There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
生物測定学 see styles |
seibutsusokuteigaku / sebutsusokutegaku せいぶつそくていがく |
biometrics; biometry |
田村町徳定 see styles |
tamuramachitokusada たむらまちとくさだ |
(place-name) Tamuramachitokusada |
目の子勘定 see styles |
menokokanjou / menokokanjo めのこかんじょう |
(exp,n) (See 目の子算) rough estimate; mental arithmetic |
直接色指定 see styles |
chokusetsuiroshitei / chokusetsuiroshite ちょくせついろしてい |
{comp} direct colour (specification) |
相違決定過 相违决定过 see styles |
xiāng wéi jué dìng guò xiang1 wei2 jue2 ding4 guo4 hsiang wei chüeh ting kuo sōi ketsujō ka |
fallacy wherein differing, but individually valid reasons lead to contradictory conclusions |
砂防指定地 see styles |
saboushiteichi / saboshitechi さぼうしていち |
{law} erosion control-designated area; area designated in accordance with the Erosion Control Law where certain types of construction are regulated |
確定死刑囚 see styles |
kakuteishikeishuu / kakuteshikeshu かくていしけいしゅう |
(See 死刑囚) criminal condemned to death; convict on death row |
確定的過程 see styles |
kakuteitekikatei / kakutetekikate かくていてきかてい |
{comp} deterministic process |
禪定波羅蜜 禅定波罗蜜 see styles |
chán dìng bō luó mì chan2 ding4 bo1 luo2 mi4 ch`an ting po lo mi chan ting po lo mi zenjō haramitsu |
perfection of meditation |
空無邊處定 空无边处定 see styles |
kōng wú biān chù dìng kong1 wu2 bian1 chu4 ding4 k`ung wu pien ch`u ting kung wu pien chu ting kū muhen sho jō |
the sphere of the infinity of space |
窒素固定法 see styles |
chissokoteihou / chissokoteho ちっそこていほう |
nitrogen fixation (method) |
精神安定剤 see styles |
seishinanteizai / seshinantezai せいしんあんていざい |
tranquilizer; tranquiliser |
精神安定薬 see styles |
seishinanteiyaku / seshinanteyaku せいしんあんていやく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) tranquilizer |
精神測定学 see styles |
seishinsokuteigaku / seshinsokutegaku せいしんそくていがく |
{psych} psychometrics; psychometry |
総勘定元帳 see styles |
soukanjoumotochou / sokanjomotocho そうかんじょうもとちょう |
general ledger (accounting) |
線速度一定 see styles |
sensokudoittei / sensokudoitte せんそくどいってい |
{comp} (See 角速度一定) constant linear velocity; CLV |
職業安定所 see styles |
shokugyouanteijo / shokugyoantejo しょくぎょうあんていじょ |
(abbreviation) (See 公共職業安定所) Public Employment Security Office |
職業安定法 see styles |
shokugyouanteihou / shokugyoanteho しょくぎょうあんていほう |
{law} Employment Security Act |
肯定並例句 肯定并例句 see styles |
kěn dìng bìng lì jù ken3 ding4 bing4 li4 ju4 k`en ting ping li chü ken ting ping li chü |
active conjoined sentence |
自己決定権 see styles |
jikoketteiken / jikoketteken じこけっていけん |
right of self-determination |
自己肯定感 see styles |
jikokouteikan / jikokotekan じここうていかん |
self-esteem; feeling of self-approval |
薛定諤方程 薛定谔方程 see styles |
xuē dìng è fāng chéng xue1 ding4 e4 fang1 cheng2 hsüeh ting o fang ch`eng hsüeh ting o fang cheng |
Schrödinger's wave equation |
要介護認定 see styles |
youkaigonintei / yokaigoninte ようかいごにんてい |
(See 介護保険制度) primary nursing care requirement authorization (a 5-level graded system under health insurance) |
要素型定義 see styles |
