There are 3678 total results for your 家 search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
千家萬戶 千家万户 see styles |
qiān jiā wàn hù qian1 jia1 wan4 hu4 ch`ien chia wan hu chien chia wan hu |
every family (idiom) |
半家大橋 see styles |
hageoohashi はげおおはし |
(place-name) Hageoohashi |
半路出家 see styles |
bàn lù - chū jiā ban4 lu4 - chu1 jia1 pan lu - ch`u chia pan lu - chu chia |
lit. to enter monastic life at a mature age (idiom); fig. to change one's career; to take up a new line of work or specialization; to enter a profession from a different background |
南家ノ前 see styles |
minamiienomae / minamienomae みなみいえのまえ |
(place-name) Minamiienomae |
南新在家 see styles |
minamishinzaike みなみしんざいけ |
(place-name) Minamishinzaike |
原生家庭 see styles |
yuán shēng jiā tíng yuan2 sheng1 jia1 ting2 yüan sheng chia t`ing yüan sheng chia ting |
family of origin |
友誼国家 see styles |
yuugikokka / yugikokka ゆうぎこっか |
friendly nation |
収納家具 see styles |
shuunoukagu / shunokagu しゅうのうかぐ |
closet; cabinet |
古家時雄 see styles |
furuyatokio ふるやときお |
(person) Furuya Tokio |
古家輝雄 see styles |
furuieteruo ふるいえてるお |
(person) Furuie Teruo |
台本作家 see styles |
daihonsakka だいほんさっか |
scriptwriter |
合気道家 see styles |
aikidouka / aikidoka あいきどうか |
aikido practitioner |
合田一家 see styles |
goudaikka / godaikka ごうだいっか |
(org) Gōda-ikka (yakuza syndicate); (o) Gōda-ikka (yakuza syndicate) |
吉家世洋 see styles |
yoshiyakunihiro よしやくにひろ |
(person) Yoshiya Kunihiro |
吉川家永 see styles |
yoshikawaienaga よしかわいえなが |
(person) Yoshikawa Ienaga |
吉川弘家 see styles |
kikkawahiroie きっかわひろいえ |
(person) Kikkawa Hiroie |
吉良貞家 see styles |
kirasadaie きらさだいえ |
(person) Kira Sadaie |
同人作家 see styles |
doujinsakka / dojinsakka どうじんさっか |
(See 同人・4) dōjin writer; fanfiction writer; fan-based writer; coterie author |
名越高家 see styles |
nagoshitakaie なごしたかいえ |
(person) Nagoshi Takaie |
善家一郎 see styles |
zenkeichirou / zenkechiro ぜんけいちろう |
(person) Zenke Ichirō |
善家尚史 see styles |
zenkenaofumi ぜんけなおふみ |
(person) Zenke Naofumi |
喜志新家 see styles |
kishishinke きししんけ |
(place-name) Kishishinke |
喪家の狗 see styles |
soukanoinu / sokanoinu そうかのいぬ |
feeling lost like a stray dog |
喪家之犬 丧家之犬 see styles |
sàng jiā zhī quǎn sang4 jia1 zhi1 quan3 sang chia chih ch`üan sang chia chih chüan |
lit. stray dog (idiom); fig. one who has nothing to rely on |
喪家之狗 丧家之狗 see styles |
sàng jiā zhī gǒu sang4 jia1 zhi1 gou3 sang chia chih kou |
see 喪家之犬|丧家之犬[sang4jia1 zhi1 quan3] |
單親家庭 单亲家庭 see styles |
dān qīn jiā tíng dan1 qin1 jia1 ting2 tan ch`in chia t`ing tan chin chia ting |
single parent family |
嘉家佐和 see styles |
kagesawa かげさわ |
(place-name) Kagesawa |
嘉家作丁 see styles |
kakezukurichou / kakezukuricho かけづくりちょう |
(place-name) Kakezukurichō |
四ッ家町 see styles |
yotsuyachou / yotsuyacho よつやちょう |
(place-name) Yotsuyachō |
四大家魚 see styles |
yondaikagyo よんだいかぎょ |
four large domesticated fishes (black carp, grass carp, bighead carp, and silver carp) |
四家大乘 see styles |
sì jiā dà shèng si4 jia1 da4 sheng4 ssu chia ta sheng shike daijō |
four schools of Mahāyāna |
四家戸川 see styles |
yotsugedogawa よつげどがわ |
(place-name) Yotsugedogawa |
四家文子 see styles |
yotsuyafumiko よつやふみこ |
(person) Yotsuya Fumiko |
四家秀治 see styles |
yotsuyahideharu よつやひではる |
(person) Yotsuya Hideharu (1958.8.18-) |
四海為家 四海为家 see styles |
sì hǎi wéi jiā si4 hai3 wei2 jia1 ssu hai wei chia |
More info & calligraphy: Feel at Ease Anywhere / The World is My Home |
四軒在家 see styles |
shikenzaike しけんざいけ |
(place-name) Shikenzaike |
国家テロ see styles |
kokkatero こっかテロ |
state (sponsored) terrorism |
国家主席 see styles |
kokkashuseki こっかしゅせき |
