There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
到着予定時刻 see styles |
touchakuyoteijikoku / tochakuyotejikoku とうちゃくよていじこく |
estimated time of arrival; ETA |
勘定を済ます see styles |
kanjouosumasu / kanjoosumasu かんじょうをすます |
(exp,v5s) to pay one's bill |
勾股弦の定理 see styles |
koukogennoteiri / kokogennoteri こうこげんのていり |
(archaism) Pythagorean theorem |
単適合決定表 see styles |
tantekigouketteihyou / tantekigokettehyo たんてきごうけっていひょう |
{comp} single-hit decision table |
吉祥院定成町 see styles |
kisshouinsadanarichou / kisshoinsadanaricho きっしょういんさだなりちょう |
(place-name) Kisshouinsadanarichō |
吉祥院西定成 see styles |
kisshouinnishisadanari / kisshoinnishisadanari きっしょういんにしさだなり |
(place-name) Kisshouinnishisadanari |
名前付き定数 see styles |
namaetsukiteisuu / namaetsukitesu なまえつきていすう |
{comp} named constant |
否定単純条件 see styles |
hiteitanjunjouken / hitetanjunjoken ひていたんじゅんじょうけん |
{comp} negated simple condition |
固定ツイート see styles |
koteitsuiito / kotetsuito こていツイート |
pinned tweet (tweet that always appears at the top of one's account page) |
固定ディスク see styles |
koteidisuku / kotedisuku こていディスク |
{comp} hard disk; HD |
固定ハンドル see styles |
koteihandoru / kotehandoru こていハンドル |
(1) (colloquialism) online handle (esp. on an online forum like 2ch where the majority of users post anonymously); screen name; user name; (2) (colloquialism) user who uses an online handle (instead of posting anonymously) |
固定字送り幅 see styles |
koteijiokurihaba / kotejiokurihaba こていじおくりはば |
{comp} character spacing |
固定小数点数 see styles |
koteishousuutensuu / koteshosutensu こていしょうすうてんすう |
{comp} fixed-point data |
固定記憶装置 see styles |
koteikiokusouchi / kotekiokusochi こていきおくそうち |
{comp} read-only memory; ROM |
国定忠治の墓 see styles |
kunisadachuujinohaka / kunisadachujinohaka くにさだちゅうじのはか |
(place-name) Kunisada Chuuji's grave |
基本測定単位 see styles |
kihonsokuteitani / kihonsokutetani きほんそくていたんい |
{comp} basic measurement unit |
売り掛け勘定 see styles |
urikakekanjou / urikakekanjo うりかけかんじょう |
credit account; charge account |
売買一任勘定 see styles |
baibaiichininkanjou / baibaichininkanjo ばいばいいちにんかんじょう |
discretionary account (in securities) |
安住勝有頂定 安住胜有顶定 see styles |
ān zhù shèng yǒu dǐng dìng an1 zhu4 sheng4 you3 ding3 ding4 an chu sheng yu ting ting anjū shōu chōjō |
abides at the pinnacle of existence |
実正山定林寺 see styles |
jisshousanjourinji / jisshosanjorinji じっしょうさんじょうりんじ |
(personal name) Jisshousanjōrinji |
実父確定検査 see styles |
jippukakuteikensa / jippukakutekensa じっぷかくていけんさ |
paternity test |
屁股決定腦袋 屁股决定脑袋 see styles |
pì gu jué dìng nǎo dai pi4 gu5 jue2 ding4 nao3 dai5 p`i ku chüeh ting nao tai pi ku chüeh ting nao tai |
lit. the butt governs the head (idiom); fig. where one stands depends on where one sits; one's views are shaped by one's circumstances |
属性定義並び see styles |
zokuseiteiginarabi / zokuseteginarabi ぞくせいていぎならび |
{comp} attribute definition list |
属性指定並び see styles |
zokuseishiteinarabi / zokuseshitenarabi ぞくせいしていならび |
{comp} attribute specification list |
岡豊町定林寺 see styles |
okouchoujourinji / okochojorinji おこうちょうじょうりんじ |
(place-name) Okouchōjōrinji |
差し引き勘定 see styles |
sashihikikanjou / sashihikikanjo さしひきかんじょう |
balance (of an account); striking a balance |
平均値の定理 see styles |
heikinchinoteiri / hekinchinoteri へいきんちのていり |
{math} mean value theorem |