yousogatateigi / yosogatategi ようそがたていぎ |
{comp} element type definition |
覇権安定論 see styles |
hakenanteiron / hakenanteron はけんあんていろん |
hegemonic stability theory |
視力検定医 see styles |
shiryokukenteii / shiryokukente しりょくけんていい |
optometrist |
視力測定法 视力测定法 see styles |
shì lì cè dìng fǎ shi4 li4 ce4 ding4 fa3 shih li ts`e ting fa shih li tse ting fa |
optometry; eyesight testing |
角速度一定 see styles |
kakusokudoittei / kakusokudoitte かくそくどいってい |
{comp} (See 線速度一定) constant angular velocity; CAV |
計量検定所 see styles |
keiryoukenteisho / keryokentesho けいりょうけんていしょ |
(place-name) Keiryōkenteisho |
論理的否定 see styles |
ronritekihitei / ronritekihite ろんりてきひてい |
{comp} logical negation |
貨幣国定説 see styles |
kaheikokuteisetsu / kahekokutesetsu かへいこくていせつ |
{econ} chartalism |
資本主勘定 see styles |
shihonnushikanjou / shihonnushikanjo しほんぬしかんじょう |
capital personal account; investor account; investor's account; stockholders equity |
質権設定者 see styles |
shichikensetteisha / shichikensettesha しちけんせっていしゃ |
pledger; pledgor |
遠洋定期船 see styles |
enyouteikisen / enyotekisen えんようていきせん |
ocean liner |
鑒定委員會 鉴定委员会 see styles |
jiàn dìng wěi yuán huì jian4 ding4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 chien ting wei yüan hui |
evaluation committee; review board |
長期穩定性 长期稳定性 see styles |
cháng qī wěn dìng xìng chang2 qi1 wen3 ding4 xing4 ch`ang ch`i wen ting hsing chang chi wen ting hsing |
long-term stability |
閉圖象定理 闭图象定理 see styles |
bì tú xiàng dìng lǐ bi4 tu2 xiang4 ding4 li3 pi t`u hsiang ting li pi tu hsiang ting li |
closed graph theorem (math.) |
間接色指定 see styles |
kansetsuiroshitei / kansetsuiroshite かんせついろしてい |
{comp} indirect colour specification |
関税定率法 see styles |
kanzeiteiritsuhou / kanzeteritsuho かんぜいていりつほう |
{law} Customs Tariff Act |
闇価格協定 see styles |
yamikakakukyoutei / yamikakakukyote やみかかくきょうてい |
illegal price-fixing agreement |
關貿總協定 关贸总协定 see styles |
guān mào zǒng xié dìng guan1 mao4 zong3 xie2 ding4 kuan mao tsung hsieh ting |
GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
限定形容詞 see styles |
genteikeiyoushi / gentekeyoshi げんていけいようし |
{gramm} attributive adjective |
除另有約定 除另有约定 see styles |
chú lìng yǒu yuē dìng chu2 ling4 you3 yue1 ding4 ch`u ling yu yüeh ting chu ling yu yüeh ting |
unless otherwise agreed |
隣接定義域 see styles |
rinsetsuteigiiki / rinsetsutegiki りんせつていぎいき |
{comp} adjacent domain |
非定型肺炎 see styles |
hiteikeihaien / hitekehaien ひていけいはいえん |
{med} atypical pneumonia |
非定形動詞 see styles |
hiteikeidoushi / hitekedoshi ひていけいどうし |
{ling} non-finite verb |
音響測定艦 see styles |
onkyousokuteikan / onkyosokutekan おんきょうそくていかん |
ocean surveillance ship |
DNA鑑定 see styles |
diienueekantei / dienueekante ディーエヌエーかんてい |
DNA test |
to不定詞 see styles |
tsuufuteishi / tsufuteshi ツーふていし |
{ling} (See 原形不定詞) to-infinitive; full infinitive |
Variations: |
jouzume / jozume じょうづめ |
(n,vs,vi) (1) (rare) permanent staff; permanent employee; service for a fixed period of time; (2) (hist) daimyo or feudal retainer who lived and-or served in Edo for a fixed period of time (Edo period) |
