There are 6751 total results for your 学 search. I have created 68 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
學習強國 学习强国 see styles |
xué xí qiáng guó xue2 xi2 qiang2 guo2 hsüeh hsi ch`iang kuo hsüeh hsi chiang kuo |
Xuexi Qiangguo, PRC app designed to teach Xi Jinping Thought, released in 2019 |
學習時報 学习时报 see styles |
xué xí shí bào xue2 xi2 shi2 bao4 hsüeh hsi shih pao |
Study Times, journal of the Central Party School 中央黨校|中央党校[Zhong1 yang1 Dang3 xiao4] |
學而不厭 学而不厌 see styles |
xué ér bù yàn xue2 er2 bu4 yan4 hsüeh erh pu yen |
study tirelessly (idiom, from Analects) |
學術水平 学术水平 see styles |
xué shù shuǐ píng xue2 shu4 shui3 ping2 hsüeh shu shui p`ing hsüeh shu shui ping |
academic level |
學術自由 学术自由 see styles |
xué shù zì yóu xue2 shu4 zi4 you2 hsüeh shu tzu yu |
academic freedom |
學道所攝 学道所摄 see styles |
xué dào suǒ shè xue2 dao4 suo3 she4 hsüeh tao so she gakudō sho shō |
contained in the path of training |
宇宙化学 see styles |
uchuukagaku / uchukagaku うちゅうかがく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) cosmo-chemistry; space science |
宇宙医学 see styles |
uchuuigaku / uchuigaku うちゅういがく |
space medicine |
宇宙工学 see styles |
uchuukougaku / uchukogaku うちゅうこうがく |
space engineering; astronautics |
宇宙科学 see styles |
uchuukagaku / uchukagaku うちゅうかがく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) cosmo-chemistry; space science |
安倍学園 see styles |
abegakuen あべがくえん |
(place-name) Abegakuen |
安徽大学 see styles |
ankidaigaku あんきだいがく |
(org) Anhui University; (o) Anhui University |
安徽大學 安徽大学 see styles |
ān huī dà xué an1 hui1 da4 xue2 an hui ta hsüeh |
Anhui University See: 安徽大学 |
宋明理学 see styles |
souminrigaku / sominrigaku そうみんりがく |
(rare) neo-Confucianism |
宗教哲学 see styles |
shuukyoutetsugaku / shukyotetsugaku しゅうきょうてつがく |
philosophy of religion |
官立大学 see styles |
kanritsudaigaku かんりつだいがく |
(hist) (See 国立大学) government-established university; national university |
官費留学 see styles |
kanpiryuugaku / kanpiryugaku かんぴりゅうがく |
studying abroad at government expense |
宝塚大学 see styles |
takarazukadaigaku たからづかだいがく |
(org) Takarazuka University; (o) Takarazuka University |
宝石学会 see styles |
housekigakkai / hosekigakkai ほうせきがっかい |
(org) Gemological Institute of America; (o) Gemological Institute of America |
実修学校 see styles |
jisshuugakkou / jisshugakko じっしゅうがっこう |
(place-name) Jisshuugakkou |
実務学園 see styles |
jitsumugakuen じつむがくえん |
(place-name) Jitsumugakuen |
実務学校 see styles |
jitsumugakkou / jitsumugakko じつむがっこう |
(place-name) Jitsumugakkou |
実存哲学 see styles |
jitsuzontetsugaku じつぞんてつがく |
existential philosophy |
実業学校 see styles |
jitsugyougakkou / jitsugyogakko じつぎょうがっこう |
vocational school |
実証哲学 see styles |
jisshoutetsugaku / jisshotetsugaku じっしょうてつがく |
positivism |
実践哲学 see styles |
jissentetsugaku じっせんてつがく |
practical philosophy |
実験科学 see styles |
jikkenkagaku じっけんかがく |
empirical science |
宮城大学 see styles |
miyagidaigaku みやぎだいがく |
(org) Miyagi University; (o) Miyagi University |
宮崎大学 see styles |
miyazakidaigaku みやざきだいがく |
(1) (organization) University of Miyazaki (formed from the merger of Miyazaki University and Miyazaki Medical College in 2003); (2) (organization) Miyazaki University (1949-2003); (o) University of Miyazaki (formed from the merger of Miyazaki University and Miyazaki Medical College in 2003); (o) Miyazaki University (1949-2003) |
家庭学校 see styles |
kateigakkou / kategakko かていがっこう |
(place-name) Kateigakkou |
寄宿学校 see styles |
kishukugakkou / kishukugakko きしゅくがっこう |
boarding school |
寄宿學校 寄宿学校 see styles |
jì sù xué xiào ji4 su4 xue2 xiao4 chi su hsüeh hsiao |
