There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...202122232425262728>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
非決定論 see styles |
hiketteiron / hiketteron ひけっていろん |
{phil} (See 決定論) indeterminism |
革島定雄 see styles |
kawashimasadao かわしまさだお |
(person) Kawashima Sadao |
音響定位 see styles |
onkyouteii / onkyote おんきょうていい |
(See 反響定位) echolocation |
頭孢拉定 头孢拉定 see styles |
tóu bāo lā dìng tou2 bao1 la1 ding4 t`ou pao la ting tou pao la ting |
(pharm.) cefradine (aka cephradine) |
飄忽不定 飘忽不定 see styles |
piāo hū bù dìng piao1 hu1 bu4 ding4 p`iao hu pu ting piao hu pu ting |
to drift without a resting place (idiom); roving; errant; vagrant; erratic |
飛定地山 see styles |
hijouchisan / hijochisan ひじょうちさん |
(personal name) Hijōchisan |
餘數定理 余数定理 see styles |
yú shù dìng lǐ yu2 shu4 ding4 li3 yü shu ting li |
the Remainder Theorem |
馬場虎定 see styles |
babatorasada ばばとらさだ |
(person) Baba Torasada |
驚魂甫定 惊魂甫定 see styles |
jīng hún fǔ dìng jing1 hun2 fu3 ding4 ching hun fu ting |
to have just recovered from a shock |
高屋定國 see styles |
takayasadakuni たかやさだくに |
(person) Takaya Sadakuni |
Variations: |
jouyado / joyado じょうやど |
one's regular inn; one's usual hotel |
Variations: |
jouhou / joho じょうほう |
(1) fixed rule; (2) usual way; usual method |
定めなき空 see styles |
sadamenakisora さだめなきそら |
(expression) (archaism) changeable weather |
定住植民地 see styles |
teijuushokuminchi / tejushokuminchi ていじゅうしょくみんち |
permanent colony |
定刻どおり see styles |
teikokudoori / tekokudoori ていこくどおり |
on schedule; on time |
定山溪ダム see styles |
jouzankeidamu / jozankedamu じょうざんけいダム |
(place-name) Jōzankei Dam |
定山溪大橋 see styles |
jouzankeioohashi / jozankeoohashi じょうざんけいおおはし |
(place-name) Jōzankeioohashi |
定常情報源 see styles |
teijoujouhougen / tejojohogen ていじょうじょうほうげん |
{comp} stationary message source; stationary information source |
定年退職者 see styles |
teinentaishokusha / tenentaishokusha ていねんたいしょくしゃ |
retired person (who has reached retirement age); retiree |
定広宝大寺 see styles |
sadahirohoudaiji / sadahirohodaiji さだひろほうだいじ |
(place-name) Sadahirohoudaiji |
定形郵便物 see styles |
teikeiyuubinbutsu / tekeyubinbutsu ていけいゆうびんぶつ |
standard-size mail |
定性喜樂地 定性喜乐地 see styles |
dìng xìng xǐ lè dì ding4 xing4 xi3 le4 di4 ting hsing hsi le ti jōshō kiraku ji |
stage of stabilized joyful mind |
定時あがり see styles |
teijiagari / tejiagari ていじあがり |
leaving on time (e.g. as opposed to paid or unpaid overtime) |
定時上がり see styles |
teijiagari / tejiagari ていじあがり |
leaving on time (e.g. as opposed to paid or unpaid overtime) |
定時制高校 see styles |
teijiseikoukou / tejisekoko ていじせいこうこう |
(See 夜間高校) part-time high school; night high school |
定期乗車券 see styles |
teikijoushaken / tekijoshaken ていきじょうしゃけん |
commuter pass; season ticket |
定期刊行物 see styles |
teikikankoubutsu / tekikankobutsu ていきかんこうぶつ |
periodical |
定業亦能轉 定业亦能转 see styles |
dìng yè yì néng zhuǎn ding4 ye4 yi4 neng2 zhuan3 ting yeh i neng chuan jōgō yaku nō ten |
Even the determined fate can be changed (by the power of Buddhas and bodhisattvas). |
定法華三昧 定法华三昧 see styles |
dìng fǎ huā sān mèi ding4 fa3 hua1 san1 mei4 ting fa hua san mei jō hōke zanmai |
to set dharma-flower samādhi |
定生喜樂地 定生喜乐地 see styles |
dìng shēng xǐ lè dì ding4 sheng1 xi3 le4 di4 ting sheng hsi le ti jōshō kiraku chi |
paradise of cessation of rebirth |
定言的判断 see styles |
teigentekihandan / tegentekihandan ていげんてきはんだん |
(rare) categorical judgment (judgement) |
定言的命令 see styles |
teigentekimeirei / tegentekimere ていげんてきめいれい |
{phil} (See 定言命法) categorical imperative |
定言的命法 see styles |
teigentekimeihou / tegentekimeho ていげんてきめいほう |
(rare) {phil} (See 定言命法) categorical imperative |
定量PCR see styles |
teiryoupiishiiaaru / teryopishiaru ていりょうピーシーアール |
{biol} quantitative polymerase chain reaction; quantitative PCR; qPCR |
定額給付金 see styles |
teigakukyuufukin / tegakukyufukin ていがくきゅうふきん |
