There are 6751 total results for your 学 search. I have created 68 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<2021222324252627282930...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
口耳の学 see styles |
koujinogaku / kojinogaku こうじのがく |
shallow learning |
古人類学 see styles |
kojinruigaku こじんるいがく |
paleoanthropology |
古人類學 古人类学 see styles |
gǔ rén lèi xué gu3 ren2 lei4 xue2 ku jen lei hsüeh |
paleoanthropology |
古典力学 see styles |
kotenrikigaku こてんりきがく |
(See 量子力学) classical mechanics |
古典学者 see styles |
kotengakusha こてんがくしゃ |
classicist; classical scholar |
古典文学 see styles |
kotenbungaku こてんぶんがく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) classical literature |
古典文學 古典文学 see styles |
gǔ diǎn wén xué gu3 dian3 wen2 xue2 ku tien wen hsüeh |
classical literature See: 古典文学 |
古動物学 see styles |
kodoubutsugaku / kodobutsugaku こどうぶつがく |
paleozoology |
古地理学 see styles |
kochirigaku こちりがく |
paleogeography; palaeogeography |
古天文学 see styles |
kotenmongaku こてんもんがく |
archaeoastronomy; archeoastronomy |
古文字學 古文字学 see styles |
gǔ wén zì xué gu3 wen2 zi4 xue2 ku wen tzu hsüeh |
paleography |
古文書学 see styles |
komonjogaku こもんじょがく |
study of historical documents; diplomatics; diplomatic; paleography; palaeography |
古書体学 see styles |
koshotaigaku こしょたいがく |
palaeography; paleography |
古植物学 see styles |
koshokubutsugaku こしょくぶつがく |
paleobotany; paleophytology |
古気候学 see styles |
kokikougaku / kokikogaku こきこうがく |
paleoclimatology |
古氣候學 古气候学 see styles |
gǔ qì hòu xué gu3 qi4 hou4 xue2 ku ch`i hou hsüeh ku chi hou hsüeh |
paleoclimatology |
古生態学 see styles |
koseitaigaku / kosetaigaku こせいたいがく |
paleoecology |
古生物学 see styles |
koseibutsugaku / kosebutsugaku こせいぶつがく |
paleontology |
古生物學 古生物学 see styles |
gǔ shēng wù xué gu3 sheng1 wu4 xue2 ku sheng wu hsüeh |
palaeontology See: 古生物学 |
古病理学 see styles |
kobyourigaku / kobyorigaku こびょうりがく |
paleopathology |
古銭学者 see styles |
kosengakusha こせんがくしゃ |
numismatist |
史料館学 see styles |
shiryoukangaku / shiryokangaku しりょうかんがく |
archive science |
各種学校 see styles |
kakushugakkou / kakushugakko かくしゅがっこう |
{law} miscellaneous school; legal category of schools including certain vocational schools, driving schools, cram schools, etc. |
合成化学 see styles |
gouseikagaku / gosekagaku ごうせいかがく |
synthetic chemistry |
吉林大学 see styles |
kitsurindaigaku きつりんだいがく |
(org) Jilin University; (o) Jilin University |
吉林大學 吉林大学 see styles |
jí lín dà xué ji2 lin2 da4 xue2 chi lin ta hsüeh |
Jilin University See: 吉林大学 |
吉見学園 see styles |
yoshimigakuen よしみがくえん |
(place-name) Yoshimigakuen |
吉野学園 see styles |
yoshinogakuen よしのがくえん |
(place-name) Yoshinogakuen |
同一哲学 see styles |
douitsutetsugaku / doitsutetsugaku どういつてつがく |
identity philosophy |
同朋大学 see styles |
douhoudaigaku / dohodaigaku どうほうだいがく |
(org) Doho University; (o) Doho University |
同濟大學 同济大学 see styles |
tóng jì dà xué tong2 ji4 da4 xue2 t`ung chi ta hsüeh tung chi ta hsüeh |
Tongji University |
同班同學 同班同学 see styles |
tóng bān tóng xué tong2 ban1 tong2 xue2 t`ung pan t`ung hsüeh tung pan tung hsüeh |
classmate |
名城大学 see styles |
meijoudaigaku / mejodaigaku めいじょうだいがく |
(org) Meijo University; (o) Meijo University |
名桜大学 see styles |
meioudaigaku / meodaigaku めいおうだいがく |
(org) Meio University; (o) Meio University |
名誉学位 see styles |
meiyogakui / meyogakui めいよがくい |
honorary degree |
名護学院 see styles |
nagogakuin なごがくいん |
(place-name) Nagogakuin |
名譽學位 名誉学位 see styles |
míng yù xué wèi ming2 yu4 xue2 wei4 ming yü hsüeh wei |
honorary degree; academic degree Honoris Causa See: 名誉学位 |
名門大学 see styles |
meimondaigaku / memondaigaku めいもんだいがく |
prestigious university |
向場学園 see styles |
kouyougakuen / koyogakuen こうようがくえん |
(place-name) Kōyougakuen |
向陽学園 see styles |
kouyougakuen / koyogakuen こうようがくえん |
(place-name) Kōyougakuen |
向陽学院 see styles |
kouyougakuin / koyogakuin こうようがくいん |
(place-name) Kōyougakuin |
