There are 3678 total results for your 家 search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
三郷在家 see styles |
sangouzake / sangozake さんごうざけ |
(place-name) Sangouzake |
上家の浦 see styles |
kamiienoura / kamienora かみいえのうら |
(place-name) Kamiienoura |
上山家町 see styles |
kamiyanbemachi かみやんべまち |
(place-name) Kamiyanbemachi |
上時国家 see styles |
kamitokikunike かみときくにけ |
(place-name) Kamitokikunike |
上杉勝家 see styles |
uesugikatsuie うえすぎかついえ |
(person) Uesugi Katsuie |
上氏家町 see styles |
kamiuzuechou / kamiuzuecho かみうずえちょう |
(place-name) Kamiuzuechō |
上江洲家 see styles |
uesuke うえすけ |
(place-name) Uesuke |
上流家庭 see styles |
jouryuukatei / joryukate じょうりゅうかてい |
good family; better-class home |
下家の浦 see styles |
shimoienoura / shimoienora しもいえのうら |
(place-name) Shimoienoura |
下家義久 see styles |
shimoieyoshihisa しもいえよしひさ |
(person) Shimoie Yoshihisa |
下山家町 see styles |
shimoyanbemachi しもやんべまち |
(place-name) Shimoyanbemachi |
下時国家 see styles |
shimotokikunike しもときくにけ |
(place-name) Shimotokikunike |
下氏家町 see styles |
shimouzuechou / shimozuecho しもうずえちょう |
(place-name) Shimouzuechō |
下福家川 see styles |
shimobukegawa しもぶけがわ |
(place-name) Shimobukegawa |
下野在家 see styles |
shimonozaike しものざいけ |
(place-name) Shimonozaike |
下野家後 see styles |
shimonoieushiro しものいえうしろ |
(place-name) Shimonoieushiro |
世俗国家 see styles |
sezokukokka せぞくこっか |
secular state; secular nation |
世界国家 see styles |
sekaikokka せかいこっか |
world state; world federation |
世祿之家 世禄之家 see styles |
shì lù zhī jiā shi4 lu4 zhi1 jia1 shih lu chih chia |
family with hereditary emoluments |
中ノ在家 see styles |
nakanozaike なかのざいけ |
(place-name) Nakanozaike |
中之在家 see styles |
nakanozaike なかのざいけ |
(place-name) Nakanozaike |
中在家町 see styles |
nakazaikechou / nakazaikecho なかざいけちょう |
(place-name) Nakazaikechō |
中家新田 see styles |
chuukashinden / chukashinden ちゅうかしんでん |
(place-name) Chuukashinden |
主権国家 see styles |
shukenkokka しゅけんこっか |
sovereign nation |
主權國家 主权国家 see styles |
zhǔ quán guó jiā zhu3 quan2 guo2 jia1 chu ch`üan kuo chia chu chüan kuo chia |
sovereign country |
久家義之 see styles |
kugeyoshiyuki くげよしゆき |
(person) Kuge Yoshiyuki |
久家靖秀 see styles |
kugeyasuhide くげやすひで |
(person) Kuge Yasuhide |
九家ノ丁 see styles |
kukenochou / kukenocho くけのちょう |
(place-name) Kukenochō |
九条道家 see styles |
kujoumichiie / kujomichie くじょうみちいえ |
(person) Kujō Michiie (1193-1252.4.1) |
事怕行家 see styles |
shì pà háng jiā shi4 pa4 hang2 jia1 shih p`a hang chia shih pa hang chia |
an expert always produces the best work (idiom) |
二ッ家上 see styles |
futatsuyakami ふたつやかみ |
(place-name) Futatsuyakami |
二十三家 see styles |
èr shí sān jiā er4 shi2 san1 jia1 erh shih san chia nijūsan ke |
twenty-three scholars [of the Liang] |
二奶專家 二奶专家 see styles |
èr nǎi zhuān jiā er4 nai3 zhuan1 jia1 erh nai chuan chia |
"mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity |
二軒在家 see styles |
nikenzaike にけんざいけ |
(place-name) Nikenzaike |
二軒家原 see styles |
nikenyabara にけんやばら |
(place-name) Nikenyabara |
五家七宗 see styles |
wǔ jiā qī zōng wu3 jia1 qi1 zong1 wu chia ch`i tsung wu chia chi tsung goke shichishū |
(五家) Division in China of the 禪 Ch'an, Intuitive or Meditative School. It divided into northern and southern schools under 神秀 Shenxiu and 慧能 Huineng respectively. The northern school continued as a unit, the southern divided into five or seven 宗, viz. 潙仰宗, 臨濟宗, 曹洞宗, 雲門宗, and 法眼宗; the two others are 黃龍 and 揚岐. |
五家原岳 see styles |
gokaharadake ごかはらだけ |
(personal name) Gokaharadake |
五家所共 see styles |
wǔ jiā suǒ gòng wu3 jia1 suo3 gong4 wu chia so kung go ke sho gu |