money handout (usu. from the government); cash payment |
DNA鑒定 DNA鉴定 see styles |
d n a jiàn dìng d n a jian4 ding4 d n a chien ting |
DNA test; DNA testing |
Variations: |
chokujou / chokujo ちょくじょう |
imperial order; imperial decree; imperial command |
Variations: |
kakutei / kakute かくてい |
(noun, transitive verb) demarcation |
斯文·海定 see styles |
sī wén · hǎi dìng si1 wen2 · hai3 ding4 ssu wen · hai ting |
Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰[Lou2 lan2]; also written 斯文·赫定 |
斯文·赫定 see styles |
sī wén · hè dìng si1 wen2 · he4 ding4 ssu wen · ho ting |
Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰 |
と仮定して see styles |
tokateishite / tokateshite とかていして |
(expression) assuming that ...; supposing that ... |
はん用定義 see styles |
hanyouteigi / hanyotegi はんようていぎ |
(computer terminology) generic definitions |
ブアン固定 see styles |
buankotei / buankote ブアンこてい |
(sometimes ボワン) Bouin fixation |
ベイズ推定 see styles |
beizusuitei / bezusuite ベイズすいてい |
{math} Bayesian inference; Bayesian estimation |
マクロ定義 see styles |
makuroteigi / makurotegi マクロていぎ |
{comp} macro definition |
一切如來定 一切如来定 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái dìng yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 ding4 i ch`ieh ju lai ting i chieh ju lai ting issai nyorai jō |
The highest of the 108 degrees of samādhi practised by bodhisattvas, also called 大空三昧 śūnyasamādhi, i.e. of the great void, or immateriality, and 金剛三昧 vajrasamādhi, Diamond samādhi. A samādhi on the idea that all things are of the (same) Buddha-nature. |
丁字形定規 see styles |
teijikeijougi / tejikejogi ていじけいじょうぎ |
(rare) (See T定規) T-square (technical drawing instrument) |
三七開定論 三七开定论 see styles |
sān qī kāi dìng lùn san1 qi1 kai1 ding4 lun4 san ch`i k`ai ting lun san chi kai ting lun |
thirty percent failure, seventy percent success, the official PRC verdict on Mao Zedong |
不共不定過 不共不定过 see styles |
bù gòng bù dìng guò bu4 gong4 bu4 ding4 guo4 pu kung pu ting kuo fugū furyō ka |
[a reason] not shared with either the positive or negative examples |
不動産鑑定 see styles |
fudousankantei / fudosankante ふどうさんかんてい |
real estate appraisal |
不動點定理 不动点定理 see styles |
bù dòng diǎn dìng lǐ bu4 dong4 dian3 ding4 li3 pu tung tien ting li |
fixed point theorem (math.) |
不安定就業 see styles |
fuanteishuugyou / fuanteshugyo ふあんていしゅうぎょう |
unstable employment |
不安定状態 see styles |
fuanteijoutai / fuantejotai ふあんていじょうたい |
{comp} unstable state; metastable state; quasistable state |
不定代名詞 see styles |
futeidaimeishi / futedaimeshi ふていだいめいし |
{gramm} indefinite pronoun |
不定方程式 see styles |
futeihouteishiki / futehoteshiki ふていほうていしき |
indeterminate equation |
不定期業務 see styles |
futeikigyoumu / futekigyomu ふていきぎょうむ |
{comp} unscheduled task |
不定聚衆生 不定聚众生 see styles |
bù dìng jù zhòng shēng bu4 ding4 ju4 zhong4 sheng1 pu ting chü chung sheng fujōshu shūjō |
sentient beings of the undetermined class |
不特定多数 see styles |
futokuteitasuu / futokutetasu ふとくていたすう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) unspecified large number (of people) |
不確定判定 see styles |
fukakuteihantei / fukakutehante ふかくていはんてい |
{comp} inconclusive (verdict) |
不確定要素 see styles |
fukakuteiyouso / fukakuteyoso ふかくていようそ |
variables; uncertain elements; uncertainties; imponderables |
不穩定氣流 不稳定气流 see styles |
bù wěn dìng qì liú bu4 wen3 ding4 qi4 liu2 pu wen ting ch`i liu pu wen ting chi liu |
turbulent |
不静定構造 see styles |
fuseiteikouzou / fusetekozo ふせいていこうぞう |
{engr} statically indeterminate structure; redundant structure; statically indeterminate construction |
中国語検定 see styles |
chuugokugokentei / chugokugokente ちゅうごくごけんてい |
(personal name) Test of Chinese Proficiency |
予定どおり see styles |
yoteidoori / yotedoori よていどおり |
as planned |
二項式定理 二项式定理 see styles |
èr xiàng shì dìng lǐ er4 xiang4 shi4 ding4 li3 erh hsiang shih ting li |