平方反比定律 see styles |
píng fāng fǎn bǐ dìng lǜ ping2 fang1 fan3 bi3 ding4 lu:4 p`ing fang fan pi ting lü ping fang fan pi ting lü |
inverse-square law (physics) |
廃止予定事項 see styles |
haishiyoteijikou / haishiyotejiko はいしよていじこう |
{comp} obsolescent feature |
意志決定機関 see styles |
ishiketteikikan / ishikettekikan いしけっていきかん |
decision-making body |
意志決定過程 see styles |
ishiketteikatei / ishikettekate いしけっていかてい |
decision-making process |
意思決定機関 see styles |
ishiketteikikan / ishikettekikan いしけっていきかん |
decision-making body |
意思決定過程 see styles |
ishiketteikatei / ishikettekate いしけっていかてい |
decision-making process |
所定労働時間 see styles |
shoteiroudoujikan / shoterodojikan しょていろうどうじかん |
fixed working hours; prescribed working hours |
所定期間保存 see styles |
shoteikikanhozon / shotekikanhozon しょていきかんほぞん |
{comp} archiving |
抗原定性検査 see styles |
kougenteiseikensa / kogentesekensa こうげんていせいけんさ |
{med} qualitative antigen test |
抗原定量検査 see styles |
kougenteiryoukensa / kogenteryokensa こうげんていりょうけんさ |
{med} quantitative antigen test |
抵当権設定者 see styles |
teitoukensetteisha / tetokensettesha ていとうけんせっていしゃ |
mortgage debtor; mortgager; mortgagor |
放射免疫測定 放射免疫测定 see styles |
fàng shè miǎn yì cè dìng fang4 she4 mian3 yi4 ce4 ding4 fang she mien i ts`e ting fang she mien i tse ting |
radioimmunoassay |
放射年代測定 see styles |
houshanendaisokutei / hoshanendaisokute ほうしゃねんだいそくてい |
radiometric dating |
放射線測定器 see styles |
houshasensokuteiki / hoshasensokuteki ほうしゃせんそくていき |
radiation meter (e.g. Geiger counter); particle detector; radiation detector |
政令指定都市 see styles |
seireishiteitoshi / sereshitetoshi せいれいしていとし |
ordinance-designated city (administrative division for cities with a population of over 500,000) |
政治的不安定 see styles |
seijitekifuantei / sejitekifuante せいじてきふあんてい |
political instability |
政策決定過程 see styles |
seisakuketteikatei / sesakukettekate せいさくけっていかてい |
policy-making process |
日商簿記検定 see styles |
nisshoubokikentei / nisshobokikente にっしょうぼきけんてい |
Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping (JCCI bookkeeping proficiency test) |
日米地位協定 see styles |
nichibeichiikyoutei / nichibechikyote にちべいちいきょうてい |
Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement (1960) |
明示番地指定 see styles |
meijibanchishitei / mejibanchishite めいじばんちしてい |
{comp} explicit addressing |
暗示番地指定 see styles |
anjibanchishitei / anjibanchishite あんじばんちしてい |
{comp} implied addressing |
有形固定資産 see styles |
yuukeikoteishisan / yukekoteshisan ゆうけいこていしさん |
tangible fixed assets; tangible property; property, plant and equipment; PPE |
未定義の動作 see styles |
miteiginodousa / miteginodosa みていぎのどうさ |
{comp} undefined behavior; unspecified behavior |
株主間協定書 see styles |
kabunushikankyouteisho / kabunushikankyotesho かぶぬしかんきょうていしょ |
{finc} shareholders' agreement |
楠名重定古墳 see styles |
kusumyoushigesadakofun / kusumyoshigesadakofun くすみょうしげさだこふん |
(place-name) Kusumyoushigesada Tumulus |
権中納言定家 see styles |
gonchuunagonsadaie / gonchunagonsadaie ごんちゅうなごんさだいえ |
(personal name) Gonchuunagonsadaie |
権中納言定頼 see styles |
gonchuunagonsadayori / gonchunagonsadayori ごんちゅうなごんさだより |
(personal name) Gonchuunagonsadayori |
機種選定作業 see styles |
kishusenteisagyou / kishusentesagyo きしゅせんていさぎょう |
(expression) equipment selection work |
