There are 3321 total results for your 音 search. I have created 34 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
雁ケ音 see styles |
karigane かりがね |
(1) call of a wild goose; (2) (kana only) wild goose (esp. a lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus); (3) tea made from twigs of high-quality tea plants (esp. gyokuro); high-grade kukicha (esp. from gyokuro) |
集音機 see styles |
shuuonki / shuonki しゅうおんき |
parabolic reflector |
雙元音 双元音 see styles |
shuāng yuán yīn shuang1 yuan2 yin1 shuang yüan yin |
diphthong |
雙唇音 双唇音 see styles |
shuāng chún yīn shuang1 chun2 yin1 shuang ch`un yin shuang chun yin |
bilabial consonant (b, p, or m) |
雙音節 双音节 see styles |
shuāng yīn jié shuang1 yin1 jie2 shuang yin chieh |
bisyllable |
雨音王 see styles |
yǔ yīn wáng yu3 yin1 wang2 yü yin wang Uonō |
Meghasvararāja |
雲音王 云音王 see styles |
yún yīn wáng yun2 yin1 wang2 yün yin wang Unon ō |
Meghasvara-rāja |
雷音王 see styles |
léi yīn wáng lei2 yin1 wang2 lei yin wang raionō |
Meghasvararāja |
電子音 see styles |
denshion でんしおん |
electronic sound |
震え音 see styles |
furueon ふるえおん |
(linguistics terminology) trill (consonant sound) |
静音化 see styles |
seionka / seonka せいおんか |
(noun/participle) damping; muffling; noise-reduction |
静音性 see styles |
seionsei / seonse せいおんせい |
quietness; low noise |
静風音 see styles |
shifuぉn しふぉん |
(female given name) Shifon |
韓素音 韩素音 see styles |
hán sù yīn han2 su4 yin1 han su yin |
Han Suyin (1917-2012), Eurasian physician and author |
頭子音 see styles |
toushiin / toshin とうしいん |
initial consonant; syllable onset |
顎齦音 颚龈音 see styles |
è yín yīn e4 yin2 yin1 o yin yin |
prepalatal or palatal sound (linguistics); palato-alveolar consonant (linguistics) |
類音語 see styles |
ruiongo るいおんご |
similar-sounding words |
顫動音 see styles |
sendouon / sendoon せんどうおん |
{ling} trill |
風の音 see styles |
kazenooto かぜのおと |
(exp,n) sound of the wind; voice of the wind; (personal name) Kazenooto |
風音璃 see styles |
kaori かおり |
(female given name) Kaori |
風音里 see styles |
kaori かおり |
(female given name) Kaori |
颯与音 see styles |
soyone そよね |
(female given name) Soyone |
飛和音 see styles |
piano ぴあの |
(female given name) Piano |
首尾音 see styles |
shǒu wěi yīn shou3 wei3 yin1 shou wei yin |
onset and rime |
香々音 see styles |
kokone ここね |
(female given name) Kokone |
香沙音 see styles |
kasane かさね |
(female given name) Kasane |
香紗音 see styles |
kasane かさね |
(female given name) Kasane |
香陽音 see styles |
kayono かよの |
(female given name) Kayono |
香音子 see styles |
kanoko かのこ |
(female given name) Kanoko |
香音寺 see styles |
kouonji / koonji こうおんじ |
(place-name) Kōonji |
香音神 see styles |
xiāng yīn shén xiang1 yin1 shen2 hsiang yin shen |
a god of incense and sound |
香音羽 see styles |
konoha このは |
(female given name) Konoha |
香音莉 see styles |
kaori かおり |
(female given name) Kaori |
香音葉 see styles |
konoha このは |
(female given name) Konoha |
香音里 see styles |
kaori かおり |
(female given name) Kaori |
高観音 see styles |
koukanon / kokanon こうかんおん |
(place-name) Kōkan'on |
高音部 see styles |
gāo yīn bù gao1 yin1 bu4 kao yin pu kouonbu / koonbu こうおんぶ |
soprano part treble; high singing voice |
魅夜音 see styles |
miyone みよね |
(female given name) Miyone |
魅音子 see styles |
mineko みねこ |
(female given name) Mineko |
鰌観音 see styles |
dojoukannon / dojokannon どじょうかんのん |
(place-name) Dojōkannon |
麻世音 see styles |
mayone まよね |
(female given name) Mayone |
麻希音 see styles |
makine まきね |
(female given name) Makine |
麻智音 see styles |
machine まちね |
(female given name) Machine |
麻桃音 see styles |
maome まおめ |
(female given name) Maome |
麻梨音 see styles |
marine まりね |
(female given name) Marine |
麻理音 see styles |
marine まりね |
(given name) Marine |
麻知音 see styles |
machine まちね |
(female given name) Machine |
麻里音 see styles |
marion まりおん |
(female given name) Marion |
麻音子 see styles |
maoko まおこ |
(female given name) Maoko |
鼓十音 see styles |
kotone ことね |
(female given name) Kotone |
鼓山音 see styles |
gǔ shān yīn gu3 shan1 yin1 ku shan yin |
drum mountain music |
鼓音佛 see styles |
gǔ yīn fó gu3 yin1 fo2 ku yin fo |
Divyadundubhimega-nirghoṣa |
鼓音王 see styles |
gǔ yīn wáng gu3 yin1 wang2 ku yin wang |
Divyadundubhimeganirghoṣa |
鼓音美 see styles |
kotomi ことみ |
(female given name) Kotomi |
鼓音鈴 see styles |
kotori ことり |
(female given name) Kotori |
鼻母音 see styles |
biboin びぼいん |
{ling} nasal vowel |
鼻濁音 see styles |
