There are 2157 total results for your 赤 search. I have created 22 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鎌状赤血球症 see styles |
kamajousekkekkyuushou / kamajosekkekkyusho かまじょうせっけっきゅうしょう |
{med} sickle cell disease; sickle cell anemia (anaemia) |
隠岐知夫赤壁 see styles |
okichibusekiheki おきちぶせきへき |
(place-name) Okichibusekiheki |
隣の花は赤い see styles |
tonarinohanahaakai / tonarinohanahakai となりのはなはあかい |
(exp,adj-i) (proverb) the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence; the neighbour's flowers are redder |
顔を赤らめる see styles |
kaooakarameru かおをあからめる |
(exp,v1) to blush; to go red in the face; to change color; to change colour |
飯石郡赤来町 see styles |
iishigunakagichou / ishigunakagicho いいしぐんあかぎちょう |
(place-name) Iishigun'akagichō |
香美郡赤岡町 see styles |
kamigunakaokachou / kamigunakaokacho かみぐんあかおかちょう |
(place-name) Kamigun'akaokachō |
赤坊鯨(rK) see styles |
akaboukujira; akaboukujira / akabokujira; akabokujira あかぼうくじら; アカボウクジラ |
(kana only) beaked whale (esp. Cuvier's beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris) |
赤浮草(rK) see styles |
akaukikusa; akaukikusa あかうきくさ; アカウキクサ |
(kana only) Azolla imbricata (species of water fern) |
Variations: |
akou; akou / ako; ako あこう; アコウ |
(kana only) Japanese sea fig (Ficus superba var. japonica) |
Variations: |
akaragao あからがお |
red face |
Variations: |
akamuke あかむけ |
scraped skin; graze; grazed skin |
Variations: |
akaboufura; akaboufura / akabofura; akabofura あかぼうふら; アカボウフラ |
(kana only) (rare) (See 揺蚊) bloodworm (nonbiting midge larva) |
Variations: |
akakamasu; akakamasu あかかます; アカカマス |
(kana only) red barracuda (Sphyraena pinguis); brown barracuda |
Variations: |
menada; menada めなだ; メナダ |
(kana only) redlip mullet (Chelon haematocheilus) |
Variations: |
sekirara せきらら |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) naked; nude; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) unvarnished (e.g. truth); plain (e.g. fact); frank; candid; outspoken |
Variations: |
akaiwashi あかいわし |
(1) (kana only) pickled sardines; dried sardines; red sardines; (2) (kana only) rusty and blunt sword |
赤ちゃんがえり see styles |
akachangaeri あかちゃんがえり |
(med) infantile regression; regression to an earlier stage of childhood development |
赤ちゃんポスト see styles |
akachanposuto あかちゃんポスト |
baby hatch (for unwanted newborns); baby drop-off |
赤十字病院前駅 see styles |
sekijuujibyouinmaeeki / sekijujibyoinmaeeki せきじゅうじびょういんまええき |
(st) Red Cross Hospital Station |
赤土小学校前駅 see styles |
akadoshougakkoumaeeki / akadoshogakkomaeeki あかどしょうがっこうまええき |
(st) Akadoshougakkoumae Station |
赤坂パークビル see styles |
akasakapaakubiru / akasakapakubiru あかさかパークビル |
(place-name) Akasaka Park Building |
赤外線通信協会 see styles |
sekigaisentsuushinkyoukai / sekigaisentsushinkyokai せきがいせんつうしんきょうかい |
(o) Infrared Data Association; IrDA |
赤子の手を捻る see styles |
akagonoteohineru あかごのてをひねる akagonoteonejiru あかごのてをねじる |
(expression) (idiom) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby); as easy as twisting a baby's hand |
赤子の腕を捻る see styles |
akagonoudeohineru / akagonodeohineru あかごのうでをひねる akagonoudeonejiru / akagonodeonejiru あかごのうでをねじる |
(expression) (obscure) (idiom) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby); as easy as twisting a baby's arm |
赤池情報量規準 see styles |
akaikejouhouryoukijun / akaikejohoryokijun あかいけじょうほうりょうきじゅん |
{math} Akaike information criterion; AIC |