head of state |
国家主権 see styles |
kokkashuken こっかしゅけん |
state sovereignty; national sovereignty |
国家主義 see styles |
kokkashugi こっかしゅぎ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) nationalism; statism |
国家予算 see styles |
kokkayosan こっかよさん |
national budget |
国家体制 see styles |
kokkataisei / kokkataise こっかたいせい |
national polity |
国家作用 see styles |
kokkasayou / kokkasayo こっかさよう |
state action; national action |
国家元首 see styles |
kokkagenshu こっかげんしゅ |
head of a state |
国家公安 see styles |
kokkakouan / kokkakoan こっかこうあん |
(abbreviation) (See 国家公安委員会) National Public Safety Commission |
国家多事 see styles |
kokkataji こっかたじ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) eventful times for the nation; the nation being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land |
国家威信 see styles |
kokkaishin こっかいしん |
national pride; national prestige |
国家存亡 see styles |
kokkasonbou / kokkasonbo こっかそんぼう |
the fate of a nation; life-or-death (situation) for a nation; national crisis |
国家承認 see styles |
kokkashounin / kokkashonin こっかしょうにん |
diplomatic recognition (of a country) |
国家権力 see styles |
kokkakenryoku こっかけんりょく |
power of the state; government authority |
国家機密 see styles |
kokkakimitsu こっかきみつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) state secrets; secrets of the state |
国家機関 see styles |
kokkakikan こっかきかん |
organs of the state; machinery of the state |
国家独占 see styles |
kokkadokusen こっかどくせん |
state monopoly |
国家神道 see styles |
kokkashintou / kokkashinto こっかしんとう |
(hist) State Shintō; nationalistic and ideological form of Shinto, abolished in 1945 |
国家経済 see styles |
kokkakeizai / kokkakezai こっかけいざい |
the national economy |
国家補償 see styles |
kokkahoshou / kokkahosho こっかほしょう |
state compensation; state reparations |
国家試験 see styles |
kokkashiken こっかしけん |
state examination; national examination |
国家財政 see styles |
kokkazaisei / kokkazaise こっかざいせい |
(See 地方財政) national finance; central government finance |
国家資格 see styles |
kokkashikaku こっかしかく |
national certification; national qualification; government certification |
国家賠償 see styles |
kokkabaishou / kokkabaisho こっかばいしょう |
(1) national reparations; (2) state indemnity |
国家転覆 see styles |
kokkatenpuku こっかてんぷく |
subversion (of the state) |
国家連合 see styles |
kokkarengou / kokkarengo こっかれんごう |
federation of states; confederation of nations |
国民国家 see styles |
kokuminkokka こくみんこっか |
nation-state |
國家主席 国家主席 see styles |
guó jiā zhǔ xí guo2 jia1 zhu3 xi2 kuo chia chu hsi |
president (title of the head of state of China and several other nations) See: 国家主席 |
國家主義 国家主义 see styles |
guó jiā zhǔ yì guo2 jia1 zhu3 yi4 kuo chia chu i |
nationalism; statism |
國家代碼 国家代码 see styles |
guó jiā dài mǎ guo2 jia1 dai4 ma3 kuo chia tai ma |
country code |
國家元首 国家元首 see styles |
guó jiā yuán shǒu guo2 jia1 yuan2 shou3 kuo chia yüan shou |
head of state See: 国家元首 |
國家公園 国家公园 see styles |
guó jiā gōng yuán guo2 jia1 gong1 yuan2 kuo chia kung yüan |
national park |
國家安全 国家安全 see styles |
guó jiā ān quán guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 kuo chia an ch`üan kuo chia an chüan |
national security |
國家政策 国家政策 see styles |
guó jiā zhèng cè guo2 jia1 zheng4 ce4 kuo chia cheng ts`e kuo chia cheng tse |
state policy |
國家漢辦 国家汉办 see styles |
guó jiā hàn bàn guo2 jia1 han4 ban4 kuo chia han pan |
Office of Chinese Language Council International (known colloquially as "Hanban"), an organ of the PRC government which develops Chinese language and culture teaching resources worldwide, and has established Confucius Institutes 孔子學院|孔子学院[Kong3 zi3 Xue2 yuan4] internationally; abbr. to 漢辦|汉办[Han4 ban4] |
