There are 2667 total results for your 風 search. I have created 27 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...2021222324252627>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
文風不動 文风不动 see styles |
wén fēng bù dòng wen2 feng1 bu4 dong4 wen feng pu tung |
absolutely still; fig. not the slightest change; also written 紋風不動|纹风不动 |
斉藤夏風 see styles |
saitoukafuu / saitokafu さいとうかふう |
(person) Saitou Kafū |
新井声風 see styles |
araiseifuu / araisefu あらいせいふう |
(personal name) Araiseifū |
新光風台 see styles |
shinkoufuudai / shinkofudai しんこうふうだい |
(place-name) Shinkoufūdai |
新八風橋 see styles |
shinhappuubashi / shinhappubashi しんはっぷうばし |
(place-name) Shinhappuubashi |
新海非風 see styles |
niinomihifuu / ninomihifu にいのみひふう |
(personal name) Niinomihifū |
新風系統 新风系统 see styles |
xīn fēng xì tǒng xin1 feng1 xi4 tong3 hsin feng hsi t`ung hsin feng hsi tung |
ventilation system that purifies outdoor air during intake |
斷線風箏 断线风筝 see styles |
duàn xiàn fēng zhēng duan4 xian4 feng1 zheng1 tuan hsien feng cheng |
a kite that is lost after its string breaks (metaphor for sb one never hears from anymore) |
旋筒風帆 旋筒风帆 see styles |
xuán tǒng fēng fān xuan2 tong3 feng1 fan1 hsüan t`ung feng fan hsüan tung feng fan |
rotor sail |
日落風生 日落风生 see styles |
rì luò fēng shēng ri4 luo4 feng1 sheng1 jih lo feng sheng |
a gentle breeze comes with sunset (idiom) |
早風美里 see styles |
hayakazemisato はやかぜみさと |
(person) Hayakaze Misato (1980.1.9-) |
明月清風 明月清风 see styles |
míng yuè qīng fēng ming2 yue4 qing1 feng1 ming yüeh ch`ing feng ming yüeh ching feng |
see 清風明月|清风明月[qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4] |
春風一度 春风一度 see styles |
chūn fēng yī dù chun1 feng1 yi1 du4 ch`un feng i tu chun feng i tu |
to have sexual intercourse (once) |
春風化雨 春风化雨 see styles |
chūn fēng huà yǔ chun1 feng1 hua4 yu3 ch`un feng hua yü chun feng hua yü |
lit. spring wind and rain (idiom); fig. the long-term influence of a solid education |
春風和氣 春风和气 see styles |
chūn fēng hé qì chun1 feng1 he2 qi4 ch`un feng ho ch`i chun feng ho chi |
(idiom) amiable as a spring breeze |
春風得意 春风得意 see styles |
chūn fēng dé yì chun1 feng1 de2 yi4 ch`un feng te i chun feng te i |
flushed with success; proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc); as pleased as punch |
春風滿面 春风满面 see styles |
chūn fēng mǎn miàn chun1 feng1 man3 mian4 ch`un feng man mien chun feng man mien |
pleasantly smiling; radiant with happiness |
春風駘蕩 see styles |
shunpuutaitou / shunputaito しゅんぷうたいとう |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) warm and genial spring weather; genial and balmy |
暴風津波 see styles |
boufuutsunami / bofutsunami ぼうふうつなみ |
(See 高潮・たかしお) storm surge |
暴風警報 see styles |
boufuukeihou / bofukeho ぼうふうけいほう |
storm warning |
暴風驟雨 暴风骤雨 see styles |
bào fēng zhòu yǔ bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3 pao feng chou yü |
violent wind and rainstorm; hurricane; tempest |
服部担風 see styles |
hattoritanpuu / hattoritanpu はっとりたんぷう |
(personal name) Hattoritanpuu |
朔風凜冽 朔风凛冽 see styles |
shuò fēng lǐn liè shuo4 feng1 lin3 lie4 shuo feng lin lieh |
