There are 2716 total results for your 樹 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
百年樹人 百年树人 see styles |
bǎi nián shù rén bai3 nian2 shu4 ren2 pai nien shu jen |
(idiom) it takes many years to raise children to be upstanding citizens |
百田尚樹 see styles |
hyakutanaoki ひゃくたなおき |
(person) Hyakuta Naoki (1956.2.23-) |
的場直樹 see styles |
matobanaoki まとばなおき |
(person) Matoba Naoki |
盤尾樹鵲 盘尾树鹊 see styles |
pán wěi shù què pan2 wei3 shu4 que4 p`an wei shu ch`üeh pan wei shu chüeh |
(bird species of China) racket-tailed treepie (Crypsirina temia) |
目黒大樹 see styles |
megurodaiju めぐろだいじゅ |
(person) Meguro Daiju |
目黒祐樹 see styles |
meguroyuuki / meguroyuki めぐろゆうき |
(person) Meguro Yūki (1947.8.15-) |
相川直樹 see styles |
aikawanaoki あいかわなおき |
(person) Aikawa Naoki |
相馬直樹 see styles |
soumanaoki / somanaoki そうまなおき |
(person) Souma Naoki (1971.7-) |
真名杏樹 see styles |
manaanju / mananju まなあんじゅ |
(person) Mana Anju |
真島茂樹 see styles |
majimashigeki まじましげき |
(person) Majima Shigeki |
真崎秀樹 see styles |
masakihideki まさきひでき |
(person) Masaki Hideki (1908.4-2001.11.14) |
真杉秀樹 see styles |
masugihideki ますぎひでき |
(person) Masugi Hideki |
真瀬樹里 see styles |
manasejuri まなせじゅり |
(person) Manase Juri (1975.1.1-) |
真野俊樹 see styles |
manotoshiki まのとしき |
(person) Mano Toshiki |
矢作美樹 see styles |
yahagimiki やはぎみき |
(person) Yahagi Miki (1981.10.8-) |
矢尾一樹 see styles |
yaokazuki やおかずき |
(person) Yao Kazuki (1959.6.17-) |
矢野繁樹 see styles |
yanoshigeki やのしげき |
(person) Yano Shigeki |
石井茂樹 see styles |
ishiishigeki / ishishigeki いしいしげき |
(person) Ishii Shigeki (1960.12.1-) |
石川直樹 see styles |
ishikawanaoki いしかわなおき |
(person) Ishikawa Naoki (1977.6.30-) |
石川秀樹 see styles |
ishikawahideki いしかわひでき |
(person) Ishikawa Hideki |
石田宏樹 see styles |
ishidahiroki いしだひろき |
(person) Ishida Hiroki (1972-) |
石田祐樹 see styles |
ishidayuuki / ishidayuki いしだゆうき |
(person) Ishida Yūki (1980.11.4-) |
石田秀樹 see styles |
ishidahideki いしだひでき |
(person) Ishida Hideki |
硬葉樹林 see styles |
kouyoujurin / koyojurin こうようじゅりん |
sclerophyll forest; sclerophyllous forest; hardwood forest |
祐真朋樹 see styles |
sukezanetomoki すけざねともき |
(person) Sukezane Tomoki |
神田秀樹 see styles |
kandahideki かんだひでき |
(person) Kanda Hideki (1953-) |
神谷春樹 see styles |
kamiyaharuki かみやはるき |
(person) Kamiya Haruki |
福地寿樹 see styles |
fukuchikazuki ふくちかずき |
(person) Fukuchi Kazuki |
福士秀樹 see styles |
fukushihideki ふくしひでき |
(person) Fukushi Hideki (1954.4.12-) |
福山芳樹 see styles |
fukuyamayoshiki ふくやまよしき |
(person) Fukuyama Yoshiki (1963.9.14-) |
福島泰樹 see styles |
fukushimayasuki ふくしまやすき |
(person) Fukushima Yasuki (1943-) |
秋岡真樹 see styles |
akiokamaki あきおかまき |
(person) Akioka Maki |
種村直樹 see styles |
tanemuranaoki たねむらなおき |
(person) Tanemura Naoki (1936.3.7-) |
稲原樹莉 see styles |
inaharajuri いなはらじゅり |
(person) Inahara Juri (1982.1.27-) |
稲吉正樹 see styles |
inayoshimasaki いなよしまさき |
(person) Inayoshi Masaki |
稲垣直樹 see styles |
inagakinaoki いながきなおき |
(person) Inagaki Naoki |
稲積秀樹 see styles |
inazumihideki いなずみひでき |
