There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
固定ヘッド see styles |
koteiheddo / koteheddo こていヘッド |
{comp} fixed head |
固定型思維 固定型思维 see styles |
gù dìng xíng sī wéi gu4 ding4 xing2 si1 wei2 ku ting hsing ssu wei |
fixed mindset (as opposed to growth mindset) |
固定字送り see styles |
koteijiokuri / kotejiokuri こていじおくり |
{comp} constant spacing |
固定残業代 see styles |
koteizangyoudai / kotezangyodai こていざんぎょうだい |
fixed overtime pay; fixed overtime salary |
固定相場制 see styles |
koteisoubasei / kotesobase こていそうばせい |
(abbreviation) {econ} (See 固定為替相場制) fixed exchange rate system |
固定資産税 see styles |
koteishisanzei / koteshisanze こていしさんぜい |
real estate tax; fixed assets tax; property tax |
固定長セル see styles |
koteichouseru / kotechoseru こていちょうセル |
{comp} fixed length cell |
国定教科書 see styles |
kokuteikyoukasho / kokutekyokasho こくていきょうかしょ |
national textbooks; textbook published by the government |
地上標定機 see styles |
chijouhyouteiki / chijohyoteki ちじょうひょうていき |
(artillery) theodolite |
増粘安定剤 see styles |
zounenanteizai / zonenantezai ぞうねんあんていざい |
thickening agent; thickening stabilizer |
宇佐美定行 see styles |
usamisadayuki うさみさだゆき |
(person) Usami Sadayuki |
安定同位体 see styles |
anteidouitai / antedoitai あんていどういたい |
stable isotope |
実定国際法 see styles |
jitteikokusaihou / jittekokusaiho じっていこくさいほう |
(See 実定法) positive international law |
実装者定義 see styles |
jissoushateigi / jissoshategi じっそうしゃていぎ |
{comp} implementation defined |
導波管定数 see styles |
douhakanteisuu / dohakantesu どうはかんていすう |
waveguide constant |
小佐田定雄 see styles |
osadasadao おさださだお |
(person) Osada Sadao (1952.2-) |
小山田浩定 see styles |
oyamadahirosada おやまだひろさだ |
(person) Oyamada Hirosada |
小田原評定 see styles |
odawarahyoujou / odawarahyojo おだわらひょうじょう |
fruitless discussion; inconclusive discussion |
小田嶋定吉 see styles |
odajimasadakichi おだじまさだきち |
(person) Odajima Sadakichi (1890.9.18-1972.12.19) |
尤度比検定 see styles |
yuudohikentei / yudohikente ゆうどひけんてい |
{math} likelihood ratio test |
就業安定費 就业安定费 see styles |
jiù yè ān dìng fèi jiu4 ye4 an1 ding4 fei4 chiu yeh an ting fei |
Employment Stability Fee (Taiwan), a minimum monthly fee for employing foreign workers |
居を定める see styles |
kyoosadameru きょをさだめる |
(exp,v1) (See 居を構える・きょをかまえる) to take up residence; to settle in |
幀首定界符 帧首定界符 see styles |
zhēn shǒu dìng jiè fú zhen1 shou3 ding4 jie4 fu2 chen shou ting chieh fu |
start frame delimiter (SFD) |
平均值定理 see styles |
píng jun zhí dìng lǐ ping2 jun1 zhi2 ding4 li3 p`ing chün chih ting li ping chün chih ting li |
the mean value theorem (in calculus) |
年代測定法 see styles |
nendaisokuteihou / nendaisokuteho ねんだいそくていほう |
age determination method; dating technique |
座席指定券 see styles |
zasekishiteiken / zasekishiteken ざせきしていけん |
reserved-seat ticket |
当たり判定 see styles |
atarihantei / atarihante あたりはんてい |
{comp} collision detection; CD |
心理測定学 see styles |
shinrisokuteigaku / shinrisokutegaku しんりそくていがく |
{psych} psychometrics |
思い定める see styles |
omoisadameru おもいさだめる |
(transitive verb) to make up one's mind; to be determined |
情緒不安定 see styles |
jouchofuantei / jochofuante じょうちょふあんてい |
(noun or adjectival noun) emotional instability |
想定問答集 see styles |
souteimondoushuu / sotemondoshu そうていもんどうしゅう |
anticipated questions and answers (e.g. for a press conference, interview or oral exam); collection of hypothetical questions and answers |
想定小数点 see styles |
souteishousuuten / soteshosuten そうていしょうすうてん |
{comp} assumed decimal point |
所定内給与 see styles |
shoteinaikyuuyo / shotenaikyuyo しょていないきゅうよ |
{finc} scheduled cash earnings |
所定外給与 see styles |
shoteigaikyuuyo / shotegaikyuyo しょていがいきゅうよ |
{finc} non-scheduled cash earnings |
抗原決定基 see styles |
kougenketteiki / kogenketteki こうげんけっていき |
antigenic determinant; epitope |
抗原決定簇 抗原决定簇 see styles |
kàng yuán jué dìng cù kang4 yuan2 jue2 ding4 cu4 k`ang yüan chüeh ting ts`u kang yüan chüeh ting tsu |
antigen determinant (causing immunological response); epitope |
拡張指定表 see styles |
