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<...202122Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
akadashi あかだし |
{food} soup made with red miso paste; red miso soup |
Variations: |
akajiso(赤紫蘇, 赤jiso); akajiso(赤jiso) あかじそ(赤紫蘇, 赤じそ); あかジソ(赤ジソ) |
(See 紫蘇) red shiso; red perilla |
赤城久呂保高原ゴルフ場 see styles |
akagikurohokougengorufujou / akagikurohokogengorufujo あかぎくろほこうげんゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Akagikurohokougen Golf Links |
国際赤十字赤新月社連盟 see styles |
kokusaisekijuujisekishingetsusharenmei / kokusaisekijujisekishingetsusharenme こくさいせきじゅうじせきしんげつしゃれんめい |
(org) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; (o) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies |
大人は赤子の心を失わず see styles |
taijinhasekishinokokorooushinawazu / taijinhasekishinokokorooshinawazu たいじんはせきしのこころをうしなわず |
(expression) (proverb) (from Mencius) great human beings never lose the innocence of childhood; a virtuous ruler never loses the spirit of the common people |
日本赤十字広島看護大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujihiroshimakangodaigaku / nipponsekijujihiroshimakangodaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじひろしまかんごだいがく |
(org) The Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing; (o) The Japanese Red Cross Hiroshima College of Nursing |
日本赤十字秋田看護大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujiakitakangodaigaku / nipponsekijujiakitakangodaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじあきたかんごだいがく |
(org) Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing; (o) Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing |
日本赤十字秋田短期大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujiakitatankidaigaku / nipponsekijujiakitatankidaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじあきたたんきだいがく |
(org) Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita; (o) Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita |
日本赤十字豊田看護大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujitoyotakangodaigaku / nipponsekijujitoyotakangodaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじとよたかんごだいがく |
(org) Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing; (o) Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing |
Variations: |
akami あかみ |
reddish tinge; tinge of red; slight redness; reddishness; blush |
Variations: |
akatonbo あかとんぼ |
(1) (small) red dragonfly; (2) darter (any dragonfly of genus Sympetrum, esp. the autumn darter, Sympetrum frequens); meadowhawk |
Variations: |
akoudai; akoudai / akodai; akodai あこうだい; アコウダイ |
(1) (kana only) Matsubara's red rockfish (Sebastes matsubarae); (2) (ktb:) {food} red rockfish; red scorpionfish |
赤信号皆で渡れば怖くない see styles |
akashingouminnadewatarebakowakunai / akashingominnadewatarebakowakunai あかしんごうみんなでわたればこわくない |
(exp,adj-i) (proverb) if everyone crosses against the red light together, there's nothing to be afraid of; there's no reason to feel guilty about doing something bad if everyone does it |
赤坂レイクサイドゴルフ場 see styles |
akasakareikusaidogorufujou / akasakarekusaidogorufujo あかさかレイクサイドゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Akasaka Lakeside Golf Links |
日本赤十字北海道看護大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujihokkaidoukangodaigaku / nipponsekijujihokkaidokangodaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじほっかいどうかんごだいがく |
(org) Japanese Red Cross Hokkaido College of Nursing; (o) Japanese Red Cross Hokkaido College of Nursing |
Variations: |
akahige; akahige(sk) あかひげ; アカヒゲ(sk) |
