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There are 4114 total results for your search. I have created 42 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 juuzenjimachi / juzenjimachi
(place-name) Jūzenjimachi


see styles
 juuzenjichou / juzenjicho
(place-name) Jūzenjichō


see styles
(personal name) Tokusagamine



see styles
shí zhǒng bù jìng
    shi2 zhong3 bu4 jing4
shih chung pu ching
 jusshu fujō
The deluded, e.g. the hīnayānists, because of their refusal to follow the higher truth, remain in the condition of reincarnation and are impure in ten ways: in body, mouth, mind, deed, state, sitting, sleeping, practice, converting others, their expectations.



see styles
shí zhǒng dà yuàn
    shi2 zhong3 da4 yuan4
shih chung ta yüan
 jūshu daigan
ten kinds of great vows



see styles
shí zhǒng è jiàn
    shi2 zhong3 e4 jian4
shih chung o chien
 jisshu akken
ten kinds of pernicious views



see styles
shí zhǒng fāng biàn
    shi2 zhong3 fang1 bian4
shih chung fang pien
 jusshu hōben
Ten kinds of suitable aids to religious success: almsgiving (or self-sacrifice); keeping the commandments; forbearance; zealous progress; meditation; wisdom; great kindness; great pity; awaking and stimulating others; preaching (or revolving) the never receding wheel of the Law.



see styles
shí zhǒng zhì lì
    shi2 zhong3 zhi4 li4
shih chung chih li
 jūshu chiriki
The ten kinds of wisdom and power, v. 智 and 力.



see styles
shí zhǒng zhì míng
    shi2 zhong3 zhi4 ming2
shih chung chih ming
 jusshu chimyō
Ten kinds of bodhisattva wisdom, or omniscience, for the understanding of all things relating to all beings, in order, to save them from the sufferings of mortality and bring them to true bodhi. The ten are detailed in the Hua-yen 華嚴 sūtra in two groups, one in the 明品 and one in the 離世間品.



see styles
shí zhǒng wú dào
    shi2 zhong3 wu2 dao4
shih chung wu tao
 jūshu mutō
ten faultless...



see styles
shí zhǒng fán nǎo
    shi2 zhong3 fan2 nao3
shih chung fan nao
ten kinds of affliction


see styles
 jisshukyougi / jisshukyogi



see styles
shí zhǒng xì fǎ
    shi2 zhong3 xi4 fa3
shih chung hsi fa
 jū shu sai hō
ten types of minute dharmas



see styles
shí zhǒng xíng yuàn
    shi2 zhong3 xing2 yuan4
shih chung hsing yüan
 jusshu gyōgan
The ten vows of Puxian 普賢.



see styles
shí zhǒng guān fǎ
    shi2 zhong3 guan1 fa3
shih chung kuan fa
 jusshu kanbō
idem 乘觀法.



see styles
shí zhǒng fēi lǜ
    shi2 zhong3 fei1 lv4
shih chung fei lü
 jisshu hiritsu
ten kinds of wrong precepts



see styles
shí zhǒng mó jun
    shi2 zhong3 mo2 jun1
shih chung mo chün
 jusshu magun
idem 軍.


see styles
(place-name) Tofugaura



see styles
shí yuán shēng jù
    shi2 yuan2 sheng1 ju4
shih yüan sheng chü
 jū enshō ku
Ten illusions arising from environmental conditions: sleight of hand; mirage; dreams; reflections or shadows; gandharva cities (or cities of the sirens, seen in the sea-mist); echoes; the moon reflected in water; floating bubbles; motes (muscae volitantes); fire-wheel (made by revolving a flare).