國家監委 国家监委 see styles |
guó jiā jiān wěi guo2 jia1 jian1 wei3 kuo chia chien wei |
National Supervision Commission (abbr. for 國家監察委員會|国家监察委员会[Guo2 jia1 Jian1 cha2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]) |
國家計委 国家计委 see styles |
guó jiā jì wěi guo2 jia1 ji4 wei3 kuo chia chi wei |
PRC State Planning Committee, abbr. for 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] |
國家體委 国家体委 see styles |
guó jiā tǐ wěi guo2 jia1 ti3 wei3 kuo chia t`i wei kuo chia ti wei |
PRC sports and physical culture commission |
國破家亡 国破家亡 see styles |
guó pò jiā wáng guo2 po4 jia1 wang2 kuo p`o chia wang kuo po chia wang |
the country ruined and the people starving (idiom) |
土家里織 see styles |
tsuchiyasaori つちやさおり |
(person) Tsuchiya Saori (1969.1.22-) |
土建国家 see styles |
dokenkokka どけんこっか |
construction state; civil engineering state; country dominated by the construction industry |
土海在家 see styles |
dokaizaike どかいざいけ |
(place-name) Dokaizaike |
在家中心 see styles |
zài jiā zhōng xīn zai4 jia1 zhong1 xin1 tsai chia chung hsin zaike chūshin |
focus on the laity |
在家二戒 see styles |
zài jiā èr jiè zai4 jia1 er4 jie4 tsai chia erh chieh zaike nikai |
The two grades of commandments observed by the lay, one the five, the other the eight, v. 五戒 and 八戒; these are the Hīnayāna rules; the 在戒 of Mahāyāna are the 十善戒 ten good rules. |
在家佛教 see styles |
zài jiā fó jiào zai4 jia1 fo2 jiao4 tsai chia fo chiao zaike bukkyō |
lay Buddhism |
在家信者 see styles |
zài jiā xìn zhě zai4 jia1 xin4 zhe3 tsai chia hsin che zaike shinja |
lay believers |
在家信衆 在家信众 see styles |
zài jiā xìn zhòng zai4 jia1 xin4 zhong4 tsai chia hsin chung zaike shinshu |
to lay followers |
在家出家 see styles |
zài jiā chū jiā zai4 jia1 chu1 jia1 tsai chia ch`u chia tsai chia chu chia zaike shukke |
One who while remaining at home observes the whole of a monk's or nun's rules. |
在家法師 在家法师 see styles |
zài jiā fǎ shī zai4 jia1 fa3 shi1 tsai chia fa shih zaike hosshi |
lay Buddhist teacher |
在家菩薩 在家菩萨 see styles |
zài jiā pú sà zai4 jia1 pu2 sa4 tsai chia p`u sa tsai chia pu sa zaike bosatsu |
lay followers |
地下家蚊 see styles |
chikaieka; chikaieka ちかいえか; チカイエカ |
(kana only) London Underground mosquito (Culex pipiens f. molestus) |
地主家庭 see styles |
dì zhǔ jiā tíng di4 zhu3 jia1 ting2 ti chu chia t`ing ti chu chia ting |
land-owning household |
地代家賃 see styles |
chidaiyachin ちだいやちん |
expenses for rent of space, land, etc. |
地理學家 地理学家 see styles |
dì lǐ xué jiā di4 li3 xue2 jia1 ti li hsüeh chia |
geographer |
地質學家 地质学家 see styles |
dì zhì xué jiā di4 zhi4 xue2 jia1 ti chih hsüeh chia |
geologist |
地震學家 地震学家 see styles |
dì zhèn xué jiā di4 zhen4 xue2 jia1 ti chen hsüeh chia |
seismologist; earthquake scientist |
垣見家純 see styles |
kakimiiezumi / kakimiezumi かきみいえずみ |
(person) Kakimi Iezumi |
堀山の家 see styles |
horiyamanoie ほりやまのいえ |
(place-name) Horiyamanoie |
多家神社 see styles |
takejinja たけじんじゃ |
(place-name) Take Shrine |
多家良町 see styles |
takarachou / takaracho たからちょう |
(place-name) Takarachō |
多治家礼 see styles |
tajiyarei / tajiyare たじやれい |
(person) Tajiya Rei |
夜警国家 see styles |
yakeikokka / yakekokka やけいこっか |
{politics} night-watchman state; minarchy |
大伴家持 see styles |
ootomonoyakamochi おおとものやかもち |
(person) Ootomo no Yakamochi (718?-785) |
大和国家 see styles |
yamatokokka やまとこっか |
(hist) Yamato state; Yamato polity; earliest known Japanese polity founded between the 4th and 7th centuries |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "家" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.