There are 2983 total results for your 那 search. I have created 30 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
伊邪那岐 see styles |
isanagi いさなぎ |
(dei) Izanagi (Shinto god) |
伊邪那美 see styles |
izanami いざなみ |
(dei,myth) Izanami (Shinto goddess) |
伐那婆斯 see styles |
fán à pó sī fan2 a4 po2 si1 fan a p`o ssu fan a po ssu Banabashi |
Vanavāsin, one of the sixteen arhats. |
伽那提婆 see styles |
qien à tí pó qien2 a4 ti2 po2 qien a t`i p`o qien a ti po Ganadaiba |
Kāṇadeva, i.e. Āryadeva, fifteenth patriarch, disciple of Nāgārjuna, v. 迦. |
佐那具町 see styles |
sanaguchou / sanagucho さなぐちょう |
(place-name) Sanaguchō |
佐那具駅 see styles |
sanagueki さなぐえき |
(st) Sanagu Station |
佐那河内 see styles |
sanagouchi / sanagochi さなごうち |
(place-name) Sanagouchi |
佐那高下 see styles |
sanakouge / sanakoge さなこうげ |
(place-name) Sanakouge |
佛陀斯那 see styles |
fó tuó sin à fo2 tuo2 sin1 a4 fo t`o sin a fo to sin a Buttashina |
Buddhasena |
佛馱斯那 佛驮斯那 see styles |
fó tuó sin à fo2 tuo2 sin1 a4 fo t`o sin a fo to sin a Buddashina |
Buddhasena. |
佳那晃子 see styles |
kanaakiko / kanakiko かなあきこ |
(person) Kana Akiko (1956.3-) |
依那古駅 see styles |
inakoeki いなこえき |
(st) Inako Station |
俄那鉢底 俄那钵底 see styles |
èn à bō dǐ en4 a4 bo1 di3 en a po ti Ganapatei |
Gaṇapati, v. 誐. |
修那羅峠 see styles |
shunaratouge / shunaratoge しゅならとうげ |
(personal name) Shunaratōge |
修那羅川 see styles |
shunaragawa しゅならがわ |
(place-name) Shunaragawa |
倶夷那竭 see styles |
jù yín à jié ju4 yin2 a4 jie2 chü yin a chieh Kuinakatsu |
Kuśinagara |
僕呼繕那 仆呼缮那 see styles |
pú hū shàn nà pu2 hu1 shan4 na4 p`u hu shan na pu hu shan na bokuko senna |
bahujanya, intp. 衆生 all the living, all who are born. |
僧那僧涅 see styles |
sēng nà sēng niè seng1 na4 seng1 nie4 seng na seng nieh sōna sōne |
great vow |
優波那訶 优波那诃 see styles |
yōu bō nà hē you1 bo1 na4 he1 yu po na ho upanaka |
v. 優婆馱耶 Upādhyāya. |
入与那国 see styles |
iriyonaguni いりよなぐに |
(surname) Iriyonaguni |
出世末那 see styles |
chū shì mò nà chu1 shi4 mo4 na4 ch`u shih mo na chu shih mo na shusse mana |
supramundane manas |
初刹那識 初刹那识 see styles |
chū chàn à shì chu1 chan4 a4 shi4 ch`u ch`an a shih chu chan a shih sho setsuna shiki |
The initial kṣaṇa, initial consciousness, i. e. the eighth or ālaya-vijñāna, from which arises consciousness. |
刹那三世 see styles |
chàn à sān shì chan4 a4 san1 shi4 ch`an a san shih chan a san shih setsuna sanze |
The moments past, present, future. |
刹那不住 see styles |
chàn à bù zhù chan4 a4 bu4 zhu4 ch`an a pu chu chan a pu chu setsuna fujū |
not even abiding for an instant |
刹那主義 see styles |
setsunashugi せつなしゅぎ |
principle of living only for the moment |
刹那刹那 see styles |
chàn à chàn à chan4 a4 chan4 a4 ch`an a ch`an a chan a chan a setsuna setsuna |
every single moment |
刹那無常 刹那无常 see styles |
chàn à wú cháng chan4 a4 wu2 chang2 ch`an a wu ch`ang chan a wu chang setsu namujō |