see styles
shí luó chà nǚ
    shi2 luo2 cha4 nv3
shih lo ch`a nü
    shih lo cha nü
 jū rasetsunyo
The ten rākṣasī, or demonesses mentioned in the Lotus Sūtra 陀羅尼品. They are now represented in the temples, each as an attendant on a Buddha or bodhisattva, and are chiefly connected with sorcery. They are said to be previous incarnations of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas with whom they are associated. In their evil state they were enemies of the living, converted they are enemies of evil. There are other definitions. Their names are: (1) 藍婆 Lambā, who is associated with Śākyamuni; (2) 毘藍婆 Vilambā, who is associated with Amitābha; (3) 曲齒 Kūṭadantī, who is associated with 藥師 Bhaiṣajya; (4) 華齒 Puṣpadanti, who is associated with 多賓 Prabhūtaratna; (5) 黑齒 Makuṭadantī, who is associated with 大日 Vairocana; (6) 多髮 Keśinī, who is associated with 普賢 Samantabhadra; (7) 無厭足 ? Acalā, who is associated with 文殊 Mañjuśrī; (8) 持瓔珞 Mālādharī, who is associated with 彌勒Maitreya; (9) 皐帝 Kuntī, who is associated with 觀音 Avalokiteśvara; (10) 奪一切衆生精氣 Sarvasattvaujohārī, who is associated with 地 藏 Kṣitigarbha.


see styles
 juubishishunbu / jubishishunbu
(person) Jūbishi Shunbu



see styles
shí wàn huǒ jí
    shi2 wan4 huo3 ji2
shih wan huo chi
most urgent; posomethingaste; express



see styles
shí guān chéng shèng
    shi2 guan1 cheng2 sheng4
shih kuan ch`eng sheng
    shih kuan cheng sheng
 jūkan jōjō
ten vehicles of meditation


see styles
 tokadohechima; tokadohechima
    とかどへちま; トカドヘチマ
(kana only) angled luffa (Luffa acutangula); Chinese okra; dish cloth gourd; ridged gourd; sponge gourd; vegetable gourd; strainer vine; ribbed loofah; silky gourd; silk gourd; sinkwa towelsponge


see styles
(place-name) Jitsukangawara



see styles
shí dǔ jiǔ shū
    shi2 du3 jiu3 shu1
shih tu chiu shu
lit. in gambling, nine times out of ten you lose (idiom); fig. gambling is a mug's game


see styles
 juuriinchou / jurincho
(place-name) Jūriinchō


see styles
 juuriinhata / jurinhata
(place-name) Jūriinhata



see styles
shí jìn jiǔ tuì
    shi2 jin4 jiu3 tui4
shih chin chiu t`ui
    shih chin chiu tui
 jusshin kutai
The Buddha's teaching is so difficult that of ten who enter it nine fall away.



see styles
shí jìn wèi fǎ
    shi2 jin4 wei4 fa3
shih chin wei fa
decimal system


see styles
 jisshinkisuu / jisshinkisu
(computer terminology) decimal radix


see styles
 jisshinshousuu / jisshinshosu
(computer terminology) decimal fraction


see styles
(computer terminology) decimal arithmetic



see styles
shí jìn suàn shù
    shi2 jin4 suan4 shu4
shih chin suan shu
decimal calculation


see styles
 jisshinhyouki / jisshinhyoki
{math} decimal notation



see styles
shí biàn chù dìng
    shi2 bian4 chu4 ding4
shih pien ch`u ting
    shih pien chu ting
 juppensho jō
ten universals


see styles
 juurouare / juroare
(place-name) Jūrouare


see styles
 juurobee / jurobee
(personal name) Jūrobee


see styles
 juuroushimachou / juroshimacho
(place-name) Jūroushimachō


see styles
 juuroushinmachi / juroshinmachi
(place-name) Jūroushinmachi


see styles
 juubuichitouge / jubuichitoge
(personal name) Jūbuichitōge


see styles
 juugouyousui / jugoyosui
(place-name) Jūgouyousui


see styles
 torikamitouge / torikamitoge
(personal name) Torikamitōge



see styles
shí lǐ yáng chǎng
    shi2 li3 yang2 chang3
shih li yang ch`ang
    shih li yang chang
the Shanghai of old, with its foreign settlements; (fig.) a bustling, cosmopolitan city


see styles
shí zhòng fǎ jiè
    shi2 zhong4 fa3 jie4
shih chung fa chieh
 jūjū hōkai
ten realms


see styles
shí zhòng jīn jiè
    shi2 zhong4 jin1 jie4
shih chung chin chieh
 jū jū kinkai
The ten pārājika, or a monk's most serious sins; also 波羅夷; 波羅闍巳迦. They are killing, stealing, adultery, lying, selling wine, talking of a monk's misdeeds, self-praise for degrading others, meanness, anger at rebuke, vilifying the Triratna. The esoteric sect has a group in regard to giving up the mind of enlightenment, renouncing the Triratna and going to heretical sects, slandering the Triratna, etc. Another group of ten is in the 大日經 9 and 17; cf. 波羅夷.