The north wind is icy cold. |
望海風斗 see styles |
nozomifuuto / nozomifuto のぞみふうと |
(person) Nozomi Fūto |
望風捕影 望风捕影 see styles |
wàng fēng bǔ yǐng wang4 feng1 bu3 ying3 wang feng pu ying |
see 捕風捉影|捕风捉影[bu3 feng1 zhuo1 ying3] |
望風而逃 望风而逃 see styles |
wàng fēng ér táo wang4 feng1 er2 tao2 wang feng erh t`ao wang feng erh tao |
to flee at the mere sight of (idiom) |
本地風光 本地风光 see styles |
běn dì fēng guāng ben3 di4 feng1 guang1 pen ti feng kuang honchi no fūkō |
one's one's native scenery |
本宮泰風 see styles |
motomiyayasukaze もとみややすかぜ |
(person) Motomiya Yasukaze (1972.2.7-) |
本栖風穴 see styles |
motosufuuketsu / motosufuketsu もとすふうけつ |
(place-name) Motosufūketsu |
杉坂道風 see styles |
sugisakatoufuu / sugisakatofu すぎさかとうふう |
(place-name) Sugisakatoufū |
杉山杉風 see styles |
sugiyamasanpuu / sugiyamasanpu すぎやまさんぷう |
(personal name) Sugiyamasanpuu |
杉阪道風 see styles |
sugisakatoufuu / sugisakatofu すぎさかとうふう |
(place-name) Sugisakatoufū |
村松梢風 see styles |
muramatsushoufuu / muramatsushofu むらまつしょうふう |
(person) Muramatsu Shoufū (1889.9.21-1961.2.13) |
村田清風 see styles |
murataseifuu / muratasefu むらたせいふう |
(person) Murata Seifū (1783.5.26-1855.7.9) |
東風巻谷 see styles |
higashikazamakidani ひがしかざまきだに |
(place-name) Higashikazamakidani |
東風平町 see styles |
kochindachou / kochindacho こちんだちょう |
(place-name) Kochindachō |
東風泊岬 see styles |
yamasedomarimisaki やませどまりみさき |
(place-name) Yamasedomarimisaki |
東風泊湾 see styles |
kochidomariwan こちどまりわん |
(personal name) Kochidomariwan |
東風泊鼻 see styles |
kochidomarihana こちどまりはな |
(personal name) Kochidomarihana |
東風股沢 see styles |
higashikazematasawa ひがしかぜまたさわ |
(place-name) Higashikazematasawa |
東風蓮川 see styles |
higashifuurengawa / higashifurengawa ひがしふうれんがわ |
(personal name) Higashifūrengawa |
東風谷田 see styles |
kochiyayatsuda こちややつだ |
(place-name) Kochiyayatsuda |
東風連駅 see styles |
higashifuureneki / higashifureneki ひがしふうれんえき |
(st) Higashifūren Station |
東風防島 see styles |
kochiboujima / kochibojima こちぼうじま |
(place-name) Kochiboujima |
松風焼き see styles |
matsukazeyaki まつかぜやき |
{food} matsukazeyaki; meatloaf (usu. chicken) sprinkled with sesame or poppy seeds |
松風町駅 see styles |
matsukazechoueki / matsukazechoeki まつかぜちょうえき |
(st) Matsukazechō Station |
松風雅也 see styles |
matsukazemasaya まつかぜまさや |
(person) Matsukaze Masaya (1976.9.9-) |
染風習俗 染风习俗 see styles |
rǎn fēng xí sú ran3 feng1 xi2 su2 jan feng hsi su |
bad habits; to get into bad habits through long custom |
柳風呂町 see styles |
yanagifurochou / yanagifurocho やなぎふろちょう |
(place-name) Yanagifurochō |
桜井風花 see styles |
sakuraifuuka / sakuraifuka さくらいふうか |
(f,h) Sakurai Fūka |
極偏東風 see styles |
kyokuhentoufuu / kyokuhentofu きょくへんとうふう |
polar easterlies; polar Hadley cells |
樹大招風 树大招风 see styles |
shù dà zhāo fēng shu4 da4 zhao1 feng1 shu ta chao feng |
lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (idiom); fig. a famous or rich person attracts criticism |
櫛風沐雨 栉风沐雨 see styles |
zhì fēng mù yǔ zhi4 feng1 mu4 yu3 chih feng mu yü shippuumokuu / shippumoku しっぷうもくう |