Not a moment is permanent, but passes through the stages of birth, stay, change, death. |
刹那生滅 刹那生灭 see styles |
chàn à shēng miè chan4 a4 sheng1 mie4 ch`an a sheng mieh chan a sheng mieh setsuna shōmetsu |
All things are in continuous flow, born and destroyed every instant. |
刹那相應 刹那相应 see styles |
chàn à xiāng yìng chan4 a4 xiang1 ying4 ch`an a hsiang ying chan a hsiang ying setsuna sōō |
momentarily concomitant |
刺那尸棄 刺那尸弃 see styles |
cin à shī qì cin4 a4 shi1 qi4 cin a shih ch`i cin a shih chi Sekinashiki |
Ratnaśikhin |
剌那伽羅 剌那伽罗 see styles |
làn à qié luó lan4 a4 qie2 luo2 lan a ch`ieh lo lan a chieh lo Ranakara |
Ratnākara, a 'jewel-mine, the ocean' (M. W.), intp. jewel-heap; name of a Buddha and Bodhisattva; the 112th Buddha of the present kalpa; also of 'a native of Vaiśālī, contemporary of Śākyamuni.' |
剌那尸棄 剌那尸弃 see styles |
làn à shī qì lan4 a4 shi1 qi4 lan a shih ch`i lan a shih chi Ranashiki |
Ratnaśikhin, cf. 尸棄, 'the 999th Buddha of the preceding kalpa, the second of the Sapta Buddha.' Eitel. |
劫布呾那 see styles |
jié bù dán à jie2 bu4 dan2 a4 chieh pu tan a Kōfutana |
Kapotana |
劫布咀那 see styles |
jié bù jun à jie2 bu4 jun3 a4 chieh pu chün a Kōfudana |
Kebudhana |
劫布怛那 see styles |
jié bù dán à jie2 bu4 dan2 a4 chieh pu tan a Kōfutanna |
(or 劫布呾那or 劫布咀那or 劫布俎那) Kapotana, or Kebudhana; an ancient kingdom, the modern Kebud or Keshbūd, north of Samarkand. |
勒那婆提 see styles |
len à pó tí len4 a4 po2 ti2 len a p`o t`i len a po ti Rokunabadai |
Ratnamati |
勒那摩提 see styles |
len à mó tí len4 a4 mo2 ti2 len a mo t`i len a mo ti Rokunamadai |
勒那婆提 ? Ratnamati, a monk from Central India, circa A. D. 500, who translated three works of which two remain. |
南支那海 see styles |
minamishinakai みなみしなかい |
South China Sea |
南那珂郡 see styles |
minaminakagun みなみなかぐん |
(place-name) Minaminakagun |
南那須町 see styles |
minaminasumachi みなみなすまち |
(place-name) Minaminasumachi |
博茨瓦那 see styles |
bó cí wǎ nà bo2 ci2 wa3 na4 po tz`u wa na po tzu wa na |
Botswana |
卡拉奇那 see styles |
kǎ lā jī nà ka3 la1 ji1 na4 k`a la chi na ka la chi na |
Krajina (former Yugoslavia) |
印度支那 see styles |
yìn dù zhī nà yin4 du4 zhi1 na4 yin tu chih na indoshina インドシナ |
Indochina (ateji / phonetic) (kana only) Indochina |
原田麻那 see styles |
haradamana はらだまな |
(person) Harada Mana (1936-) |
古屋支那 see styles |
furuyashina ふるやしな |
(person) Furuya Shina |
古那可智 see styles |
konakachi こなかち |
(personal name) Konakachi |
吠嚧遮那 吠路者那 see styles |
fèi lú zhēn à fei4 lu2 zhen1 a4 fei lu chen a Hairoshana |
Vairocana v. 毘. |
吠路者那 see styles |
fèi lù zhěn à fei4 lu4 zhen3 a4 fei lu chen a Hairoshana |
Vairocana |
呵也怛那 see styles |
hē yě dán à he1 ye3 dan2 a4 ho yeh tan a kayatanna |
āyatana, an organ of sense, v. 六入. |
和伽羅那 和伽罗那 see styles |
hé qié luó nà he2 qie2 luo2 na4 ho ch`ieh lo na ho chieh lo na wakarana |
vyākaraṇa |