bidakuon びだくおん |
{ling} voiced nasal sound; nasal sonant |
鼻音化 see styles |
bionka びおんか |
(noun/participle) nasalization |
齒唇音 齿唇音 see styles |
chǐ chún yīn chi3 chun2 yin1 ch`ih ch`un yin chih chun yin |
see 唇齒音|唇齿音[chun2 chi3 yin1] |
齒齦音 齿龈音 see styles |
chǐ yín yīn chi3 yin2 yin1 ch`ih yin yin chih yin yin |
alveolar, apical, or supradental sound (linguistics) |
齦擦音 龈擦音 see styles |
yín cā yīn yin2 ca1 yin1 yin ts`a yin yin tsa yin |
alveolar fricative (linguistics) |
齦輔音 龈辅音 see styles |
yín fǔ yīn yin2 fu3 yin1 yin fu yin |
palato-alveolar consonant (linguistics) |
齦顎音 龈颚音 see styles |
yín è yīn yin2 e4 yin1 yin o yin |
prepalatal sound (linguistics) |
齦齶音 龈腭音 see styles |
yín è yīn yin2 e4 yin1 yin o yin |
alveo-palatal sound (linguistics) |
音がする see styles |
otogasuru おとがする |
(exp,vs-i) (1) (often ...(と)音がする) to make a sound; to give off a sound; (exp,vs-i) (2) to hear a sound |
音で読む see styles |
ondeyomu おんでよむ |
(exp,v5m) (See 音・おん・4) to read kanji using the "on" reading |
音に聞く see styles |
otonikiku おとにきく |
(exp,v5k) (idiom) to be widely known; to be famous |
音もなく see styles |
otomonaku おともなく |
(exp,adv) quietly; soundlessly |
音を出す see styles |
otoodasu おとをだす |
(exp,v5s) to produce a sound |
音フェチ see styles |
otofechi おとフェチ |
ASMR video; genre of video that exploits autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) to induce tingling, comfort, or sleepiness in the listener |
音信不通 see styles |
onshinfutsuu; inshinfutsuu / onshinfutsu; inshinfutsu おんしんふつう; いんしんふつう |
(yoji) break in contact; not hearing from; having no communication with |
音合わせ see styles |
otoawase おとあわせ |
(musical) tuning |
音名川橋 see styles |
otonagawabashi おとながわばし |
(place-name) Otonagawabashi |
音吐朗々 see styles |
ontorourou / ontororo おんとろうろう |
(adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) in a clear voice |
音吐朗朗 see styles |
ontorourou / ontororo おんとろうろう |
(adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) in a clear voice |
音声入力 see styles |
onseinyuuryoku / onsenyuryoku おんせいにゅうりょく |
{comp} voice input |
音声処理 see styles |
onseishori / onseshori おんせいしょり |
{comp} voice processing |
音声出力 see styles |
onseishutsuryoku / onseshutsuryoku おんせいしゅつりょく |
{comp} speech output; voice output; audio output |
音声合成 see styles |
onseigousei / onsegose おんせいごうせい |
{comp} speech synthesis; voice synthesis |
音声器官 see styles |
onseikikan / onsekikan おんせいきかん |
speech organ |
音声圧縮 see styles |
onseiasshuku / onseasshuku おんせいあっしゅく |
{comp} voice compression |
音声形式 see styles |
onseikeishiki / onsekeshiki おんせいけいしき |
phonetic form |
音声案内 see styles |
onseiannai / onseannai おんせいあんない |
spoken instructions (over the phone, etc.); voice assist; spoken directions |
音声表記 see styles |
onseihyouki / onsehyoki おんせいひょうき |
phonetic transcription; phonetic notation |
音声言語 see styles |
onseigengo / onsegengo おんせいげんご |
{ling} (See 文字言語) spoken language |
音声記号 see styles |
onseikigou / onsekigo おんせいきごう |
phonetic symbol |
音声認識 see styles |
onseininshiki / onseninshiki おんせいにんしき |
{comp} voice recognition; speech recognition |
音声転送 see styles |
onseitensou / onsetenso おんせいてんそう |
{comp} voice transmission |
音威子府 see styles |
otoineppu おといねっぷ |
(place-name) Otoineppu |
音威富士 see styles |
otoifuji おといふじ |
(personal name) Otoifuji |
音嫌悪症 see styles |
otokenoshou / otokenosho おとけんおしょう |
{med} (See ミソフォニア) misophonia |
音川英二 see styles |
otogawaeiji / otogawaeji おとがわえいじ |
(m,h) Otogawa Eiji |
音意合譯 音意合译 see styles |
yīn yì hé yì yin1 yi4 he2 yi4 yin i ho i |
formation of a loanword using some characters (or words) chosen for their meaning and others for phonetic transcription (e.g. 冰淇淋[bing1 qi2 lin2], 朗姆酒[lang3 mu3 jiu3], 奶昔[nai3 xi1] and 米老鼠[Mi3 Lao3 shu3]) |
音感教育 see styles |
onkankyouiku / onkankyoiku おんかんきょういく |
acoustic training; auditory training |
音成正人 see styles |
otonarimasato おとなりまさと |
(person) Otonari Masato |
音戸大橋 see styles |
ondooohashi おんどおおはし |
(place-name) Ondooohashi |
音更大橋 see styles |
otofukeoohashi おとふけおおはし |
(place-name) Otofukeoohashi |
音更川橋 see styles |
otofukekawahashi おとふけかわはし |
(place-name) Otofukekawahashi |
音更沢川 see styles |
otofukesawagawa おとふけさわがわ |
(place-name) Otofukesawagawa |
音更霊園 see styles |
otofukereien / otofukereen おとふけれいえん |
(place-name) Otofuke Cemetery |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "音" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.