lit. to comb one's hair in the wind and wash it in the rain (idiom); fig. to work in the open regardless of the weather (yoji) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships |
櫛風浴雨 see styles |
shippuuyokuu / shippuyoku しっぷうよくう |
(yoji) struggling through wind and rain; undergoing hardships |
歐洲防風 欧洲防风 see styles |
ōu zhōu fáng fēng ou1 zhou1 fang2 feng1 ou chou fang feng |
parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) |
歪風邪氣 歪风邪气 see styles |
wāi fēng xié qì wai1 feng1 xie2 qi4 wai feng hsieh ch`i wai feng hsieh chi |
noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends |
気候風土 see styles |
kikoufuudo / kikofudo きこうふうど |
climate and natural features (of a region) |
気泡風呂 see styles |
kihouburo / kihoburo きほうぶろ |
Jacuzzi; whirlpool bath |
水力鼓風 水力鼓风 see styles |
shuǐ lì gǔ fēng shui3 li4 gu3 feng1 shui li ku feng |
hydraulic bellows; water-driven ventilation (for metal smelting furnace) |
水風火災 水风火灾 see styles |
shuǐ fēng huǒ zāi shui3 feng1 huo3 zai1 shui feng huo tsai suifuka sai |
The three final catastrophes, see 三災. |
永井荷風 see styles |
nagaikafuu / nagaikafu ながいかふう |
(person) Nagai Kafū (1879-1959) |
沐雨櫛風 沐雨栉风 see styles |
mù yǔ zhì fēng mu4 yu3 zhi4 feng1 mu yü chih feng |
to work unceasingly regardless of the weather (idiom) |
没風流漢 see styles |
botsufuuryuukan / botsufuryukan ぼつふうりゅうかん |
(yoji) prosaic person; person of an unromantic turn of mind; philistine |
津風呂川 see styles |
tsuburogawa つぶろがわ |
(place-name) Tsuburogawa |
津風呂湖 see styles |
tsuburoko つぶろこ |
(place-name) Tsuburoko |
流行風邪 see styles |
hayarikaze はやりかぜ |
influenza |
浜風公似 see styles |
hamakazekouji / hamakazekoji はまかぜこうじ |
(person) Hamakaze Kōji |
浜風大橋 see styles |
hamakazeoohashi はまかぜおおはし |
(personal name) Hamakazeoohashi |
浦風弘行 see styles |
urakazehiroyuki うらかぜひろゆき |
(person) Urakaze Hiroyuki |
浮世絵風 see styles |
ukiyoefuu / ukiyoefu うきよえふう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) of the ukiyoe style |
浮世風呂 see styles |
ukiyoburo うきよぶろ |
(work) The Bathhouse of the Floating World (humorous book by Shikitei Sanba); (wk) The Bathhouse of the Floating World (humorous book by Shikitei Sanba) |
涅槃西風 see styles |
nehannishi; nehannishikaze ねはんにし; ねはんにしかぜ |
{Buddh} wind blowing on the day of the Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death (15th day of the 2nd month) |
涼風真世 see styles |
suzukazemayo すずかぜまよ |
(person) Suzukaze Mayo (1960-) |
淒風苦雨 凄风苦雨 see styles |
qī fēng kǔ yǔ qi1 feng1 ku3 yu3 ch`i feng k`u yü chi feng ku yü |
lit. bleak wind and icy rain (idiom); fig. hardships; miserable circumstances |
淳風美俗 see styles |
junpuubizoku / junpubizoku じゅんぷうびぞく |
(yoji) good morals and manners; genial manners and laudable customs; pristine way of life |
清風兩袖 清风两袖 see styles |
qīng fēng liǎng xiù qing1 feng1 liang3 xiu4 ch`ing feng liang hsiu ching feng liang hsiu |
honest and upright (idiom) |
清風勁節 清风劲节 see styles |
qīng fēng jìng jié qing1 feng1 jing4 jie2 ch`ing feng ching chieh ching feng ching chieh |
pure and high-minded (idiom) |
清風明月 清风明月 see styles |
qīng fēng míng yuè qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4 ch`ing feng ming yüeh ching feng ming yüeh seifuumeigetsu / sefumegetsu せいふうめいげつ |
lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); fig. peaceful and clear night; (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life (yoji) refreshing breeze and the bright moon; a beautiful nocturnal scene with a full moon |
渡辺光風 see styles |
watanabekoufuu / watanabekofu わたなべこうふう |
(person) Watanabe Kōfū |
温風暖房 see styles |
onpuudanbou / onpudanbo おんぷうだんぼう |
warm-air heating |
湯女風呂 see styles |
yunaburo ゆなぶろ |
(See 湯女・2) bathhouse used for prostitution (Edo period) |
湯風呂川 see styles |
yufurogawa ゆふろがわ |
(place-name) Yufurogawa |
滿城風雨 满城风雨 see styles |
mǎn chéng fēng yǔ man3 cheng2 feng1 yu3 man ch`eng feng yü man cheng feng yü |
lit. wind and rain sweeping through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal; an uproar; the talk of the town |
滿臉風塵 满脸风尘 see styles |
mǎn liǎn fēng chén man3 lian3 feng1 chen2 man lien feng ch`en man lien feng chen |
lit. with a face full of dust; showing the hardships of travel (idiom) |
滿面春風 满面春风 see styles |
mǎn miàn chūn fēng man3 mian4 chun1 feng1 man mien ch`un feng man mien chun feng |
beaming; radiant with happiness |
瀬戸風峠 see styles |
setokazetouge / setokazetoge せとかぜとうげ |
(place-name) Setokazetōge |
火事旋風 see styles |
kajisenpuu / kajisenpu かじせんぷう |
(See 火災旋風) firestorm |
火災旋風 see styles |
kasaisenpuu / kasaisenpu かさいせんぷう |
firestorm |
無常の風 see styles |
mujounokaze / mujonokaze むじょうのかぜ |
More info & calligraphy: Mujo no Kaze / Wind of Impermanence |
無葉風扇 无叶风扇 see styles |
wú yè fēng shàn wu2 ye4 feng1 shan4 wu yeh feng shan |
bladeless fan |
無風選挙 see styles |
mufuusenkyo / mufusenkyo むふうせんきょ |
election in a safe seat |
煙花風月 烟花风月 see styles |
yān huā fēng yuè yan1 hua1 feng1 yue4 yen hua feng yüeh |
refers to lovemaking (idiom) |
煽風點火 煽风点火 see styles |
shān fēng diǎn huǒ shan1 feng1 dian3 huo3 shan feng tien huo |
(idiom) to fan the flames; to incite people; to stir up trouble |
熱帶風暴 热带风暴 see styles |
rè dài fēng bào re4 dai4 feng1 bao4 je tai feng pao |
tropical storm |
爭風吃醋 争风吃醋 see styles |
zhēng fēng chī cù zheng1 feng1 chi1 cu4 cheng feng ch`ih ts`u cheng feng chih tsu |
to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman; to be jealous of a rival in a love affair |
牡丹防風 see styles |
botanboufuu; botanboufuu / botanbofu; botanbofu ぼたんぼうふう; ボタンボウフウ |
(kana only) Peucedanum japonicum (species of umbellifer with edible leaves) |
狂風暴雨 狂风暴雨 see styles |
kuáng fēng - bào yǔ kuang2 feng1 - bao4 yu3 k`uang feng - pao yü kuang feng - pao yü |
(idiom) howling wind and torrential rain; furious storm; (fig.) (idiom) difficult circumstances; dangerous situation |
狂風驟雨 狂风骤雨 see styles |
kuáng fēng zhòu yǔ kuang2 feng1 zhou4 yu3 k`uang feng chou yü kuang feng chou yü |
strong wind and heavy rain (idiom) |
獨領風騷 独领风骚 see styles |
dú lǐng fēng sāo du2 ling3 feng1 sao1 tu ling feng sao |
most outstanding; par excellence |
琴風豪規 see styles |
kotokazegouki / kotokazegoki ことかぜごうき |
(person) Kotokaze Gouki (1957.4.26-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "風" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.