What the five classes, i. e. rulers, thieves, water, fire, and prodigal sons, have as their common prey, the wealth struggled for by others. |
五家渠市 see styles |
wǔ jiā qú shì wu3 jia1 qu2 shi4 wu chia ch`ü shih wu chia chü shih |
Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔjiāqú subprefecture level city in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang |
五軒家町 see styles |
gokenyachou / gokenyacho ごけんやちょう |
(place-name) Gokenyachō |
人形の家 see styles |
ningyounoie / ningyonoie にんぎょうのいえ |
(work) The Doll's House (play by Ibsen); (wk) The Doll's House (play by Ibsen) |
人気作家 see styles |
ninkisakka にんきさっか |
popular writer |
人給家足 人给家足 see styles |
rén jǐ jiā zú ren2 ji3 jia1 zu2 jen chi chia tsu |
lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual (idiom); comfortably off |
人類學家 人类学家 see styles |
rén lèi xué jiā ren2 lei4 xue2 jia1 jen lei hsüeh chia |
anthropologist |
今出在家 see styles |
imadezaike いまでざいけ |
(place-name) Imadezaike |
今在家町 see styles |
imazaikemachi いまざいけまち |
(place-name) Imazaikemachi |
今新在家 see styles |
imashinzaike いましんざいけ |
(place-name) Imashinzaike |
他家受粉 see styles |
takajufun たかじゅふん |
(noun/participle) (See 自家受粉) cross-pollination |
他家受精 see styles |
takajusei / takajuse たかじゅせい |
{biol} (See 自家受精) cross-fertilization; allogamy |
伍家崗區 伍家岗区 see styles |
wǔ jiā gǎng qū wu3 jia1 gang3 qu1 wu chia kang ch`ü wu chia kang chü |
Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei |
伯家神道 see styles |
hakkeshintou; hakukeshintou / hakkeshinto; hakukeshinto はっけしんとう; はくけしんとう |
Hakke Shinto (Shinto tradition transmitted by the House of Hakuo Shirakawa); Hakuke Shinto |
作家の卵 see styles |
sakkanotamago さっかのたまご |
aspiring writer |
作家買い see styles |
sakkagai さっかがい |
(colloquialism) buying a book, manga, etc. because one is a fan of the author |
保家衛國 保家卫国 see styles |
bǎo jiā wèi guó bao3 jia1 wei4 guo2 pao chia wei kuo |
guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense |
借家争議 see styles |
shakkasougi / shakkasogi しゃっかそうぎ |
tenancy troubles |
健康家電 see styles |
kenkoukaden / kenkokaden けんこうかでん |
health-related home appliances; health appliances |
傀儡国家 see styles |
kairaikokka かいらいこっか |
puppet state |
傾家蕩產 倾家荡产 see styles |
qīng jiā dàng chǎn qing1 jia1 dang4 chan3 ch`ing chia tang ch`an ching chia tang chan |
to lose a family fortune (idiom) |
傾斜家賃 see styles |
keishayachin / keshayachin けいしゃやちん |
progressive increase in rent |
僧家大學 僧家大学 see styles |
sēng jiā dà xué seng1 jia1 da4 xue2 seng chia ta hsüeh sōke daigaku |
saṃgha college |
儒家思想 see styles |
rú jiā sī xiǎng ru2 jia1 si1 xiang3 ju chia ssu hsiang |
Confucian thoughts; the thinking of the Confucian school |
儒家神道 see styles |
jukashintou / jukashinto じゅかしんとう |
Confucian Shinto |
元新在家 see styles |
motoshinzaike もとしんざいけ |
(place-name) Motoshinzaike |
入唐八家 see styles |
rù táng bā jiā ru4 tang2 ba1 jia1 ju t`ang pa chia ju tang pa chia nittouhakke / nittohakke にっとうはっけ |
(hist) (See 八家・2) the eight Japanese monks who visited China during the early Heian period (Enchin, Engyō, Ennin, Eun, Jōgyō, Kūkai, Saichō and Shūei) The eight Japanese who came to China in the Tang dynasty and studied the 密教esoteric doctrine. |
入江俊家 see styles |
irietoshiie / irietoshie いりえとしいえ |
(person) Irie Toshiie (?-1944.6.19) |
八家九宗 see styles |
bā jiā jiǔ zōng ba1 jia1 jiu3 zong1 pa chia chiu tsung hakke kushū |
eight philosophies and nine schools |
八家地蔵 see styles |
yakajizou / yakajizo やかじぞう |
(place-name) Yakajizou |
八森家後 see styles |
hachimoriieushiro / hachimorieushiro はちもりいえうしろ |