定例記者会見 see styles |
teireikishakaiken / terekishakaiken ていれいきしゃかいけん |
regularly scheduled press conference |
定員オーバー see styles |
teiinoobaa / tenooba ていいんオーバー |
(adj-no,n) (being) over capacity; overloaded; overcrowded; overbooked; oversubscribed |
定山渓温泉東 see styles |
jouzankeionsenhigashi / jozankeonsenhigashi じょうざんけいおんせんひがし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsenhigashi |
定山渓温泉西 see styles |
jouzankeionsennishi / jozankeonsennishi じょうざんけいおんせんにし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsennishi |
定山溪温泉東 see styles |
jouzankeionsenhigashi / jozankeonsenhigashi じょうざんけいおんせんひがし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsenhigashi |
定山溪温泉西 see styles |
jouzankeionsennishi / jozankeonsennishi じょうざんけいおんせんにし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsennishi |
定形外郵便物 see styles |
teikeigaiyuubinbutsu / tekegaiyubinbutsu ていけいがいゆうびんぶつ |
non-standard-sized mail |
定比例の法則 see styles |
teihireinohousoku / tehirenohosoku ていひれいのほうそく |
law of definite proportions |
定義済み変数 see styles |
teigizumihensuu / tegizumihensu ていぎずみへんすう |
{comp} built-in variable; predefined variable |
定義済み関数 see styles |
teigizumikansuu / tegizumikansu ていぎずみかんすう |
{comp} predefined function |
Variations: |
sentei / sente せんてい |
(noun, transitive verb) pruning |
お届け予定日 see styles |
otodokeyoteibi / otodokeyotebi おとどけよていび |
(polite language) estimated delivery date |
と仮定しても see styles |
tokateishitemo / tokateshitemo とかていしても |
(expression) even assuming that ...; even granted that ... |
どんぶり勘定 see styles |
donburikanjou / donburikanjo どんぶりかんじょう |
rough estimate; sloppy accounting; slapdash bookkeeping |
ひよこ鑑定士 see styles |
hiyokokanteishi / hiyokokanteshi ひよこかんていし |
chicken sexer |
アドレス定数 see styles |
adoresuteisuu / adoresutesu アドレスていすう |
{comp} address constant |
オープン勘定 see styles |
oopunkanjou / oopunkanjo オープンかんじょう |
open account |
カイ二乗検定 see styles |
kaijijoukentei; kainijoukentei / kaijijokente; kainijokente カイじじょうけんてい; カイにじょうけんてい |
{math} chi-square test; chi-squared test |
キレート滴定 see styles |
kireetotekitei / kireetotekite キレートてきてい |
chelatometric titration |
スワップ協定 see styles |
suwappukyoutei / suwappukyote スワップきょうてい |
{finc} (currency) swap agreement; central bank liquidity swap |
ハッチ定義表 see styles |
hacchiteigihyou / hacchitegihyo ハッチていぎひょう |
{comp} hatch table |
ビュー定義表 see styles |
byuuteigihyou / byutegihyo ビューていぎひょう |
{comp} view table |
ファイル指定 see styles |
fairushitei / fairushite ファイルしてい |
{comp} file specification |
ブアン固定液 see styles |
buankoteieki / buankoteeki ブアンこていえき |
Bouin's solution; Bouin's fluid; Bouin's fixative |
プランク定数 see styles |
purankuteisuu / purankutesu プランクていすう |
{physics} Planck's constant |
プリンタ指定 see styles |
purintashitei / purintashite プリンタしてい |
{comp} printer designation |
ベイズの定理 see styles |
beizunoteiri / bezunoteri ベイズのていり |
(exp,n) {stat} Bayes' theorem |
モデムの設定 see styles |
modemunosettei / modemunosette モデムのせってい |
modem setup |
ユーザー定義 see styles |
yuuzaateigi / yuzategi ユーザーていぎ |