boarding school See: 寄宿学校 |
寄生虫学 see styles |
kiseichuugaku / kisechugaku きせいちゅうがく |
parasitology; helminthology |
富士大学 see styles |
fujidaigaku ふじだいがく |
(org) Fuji University; (o) Fuji University |
富山大学 see styles |
toyamadaigaku とやまだいがく |
(org) Toyama University; (o) Toyama University |
富山学園 see styles |
toyamagakuen とやまがくえん |
(place-name) Toyamagakuen |
富浦学園 see styles |
tomiuragakuen とみうらがくえん |
(place-name) Tomiuragakuen |
實物教學 实物教学 see styles |
shí wù jiào xué shi2 wu4 jiao4 xue2 shih wu chiao hsüeh |
object lesson |
専修大学 see styles |
senshuudaigaku / senshudaigaku せんしゅうだいがく |
(org) Senshu University; (o) Senshu University |
専修学校 see styles |
senshuugakkou / senshugakko せんしゅうがっこう |
specialized training college; advanced vocational school |
専修学院 see styles |
senshuugakuin / senshugakuin せんしゅうがくいん |
(place-name) Senshuugakuin |
専門学校 see styles |
senmongakkou / senmongakko せんもんがっこう |
vocational school; technical school |
専門学院 see styles |
senmongakuin せんもんがくいん |
vocational college |
專科學校 专科学校 see styles |
zhuān kē xué xiào zhuan1 ke1 xue2 xiao4 chuan k`o hsüeh hsiao chuan ko hsüeh hsiao |
specialized school; college for professional training; polytechnic |
小中学校 see styles |
shouchuugakkou / shochugakko しょうちゅうがっこう |
elementary and middle schools |
小中学生 see styles |
shouchuugakusei / shochugakuse しょうちゅうがくせい |
elementary and middle school pupils |
小学校区 see styles |
shougakkouku / shogakkoku しょうがっこうく |
primary school district; elementary school district |
少年文学 see styles |
shounenbungaku / shonenbungaku しょうねんぶんがく |
(See 児童文学) children's literature; juvenile literature |
尚絅大学 see styles |
shoukeidaigaku / shokedaigaku しょうけいだいがく |
(org) Shokei University; (o) Shokei University |
就学児童 see styles |
shuugakujidou / shugakujido しゅうがくじどう |
school child |
就学年齢 see styles |
shuugakunenrei / shugakunenre しゅうがくねんれい |
school age |
就学義務 see styles |
shuugakugimu / shugakugimu しゅうがくぎむ |
compulsory school attendance |
就実大学 see styles |
shuujitsudaigaku / shujitsudaigaku しゅうじつだいがく |
(org) Shujitsu University; (o) Shujitsu University |
尼崎学園 see styles |
amagasakigakuen あまがさきがくえん |
(place-name) Amagasakigakuen |
屯特大學 屯特大学 see styles |
tún tè dà xué tun2 te4 da4 xue2 t`un t`e ta hsüeh tun te ta hsüeh |
University of Twente |
山口大学 see styles |
yamaguchidaigaku やまぐちだいがく |
(org) Yamaguchi University; (o) Yamaguchi University |
山形大学 see styles |
yamagatadaigaku やまがただいがく |
(org) Yamagata University; (o) Yamagata University |
山東大学 see styles |
santoudaigaku / santodaigaku さんとうだいがく |
(org) Shandong University; SDU; (o) Shandong University; SDU |
山東大學 山东大学 see styles |
shān dōng dà xué shan1 dong1 da4 xue2 shan tung ta hsüeh |
Shandong University |
山梨大学 see styles |
yamanashidaigaku やまなしだいがく |
(org) Yamanashi University; (o) Yamanashi University |
山西大学 see styles |
sanseidaigaku / sansedaigaku さんせいだいがく |
(org) Shanxi University; (o) Shanxi University |
山西大學 山西大学 see styles |
shān xī dà xué shan1 xi1 da4 xue2 shan hsi ta hsüeh |
Shanxi University See: 山西大学 |
山鳩学園 see styles |
yamabatogakuen やまばとがくえん |
(place-name) Yamabatogakuen |
岐阜大学 see styles |
gifudaigaku ぎふだいがく |
(org) Gifu University; (o) Gifu University |
岡山大学 see styles |
okayamadaigaku おかやまだいがく |
(org) Okayama University; (o) Okayama University |
岩井学園 see styles |
iwaigakuen いわいがくえん |
(place-name) Iwaigakuen |
岩手大学 see styles |
iwatedaigaku いわてだいがく |
(org) Iwate University; (o) Iwate University |
島根大学 see styles |
shimanedaigaku しまねだいがく |
(org) Shimane University; (o) Shimane University |
崇城大学 see styles |
soujoudaigaku / sojodaigaku そうじょうだいがく |
