There are 11142 total results for your 谷 search. I have created 112 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
シン谷 see styles |
shindani シンだに |
(place-name) Shindani |
スゴ谷 see styles |
sugotani スゴたに |
(place-name) Sugotani |
セイ谷 see styles |
seitani / setani セイたに |
(place-name) Seitani |
セバ谷 see styles |
sebatani セバたに |
(place-name) Sebatani |
セビ谷 see styles |
sebidani セビだに |
(place-name) Sebidani |
ゾロ谷 see styles |
zorodani ゾロだに |
(place-name) Zorodani |
タキ谷 see styles |
takidani タキだに |
(place-name) Takidani |
チビ谷 see styles |
chibidani チビだに |
(place-name) Chibidani |
ツガ谷 see styles |
tsugadani ツガだに |
(place-name) Tsugadani |
ツキ谷 see styles |
tsukidani ツキだに |
(place-name) Tsukidani |
ツバ谷 see styles |
tsubadani ツバだに |
(place-name) Tsubadani |
トチ谷 see styles |
tochidani トチだに |
(place-name) Tochidani |
トヤ谷 see styles |
toyadani トヤだに |
(place-name) Toyadani |
ドン谷 see styles |
dontani ドンたに |
(place-name) Dontani |
ナバ谷 see styles |
nabadani ナバだに |
(place-name) Nabadani |
ナル谷 see styles |
narutani ナルたに |
(place-name) Narutani |
ハゲ谷 see styles |
hagedani ハゲだに |
(place-name) Hagedani |
ハト谷 see styles |
hatodani ハトだに |
(place-name) Hatodani |
バシ谷 see styles |
bashidani バシだに |
(place-name) Bashidani |
ヒコ谷 see styles |
hikotani ヒコたに |
(place-name) Hikotani |
ヒラ谷 see styles |
hiratani ヒラたに |
(place-name) Hiratani |
ヒン谷 see styles |
hindani ヒンだに |
(place-name) Hindani |
ビリ谷 see styles |
biritani ビリたに |
(place-name) Biritani |
フカ谷 see styles |
fukadani フカだに |
(place-name) Fukadani |
フヨ谷 see styles |
fuyotani フヨたに |
(place-name) Fuyotani |
ヘク谷 see styles |
hekutani ヘクたに |
(place-name) Hekutani |
マサ谷 see styles |
masadani マサだに |
(place-name) Masadani |
ミノ谷 see styles |
minodani ミノだに |
(place-name) Minodani |
ミヤ谷 see styles |
miyadani ミヤだに |
(place-name) Miyadani |
モチ谷 see styles |
mochidani モチだに |
(place-name) Mochidani |
モレ谷 see styles |
moretani モレたに |
(place-name) Moretani |
ヤケ谷 see styles |
yakedani ヤケだに |
(place-name) Yakedani |
ワサ谷 see styles |
wasadani ワサだに |
(place-name) Wasadani |
ワリ谷 see styles |
waritani ワリたに |
(place-name) Waritani |
ワル谷 see styles |
warudani ワルだに |
(place-name) Warudani |
一の谷 see styles |
ichinoya いちのや |
(place-name) Ichinoya |
一ケ谷 see styles |
ichigatani いちがたに |
(place-name) Ichigatani |
一ッ谷 see styles |
hitotsuya ひとつや |
(place-name, surname) Hitotsuya |
一之谷 see styles |
ichinotani いちのたに |
(surname) Ichinotani |
一乗谷 see styles |
ichijoudani / ichijodani いちじょうだに |
(place-name) Ichijōdani |
一位谷 see styles |
ichiidani / ichidani いちいだに |
(place-name) Ichiidani |
一升谷 see styles |
isshoudani / isshodani いっしょうだに |
(place-name) Isshoudani |
一印谷 see styles |
ichiindani / ichindani いちいんだに |
(place-name) Ichiindani |
一宮谷 see styles |
ikkyuudani / ikkyudani いっきゅうだに |
(place-name) Ikkyūdani |
一木谷 see styles |
ichikidani いちきだに |
(place-name) Ichikidani |
一梨谷 see styles |
ichinashidani いちなしだに |
(place-name) Ichinashidani |
一津谷 see styles |
hitotsuya ひとつや |
(surname) Hitotsuya |
一王谷 see styles |
ichinoudani / ichinodani いちのうだに |
(place-name) Ichinoudani |
一番谷 see styles |
ichibantani いちばんたに |
(place-name) Ichibantani |
一谷原 see styles |
ichiyabaru いちやばる |
(place-name) Ichiyabaru |
一谷坂 see styles |