赤沢自然休養林 see styles |
akazawashizenkyuuyourin / akazawashizenkyuyorin あかざわしぜんきゅうようりん |
(place-name) Akazawashizenkyūyourin |
赤穂山トンネル see styles |
akoyamatonneru あこやまトンネル |
(place-name) Akoyama Tunnel |
赤羽根トンネル see styles |
akabanetonneru あかばねトンネル |
(place-name) Akabane Tunnel |
赤羽根文化広場 see styles |
akabanebunkahiroba あかばねぶんかひろば |
(place-name) Akabanebunkahiroba |
赤血球沈降速度 see styles |
sekkekkyuuchinkousokudo / sekkekkyuchinkosokudo せっけっきゅうちんこうそくど |
erythrocyte sedimentation rate; ESR |
Variations: |
dou(銅)(p); aka(銅); akagane / do(銅)(p); aka(銅); akagane どう(銅)(P); あか(銅); あかがね |
(1) copper (Cu); (2) (どう only) (abbreviation) (See 銅メダル) bronze (medal) |
Variations: |
yamakagashi; yamakagashi やまかがし; ヤマカガシ |
(kana only) tiger keelback (Rhabdophis tigrinus) |
アメーバー赤痢 see styles |
ameebaasekiri / ameebasekiri アメーバーせきり |
(med) amoebic dysentery; amebic dysentery |
オコツナイ赤岩 see styles |
okotsunaiakaiwa オコツナイあかいわ |
(place-name) Okotsunaiakaiwa |
ヨーロッパ赤松 see styles |
yooroppaakamatsu; yooroppaakamatsu / yooroppakamatsu; yooroppakamatsu ヨーロッパあかまつ; ヨーロッパアカマツ |
(kana only) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) |
一乗寺赤ノ宮町 see styles |
ichijoujiakanomiyachou / ichijojiakanomiyacho いちじょうじあかのみやちょう |
(place-name) Ichijōjiakanomiyachō |
余市郡赤井川村 see styles |
yoichigunakaigawamura よいちぐんあかいがわむら |
(place-name) Yoichigun'akaigawamura |
国際赤十字連盟 see styles |
kokusaisekijuujirenmei / kokusaisekijujirenme こくさいせきじゅうじれんめい |
(org) International Federation of the Red Cross; IFRC; (o) International Federation of the Red Cross; IFRC |
巨赤芽球性貧血 see styles |
kyosekigakyuuseihinketsu / kyosekigakyusehinketsu きょせきがきゅうせいひんけつ |
{med} megaloblastic anemia |
正木町須賀赤松 see styles |
masakichousukaakamatsu / masakichosukakamatsu まさきちょうすかあかまつ |
(place-name) Masakichōsukaakamatsu |
民主主義の赤字 see styles |
minshushuginoakaji みんしゅしゅぎのあかじ |
(exp,n) {politics} democracy deficit; democratic deficit |
渥美郡赤羽根町 see styles |
atsumigunakabanechou / atsumigunakabanecho あつみぐんあかばねちょう |
(place-name) Atsumigun'akabanechō |
醍醐赤間南裏町 see styles |
daigoakamaminamiurachou / daigoakamaminamiuracho だいごあかまみなみうらちょう |
(place-name) Daigoakamaminamiurachō |
鎌状赤血球貧血 see styles |
kamajousekkekkyuuhinketsu / kamajosekkekkyuhinketsu かまじょうせっけっきゅうひんけつ |
{med} (See 鎌状赤血球症) sickle cell anemia (anaemia); sickle cell disease |
赤パン黴(rK) see styles |
akapankabi; akapankabi アカパンカビ; あかパンかび |
(kana only) Neurospora crassa (species of red bread mould) |
Variations: |
akaihoo あかいほお |
(exp,n) red cheeks; apple cheeks |
Variations: |
akatonbo あかとんぼ |
(1) (kana only) (small) red dragonfly; (2) darter (dragonfly of genus Sympetrum, esp. the autumn darter, Sympetrum frequens) |
Variations: |
akagetto あかゲット |
(1) (ゲット is from ブランケット) red blanket; (2) (dated) country bumpkin |
Variations: |
akagarebyou / akagarebyo あかがれびょう |
{bot} needle blight |
Variations: |
akarenga(赤煉瓦); akarenga(赤renga) あかれんが(赤煉瓦); あかレンガ(赤レンガ) |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) red brick |
赤いプルトニウム see styles |
akaipurutoniumu あかいプルトニウム |
(person) Akaipurutoniumu (1977.8.15-) |
赤い糸で結ばれる see styles |
akaiitodemusubareru / akaitodemusubareru あかいいとでむすばれる |
(exp,v1) (idiom) (See 赤い糸) to be meant for each other (of a man and woman); to be connected through fate; to be destined to marry (each other); to be tied by the red string (of fate) |
赤十字国際委員会 see styles |