see styles
shí jīn gāng xīn
    shi2 jin1 gang1 xin1
shih chin kang hsin
 jū kongō shin
Ten characteristics of the "diamond heart" as developed by bodhisattva: (1) complete insight into all truth; (2) saving of all creatures; (3) the glorifying of all Buddha-worlds; (4) supererogation of his good deeds; (5) service of all Buddhas; (6) realization of the truth of all Buddha-laws; (7) manifestation of all patience and endurance; (8) unflagging devotion to his vocation; (9) perfection of his work; (10) aiding all to fulfill their vows and accomplish their spiritual ends. 華嚴經 55.



see styles
shí cháng yǎng xīn
    shi2 chang2 yang3 xin1
shih ch`ang yang hsin
    shih chang yang hsin
The ten kinds of well-nourished heart, essential to entry into the cult of the higher patience and endurance: a heart of kindness; of pity; of joy (in progress toward salvation of others); renunciation; almsgiving; delight in telling the doctrine; benefiting or aiding others to salvation; unity, or amity; concentration in meditation; wisdom; v. 梵綱經,心地品.


see styles
shí miàn mái fú
    shi2 mian4 mai2 fu2
shih mien mai fu
Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piece); House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋[Zhang1 Yi4 mou2])



see styles
shí xiàng quán néng
    shi2 xiang4 quan2 neng2
shih hsiang ch`üan neng
    shih hsiang chüan neng



see styles
shí zhāi rì fó
    shi2 zhai1 ri4 fo2
shih chai jih fo
 jissainichi butsu
buddhas of the ten days of fasting


see styles
 kagijuuji / kagijuji


see styles
yī wǔ yī shí
    yi1 wu3 yi1 shi2
i wu i shih
lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full detail


see styles
yī qiè shí fāng
    yi1 qie4 shi2 fang1
i ch`ieh shih fang
    i chieh shih fang
 issai jippō
all in the ten directions


see styles
yī pù shí hán
    yi1 pu4 shi2 han2
i p`u shih han
    i pu shih han
one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp; sporadic effort; short attention span
(expression) (1) (yoji) (from Mencius) bursts of exertion will fail to bear fruit if interrupted by long periods of idleness; (expression) (2) (yoji) strenuous efforts, unless sustained, are to no avail


see styles
yī pù shí hán
    yi1 pu4 shi2 han2
i p`u shih han
    i pu shih han
one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp; sporadic effort; lack of sticking power; short attention span


see styles
yī mù shí háng
    yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2
i mu shih hang
 ichimokujuugyou / ichimokujugyo
ten lines at a glance (idiom); to read very rapidly
(yoji) outstanding reading ability; one glance, ten lines


see styles
 hitokototajuu / hitokototaju
(person) Hitokoto Tajuu (1921.5.1-)


see styles
qī shí sān zūn
    qi1 shi2 san1 zun1
ch`i shih san tsun
    chi shih san tsun
 shichijūsan son
The "Diamond world' maṇḍala, or pantheon, of the esoteric sect, containing seventy-three honoured ones.


see styles
 shichijuusangoku / shichijusangoku
(place-name) Shichijuusangoku


see styles
 shichijuunikou / shichijuniko
(See 節気,候・こう) the 72 microseasons of the year based on the 24 solar seasons further divided into 3


see styles
qī shí èr tiān
    qi1 shi2 er4 tian1
ch`i shih erh t`ien
    chi shih erh tien
 shichijūni ten
The seventy-two devas, namely, sixty-nine devas, the lord of Tai Shan, the god of the five roads, and 大吉祥天 Mahāśrī .


see styles
qī shí èr zì
    qi1 shi2 er4 zi4
ch`i shih erh tzu
    chi shih erh tzu
 shichijūni ji
Brahma obtained seventy-two words with which to save the world, but failing he swallowed seventy, leaving one at each side of his mouth 阿 and 漚 , i.e. 無 and 有 things are, things are not, being and non-being.