the binomial theorem (math.) |
京都議定書 see styles |
kyoutogiteisho / kyotogitesho きょうとぎていしょ |
Kyoto Protocol |
仮定法過去 see styles |
kateihoukako / katehokako かていほうかこ |
{ling} subjunctive past |
仮説の検定 see styles |
kasetsunokentei / kasetsunokente かせつのけんてい |
(computer terminology) hypothesis testing |
佐々木定綱 see styles |
sasakisadatsuna ささきさだつな |
(person) Sasaki Sadatsuna |
保証の限定 see styles |
hoshounogentei / hoshonogente ほしょうのげんてい |
{comp} limited warranties |
健太郎定信 see styles |
kentarousadanobu / kentarosadanobu けんたろうさだのぶ |
(personal name) Kentarōsadanobu |
優勝決定戦 see styles |
yuushouketteisen / yushokettesen ゆうしょうけっていせん |
deciding match (in a competition for a cup (pennant)) |
公定割引率 see styles |
kouteiwaribikiritsu / kotewaribikiritsu こうていわりびきりつ |
official discount rate |
共同決定法 see styles |
kyoudouketteihou / kyodoketteho きょうどうけっていほう |
codetermination law |
再初期設定 see styles |
saishokisettei / saishokisette さいしょきせってい |
{comp} (See 初期設定・しょきせってい・2) reinitialization |
再帰的定義 see styles |
saikitekiteigi / saikitekitegi さいきてきていぎ |
{comp} recursive definitions |
処理系定義 see styles |
shorikeiteigi / shoriketegi しょりけいていぎ |
{comp} implementation-defined |
出産予定日 see styles |
shussanyoteibi / shussanyotebi しゅっさんよていび |
date a baby is due; expected delivery date; due date |
分娩予定日 see styles |
bunbenyoteibi / bunbenyotebi ぶんべんよていび |
(See 予定日・2,出産予定日) date a baby is due; expected delivery date; due date |
分離不定詞 see styles |
bunrifuteishi / bunrifuteshi ぶんりふていし |
{ling} split infinitive |
制限指定表 see styles |
seigenshiteihyou / segenshitehyo せいげんしていひょう |
{comp} limited entry table |
剪断安定性 see styles |
sendananteisei / sendanantese せんだんあんていせい |
shear stability |
割り前勘定 see styles |
warimaekanjou / warimaekanjo わりまえかんじょう |
(yoji) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat |
動詞句否定 see styles |
doushikuhitei / doshikuhite どうしくひてい |
{ling} verb-phrase negation |
勘定を払う see styles |
kanjouoharau / kanjooharau かんじょうをはらう |
(exp,v5u) to settle one's account; to pay a bill |
化学種同定 see styles |
kagakushudoutei / kagakushudote かがくしゅどうてい |
chemical speciation |
協定世界時 see styles |
kyouteisekaiji / kyotesekaiji きょうていせかいじ |
Coordinated Universal Time; UTC |
単安定回路 see styles |
tananteikairo / tanantekairo たんあんていかいろ |
{comp} monostable (trigger) circuit |
原形不定詞 see styles |
genkeifuteishi / genkefuteshi げんけいふていし |
{gramm} (See to不定詞) bare infinitive; root infinitive |
双安定回路 see styles |
souanteikairo / soantekairo そうあんていかいろ |
{comp} bistable (trigger) circuit; flip-flop |
双葉山定次 see styles |
futabayamasadaji ふたばやまさだじ |
(person) Futabayama Sadaji, 35th sumo grand champion |
吃了定心丸 see styles |
chī le dìng xīn wán chi1 le5 ding4 xin1 wan2 ch`ih le ting hsin wan chih le ting hsin wan |
to feel reassured |
吉祥院定成 see styles |
kisshouinsadanari / kisshoinsadanari きっしょういんさだなり |
(place-name) Kisshouinsadanari |
同品定有性 see styles |
tóng pǐn dìng yǒu xìng tong2 pin3 ding4 you3 xing4 t`ung p`in ting yu hsing tung pin ting yu hsing dōhon jōu shō |
the reason must definitely have same qualities as the proposition |
向島東定請 see styles |
mukaijimahigashijouuke / mukaijimahigashijouke むかいじまひがしじょううけ |
(place-name) Mukaijimahigashijōuke |
向島西定請 see styles |
mukaijimanishijouuke / mukaijimanishijouke むかいじまにしじょううけ |
(place-name) Mukaijimanishijōuke |
否定の否定 see styles |
hiteinohitei / hitenohite ひていのひてい |
(exp,n) negation of the negation (in the Hegelian dialectic) |
否定疑問文 see styles |
hiteigimonbun / hitegimonbun ひていぎもんぶん |
{ling} negative question; question asked in the negative (e.g. "Can't you read Japanese?") |
否定論理和 see styles |
hiteironriwa / hiteronriwa ひていろんりわ |
{comp} non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation |
否定論理積 see styles |
hiteironriseki / hiteronriseki ひていろんりせき |
{comp} non-conjunction; NAND operation; NOT-BOTH operation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.