(person) Inazumi Hideki (1965.9.11-) |
積水樹脂 see styles |
sekisuijushi せきすいじゅし |
(company) Sekisui Jushi Corporation; (c) Sekisui Jushi Corporation |
立川直樹 see styles |
tachikawanaoki たちかわなおき |
(person) Tachikawa Naoki |
立花直樹 see styles |
tachibananaoki たちばななおき |
(person) Tachibana Naoki (1950.7.12-) |
竹下義樹 see styles |
takeshitayoshiki たけしたよしき |
(person) Takeshita Yoshiki (1951.2-) |
竹宮正樹 see styles |
takemiyamasaki たけみやまさき |
(person) Takemiya Masaki |
竹岡俊樹 see styles |
takeokatoshiki たけおかとしき |
(person) Takeoka Toshiki (1950-) |
竹田正樹 see styles |
takedamasaki たけだまさき |
(person) Takeda Masaki |
笠松美樹 see styles |
kasamatsumiki かさまつみき |
(person) Kasamatsu Miki (1960.7.15-) |
笹井芳樹 see styles |
sasaiyoshiki ささいよしき |
(person) Sasai Yoshiki |
箱山芳樹 see styles |
hakoyamayoshiki はこやまよしき |
(person) Hakoyama Yoshiki |
米岡功樹 see styles |
yoneokakouki / yoneokakoki よねおかこうき |
(person) Yoneoka Kōki |
精英樹橋 see styles |
seieijubashi / seejubashi せいえいじゅばし |
(place-name) Seieijubashi |
紀藤正樹 see styles |
kitoumasaki / kitomasaki きとうまさき |
(person) Kitou Masaki (1960.11-) |
素樹文生 see styles |
motogifumio もとぎふみお |
(person) Motogi Fumio |
細川茂樹 see styles |
hosokawashigeki ほそかわしげき |
(person) Hosokawa Shigeki (1971.12.16-) |
細田民樹 see styles |
hosodatamiki ほそだたみき |
(person) Hosoda Tamiki |
細見直樹 see styles |
hosominaoki ほそみなおき |
(person) Hosomi Naoki |
綠樹成蔭 绿树成荫 see styles |
lǜ shù chéng yīn lu:4 shu4 cheng2 yin1 lü shu ch`eng yin lü shu cheng yin |
(of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage; (of a road) to be tree-lined |
綾田俊樹 see styles |
ayatatoshiki あやたとしき |
(person) Ayata Toshiki (1951.6.13-) |
美東理樹 see styles |
midorigi みどりぎ |
(given name) Midorigi |
美根慶樹 see styles |
mineyoshiki みねよしき |
(person) Mine Yoshiki |
美樹克彦 see styles |
mikikatsuhiko みきかつひこ |
(person) Miki Katsuhiko (1948.10.22-) |
羽山信樹 see styles |
hayamanobuki はやまのぶき |
(person) Hayama Nobuki |
羽根直樹 see styles |
hanenaoki はねなおき |
(person) Hane Naoki (1976.8.14-) |
聚酯樹脂 聚酯树脂 see styles |
jù zhǐ shù zhī ju4 zhi3 shu4 zhi1 chü chih shu chih |
polyester resin |
舩引亜樹 see styles |
funabikiaki ふなびきあき |
(person) Funabiki Aki |
芝村篤樹 see styles |
shibamuraatsuki / shibamuratsuki しばむらあつき |
(person) Shibamura Atsuki |
芝蘭玉樹 芝兰玉树 see styles |
zhī lán yù shù zhi1 lan2 yu4 shu4 chih lan yü shu |
lit. orchids and jade trees (idiom); fig. a child with splendid future prospects |
若林幸樹 see styles |
wakabayashikouki / wakabayashikoki わかばやしこうき |
(person) Wakabayashi Kōki (1963.2.1-) |
若林直樹 see styles |
wakabayashinaoki わかばやしなおき |
(person) Wakabayashi Naoki (1950.8-) |
荒井秀樹 see styles |
araihideki あらいひでき |
(person) Arai Hideki |
荒谷弘樹 see styles |
aratanihiroki あらたにひろき |
(person) Aratani Hiroki (1975.8.6-) |
菊田裕樹 see styles |
kikutahiroki きくたひろき |
(person) Kikuta Hiroki (1962.11.18-) |
菩提樹下 菩提树下 see styles |
pú tí shù xià pu2 ti2 shu4 xia4 p`u t`i shu hsia pu ti shu hsia bodai ju ge |
beneath the bodhi tree |
菩提樹神 菩提树神 see styles |
pú tí shù shén pu2 ti2 shu4 shen2 p`u t`i shu shen pu ti shu shen Bodaiju jin |