ichitanisaka いちたにさか |
(place-name) Ichitanisaka |
一谷峠 see styles |
ichitanitouge / ichitanitoge いちたにとうげ |
(place-name) Ichitanitōge |
一谷川 see styles |
ichiyagawa いちやがわ |
(place-name) Ichiyagawa |
一野谷 see styles |
ichinoya いちのや |
(surname) Ichinoya |
丁子谷 see styles |
choujiya / chojiya ちょうじや |
(surname) Chōjiya |
丁字谷 see styles |
choujiya / chojiya ちょうじや |
(surname) Chōjiya |
七ッ谷 see styles |
nanatsuya ななつや |
(surname) Nanatsuya |
七ヶ谷 see styles |
shichigatani しちがたに |
(place-name) Shichigatani |
七中谷 see styles |
shicchudani しっちゅだに |
(place-name) Shicchudani |
七五谷 see styles |
shichigodani しちごだに |
(place-name) Shichigodani |
七力谷 see styles |
shichirikidani しちりきだに |
(place-name) Shichirikidani |
七山谷 see styles |
shichiyamadani しちやまだに |
(surname) Shichiyamadani |
七年谷 see styles |
shichinendani しちねんだに |
(place-name) Shichinendani |
七津谷 see styles |
nanatsudani ななつだに |
(place-name) Nanatsudani |
七瀬谷 see styles |
nanasedani ななせだに |
(surname) Nanasedani |
七田谷 see styles |
nadaya なだや |
(surname) Nadaya |
七良谷 see styles |
nanayoshitani ななよしたに |
(place-name) Nanayoshitani |
七谷切 see styles |
nanatagiri ななたぎり |
(place-name) Nanatagiri |
七谷峠 see styles |
shichitanitooge しちたにとおげ |
(place-name) Shichitanitooge |
七谷川 see styles |
nanatanigawa ななたにがわ |
(place-name) Nanatanigawa |
七谷池 see styles |
nanataniike / nanatanike ななたにいけ |
(place-name) Nanataniike |
七面谷 see styles |
shichimendani しちめんだに |
(place-name) Shichimendani |
万々谷 see styles |
mamadani ままだに |
(place-name) Mamadani |
万カ谷 see styles |
makatani まかたに |
(surname) Makatani |
万ケ谷 see styles |
mangaya まんがや |
(surname) Mangaya |
万力谷 see styles |
manrikiya まんりきや |
(surname) Manrikiya |
万国谷 see styles |
makunya まくにゃ |
(surname) Makunya |
万地谷 see styles |
manjidani まんじだに |
(place-name) Manjidani |
万所谷 see styles |
mandokoroyatsu まんどころやつ |
(place-name) Mandokoroyatsu |
万才谷 see styles |
manzaidan まんざいだん |
(place-name) Manzaidan |
丈ケ谷 see styles |
takegatanigawa たけがたにがわ |
(place-name) Takegatanigawa |
三ケ谷 see styles |
mikadani みかだに |
(place-name) Mikadani |
三ッ谷 see styles |
mitsuya みつや |
(place-name, surname) Mitsuya |
三ノ谷 see styles |
sannotani さんのたに |
(personal name) Sannotani |
三万谷 see styles |
sanmandani さんまんだに |
(place-name) Sanmandani |
三井谷 see styles |
miidani / midani みいだに |
(place-name) Miidani |
三保谷 see styles |
mihoya みほや |
(surname) Mihoya |
三刀谷 see styles |
mitoya みとや |
(surname) Mitoya |
三力谷 see styles |
mirigitani みりぎたに |
(surname) Mirigitani |
三反谷 see styles |
mitandani みたんだに |
(place-name) Mitandani |
三古谷 see styles |
mikoya みこや |
(surname) Mikoya |
三合谷 see styles |
sangoudani / sangodani さんごうだに |
(place-name) Sangoudani |
三吉谷 see styles |
miyoshidani みよしだに |
(personal name) Miyoshidani |
三国谷 see styles |
mikuniya みくにや |
(surname) Mikuniya |
三國谷 see styles |
mikuniya みくにや |
(surname) Mikuniya |
三坂谷 see styles |
misakadani みさかだに |
(personal name) Misakadani |
三尾谷 see styles |
mioya みおや |
(surname) Mioya |
三岩谷 see styles |
mitsuiwadani みついわだに |
(place-name) Mitsuiwadani |
三島谷 see styles |
mishimadani みしまだに |
(place-name) Mishimadani |
三平谷 see styles |
sanpeidani / sanpedani さんぺいだに |
(place-name) Sanpeidani |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.