see styles
qī shí èr suì
    qi1 shi2 er4 sui4
ch`i shih erh sui
    chi shih erh sui
 shichijūni sai
The age, 72, at which Buddha is reputed to have preached the Lotus Sutra.


see styles
qī shí wǔ fǎ
    qi1 shi2 wu3 fa3
ch`i shih wu fa
    chi shih wu fa
 shichijū go hō
The seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya, which classifies all phenomena under seventy-five categories or elements, divided into five groups; cf. 五根, 五境, 無表色. (1) Material 色法 rūpāṇi, 11 . (2) Mind 心法 cittam, 1. (3) Mental qualities 心所有法 citta-saṃprayukta-saṃskārāḥ, 46. (4) Non-mental 心不相應行法 cittaviprayukta-saṃskārāḥ, 14. These are the seventy-two Sarvastivadin divisions (v. Keith, B. I. , p. 201 ). (5) In addition there are three unconditioned or non-phenomenal elements 無爲法 asaṃskṛta dharma, 3 (v. Keith, p. 160) .


see styles
 shichijuukoki / shichijukoki
(expression) (from Du Fu) men seldom live to be seventy; few people live to be seventy


see styles
qī shí nián dài
    qi1 shi2 nian2 dai4
ch`i shih nien tai
    chi shih nien tai
the seventies; the 1970s


see styles
 nanajuumoriyama / nanajumoriyama
(personal name) Nanajuumoriyama


see styles
qī lǎo bā shí
    qi1 lao3 ba1 shi2
ch`i lao pa shih
    chi lao pa shih
in one's seventies (age); very old (of people)



see styles
qī shì shí míng
    qi1 shi4 shi2 ming2
ch`i shih shih ming
    chi shih shih ming
 shichishiki jūmyō
The ten names of the seventh vijñāna, v. manas 未那識.


see styles
 sanzejippou / sanzejippo
{Buddh} (See 三世・さんぜ・1,十方・1) limitless time and space


see styles
 sangojuugo / sangojugo
(person) Sango Jūgo (1962.3.16-)


see styles
 sanjuuichinichi / sanjuichinichi
(1) thirty-first day of the month; (2) thirty-one days


see styles
sān shí qī pǐn
    san1 shi2 qi1 pin3
san shih ch`i p`in
    san shih chi pin
 sanjūshichi hon
thirty-seven aids to enlightenment


see styles
sān shí qī zūn
    san1 shi2 qi1 zun1
san shih ch`i tsun
    san shih chi tsun
 sanjūshichi son
The thirty-seven heads in the Vajradhātu or Diamond-realm maṇḍala.


see styles
(surname) Minatoshi



see styles
sān shí qī zhǒng
    san1 shi2 qi1 zhong3
san shih ch`i chung
    san shih chi chung
 sanjūshichi shu
thirty-seven kinds


see styles
sān shí sān tiān
    san1 shi2 san1 tian1
san shih san t`ien
    san shih san tien
 sanjūsan ten
Heaven of the Thirty-three Celestials


see styles
 sanjuusansho / sanjusansho
(See 西国三十三所) thirty-three temples sacred to Kannon (Avalokitesvara)


see styles
    shouryou / shoryo
(gikun reading) (kana only) winter wren (Troglodytes troglodytes); (out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (kana only) winter wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)


see styles
sān shí sān shēn
    san1 shi2 san1 shen1
san shih san shen
 sanjūsan shin
thirty-three forms of Avalokitêśvara



see styles
sān shí sān guò
    san1 shi2 san1 guo4
san shih san kuo
 sanjūsan ka
thirty-three fallacies


see styles
 sanzokuchou / sanzokucho
(place-name) Sanzokuchō


see styles
 sanjuukyuusen / sanjukyusen
(place-name) Sanjuukyūsen


see styles
sān shí èr tiān
    san1 shi2 er4 tian1
san shih erh t`ien
    san shih erh tien
 sanjūni ten
the thirty-second heaven



see styles
sān shí èr yìng
    san1 shi2 er4 ying4
san shih erh ying
 sanjūni ō
thirty-two adaptations