kakuchoushiteihyou / kakuchoshitehyo かくちょうしていひょう |
{comp} extended entry table |
指定可能点 see styles |
shiteikanouten / shitekanoten していかのうてん |
{comp} addressable point |
指定廃棄物 see styles |
shiteihaikibutsu / shitehaikibutsu していはいきぶつ |
designated waste; agricultural, sewage, etc. radioactive waste requiring special disposal methods |
指定感染症 see styles |
shiteikansenshou / shitekansensho していかんせんしょう |
{law} designated infectious disease |
指定暴力団 see styles |
shiteibouryokudan / shiteboryokudan していぼうりょくだん |
(See 暴力団) designated organized crime group; designated criminal organisation; designated bōryokudan; designated yakuza group; group officially listed as criminal by the National Police Agency |
指定校推薦 see styles |
shiteikousuisen / shitekosuisen していこうすいせん |
designated school recommendation; recommendation for admission from a school designated by the university |
指定管理者 see styles |
shiteikanrisha / shitekanrisha していかんりしゃ |
designated manager; designated administrator |
指定避難所 see styles |
shiteihinanjo / shitehinanjo していひなんじょ |
designated evacuation shelter |
推定データ see styles |
suiteideeta / suitedeeta すいていデータ |
{comp} estimated data |
推定相続人 see styles |
suiteisouzokunin / suitesozokunin すいていそうぞくにん |
{law} presumptive heir |
支払い勘定 see styles |
shiharaikanjou / shiharaikanjo しはらいかんじょう |
bill or account payable |
支持力定式 see styles |
shijiryokuteishiki / shijiryokuteshiki しじりょくていしき |
bearing capacity formula |
政策決定者 see styles |
seisakuketteisha / sesakukettesha せいさくけっていしゃ |
policymaker |
文書型定義 see styles |
bunshogatateigi / bunshogatategi ぶんしょがたていぎ |
{comp} document type definition; DTD |
文書型指定 see styles |
bunshogatashitei / bunshogatashite ぶんしょがたしてい |
{comp} document type specification |
斟酌決定權 斟酌决定权 see styles |
zhēn zhuó jué dìng quán zhen1 zhuo2 jue2 ding4 quan2 chen cho chüeh ting ch`üan chen cho chüeh ting chüan |
discretionary power |
方位測定器 see styles |
houisokuteiki / hoisokuteki ほういそくていき |
direction finder |
方位測定局 see styles |
houisokuteikyoku / hoisokutekyoku ほういそくていきょく |
(place-name) Houisokuteikyoku |
日替り定食 see styles |
higawariteishoku / higawariteshoku ひがわりていしょく |
daily set meal; daily special; plat du jour |
時間外協定 see styles |
jikangaikyoutei / jikangaikyote じかんがいきょうてい |
overtime agreement |
時間測定學 时间测定学 see styles |
shí jiān cè dìng xué shi2 jian1 ce4 ding4 xue2 shih chien ts`e ting hsüeh shih chien tse ting hsüeh |
chronometry |
最妙勝定經 最妙胜定经 see styles |
zuì miào shèng dìng jīng zui4 miao4 sheng4 ding4 jing1 tsui miao sheng ting ching Saimyōshō jōgyō |
Most Excellent Concentration Sūtra |
有意性検定 see styles |
yuuiseikentei / yuisekente ゆういせいけんてい |
{math} test of significance; significance test |
期間限定品 see styles |
kikangenteihin / kikangentehin きかんげんていひん |
product only available for a limited time |
木賀町定和 see styles |
kigachoujouwa / kigachojowa きがちょうじょうわ |
(place-name) Kigachōjōwa |
未払い勘定 see styles |
miharaikanjou / miharaikanjo みはらいかんじょう |
outstanding account; unpaid account |
未至到地定 see styles |
wèi zhì dào dì dìng wei4 zhi4 dao4 di4 ding4 wei chih tao ti ting mi shitōchi jō |
pre-dhyāna preparations |
松平定信墓 see styles |
matsudairasadanobuhaka まつだいらさだのぶはか |
(place-name) Matsudaira Sadanobu (grave) |
検定教科書 see styles |
kenteikyoukasho / kentekyokasho けんていきょうかしょ |
authorized textbook; authorised textbook |
検定統計量 see styles |
kenteitoukeiryou / kentetokeryo けんていとうけいりょう |
{math} test statistic |
構成素否定 see styles |
kouseisohitei / kosesohite こうせいそひてい |
{ling} constituent negation; word negation |
標本化定理 see styles |
hyouhonkateiri / hyohonkateri ひょうほんかていり |
{comp} sampling theorem |
欽定訳聖書 see styles |
kinteiyakuseisho / kinteyakusesho きんていやくせいしょ |
King James Bible; King James Version; Authorized Version |
正定聚衆生 正定聚众生 see styles |
zhèng dìng jù zhòng shēng zheng4 ding4 ju4 zhong4 sheng1 cheng ting chü chung sheng shōjō shu shūjō |
the class of sentient beings sure to attain enlightenment |
死刑確定者 see styles |
shikeikakuteisha / shikekakutesha しけいかくていしゃ |