檔案傳輸協定 档案传输协定 see styles |
dàng àn chuán shū xié dìng dang4 an4 chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4 tang an ch`uan shu hsieh ting tang an chuan shu hsieh ting |
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) |
欽定英訳聖書 see styles |
kinteieiyakuseisho / kinteeyakusesho きんていえいやくせいしょ |
(work) Authorized Version (of the Bible); AV; (wk) Authorized Version (of the Bible); AV |
死亡推定時刻 see styles |
shibousuiteijikoku / shibosuitejikoku しぼうすいていじこく |
estimated time of death |
沖縄返還協定 see styles |
okinawahenkankyoutei / okinawahenkankyote おきなわへんかんきょうてい |
(hist) Okinawa Reversion Agreement (1971); Agreement between Japan and the United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands |
沼田西町惣定 see styles |
nutanishichousoujou / nutanishichosojo ぬたにしちょうそうじょう |
(place-name) Nutanishichōsoujō |
法定外公共物 see styles |
houteigaikoukyoubutsu / hotegaikokyobutsu ほうていがいこうきょうぶつ |
{law} non-legal public property; public property such as a road or lake that is not managed by the Ministry of Finance, oft. effectively in private hands |
法定準備制度 see styles |
houteijunbiseido / hotejunbisedo ほうていじゅんびせいど |
legal reserve system (USA); reserve deposit requirement system |
法定準備預金 see styles |
houteijunbiyokin / hotejunbiyokin ほうていじゅんびよきん |
required reserves; legal required reserves |
法定耐用年数 see styles |
houteitaiyounensuu / hotetaiyonensu ほうていたいようねんすう |
statutory useful life |
滅受想定解脫 灭受想定解脱 see styles |
miè shòu xiǎng dìng jiě tuō mie4 shou4 xiang3 ding4 jie3 tuo1 mieh shou hsiang ting chieh t`o mieh shou hsiang ting chieh to metsu jusō jō gedatsu |
liberation of the concentration that brings about the cessation of feeling and perception |
無形固定資産 see styles |
mukeikoteishisan / mukekoteshisan むけいこていしさん |
intangible fixed assets |
特定健康診査 see styles |
tokuteikenkoushinsa / tokutekenkoshinsa とくていけんこうしんさ |
specified health check-up; free health screening program aimed at preventing lifestyle-related diseases for residents aged 40-74 |
特定医療法人 see styles |
tokuteiiryouhoujin / tokuteryohojin とくていいりょうほうじん |
specified medical corporation; non-profit corporation which operates hospitals, etc. |
特定危険部位 see styles |
tokuteikikenbui / tokutekikenbui とくていきけんぶい |
specified risk material; SRM |
特定商取引法 see styles |
tokuteishoutorihikihou / tokuteshotorihikiho とくていしょうとりひきほう |
{law} Act on Specified Commercial Transactions |
特定外来生物 see styles |
tokuteigairaiseibutsu / tokutegairaisebutsu とくていがいらいせいぶつ |
(See 外来生物法) introduced species (esp. invasive species as defined by law) |
特定支出控除 see styles |
tokuteishishutsukoujo / tokuteshishutsukojo とくていししゅつこうじょ |
deduction for specified expenditure |
特定機能病院 see styles |
tokuteikinoubyouin / tokutekinobyoin とくていきのうびょういん |
special functioning hospital (category of hospitals that can provide highly advanced care); advanced treatment hospital |
特定目的会社 see styles |
tokuteimokutekigaisha / tokutemokutekigaisha とくていもくてきがいしゃ |
(See 特別目的会社・とくべつもくてきがいしゃ) specified purpose company; specific purpose company |
特定論理構造 see styles |
tokuteironrikouzou / tokuteronrikozo とくていろんりこうぞう |
{comp} specific logical structure |
特定贈与信託 see styles |
tokuteizouyoshintaku / tokutezoyoshintaku とくていぞうよしんたく |
{finc} special donation trust; specified gift trust |
特定金銭信託 see styles |