商那和修 see styles |
shāng nà hé xiū shang1 na4 he2 xiu1 shang na ho hsiu Shōnawashu |
Śāṇakavāsa |
嗜那耶舍 see styles |
shin à yé shè shin4 a4 ye2 she4 shin a yeh she Jinayasha |
Jinayaśas, a noted monk. |
四優檀那 四优檀那 see styles |
sì yōu tán nà si4 you1 tan2 na4 ssu yu t`an na ssu yu tan na shi udanna |
yu-t'an-na, ? udāna, the four dogmas: all is impermanent, all is suffering, there is no ego, nirvana. |
国吉梨那 see styles |
kuniyoshirina くによしりな |
(person) Kuniyoshi Rina |
多那太羅 多那太罗 see styles |
duō nǎ tài luó duo1 na3 tai4 luo2 to na t`ai lo to na tai lo |
Donatello (c. 1386-1466); Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, famous early Renaissance painter and sculptor |
大塚露那 see styles |
ootsukatsuyuna おおつかつゆな |
(person) Ootsuka Tsuyuna (1986.6.21-) |
大婆喝那 see styles |
dà pó hēn à da4 po2 hen1 a4 ta p`o hen a ta po hen a dai bakana |
100 quadrillions |
大拘絺那 see styles |
dà jū chin à da4 ju1 chin1 a4 ta chü chin a Daikuchina |
Mahākauṣṭhila, 摩訶倶絺羅, 摩訶倶祉羅 an eminent disciple of Śākyamuni, maternal uncle of Śāriputra, reputed author of the Saṃgītiparyāya-śāstra. |
大槻奈那 see styles |
ootsukinana おおつきなな |
(person) Ootsuki Nana |
大那落迦 see styles |
dà nà luò jiā da4 na4 luo4 jia1 ta na lo chia dai naraka |
great hell |
大野麻那 see styles |
oonomana おおのまな |
(person) Oono Mana (1985.3.4-) |
女那川橋 see styles |
menagawabashi めながわばし |
(place-name) Menagawabashi |
娑多婆那 see styles |
suō duō pó nà suo1 duo1 po2 na4 so to p`o na so to po na Shatabana |
(娑多婆漢那) Sadvāhana, Śātavāhana, name of a royal patron of Nāgārjuna. |
婆羅那馱 婆罗那驮 see styles |
pó luó nà tuó po2 luo2 na4 tuo2 p`o lo na t`o po lo na to Baranada |
Varanāda, a bellowing yakṣa. |
婆羅門那 婆罗门那 see styles |
pó luó mén nà po2 luo2 men2 na4 p`o lo men na po lo men na Baramonna |
Brāhmaṇa |
婆蹉那婆 see styles |
pó cuō nà pó po2 cuo1 na4 po2 p`o ts`o na p`o po tso na po bashanaba |
vatsanābha, a strong poison, "from the root of a kind of aconite." M.W. |
媻羅犀那 媻罗犀那 see styles |
pán luó xīn à pan2 luo2 xin1 a4 p`an lo hsin a pan lo hsin a Barasaina |
Varasena (the Aparasvin of the Zend-Avesta); a pass on the Paropamisus, now called Khawak, south of Indarab. |
字那手町 see styles |
unatechou / unatecho うなてちょう |
(place-name) Unatechō |
宇出那覇 see styles |
udenaha うでなは |
(place-name) Udenaha |
宇那利崎 see styles |
unarizaki うなりざき |
(place-name) Unarizaki |
宇那手上 see styles |
unatekami うなてかみ |
(place-name) Unatekami |
宇那手下 see styles |
unateshimo うなてしも |
(place-name) Unateshimo |
宇那手町 see styles |
unatechou / unatecho うなてちょう |
(place-name) Unatechō |
宇那谷町 see styles |
unayachou / unayacho うなやちょう |
(place-name) Unayachō |
安田有那 see styles |
yasudaarina / yasudarina やすだありな |
(person) Yasuda Arina |
安那般那 see styles |
ān nà pán nà an1 na4 pan2 na4 an na p`an na an na pan na annahanna |