(See 死刑囚) criminal condemned to death; convict on death row |
決定づける see styles |
ketteizukeru / kettezukeru けっていづける |
(transitive verb) to decide (e.g. an outcome); to dictate; to determine |
決定性言語 see styles |
ketteiseigengo / kettesegengo けっていせいげんご |
{comp} deterministic language |
決定的瞬間 see styles |
ketteitekishunkan / kettetekishunkan けっていてきしゅんかん |
decisive moment; critical moment; crucial moment |
決定相違過 决定相违过 see styles |
jué dìng xiāng wéi guò jue2 ding4 xiang1 wei2 guo4 chüeh ting hsiang wei kuo ketsujō sōi ka |
fallacy wherein differing, but individually valid reasons lead to the completion of contradictory propositions |
泉町定林寺 see styles |
izumichoujourinji / izumichojorinji いずみちょうじょうりんじ |
(place-name) Izumichōjōrinji |
法定代理人 see styles |
houteidairinin / hotedairinin ほうていだいりにん |
statutory representative; legal representative |
法定代表人 see styles |
fǎ dìng dài biǎo rén fa3 ding4 dai4 biao3 ren2 fa ting tai piao jen |
(law) legal representative of a corporation (e.g. chairman of the board of a company, principal of a school etc) |
法定伝染病 see styles |
houteidensenbyou / hotedensenbyo ほうていでんせんびょう |
infectious disease requiring official reporting |
法定公共物 see styles |
houteikoukyoubutsu / hotekokyobutsu ほうていこうきょうぶつ |
{law} legal public property |
法定得票数 see styles |
houteitokuhyousuu / hotetokuhyosu ほうていとくひょうすう |
minimum number of votes required to elect a candidate |
法定準備率 see styles |
houteijunbiritsu / hotejunbiritsu ほうていじゅんびりつ |
reserve requirement ratio; legal reserve ratio; required reserve ratio |
法定準備金 see styles |
houteijunbikin / hotejunbikin ほうていじゅんびきん |
legal reserves |
法定相続人 see styles |
houteisouzokunin / hotesozokunin ほうていそうぞくにん |
{law} legal heir; heir-at-law |
混合指定表 see styles |
kongoushiteihyou / kongoshitehyo こんごうしていひょう |
{comp} mixed entry table |
漂白定着液 see styles |
hyouhakuteichakueki / hyohakutechakueki ひょうはくていちゃくえき |
{photo} bleaching and fixing solution |
無定形炭素 see styles |
muteikeitanso / muteketanso むていけいたんそ |
amorphous carbon |
無所有處定 无所有处定 see styles |
wú suǒ yǒu chù dìng wu2 suo3 you3 chu4 ding4 wu so yu ch`u ting wu so yu chu ting mu shousho jō |
akiñcanāyatana. The contemplation of the state of nothingness, or the immaterial, in which ecstasy gives place to serenity. |
無色解脫定 无色解脱定 see styles |
wú sè jiě tuō dìng wu2 se4 jie3 tuo1 ding4 wu se chieh t`o ting wu se chieh to ting mushiki gedatsu jō |
concentrations of liberation from form |
物主限定詞 物主限定词 see styles |
wù zhǔ xiàn dìng cí wu4 zhu3 xian4 ding4 ci2 wu chu hsien ting tz`u wu chu hsien ting tzu |
possessive (in grammar) |
特定の処理 see styles |
tokuteinoshori / tokutenoshori とくていのしょり |
{comp} specific task |
特定アジア see styles |
tokuteiajia / tokuteajia とくていアジア |
(net-sl) (sensitive word) Asian countries with alleged strong anti-Japanese sentiment (i.e. China, South Korea and North Korea) |
特定フロン see styles |
tokuteifuron / tokutefuron とくていフロン |
specified CFCs; controlled CFCs |
特定恐怖症 see styles |
tokuteikyoufushou / tokutekyofusho とくていきょうふしょう |
specific phobias |
特定排出者 see styles |
tokuteihaishutsusha / tokutehaishutsusha とくていはいしゅつしゃ |
{law} designated emitter; specified emitter; organization required to report levels of greenhouse gas emissions |
特定行政庁 see styles |
tokuteigyouseichou / tokutegyosecho とくていぎょうせいちょう |
Specific Administrative Agency; municipality or public body which has an appointed building officer and is responsible for issuing building certifications |
特定郵便局 see styles |
tokuteiyuubinkyoku / tokuteyubinkyoku とくていゆうびんきょく |
special post office |
特定障害者 see styles |
tokuteishougaisha / tokuteshogaisha とくていしょうがいしゃ |
{law} specified persons with disabilities; people with severe disabilities that significantly impact their daily life |
率を定める see styles |
ritsuosadameru りつをさだめる |
(exp,v1) to fix the rate |
王座決定戦 see styles |
ouzaketteisen / ozakettesen おうざけっていせん |
{sports} championship-deciding contest; final match; the finals |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.