(1) red beard; person with a red beard; (2) (derogatory term) Westerner; (3) (kana only) Ryukyu robin (Erithacus komadori) |
Variations: |
akarameru あからめる |
(transitive verb) to blush; to redden |
Variations: |
sekihouheni / sekihoheni せきほうへんい |
{physics} (See 青方偏移) red shift; redshift |
Variations: |
akaei(赤ei); akaei(赤ei, 赤鱝, 赤鱏); akaei / akae(赤e); akae(赤e, 赤鱝, 赤鱏); akae あかエイ(赤エイ); あかえい(赤えい, 赤鱝, 赤鱏); アカエイ |
(kana only) red stingray (Dasyatis akajei) |
Variations: |
akasuguri(赤酸塊, 赤suguri); akasuguri(赤suguri); akasuguri あかすぐり(赤酸塊, 赤すぐり); あかスグリ(赤スグリ); アカスグリ |
redcurrant (Ribes rubrum); red currant |
Variations: |
akakabibyou(赤黴病, 赤kabi病); akakabibyou(赤kabi病) / akakabibyo(赤黴病, 赤kabi病); akakabibyo(赤kabi病) あかかびびょう(赤黴病, 赤かび病); あかカビびょう(赤カビ病) |
{med} Fusarium ear blight; Fusarium head blight; scab |
Variations: |
akamigakatta あかみがかった |
(can act as adjective) reddish; tinged with red; rufous |
Variations: |
akamioobita あかみをおびた |
(exp,adj-f) tinged with red; reddish |
Variations: |
akauinnaa(赤uinnaa); akainnaa(赤innaa) / akauinna(赤uinna); akainna(赤inna) あかウインナー(赤ウインナー); あかウィンナー(赤ウィンナー) |
red Vienna sausage |
Variations: |
akabanaka あかばなか |
Onagraceae (evening primrose family) |
日本赤十字九州国際看護大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujikyuushuukokusaikangodaigaku / nipponsekijujikyushukokusaikangodaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじきゅうしゅうこくさいかんごだいがく |
(org) Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing; (o) Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing |
Variations: |
aka あか |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) red; crimson; scarlet; (2) red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange); (3) (colloquialism) (often written as アカ) Red (i.e. communist); (4) (abbreviation) (See 赤信号・1) red light (traffic); (5) (abbreviation) (See 赤字・1,赤字・2) red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading); (in) the red; (can be adjective with の) (6) (See 赤の他人) complete; total; perfect; obvious; (7) (赤 only) (abbreviation) (See 銅・あかがね・1) copper; (8) (abbreviation) {hanaf} (See あかたん) red 5-point card |
Variations: |
akamutsu(赤mutsu, 赤鯥); akamutsu(赤mutsu); akamutsu あかむつ(赤むつ, 赤鯥); あかムツ(赤ムツ); アカムツ |
(kana only) blackthroat seaperch (Doederleinia berycoides); rosy seabass |
Variations: |
akakihasakenotoga あかきはさけのとが |
(expression) (proverb) it's not my fault; this red face is the alcohol's fault |
Variations: |
akachangaeri あかちゃんがえり |
{med} infantile regression |
Variations: |
sekigaisensensaa(赤外線sensaa); sekigaisensensa(赤外線sensa) / sekigaisensensa(赤外線sensa); sekigaisensensa(赤外線sensa) せきがいせんセンサー(赤外線センサー); せきがいせんセンサ(赤外線センサ) |
infrared sensor |
赤城カントリー倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
akagikantoriikurabugorufujou / akagikantorikurabugorufujo あかぎカントリーくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Akagikantorikurabu Golf Links |
Variations: |
ameebasekiri(ameeba赤痢); ameebaasekiri(ameebaa赤痢) / ameebasekiri(ameeba赤痢); ameebasekiri(ameeba赤痢) アメーバせきり(アメーバ赤痢); アメーバーせきり(アメーバー赤痢) |
{med} amoebic dysentery; amebic dysentery; amoebiasis |
Variations: |
akanbou(赤n坊, 赤nbou)(p); akanbo(赤n坊, 赤nbo) / akanbo(赤n坊, 赤nbo)(p); akanbo(赤n坊, 赤nbo) あかんぼう(赤ん坊, 赤んぼう)(P); あかんぼ(赤ん坊, 赤んぼ) |
baby; infant |
Variations: |
ichii; ichii / ichi; ichi いちい; イチイ |
(kana only) (See イチイガシ) Quercus gilva (species of oak) |
Variations: |
yamakagashi; yamakagashi やまかがし; ヤマカガシ |
(kana only) tiger keelback (Rhabdophis tigrinus) |
Variations: |
akagaeru; akagaeru あかがえる; アカガエル |
(1) (kana only) any brown or reddish-brown frog of the family Ranidae; (2) (kana only) (See ニホンアカガエル) Japanese brown frog (Rana japonica) |
Variations: |
akatan(赤短, 赤tan, 赤丹, 赤冊); akatan(赤tan) あかたん(赤短, 赤たん, 赤丹, 赤冊); あかタン(赤タン) |
(1) {hanaf} (See 短冊・1) 5-point card with a red tanzaku; red ribbon card; (2) {hanaf} the three 5-point cards with ribbons (high-scoring meld) |
Variations: |
sekihinaraugagotoshi せきひんあらうがごとし |
(expression) extremely indigent; extremely poor; in dire poverty; as poor as a church mouse |
赤坂赤坂アークヒルズアーク森ビル see styles |
akasakaakasakaaakuhiruzuaakumoribiru / akasakakasakaakuhiruzuakumoribiru あかさかあかさかアークヒルズアークもりビル |
(place-name) Akasakaakasaka Ark Hills Ark Forest Building |
Variations: |
akakabibyou / akakabibyo あかかびびょう |
{med} Fusarium ear blight; Fusarium head blight; scab |
Variations: |
akamigakaru あかみがかる |
(exp,v5r) to be tinged red |
赤坂赤坂アークヒルズ・アーク森ビル see styles |
akasakaakasakaaakuhiruzu aakumoribiru / akasakakasakaakuhiruzu akumoribiru あかさかあかさかアークヒルズ・アークもりビル |
(place-name) Akasakaakasaka Ark Hills Ark Forest Building |
Variations: |
makka まっか |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) bright red; deep red; flushed (of face); (adjectival noun) (2) downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter |
Variations: |
akaingenmame(赤ingen豆, 赤隠元豆); akaingenmame(赤ingen豆) あかいんげんまめ(赤いんげん豆, 赤隠元豆); あかインゲンまめ(赤インゲン豆) |
red kidney bean |
Variations: |
akagari あかがり |
communist witch-hunt; red-baiting; red scare |
Variations: |
akatsumekusa; akatsumekusa あかつめくさ; アカツメクサ |
(kana only) red clover (Trifolium pratense); purple clover |
Variations: |
akatateha; akatateha アカタテハ; あかたては |
(kana only) Indian red admiral (Vanessa indica); Asian admiral |
Variations: |
akaei; akaei / akae; akae アカエイ; あかえい |
(kana only) red stingray (Dasyatis akajei) |
Variations: |
akatamanegi あかたまねぎ |
red onion; purple onion |
Variations: |
makkakka まっかっか |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) (See 真っ赤・まっか・1) very bright red; deep red; extremely flushed (of face); (adjectival noun) (2) (See 真っ赤・まっか・2) downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter |
Variations: |
akai あかい |
(adjective) (1) (紅い is esp. for scarlet) red; crimson; scarlet; vermilion; vermillion; (adjective) (2) Red; communist; (adjective) (3) (archaism) beautiful |
Variations: |
akai あかい |
(adjective) (1) (esp. 紅い for scarlet, 朱い for vermilion) red; crimson; scarlet; vermilion; (adjective) (2) (colloquialism) Red; communist |
Variations: |
akagonoteohineru(赤子no手ohineru, 赤子no手o捻ru); akagonoteonejiru(赤子no手o捻ru, 赤子no手onejiru) あかごのてをひねる(赤子の手をひねる, 赤子の手を捻る); あかごのてをねじる(赤子の手を捻る, 赤子の手をねじる) |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) (See 赤子の腕をひねる) to take candy from a baby; to accomplish something with ease; to twist a baby's arm |
Variations: |
akagonoudeonejiru(赤子no腕o捻ru, 赤子no腕onejiru); akagonoudeohineru(赤子no腕ohineru, 赤子no腕o捻ru) / akagonodeonejiru(赤子no腕o捻ru, 赤子no腕onejiru); akagonodeohineru(赤子no腕ohineru, 赤子no腕o捻ru) あかごのうでをねじる(赤子の腕を捻る, 赤子の腕をねじる); あかごのうでをひねる(赤子の腕をひねる, 赤子の腕を捻る) |
(exp,v5r) (rare) (idiom) (See 赤子の手をひねる) to take candy from a baby; to accomplish something with ease; to twist a baby's arm |
Variations: |
makkanauso(真赤na嘘, 真赤nauso, ma赤na嘘, 真赤na嘘); makkanauso(真赤nauso, ma赤nauso, 真赤nauso) まっかなうそ(真っ赤な嘘, 真っ赤なうそ, まっ赤な嘘, 真赤な嘘); まっかなウソ(真っ赤なウソ, まっ赤なウソ, 真赤なウソ) |
(exp,n) complete lie; outright lie |
Variations: |
makkanauso まっかなうそ |
(exp,n) complete lie; outright lie |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.