sekijuujikokusaiiinkai / sekijujikokusaiinkai せきじゅうじこくさいいいんかい |
(org) International Committee of the Red Cross; (o) International Committee of the Red Cross |
赤坂アークヒルズ see styles |
akasakaaakuhiruzu / akasakaakuhiruzu あかさかアークヒルズ |
(place-name) Akasaka Ark Hills |
赤坂アーク森ビル see styles |
akasakaaakumoribiru / akasakaakumoribiru あかさかアークもりビル |
(place-name) Akasaka Ark Forest Building |
赤坂ツインタワー see styles |
akasakatsuintawaa / akasakatsuintawa あかさかツインタワー |
(personal name) Akasaka Twin Tower |
赤城国際ゴルフ場 see styles |
akagikokusaigorufujou / akagikokusaigorufujo あかぎこくさいゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Akagikokusai Golf Links |
赤城少年自然の家 see styles |
akagishounenshizennoie / akagishonenshizennoie あかぎしょうねんしぜんのいえ |
(place-name) Akagishounenshizennoie |
赤子の手をねじる see styles |
akagonoteonejiru あかごのてをねじる |
(expression) (idiom) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby); as easy as twisting a baby's hand |
赤子の手をひねる see styles |
akagonoteohineru あかごのてをひねる |
(expression) (idiom) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby); as easy as twisting a baby's hand |
赤子の腕をねじる see styles |
akagonoudeonejiru / akagonodeonejiru あかごのうでをねじる |
(expression) (obscure) (idiom) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby); as easy as twisting a baby's arm |
赤子の腕をひねる see styles |
akagonoudeohineru / akagonodeohineru あかごのうでをひねる |
(expression) (obscure) (idiom) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby); as easy as twisting a baby's arm |
赤目町すみれが丘 see styles |
akamechousumiregaoka / akamechosumiregaoka あかめちょうすみれがおか |
(place-name) Akamechōsumiregaoka |
赤穂国際ゴルフ場 see styles |
akoukokusaigorufujou / akokokusaigorufujo あこうこくさいゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Akoukokusai Golf Links |
赤道ギニア共和国 see styles |
sekidouginiakyouwakoku / sekidoginiakyowakoku せきどうギニアきょうわこく |
Republic of Equatorial Guinea; (place-name) Republic of Equatorial Guinea |
褄赤雀蜂(rK) see styles |
tsumaakasuzumebachi; tsumaakasuzumebachi / tsumakasuzumebachi; tsumakasuzumebachi つまあかすずめばち; ツマアカスズメバチ |
(kana only) Asian hornet (Vespa velutina); Asian predatory wasp |
国際赤十字社連盟 see styles |
kokusaisekijuujisharenmei / kokusaisekijujisharenme こくさいせきじゅうじしゃれんめい |
(org) International Federation of Red Cross; (o) International Federation of Red Cross |
横浜赤レンガ倉庫 see styles |
yokohamaakarengasouko / yokohamakarengasoko よこはまあかレンガそうこ |
(place-name) Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse |
群馬用水赤城幹線 see styles |
gunmayousuiakagikansen / gunmayosuiakagikansen ぐんまようすいあかぎかんせん |
(place-name) Gunmayousuiakagikansen |
鎌形赤血球貧血症 see styles |
kamagatasekkekkyuuhinketsushou / kamagatasekkekkyuhinketsusho かまがたせっけっきゅうひんけつしょう |
sickle cell anemia (anaemia); sickle cell disease |
Variations: |
akarameru あからめる |
(transitive verb) to blush; to redden |
Variations: |
akatamanegi あかたまねぎ |
red onion; purple onion |
Variations: |
akasabiru あかさびる |
(v1,vi) (usu. as 赤錆びた) to rust; to become rusty |
赤坂プリンスホテル see styles |
akasakapurinsuhoteru あかさかプリンスホテル |
(personal name) Akasaka Prince Hotel |
赤坂赤坂パークビル see styles |
akasakaakasakapaakubiru / akasakakasakapakubiru あかさかあかさかパークビル |
(place-name) Akasakaakasaka Park Building |
赤血球生成促進因子 see styles |
sekkekkyuuseiseisokushininshi / sekkekkyusesesokushininshi せっけっきゅうせいせいそくしんいんし |
(rare) {biochem} (See エリスロポエチン) erythropoietin; EPO |
Variations: |
akabanaka あかばなか |