(org) Sojo University; (o) Sojo University |
州立大学 see styles |
shuuritsudaigaku / shuritsudaigaku しゅうりつだいがく |
state university |
州立大學 州立大学 see styles |
zhōu lì dà xué zhou1 li4 da4 xue2 chou li ta hsüeh |
State University (US) See: 州立大学 |
工学修士 see styles |
kougakushuushi / kogakushushi こうがくしゅうし |
Master of Engineering |
工学博士 see styles |
kougakuhakase; kougakuhakushi / kogakuhakase; kogakuhakushi こうがくはかせ; こうがくはくし |
Doctor of Engineering |
工学部前 see styles |
kougakubumae / kogakubumae こうがくぶまえ |
(place-name) Kōgakubumae |
工業化学 see styles |
kougyoukagaku / kogyokagaku こうぎょうかがく |
industrial chemistry |
工業大学 see styles |
kougyoudaigaku / kogyodaigaku こうぎょうだいがく |
institute of technology; technological university; technical university; engineering college |
工業大學 工业大学 see styles |
gōng yè dà xué gong1 ye4 da4 xue2 kung yeh ta hsüeh |
technical university; engineering college |
工業學校 工业学校 see styles |
gōng yè xué xiào gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4 kung yeh hsüeh hsiao |
technical or industrial school; CL:個|个[ge4],所[suo3] |
工科大学 see styles |
koukadaigaku / kokadaigaku こうかだいがく |
institute of technology; technological university; technical university; engineering college |
工程圖學 工程图学 see styles |
gōng chéng tú xué gong1 cheng2 tu2 xue2 kung ch`eng t`u hsüeh kung cheng tu hsüeh |
engineering graphics; technical drawing |
工讀學校 工读学校 see styles |
gōng dú xué xiào gong1 du2 xue2 xiao4 kung tu hsüeh hsiao |
reformatory; reform school |
巴黎大學 巴黎大学 see styles |
bā lí dà xué ba1 li2 da4 xue2 pa li ta hsüeh |
University of Paris |
市原学園 see styles |
ichiharagakuen いちはらがくえん |
(place-name) Ichiharagakuen |
市立大学 see styles |
shiritsudaigaku しりつだいがく |
city university; municipal college |
市立学校 see styles |
shiritsugakkou / shiritsugakko しりつがっこう |
municipal school |
布朗大學 布朗大学 see styles |
bù lǎng dà xué bu4 lang3 da4 xue2 pu lang ta hsüeh |
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island |
希望学園 see styles |
kibougakuen / kibogakuen きぼうがくえん |
(place-name) Kibougakuen |
帝京大学 see styles |
teikyoudaigaku / tekyodaigaku ていきょうだいがく |
(org) Teikyo University; (o) Teikyo University |
帝国大学 see styles |
teikokudaigaku / tekokudaigaku ていこくだいがく |
(1) (hist) imperial university; university founded by the Empire of Japan between 1886 and 1939; (2) (hist) Imperial University (name of the University of Tokyo between 1886 and 1897) |
師範大學 师范大学 see styles |
shī fàn dà xué shi1 fan4 da4 xue2 shih fan ta hsüeh |
normal university; teacher training college |
師範学校 see styles |
shihangakkou / shihangakko しはんがっこう |
(hist) normal school (Japan; 1872-1947); teachers' training college |
師範學院 师范学院 see styles |
shī fàn xué yuàn shi1 fan4 xue2 yuan4 shih fan hsüeh yüan |
teacher's college; normal school |
常磐大学 see styles |
tokiwadaigaku ときわだいがく |
(org) Tokiwa University; (o) Tokiwa University |
常識哲学 see styles |
joushikitetsugaku / joshikitetsugaku じょうしきてつがく |
philosophy of common sense |
常識学派 see styles |
joushikigakuha / joshikigakuha じょうしきがくは |
(See 常識哲学) (Scottish) School of Common Sense |
年輪史学 see styles |
nenrinshigaku ねんりんしがく |
dendrochronology |
幸住学園 see styles |
koujuugakuen / kojugakuen こうじゅうがくえん |
(place-name) Kōjuugakuen |
幹部学校 see styles |
kanbugakkou / kanbugakko かんぶがっこう |
(org) Ground Staff College; (o) Ground Staff College |
幾何光学 see styles |
kikakougaku / kikakogaku きかこうがく |
geometrical optics |
幾何光學 几何光学 see styles |
jǐ hé guāng xué ji3 he2 guang1 xue2 chi ho kuang hsüeh |
geometric optics |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "学" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.