{comp} user defined; user specific |
万有引力定数 see styles |
banyuuinryokuteisuu / banyuinryokutesu ばんゆういんりょくていすう |
{physics} gravitational constant (G) |
三平方の定理 see styles |
sanheihounoteiri / sanhehonoteri さんへいほうのていり |
(See ピタゴラスの定理) Pythagorean theorem |
不完全性定理 see styles |
fukanzenseiteiri / fukanzenseteri ふかんぜんせいていり |
(Goedel's) incompleteness theorem |
不定ファイル see styles |
futeifairu / futefairu ふていファイル |
{comp} optional file |
不定計量空間 see styles |
futeikeiryoukuukan / futekeryokukan ふていけいりょうくうかん |
{math} indefinite metric space |
不確定性原理 不确定性原理 see styles |
bù què dìng xìng yuán lǐ bu4 que4 ding4 xing4 yuan2 li3 pu ch`üeh ting hsing yüan li pu chüeh ting hsing yüan li fukakuteiseigenri / fukakutesegenri ふかくていせいげんり |
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927) {physics} uncertainty principle |
世間可愛妙定 世间可爱妙定 see styles |
shì jiān kě ài miào dìng shi4 jian1 ke3 ai4 miao4 ding4 shih chien k`o ai miao ting shih chien ko ai miao ting seken kaai myōjō |
sublime and pleasant — but worldly — state of meditative concentration |
中國剩餘定理 中国剩余定理 see styles |
zhōng guó shèng yú dìng lǐ zhong1 guo2 sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3 chung kuo sheng yü ting li |
Chinese remainder theorem (math.) |
中心極限定理 see styles |
chuushinkyokugenteiri / chushinkyokugenteri ちゅうしんきょくげんていり |
{math} central limit theorem |
中点連結定理 see styles |
chuutenrenketsuteiri / chutenrenketsuteri ちゅうてんれんけつていり |
{math} mid-point theorem |
中間値の定理 see styles |
chuukanchinoteiri / chukanchinoteri ちゅうかんちのていり |
(exp,n) {math} intermediate value theorem |
予定から外す see styles |
yoteikarahazusu / yotekarahazusu よていからはずす |
(exp,v5s) to exclude from the schedule |
予定を変える see styles |
yoteiokaeru / yoteokaeru よていをかえる |
(exp,v1) to change the schedule; to change one's plans |
代數基本定理 代数基本定理 see styles |
dài shù jī běn dìng lǐ dai4 shu4 ji1 ben3 ding4 li3 tai shu chi pen ting li |
fundamental theorem of algebra |
住於正定之聚 住于正定之聚 see styles |
zhù yú zhèng dìng zhī jù zhu4 yu2 zheng4 ding4 zhi1 ju4 chu yü cheng ting chih chü jū o shōjō no shu |
abiding within the determined class of beings |
値域を定める see styles |
chiikiosadameru / chikiosadameru ちいきをさだめる |
(exp,v1) {comp} to range |
傳輸控制協定 传输控制协定 see styles |
chuán shū kòng zhì xié dìng chuan2 shu1 kong4 zhi4 xie2 ding4 ch`uan shu k`ung chih hsieh ting chuan shu kung chih hsieh ting |
transmission control protocol; TCP |
全球定位系統 全球定位系统 see styles |
quán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng quan2 qiu2 ding4 wei4 xi4 tong3 ch`üan ch`iu ting wei hsi t`ung chüan chiu ting wei hsi tung |
global positioning system (GPS) |
公事方御定書 see styles |
kujikataosadamegaki くじかたおさだめがき |
(hist) Kujikata Osadamegaki; Tokugawa law code of Shogun Yoshimune (introduced in 1742) |
写真判定決勝 see styles |
shashinhanteikesshou / shashinhantekessho しゃしんはんていけっしょう |
photo finish |
出発予定時刻 see styles |
shuppatsuyoteijikoku / shuppatsuyotejikoku しゅっぱつよていじこく |
estimated time of departure; ETD |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.