Onagraceae (evening primrose family) |
南河内郡千早赤阪村 see styles |
minamikawachigunchihayaakasakamura / minamikawachigunchihayakasakamura みなみかわちぐんちはやあかさかむら |
(place-name) Minamikawachigunchihayaakasakamura |
小樽赤井川ゴルフ場 see styles |
otaruakaigawagorufujou / otaruakaigawagorufujo おたるあかいがわゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Otaruakaigawa Golf Links |
日本赤十字看護大学 see styles |
nipponsekijuujikangodaigaku / nipponsekijujikangodaigaku にっぽんせきじゅうじかんごだいがく |
(org) Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing; (o) Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing |
日本赤十字秋田短大 see styles |
nihonsekijuujiakitatandai / nihonsekijujiakitatandai にほんせきじゅうじあきたたんだい |
(place-name) Nihonsekijuujiakitatandai |
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 see styles |
jìn zhū zhě chì , jìn mò zhě hēi jin4 zhu1 zhe3 chi4 , jin4 mo4 zhe3 hei1 chin chu che ch`ih , chin mo che hei chin chu che chih , chin mo che hei |
those who handle cinnabar are stained red; those who work with ink are stained black (idiom); you are the product of your environment |
Variations: |
akadani; akadani あかだに; アカダニ |
(colloquialism) (See 葉壁蝨) spider mite (any mite of family Tetranychidae) |
Variations: |
akakabu(赤kabu, 赤蕪); akakabu(赤kabu) あかかぶ(赤かぶ, 赤蕪); あかカブ(赤カブ) |
(1) red turnip; (2) small red radish |
Variations: |
akanotanin あかのたにん |
(exp,n) complete stranger; total stranger |
Variations: |
akachouchin / akachochin あかちょうちん |
(1) {food} red paper restaurant lantern; (2) cheap eating and drinking place |
Variations: |
sekishokutero(赤色tero); sekishokuteroru(赤色teroru) せきしょくテロ(赤色テロ); せきしょくテロル(赤色テロル) |
(See 白色テロ) red terror |
Variations: |
sekishokuwaisei / sekishokuwaise せきしょくわいせい |
{astron} red dwarf |
Variations: |
akabudoushu(赤葡萄酒); akabudoushu(赤budou酒) / akabudoshu(赤葡萄酒); akabudoshu(赤budo酒) あかぶどうしゅ(赤葡萄酒); あかブドウしゅ(赤ブドウ酒) |
red wine |
赤井谷地沼野植物群落 see styles |
akaiyachinumanoshokubutsugunraku あかいやちぬまのしょくぶつぐんらく |
(place-name) Akaiyachinumanoshokubutsugunraku |
赤外線インタフェース see styles |
sekigaisenintafeesu せきがいせんインタフェース |
{comp} infrared interface |
赤波江カトリック教会 see styles |
akabaekatorikkukyoukai / akabaekatorikkukyokai あかばえカトリックきょうかい |
(place-name) Akabaekatorikkukyōkai |
亭主の好きな赤烏帽子 see styles |
teishunosukinaakaeboshi / teshunosukinakaeboshi ていしゅのすきなあかえぼし |
(expression) (proverb) (See 赤烏帽子) even an eccentric head of family must be obeyed |
室生赤目青山国定公園 see styles |
murouakameaoyamakokuteikouen / muroakameaoyamakokutekoen むろうあかめあおやまこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Murō-Akame-Aoyama Quasi-National Park |
朱に交われば赤くなる see styles |
shunimajiwarebaakakunaru / shunimajiwarebakakunaru しゅにまじわればあかくなる |
(exp,v5r) (proverb) people will take on the characteristics of those who surround them; spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer; when mixing with vermillion, one becomes red |
Variations: |
akaramu あからむ |
(v5m,vi) to become red; to redden; to blush |
Variations: |
akamiso あかみそ |
{food} dark-brown miso paste |
Variations: |
akakounou / akakono あかこうのう |
(archaism) red mail bag |
Variations: |
akaguroi あかぐろい |
(adjective) dark red; dark brown; reddish brown |
Variations: |
akazushi(赤zushi, 赤寿司); akasushi(赤寿司, 赤sushi) あかずし(赤ずし, 赤寿司); あかすし(赤寿司, 赤すし) |
{food} sushi rice with red shiso and pickled cucumber (Akita specialty) |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.