安般; 阿那波那 (阿那阿波那) ānāpāna, expiration and inspiration, a method of breathing and counting the breaths for purposes of concentration; the 大安般守意經 is a treatise on the subject. |
室摩那拏 see styles |
shì mó nàn á shi4 mo2 nan4 a2 shih mo nan a shimanana |
śramaṇa |
宮里明那 see styles |
miyazatoakina みやざとあきな |
(person) Miyazato Akina (1985.6.19-) |
富那夜奢 see styles |
fun à yè shē fun4 a4 ye4 she1 fun a yeh she Funayasha |
Puṇyayaśas |
富那婆蘇 富那婆苏 see styles |
fun à pó sū fun4 a4 po2 su1 fun a p`o su fun a po su Funabaso |
Punarvasu; an asterism, i. e. the 弗宿; name of a monk. |
富那耶舍 see styles |
fun à yé shè fun4 a4 ye2 she4 fun a yeh she Funayasha |
Puṇyayaśas; 富那奢 (富那夜奢) the tenth (or eleventh) patriarch; a descendant of the Gautama family; born in Pāṭaliputra, laboured in Vārāṇasī and converted Aśvaghoṣa. |
富那跋陀 see styles |
fun à bá tuó fun4 a4 ba2 tuo2 fun a pa t`o fun a pa to Funabatsuda |
Pūrṇabhadra, name of a spirit-general. |
小川奈那 see styles |
ogawanana おがわなな |
(person) Ogawa Nana (1981.10.26-) |
小那比川 see styles |
konabigawa こなびがわ |
(place-name) Konabigawa |
尸多婆那 see styles |
shī duō pó nà shi1 duo1 po2 na4 shih to p`o na shih to po na shitabana |
Śītavana, see 尸陀林. |
尸摩舍那 see styles |
shī mó shèn à shi1 mo2 shen4 a4 shih mo shen a shimashana |
(or 尸摩賖那) śmaśāna, aśmaśāyma, a cemetery, idem 尸陀林. |
尸摩賖那 see styles |
shī mó shēn à shi1 mo2 shen1 a4 shih mo shen a shimashana |
cemetery |
尸梨伽那 see styles |
shī lí qien à shi1 li2 qien2 a4 shih li qien a shirigana |
Śrīguṇa, 厚德 abundantly virtuous, a title of a Buddha. |
尼師但那 尼师但那 see styles |
ní shī dàn nà ni2 shi1 dan4 na4 ni shih tan na nishidanna |
a mat |
尼師壇那 尼师坛那 see styles |
ní shī tán nà ni2 shi1 tan2 na4 ni shih t`an na ni shih tan na nishidanna |
niṣīdana |
尼連禪那 尼连禅那 see styles |
ní lián chán nà ni2 lian2 chan2 na4 ni lien ch`an na ni lien chan na Nirenzenna |
Nairañjanā |
屋那覇島 see styles |
yanahajima やなはじま |
(place-name) Yanahajima |
屋那覇崎 see styles |
yanahazaki やなはざき |
(place-name) Yanahazaki |
巴塞羅那 巴塞罗那 see styles |
bā sài luó nà ba1 sai4 luo2 na4 pa sai lo na |
Barcelona |
廅波摩那 see styles |
hé bō mó nà he2 bo1 mo2 na4 ho po mo na ōhamana |
(廅波) Apramāṇābha, the heaven of infinite light, the second region of the second dhyāna. |
式叉摩那 see styles |
shì chā mó nà shi4 cha1 mo2 na4 shih ch`a mo na shih cha mo na shikishamana しきしゃまな |
probationary nun (undergoing a two-year probationary period before receiving ordainment) (san: siksamana) (Skt. śikṣamāṇā) |
弗那婆修 see styles |
fun à pó xiū fun2 a4 po2 xiu1 fun a p`o hsiu fun a po hsiu Funabashu |
Punabbasuka |
影崎由那 see styles |
kagesakiyuna かげさきゆな |
(f,h) Kagesaki Yuna (1973.3.3-) |
志那中町 see styles |
shinanakachou / shinanakacho しななかちょう |
(place-name) Shinanakachō |
志那神社 see styles |
shinajinja しなじんじゃ |
(place-name) Shina Shrine |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "那" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.