tokuteikinsenshintaku / tokutekinsenshintaku とくていきんせんしんたく |
corporate investment fund |
特定非常災害 see styles |
tokuteihijousaigai / tokutehijosaigai とくていひじょうさいがい |
{law} specified disaster; disaster of extreme severity; large-scale (natural, etc.) disaster identified as especially disruptive |
環球定位系統 环球定位系统 see styles |
huán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng huan2 qiu2 ding4 wei4 xi4 tong3 huan ch`iu ting wei hsi t`ung huan chiu ting wei hsi tung |
global positioning system (GPS) |
畳み込み定理 see styles |
tatamikomiteiri / tatamikomiteri たたみこみていり |
{comp} convolution theorem |
直前指定要素 see styles |
chokuzenshiteiyouso / chokuzenshiteyoso ちょくぜんしていようそ |
{comp} previous specified element |
相手固定接続 see styles |
aitekoteisetsuzoku / aitekotesetsuzoku あいてこていせつぞく |
{comp} permanent virtual connection; PVC |
確定利付証券 see styles |
kakuteiritsukishouken / kakuteritsukishoken かくていりつきしょうけん |
fixed interest-bearing securities |
確定拠出年金 see styles |
kakuteikyoshutsunenkin / kakutekyoshutsunenkin かくていきょしゅつねんきん |
defined contribution pension plan |
秘書技能検定 see styles |
hishoginoukentei / hishoginokente ひしょぎのうけんてい |
official test for a secretarial qualification |
筆界特定制度 see styles |
hitsukaitokuteiseido / hitsukaitokutesedo ひつかいとくていせいど |
(Japanese) land registration system |
約定資訊速率 约定资讯速率 see styles |
yuē dìng zī xùn sù lǜ yue1 ding4 zi1 xun4 su4 lu:4 yüeh ting tzu hsün su lü |
committed information rate (Frame Relay); CIR |
経済安定本部 see styles |
keizaianteihonbu / kezaiantehonbu けいざいあんていほんぶ |
(org) Economic Stabilization Agency; Economic Stabilization Board; (o) Economic Stabilization Agency; Economic Stabilization Board |
経済統合協定 see styles |
keizaitougoukyoutei / kezaitogokyote けいざいとうごうきょうてい |
economic integration agreement; EIA |
経済連携協定 see styles |
keizairenkeikyoutei / kezairenkekyote けいざいれんけいきょうてい |
economic partnership agreement; EPA |
統一資源定位 统一资源定位 see styles |
tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi tong3 yi1 zi1 yuan2 ding4 wei4 t`ung i tzu yüan ting wei tung i tzu yüan ting wei |
universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress |
絶対安定多数 see styles |
zettaianteitasuu / zettaiantetasu ぜったいあんていたすう |
number of parliamentary seats required in order for the ruling coalition to chair all standing committees and pass bills without the support of other parties |
綿花安定公社 see styles |
menkaanteikousha / menkantekosha めんかあんていこうしゃ |
(o) Cotton Stabilization Corporation |
罪刑法定主義 see styles |
zaikeihouteishugi / zaikehoteshugi ざいけいほうていしゅぎ |
nulla poena sine lege; no punishment without law |
自動安定装置 see styles |
jidouanteisouchi / jidoantesochi じどうあんていそうち |
(See ビルトインスタビライザー) built-in stabilizer |
自動定数機能 see styles |
jidouteisuukinou / jidotesukino じどうていすうきのう |
{comp} automatic constant function |
自己規定項目 see styles |
jikokiteikoumoku / jikokitekomoku じこきていこうもく |
{comp} self defining term |
自由貿易協定 see styles |
jiyuubouekikyoutei / jiyuboekikyote じゆうぼうえききょうてい |
Free Trade Agreement; FTA |
英語検定試験 see styles |
eigokenteishiken / egokenteshiken えいごけんていしけん |
English proficiency examination; English proficiency test |
血糖値測定器 see styles |
kettouchisokuteiki / kettochisokuteki けっとうちそくていき |
blood glucose meter; glucose meter; glucometer; blood glucose monitor |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.