see styles
sān shí èr xiàng
    san1 shi2 er4 xiang4
san shih erh hsiang
 sanjūni sō
the thirty-two physical characteristics of Buddha
thirty-two marks


see styles
sān shí èr biǎo
    san1 shi2 er4 biao3
san shih erh piao
 sanjūni hyō
the thirty-two marks (of a buddha)


see styles
sān shí èr shēn
    san1 shi2 er4 shen1
san shih erh shen
 sanjūni shin
thirty-two bodies


see styles
sān shí wǔ fó
    san1 shi2 wu3 fo2
san shih wu fo
 sanjū go butsu
thirty-five buddhas


see styles
 mitogorou / mitogoro
(male given name) Mitogorou


see styles
(place-name) Misoigawa


see styles
 sanjuuhassha / sanjuhassha
(place-name) Sanjuuhassha


see styles
sān shí liù wù
    san1 shi2 liu4 wu4
san shih liu wu
 sanjūroku motsu
thirty-six parts of the human body


see styles
sān shí liù shén
    san1 shi2 liu4 shen2
san shih liu shen
 sanjūroku shin
(三六部神) The thirty-six departmental guardian divinities given in the 灌頂三歸五戒帶佩護身咒經. Each is styled 彌栗頭 mṛdu, benign, kindly, for which 善 is used. Their Sanskrit and Chinese names are given in Chinese as follows: (1) 不羅婆 or 善光 kindly light, has to do with attacks of disease; (2) 婆呵婆 or 善明 headaches; (3) 婆邏婆 or 善力 fevers; (4) 抗陀羅 or 善月 disorders of the stomach; (5) 陀利奢 or 善見 tumours; (6) 阿婁呵 or 善供 madness; (7) 伽婆帝 or 善捨 stupidity; (8) 悉抵哆 or 善寂 irascibility; (9) 菩堤薩 or善覺 lust; (10) 提婆羅 or 善天 devils; (11) 阿婆帝 or 善住 deadly injuries; (12) 不若羅 of 善福 graves; (13) 苾闍伽 or 善術 the four quarters; (14) 迦隸婆 or 善帝 enemies; (15) 羅闍遮 or 善主 robbers; (16) 須乾陀 or 善香 creditors; (17) 檀那波 or 善施 thieves; (18) 支多那 or 善意 pestilence; (19) 羅婆那 or 善吉 the five plagues (? typhoid); (20) 鉢婆馱 or 善山 corpse worms; (21) 三摩提 or 善調 continuous concentration; (22) 戾禘馱 or 善備 restlessness; (23) 波利陀 or 善敬 attraction; (24) 波利那 or 善淨 evil cabals; (25) 度伽地 or 善品 deadly poison; (26) 毘梨馱 or 善結 fear; (27) 支陀那 or 善壽 calamities; (28) 伽林摩 or 善逝 childbirth and nursing; (29) 阿留伽 or 善願 the district magistracy; (30) 闍利馱 or 善固 altercations; (31) 阿伽駄 or 善照 anxieties and distresses; (32) 阿訶婆 or 善生 uneasiness; (33) 婆和邏 or 善思 supernatural manifestations; (34) 波利那 or 善藏 jealousy; (35) 固陀那 or 善音 curses; (36) 韋陀羅 or 善妙 exorcism. They have innumerable assistants. He who writes their names and carries them with him can be free from all fear.



see styles
sān shí liù jì
    san1 shi2 liu4 ji4
san shih liu chi
 sanjuurokkei / sanjurokke
The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and in civil interaction; all the possible schemes and stratagems
(yoji) (hist) the 36 (ancient Chinese military) strategies (of which the last resort was said to be beating a retreat)


see styles
 sanjuumonmegawa / sanjumonmegawa
(place-name) Sanjuumonmegawa


see styles
sān shí sì xīn
    san1 shi2 si4 xin1
san shih ssu hsin
 sanjūshi shin
thirty-four enlightened mental states


see styles
 sanjuuchoutouge / sanjuchotoge
(place-name) Sanjuuchōtouge



see styles
sān shí shě duò
    san1 shi2 she3 duo4
san shih she to
 sanjū shada
idem 尼薩耆波逸提.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "十" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary