There are 2598 total results for your 空 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...20212223242526>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
南紀白浜空港 see styles |
nankishirahamakuukou / nankishirahamakuko なんきしらはまくうこう |
(place-name) Nankishirahama Airport |
印度航空公司 see styles |
yìn dù háng kōng gōng sī yin4 du4 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1 yin tu hang k`ung kung ssu yin tu hang kung kung ssu |
Air India |
卽空卽假卽中 see styles |
jí kōng jí jí ǎ jí zhōng ji2 kong1 ji2 ji2 a3 ji2 zhong1 chi k`ung chi chi a chi chung chi kung chi chi a chi chung sokkū sokke sokuchū |
All things are void, or noumenal, are phenomenal, are medial, the three meditations 三觀 of Tiantai. |
厚木航空基地 see styles |
atsugikoukuukichi / atsugikokukichi あつぎこうくうきち |
(place-name) Atsugi air base |
国際航空連盟 see styles |
kokusaikoukuurenmei / kokusaikokurenme こくさいこうくうれんめい |
(org) Federation Aeronautique Internationale; International Aeronautical Federation; FAI; (o) Federation Aeronautique Internationale; International Aeronautical Federation; FAI |
國家航空公司 国家航空公司 see styles |
guó jiā háng kōng gōng sī guo2 jia1 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1 kuo chia hang k`ung kung ssu kuo chia hang kung kung ssu |
flag carrier |
圧縮空気機械 see styles |
asshukukuukikikai / asshukukukikikai あっしゅくくうききかい |
compressed air machine |
地対空誘導弾 see styles |
chitaikuuyuudoudan / chitaikuyudodan ちたいくうゆうどうだん |
{mil} surface-to-air missile; SAM |
多重名前空間 see styles |
tajuunamaekuukan / tajunamaekukan たじゅうなまえくうかん |
multiple namespace |
大分空港道路 see styles |
ooitakuukoudouro / ooitakukodoro おおいたくうこうどうろ |
(place-name) Ooitakuukoudōro |
大型空爆炸彈 大型空爆炸弹 see styles |
dà xíng kōng bào zhà dàn da4 xing2 kong1 bao4 zha4 dan4 ta hsing k`ung pao cha tan ta hsing kung pao cha tan |
Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB), a powerful American bomb |
大阪国際空港 see styles |
oosakakokusaikuukou / oosakakokusaikuko おおさかこくさいくうこう |
(place-name) Osaka International Airport; Itami Airport |
大阪空港交通 see styles |
oosakakuukoukoutsuu / oosakakukokotsu おおさかくうこうこうつう |
(company) Osaka Airport Transport; (c) Osaka Airport Transport |
大館能代空港 see styles |
oodatenoshirokuukou / oodatenoshirokuko おおだてのしろくうこう |
(place-name) Oodatenoshiro Airport |
天馬空を行く see styles |
tenbakuuoyuku / tenbakuoyuku てんばくうをゆく |
(exp,v5k-s) (idiom) to advance unobstructed |
奄美星空河豚 see styles |
amamihoshizorafugu アマミホシゾラフグ |
(kana only) white-spotted pufferfish (Torquigener albomaculosus) |
女心と秋の空 see styles |
onnagokorotoakinosora おんなごころとあきのそら |
(expression) (proverb) (orig. 男心と秋の空) (See 男心と秋の空) a woman is as fickle as autumn weather |
如實不分別空 如实不分别空 see styles |
rú shí bù fēn bié kōng ru2 shi2 bu4 fen1 bie2 kong1 ju shih pu fen pieh k`ung ju shih pu fen pieh kung nyojitsu fu funbetsu kū |
true, non-discriminated emptiness |
富士川滑空場 see styles |
fujigawakakkuujou / fujigawakakkujo ふじがわかっくうじょう |
(place-name) Fujigawakakkuujō |
対空ミサイル see styles |
taikuumisairu / taikumisairu たいくうミサイル |
anti-aircraft missile |
山口宇部空港 see styles |
yamaguchiubekuukou / yamaguchiubekuko やまぐちうべくうこう |
(place-name) Yamaguchiube Airport |
嵐山虚空蔵山 see styles |
arashiyamakokuzouyama / arashiyamakokuzoyama あらしやまこくぞうやま |
(place-name) Arashiyamakokuzouyama |
嵯峨観空寺谷 see styles |
sagakankuujidani / sagakankujidani さがかんくうじだに |
(place-name) Sagakankuujidani |
戦場航空阻止 see styles |
senjoukoukuusoshi / senjokokusoshi せんじょうこうくうそし |
battlefield air interdiction |
捷達航空貨運 捷达航空货运 see styles |
jié dá háng kōng huò yùn jie2 da2 hang2 kong1 huo4 yun4 chieh ta hang k`ung huo yün chieh ta hang kung huo yün |
Jett8 Airlines Cargo (based in Singapore) |
新千歳空港駅 see styles |
shinchitosekuukoueki / shinchitosekukoeki しんちとせくうこうえき |
(st) New Chitose Airport Station |
日本国内航空 see styles |
nihonkokunaikoukuu / nihonkokunaikoku にほんこくないこうくう |
(org) Japan Domestic Airlines (1964-1971); (o) Japan Domestic Airlines (1964-1971) |
日本真空協会 see styles |
nipponshinkuukyoukai / nipponshinkukyokai にっぽんしんくうきょうかい |
(org) Vacuum Society of Japan; (o) Vacuum Society of Japan |
日本貨物航空 see styles |
nipponkamotsukoukuu / nipponkamotsukoku にっぽんかもつこうくう |
(org) Nippon Cargo Airlines; (o) Nippon Cargo Airlines |
時間を空ける see styles |
jikanoakeru じかんをあける |
(exp,v1) to make oneself available (free) |
東京国際空港 see styles |
toukyoukokusaikuukou / tokyokokusaikuko とうきょうこくさいくうこう |
(place-name) Tokyo International Airport |
架空請求詐欺 see styles |
kakuuseikyuusagi / kakusekyusagi かくうせいきゅうさぎ |
fraud based on demanding payment for false claims or non-existent bills |
柳津虚空蔵尊 see styles |
yanaizukokuzouson / yanaizukokuzoson やないづこくぞうそん |
(place-name) Yanaizukokuzouson |
格安航空会社 see styles |
kakuyasukoukuugaisha / kakuyasukokugaisha かくやすこうくうがいしゃ |
low-cost carrier; LCC; low-cost airline |
沖永良部空港 see styles |
okinoerabukuukou / okinoerabukuko おきのえらぶくうこう |
(place-name) Okinoerabu Airport |
河内臨空団地 see styles |
kouchirinkuudanchi / kochirinkudanchi こうちりんくうだんち |
(place-name) Kōchirinkuudanchi |
法國航空公司 法国航空公司 see styles |
fǎ guó háng kōng gōng sī fa3 guo2 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1 fa kuo hang k`ung kung ssu fa kuo hang kung kung ssu |
Air France |
海外航空協会 see styles |
kaigaikoukuukyoukai / kaigaikokukyokai かいがいこうくうきょうかい |
(o) British Overseas Airways Corporation |
済州国際空港 see styles |
chejukokusaikuukou / chejukokusaikuko チェジュこくさいくうこう |
(place-name) Jeju International Airport |
照見五蘊皆空 照见五蕴皆空 see styles |
zhào jiàn wǔ yùn jiē kōng zhao4 jian4 wu3 yun4 jie1 kong1 chao chien wu yün chieh k`ung chao chien wu yün chieh kung shōken goun kaikū |
perceiving that the five aggregates are empty in their own-nature |
煩惱本來空寂 烦恼本来空寂 see styles |
fán nǎo běn lái kōng jí fan2 nao3 ben3 lai2 kong1 ji2 fan nao pen lai k`ung chi fan nao pen lai kung chi bonnō honrai kū jaku |
afflictions are originally empty |
特殊空挺部隊 see styles |
tokushukuuteibutai / tokushukutebutai とくしゅくうていぶたい |
(org) Special Air Service (UK, Australia, etc.); SAS; (o) Special Air Service (UK, Australia, etc.); SAS |
男心と秋の空 see styles |
otokogokorotoakinosora おとこごころとあきのそら |
(expression) (proverb) (See 女心と秋の空) autumn weather is as fickle as a man's heart |
真空管アンプ see styles |
shinkuukananpu / shinkukananpu しんくうかんアンプ |
tube amplifier; valve amplifier |
穴の空くほど see styles |
ananoakuhodo あなのあくほど |
(exp,n-adv) looking hard at; staring at; drilling with one's gaze |
米国真空学会 see styles |
beikokushinkuugakkai / bekokushinkugakkai べいこくしんくうがっかい |
(o) American Vacuum Society |
米航空宇宙局 see styles |
beikoukuuuchuukyoku / bekokuuchukyoku べいこうくううちゅうきょく |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NASA; (o) National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NASA |
米連邦航空局 see styles |
beirenpoukoukuukyoku / berenpokokukyoku べいれんぽうこうくうきょく |
Federal Aviation Administration; FAA |
美國太空總署 美国太空总署 see styles |
měi guó tài kōng zǒng shǔ mei3 guo2 tai4 kong1 zong3 shu3 mei kuo t`ai k`ung tsung shu mei kuo tai kung tsung shu |
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) |
美國航空公司 美国航空公司 see styles |
měi guó háng kōng gōng sī mei3 guo2 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1 mei kuo hang k`ung kung ssu mei kuo hang kung kung ssu |
American Airlines |
臨空工業団地 see styles |
rinkuukougyoudanchi / rinkukogyodanchi りんくうこうぎょうだんち |
(place-name) Rinkuu Industrial Park |
自動航空管制 see styles |
jidoukoukuukansei / jidokokukanse じどうこうくうかんせい |
{comp} AATC; Automatic Air Traffic Control |
航空チケット see styles |
koukuuchiketto / kokuchiketto こうくうチケット |
flight ticket; air ticket |
航空交通管制 see styles |
koukuukoutsuukansei / kokukotsukanse こうくうこうつうかんせい |
air traffic control |
航空健康協会 see styles |
koukuukenkoukyoukai / kokukenkokyokai こうくうけんこうきょうかい |
(o) Aviation Health Institute |
航空宇宙工学 see styles |
koukuuuchuukougaku / kokuuchukogaku こうくううちゅうこうがく |
aerospace engineering |
航空宇宙工業 see styles |
koukuuuchuukougyou / kokuuchukogyo こうくううちゅうこうぎょう |
aerospace industry |
航空宇宙技師 see styles |
koukuuuchuugishi / kokuuchugishi こうくううちゅうぎし |
(o) Engineer in Aeronautics and Astronautics |
航空宇宙技研 see styles |
koukuuuchuugiken / kokuuchugiken こうくううちゅうぎけん |
(place-name) Kōkuuuchuugiken |
航空宇宙産業 see styles |
koukuuuchuusangyou / kokuuchusangyo こうくううちゅうさんぎょう |
aerospace industry |
航空工業高専 see styles |
koukuukougyoukousen / kokukogyokosen こうくうこうぎょうこうせん |
(place-name) Kōkuukougyoukousen |
航空幕僚監部 see styles |
koukuubakuryoukanbu / kokubakuryokanbu こうくうばくりょうかんぶ |
(org) Air Staff Office; (o) Air Staff Office |
航空技術本部 see styles |
koukuugijutsuhonbu / kokugijutsuhonbu こうくうぎじゅつほんぶ |
(o) Air Research and Development Command |
航空支援集団 see styles |
koukuushienshuudan / kokushienshudan こうくうしえんしゅうだん |
(org) Air Support Command; (o) Air Support Command |
航空教育集団 see styles |
koukuukyouikushuudan / kokukyoikushudan こうくうきょういくしゅうだん |
(org) Air Training Command; (o) Air Training Command |
航空旅客協会 see styles |
koukuuryokakukyoukai / kokuryokakukyokai こうくうりょかくきょうかい |
(o) Air Travelers Association |
航空機モード see styles |
koukuukimoodo / kokukimoodo こうくうきモード |
(See 機内モード) airplane mode (setting on an electronic device); flight mode |
航空機燃料税 see styles |
koukuukinenryouzei / kokukinenryoze こうくうきねんりょうぜい |
aviation fuel tax |
航空無線標識 see styles |
koukuumusenhyoushiki / kokumusenhyoshiki こうくうむせんひょうしき |
(place-name) Kōkuumusenhyoushiki |
航空防衛構想 see styles |
koukuuboueikousou / kokuboekoso こうくうぼうえいこうそう |
(o) Air Defense Initiative |
花衝羽根空木 see styles |
hanatsukubaneutsugi; hanatsukubaneutsugi はなつくばねうつぎ; ハナツクバネウツギ |
(kana only) (See アベリア) glossy abelia (Abelia grandiflora) |
苦空無常無我 苦空无常无我 see styles |
kǔ kōng wú cháng wú wǒ ku3 kong1 wu2 chang2 wu2 wo3 k`u k`ung wu ch`ang wu wo ku kung wu chang wu wo ku kū mujō muga |
suffering, emptiness, impermanence, and no-self |
荷蘭皇家航空 荷兰皇家航空 see styles |
hé lán huáng jiā háng kōng he2 lan2 huang2 jia1 hang2 kong1 ho lan huang chia hang k`ung ho lan huang chia hang kung |
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines |
虚空蔵塚古墳 see styles |
kokuuzoutsukakofun / kokuzotsukakofun こくうぞうつかこふん |
(place-name) Kokuuzoutsuka Tumulus |
虚空蔵菩薩堂 see styles |
kokuuzoubosatsudou / kokuzobosatsudo こくうぞうぼさつどう |
(place-name) Kokuuzoubosatsudou |
虛空孕菩薩經 虚空孕菩萨经 see styles |
xū kōng yùn pú sà jīng xu1 kong1 yun4 pu2 sa4 jing1 hsü k`ung yün p`u sa ching hsü kung yün pu sa ching Kokū yō bosatsu kyō |
Ākāśagarbha-sūtra |
虛空藏菩薩經 虚空藏菩萨经 see styles |
xū kōng zàng pú sà jīng xu1 kong1 zang4 pu2 sa4 jing1 hsü k`ung tsang p`u sa ching hsü kung tsang pu sa ching Kokū zō bosatsu kyō |
Xukongzang pusa jing |
西北航空公司 see styles |
xī běi háng kōng gōng sī xi1 bei3 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1 hsi pei hang k`ung kung ssu hsi pei hang kung kung ssu |
Northwest Airlines |
言亡慮絕之空 言亡虑绝之空 see styles |
yán wáng lǜ jué zhī kōng yan2 wang2 lv4 jue2 zhi1 kong1 yen wang lü chüeh chih k`ung yen wang lü chüeh chih kung gonmō ryozetsu no kū |
The 'void' that is beyond words or thought. |
近接航空支援 see styles |
kinsetsukoukuushien / kinsetsukokushien きんせつこうくうしえん |
close air support |
関西国際空港 see styles |
kansaikokusaikuukou / kansaikokusaikuko かんさいこくさいくうこう |
(place-name) Kansai International Airport |
関西空港ビル see styles |
kansaikuukoubiru / kansaikukobiru かんさいくうこうビル |
(place-name) Kansai Airport Building |
非常苦空非我 see styles |
fēi cháng kǔ kōng fēi wǒ fei1 chang2 ku3 kong1 fei1 wo3 fei ch`ang k`u k`ung fei wo fei chang ku kung fei wo |
Impermanent, suffering, empty, non-ego— such is life. |
飛行禁止空域 see styles |
hikoukinshikuuiki / hikokinshikuiki ひこうきんしくういき |
no-fly zone |
空オケ(rK) see styles |
karaoke; karaoke(p) からオケ; カラオケ(P) |
(kana only) (from 空 and オーケストラ) karaoke |
Variations: |
sukihara; sukibara すきはら; すきばら |
empty stomach; hunger |
Variations: |
utsukeru うつける |
(v1,vi) (1) to become empty (hollow); (v1,vi) (2) to relax from a tense situation into a vacant or absent minded state |
Variations: |
munashiku むなしく |
(adverb) in vain; to no purpose; fruitlessly |
Variations: |
karaezuki からえずき |
{med} retching; vomiturition |
Variations: |
kuushinsai; kuushinsai / kushinsai; kushinsai くうしんさい; クウシンサイ |
(kana only) (See 甕菜) Chinese water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica); ong choy; kang kong; water morning glory; water convolvulus; swamp cabbage; hung tsai; rau muong; pak boong; swamp morning-glory |
空中交通管制員 空中交通管制员 see styles |
kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4 yuan2 k`ung chung chiao t`ung kuan chih yüan kung chung chiao tung kuan chih yüan |
air traffic controller |
空対地ミサイル see styles |
kuutaichimisairu / kutaichimisairu くうたいちミサイル |
air-to-surface missile; ASM |
空対空ミサイル see styles |
kuutaikuumisairu / kutaikumisairu くうたいくうミサイル |
air-to-air missile |
空想的社会主義 see styles |
kuusoutekishakaishugi / kusotekishakaishugi くうそうてきしゃかいしゅぎ |
(See 科学的社会主義) utopian socialism |
空木岳避難小屋 see styles |
utsugidakehinangoya うつぎだけひなんごや |
(place-name) Utsugidakehinangoya |
空気が読めない see styles |
kuukigayomenai / kukigayomenai くうきがよめない |
(exp,adj-i) (See 空気を読む) unable to read the situation; unable to pick up on the mood (e.g. of a conversation); unable to read the room |
空気を読めない see styles |
kuukioyomenai / kukioyomenai くうきをよめない |
(exp,adj-i) (See 空気を読む) unable to read the situation; unable to pick up on the mood (e.g. of a conversation); unable to read the room |
空港ターミナル see styles |
kuukoutaaminaru / kukotaminaru くうこうターミナル |
airport terminal |
空港北トンネル see styles |
kuukoukitatonneru / kukokitatonneru くうこうきたトンネル |
(place-name) Kuukoukita Tunnel |
空港第2ビル駅 see styles |
kuukoudainibirueki / kukodainibirueki くうこうだいにビルえき |
(st) Airport No. 2 Building Station |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "空" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.