(place-name) Hachimoriieushiro |
八田知家 see styles |
hatsutatomoie はつたともいえ |
(person) Hatsuta Tomoie |
公家機關 公家机关 see styles |
gōng jiā jī guān gong1 jia1 ji1 guan1 kung chia chi kuan |
civil service |
六家七宗 see styles |
liù jiā qī zōng liu4 jia1 qi1 zong1 liu chia ch`i tsung liu chia chi tsung rikka shichishū |
Six Houses and Seven Schools |
六軒家川 see styles |
rokkenyagawa ろっけんやがわ |
(place-name) Rokkenyagawa |
六軒家町 see styles |
rokkenyachou / rokkenyacho ろっけんやちょう |
(place-name) Rokkenyachō |
共産国家 see styles |
kyousankokka / kyosankokka きょうさんこっか |
communist nation |
兵家常事 see styles |
bīng jiā cháng shì bing1 jia1 chang2 shi4 ping chia ch`ang shih ping chia chang shih |
commonplace in military operations (idiom) |
兼業農家 see styles |
kengyounouka / kengyonoka けんぎょうのうか |
part-time farmer |
再婚家庭 see styles |
saikonkatei / saikonkate さいこんかてい |
(See ステップファミリー) stepfamily |
冤家對頭 冤家对头 see styles |
yuān jiā duì tóu yuan1 jia1 dui4 tou2 yüan chia tui t`ou yüan chia tui tou |
enemy (idiom); opponent; arch-enemy |
冤家路窄 see styles |
yuān jiā lù zhǎi yuan1 jia1 lu4 zhai3 yüan chia lu chai |
lit. for enemies, the road is narrow (idiom); fig. rivals inevitably cross paths |
冨家規政 see styles |
fukenorimasa ふけのりまさ |
(person) Fuke Norimasa (1962.3.4-) |
出在家町 see styles |
dezaikechou / dezaikecho でざいけちょう |
(place-name) Dezaikechō |
出家作法 see styles |
chū jiā zuò fǎ chu1 jia1 zuo4 fa3 ch`u chia tso fa chu chia tso fa shukke sahō |
admission to the order |
出家修行 see styles |
chū jiā xiū xíng chu1 jia1 xiu1 xing2 ch`u chia hsiu hsing chu chia hsiu hsing shukke shugyō |
renunciant practitioners |
出家入道 see styles |
chū jiā rù dào chu1 jia1 ru4 dao4 ch`u chia ju tao chu chia ju tao shukke nyū dō |
to leave home and enter the way |
出家受戒 see styles |
chū jiā shòu jiè chu1 jia1 shou4 jie4 ch`u chia shou chieh chu chia shou chieh shukke jukai |
leave the secular world and receive the precepts |
出家菩薩 出家菩萨 see styles |
chū jiā pú sà chu1 jia1 pu2 sa4 ch`u chia p`u sa chu chia pu sa shukke bosatsu |
renunciant bodhisattvas |
出家遁世 see styles |
shukketonsei / shukketonse しゅっけとんせい |
monastic seclusion |
出征家族 see styles |
shusseikazoku / shussekazoku しゅっせいかぞく |
family of a soldier at the front |
分断国家 see styles |
bundankokka ぶんだんこっか |
divided nation; split country |
前田利家 see styles |
maedatoshie まえだとしえ |
(person) Maeda Toshiie |
劉家夼鎮 刘家夼镇 see styles |
liú jiā kuǎng zhèn liu2 jia1 kuang3 zhen4 liu chia k`uang chen liu chia kuang chen |
Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong |
勇家寛子 see styles |
yuukahiroko / yukahiroko ゆうかひろこ |
(person) Yūka Hiroko |
勤儉持家 勤俭持家 see styles |
qín jiǎn chí jiā qin2 jian3 chi2 jia1 ch`in chien ch`ih chia chin chien chih chia |
hardworking and thrifty in running one's household |
勤儉起家 勤俭起家 see styles |
qín jiǎn qǐ jiā qin2 jian3 qi3 jia1 ch`in chien ch`i chia chin chien chi chia |
More info & calligraphy: Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence |
北新在家 see styles |
kitashinzaike きたしんざいけ |
(place-name) Kitashinzaike |
北畠顕家 see styles |
kitabatakeakiie / kitabatakeakie きたばたけあきいえ |
(person) Kitabatake Akiie (1317-1338) |
十五軒家 see styles |
juugokenya / jugokenya じゅうごけんや |
(place-name) Jūgokenya |
千古の家 see styles |
senkonoie せんこのいえ |
(place-name) Senkonoie |
千家尊祀 see styles |
sengetakatoshi せんげたかとし |
(person) Senge Takatoshi |
千家尊福 see styles |
sengetakatomi せんげたかとみ |
(person) Senge Takatomi (1845.9.7-1918.1.3) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "家" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.