The goddess-guardian of the Bo-tree. |
萬代宏樹 see styles |
bandaihiroki ばんだいひろき |
(person) Bandai Hiroki (1986.2.19-) |
落合扶樹 see styles |
ochiaimotoki おちあいもとき |
(person) Ochiai Motoki (1990.7.11-) |
葉山嘉樹 see styles |
hayamayoshiki はやまよしき |
(person) Hayama Yoshiki (1894.3.12-1945.10.18) |
葉山夏樹 see styles |
hayamanatsuki はやまなつき |
(person) Hayama Natsuki (1939.6.28-) |
葛西秀樹 see styles |
kasaihideki かさいひでき |
(person) Kasai Hideki |
蒹葭玉樹 蒹葭玉树 see styles |
jiān jiā yù shù jian1 jia1 yu4 shu4 chien chia yü shu |
see 蒹葭倚玉樹|蒹葭倚玉树[jian1 jia1 yi3 yu4 shu4] |
蔵田茂樹 see styles |
kuratashigeki くらたしげき |
(person) Kurata Shigeki (1972.6.22-) |
薬袋秀樹 see styles |
minaihideki みないひでき |
(person) Minai Hideki |
薮内正樹 see styles |
yabuuchimasaki / yabuchimasaki やぶうちまさき |
(person) Yabuuchi Masaki |
藤倉勇樹 see styles |
fujikurayuuki / fujikurayuki ふじくらゆうき |
(person) Fujikura Yūki |
藤原秀樹 see styles |
fujiwarahideki ふじわらひでき |
(person) Fujiwara Hideki (1971.10.18-) |
藤幡正樹 see styles |
fujihatamasaki ふじはたまさき |
(person) Fujihata Masaki (1956-) |
藤村美樹 see styles |
fujimuramiki ふじむらみき |
(person) Fujimura Miki (1956.1.15-) |
藤沢秀樹 see styles |
fujisawahideki ふじさわひでき |
(person) Fujisawa Hideki (1963.10.12-) |
藤田樹里 see styles |
fujitajuri ふじたじゅり |
(person) Fujita Juri |
藥樹王身 药树王身 see styles |
yào shù wáng shēn yao4 shu4 wang2 shen1 yao shu wang shen yakujuō shin |
The body or form which is taken by this bodhisattva at any time for healing the sick. |
蚍蜉撼樹 蚍蜉撼树 see styles |
pí fú - hàn shù pi2 fu2 - han4 shu4 p`i fu - han shu pi fu - han shu |
lit. an ant trying to shake a tree (idiom); fig. to overrate oneself; to overestimate one's capabilities |
螞蟻上樹 蚂蚁上树 see styles |
mǎ yǐ shàng shù ma3 yi3 shang4 shu4 ma i shang shu |
"ants climbing a tree", a Sichuan dish made with cellophane noodles 粉絲|粉丝[fen3 si1] and ground meat (so called because the particles of meat clinging to the noodles look like ants on the twigs of a tree); (sex position) man standing, woman clinging to his upper body; (erotic massage) full-body licking |
衆寶樹下 众宝树下 see styles |
zhòng bǎo shù xià zhong4 bao3 shu4 xia4 chung pao shu hsia shu hōju ge |
at the foot of multitudinous jeweled trees |
袴田茂樹 see styles |
hakamadashigeki はかまだしげき |
(person) Hakamada Shigeki (1944.3-) |
西口茂樹 see styles |
nishiguchishigeki にしぐちしげき |
(person) Nishiguchi Shigeki (1965.7.2-) |
西城秀樹 see styles |
saijouhideki / saijohideki さいじょうひでき |
(person) Saijō Hideki (1955.4-) |
西村知樹 see styles |
nishimuratomoki にしむらともき |
(person) Nishimura Tomoki |
西村美樹 see styles |
nishimuramiki にしむらみき |
(person) Nishimura Miki (1982.4.14-) |
西郷直樹 see styles |
saigounaoki / saigonaoki さいごうなおき |
(person) Saigou Naoki |
角川春樹 see styles |
kadokawaharuki かどかわはるき |
(person) Kadokawa Haruki (1942.1.8-) |
谷内聖樹 see styles |
yachimasaki やちまさき |
(person) Yachi Masaki |
谷岡雅樹 see styles |
taniokamasaki たにおかまさき |
(person) Tanioka Masaki |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "樹" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.