaemon (1933.7-) |
風間八左衛門 see styles |
kazamahachizaemon かざまはちざえもん |
(person) Kazama Hachizaemon (1933.7.10-) |
風雲に乗ずる see styles |
fuuunnijouzuru / fuunnijozuru ふううんにじょうずる |
(exp,vz) (rare) to take advantage of the troubled times (of an ambitious adventurer) |
風馬牛不相及 风马牛不相及 see styles |
fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí feng1 ma3 niu2 bu4 xiang1 ji2 feng ma niu pu hsiang chi |
to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom); irrelevant |
Variations: |
maikaze まいかぜ |
(rare) (See 旋風・1) whirlwind |
ああいう風に see styles |
aaiufuuni / aiufuni ああいうふうに |
(exp,adv) (kana only) in that way; like that |
おたふく風邪 see styles |
otafukukaze おたふくかぜ |
(med) mumps; epidemic parotitis |
おわら風の盆 see styles |
owarakazenobon おわらかぜのぼん |
(exp,n) Owara-Kaze-no-Bon Festival (Toyama) |
お風呂に入る see styles |
ofuronihairu おふろにはいる |
(exp,v5r) to take a bath |
どういう風に see styles |
douiufuuni / doiufuni どういうふうに |
(expression) (kana only) in what way (do you mean) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "風" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.