否定神学 see styles |
hiteishingaku / hiteshingaku ひていしんがく |
negative theology |
周産期学 see styles |
shuusankigaku / shusankigaku しゅうさんきがく |
perinatology |
周辺科学 see styles |
shuuhenkagaku / shuhenkagaku しゅうへんかがく |
fringe science |
周防学園 see styles |
suougakuen / suogakuen すおうがくえん |
(place-name) Suougakuen |
呼吸器学 see styles |
kokyuukigaku / kokyukigaku こきゅうきがく |
pulmonology; pneumology; respirology |
和光大学 see styles |
wakoudaigaku / wakodaigaku わこうだいがく |
(org) Wako University; (o) Wako University |
和光学園 see styles |
wakougakuen / wakogakuen わこうがくえん |
(place-name) Wakougakuen |
和敬学園 see styles |
wakeigakuen / wakegakuen わけいがくえん |
(place-name) Wakeigakuen |
和泉学園 see styles |
izumigakuen いずみがくえん |
(place-name) Izumigakuen |
品學兼優 品学兼优 see styles |
pǐn xué jiān yōu pin3 xue2 jian1 you1 p`in hsüeh chien yu pin hsüeh chien yu |
excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for behavior (at school); a paragon of virtue and learning |
哈佛大學 哈佛大学 see styles |
hā fó dà xué ha1 fo2 da4 xue2 ha fo ta hsüeh |
Harvard University |
哲学の道 see styles |
tetsugakunomichi てつがくのみち |
(place-name) Tetsugakunomichi |
哲学博士 see styles |
tetsugakuhakushi; tetsugakuhakase てつがくはくし; てつがくはかせ |
doctor of philosophy; PhD |
哺乳類学 see styles |
honyuuruigaku / honyuruigaku ほにゅうるいがく |
mammalogy |
唯識學說 唯识学说 see styles |
wéi shì xué shuō wei2 shi4 xue2 shuo1 wei shih hsüeh shuo yuishiki gakusetsu |
the teaching of consciousness-only |
商学博士 see styles |
shougakuhakushi / shogakuhakushi しょうがくはくし |
Doctor of Commercial Science |
商業学校 see styles |
shougyougakkou / shogyogakko しょうぎょうがっこう |
(hist) commercial school |
商業数学 see styles |
shougyousuugaku / shogyosugaku しょうぎょうすうがく |
{math} commercial mathematics |
商科大学 see styles |
shoukadaigaku / shokadaigaku しょうかだいがく |
commercial college; college of commerce; (o) Shouka University |
商船大学 see styles |
shousendaigaku / shosendaigaku しょうせんだいがく |
mercantile marine college |
商船学校 see styles |
shousengakkou / shosengakko しょうせんがっこう |
merchant-marine school |
嘉悦大学 see styles |
kaetsudaigaku かえつだいがく |
(org) Kaetsu University; (o) Kaetsu University |
嘉應大學 嘉应大学 see styles |
jiā yīng dà xué jia1 ying1 da4 xue2 chia ying ta hsüeh |
Jiaying University (Guangdong) |
嘉麻学園 see styles |
kamagakuen かまがくえん |
(place-name) Kamagakuen |
四国大学 see styles |
shikokudaigaku しこくだいがく |
(org) Shikoku University; (o) Shikoku University |
四川大學 四川大学 see styles |
sì chuān dà xué si4 chuan1 da4 xue2 ssu ch`uan ta hsüeh ssu chuan ta hsüeh |
Sichuan University |
図書館学 see styles |
toshokangaku としょかんがく |
library science |
固体化学 see styles |
kotaikagaku こたいかがく |
{chem} solid-state chemistry |
国児学園 see styles |
kokujigakuen こくじがくえん |
(place-name) Kokujigakuen |
国内留学 see styles |
kokunairyuugaku / kokunairyugaku こくないりゅうがく |
studying (temporarily) at another institution (in the same country as the institution one belongs to); studying or researching at an institution while still employed |
国学院大 see styles |
kokugakuindai こくがくいんだい |
(place-name) Kokugakuindai |
国文学史 see styles |
kokubungakushi こくぶんがくし |
history of Japanese literature |
国民学校 see styles |
kokumingakkou / kokumingakko こくみんがっこう |
(hist) elementary school (in Japan; 1941-1947) |
国立大学 see styles |
kokuritsudaigaku こくりつだいがく |
national university |
国語学会 see styles |
kokugogakkai こくごがっかい |
(org) Society for the Study of Japanese Language; (o) Society for the Study of Japanese Language |
国連大学 see styles |
kokurendaigaku こくれんだいがく |
(org) United Nations University (abbr.); UN University; UNU; (o) United Nations University (abbr.); UN University; UNU |
国防大学 see styles |
kokuboudaigaku / kokubodaigaku こくぼうだいがく |
(org) National War College; (o) National War College |
国際力学 see styles |
kokusairikigaku こくさいりきがく |
dynamics of international (foreign) relations |
国際大学 see styles |
kokusaidaigaku こくさいだいがく |
(org) Kokusai University; (o) Kokusai University |
国際学校 see styles |
kokusaigakkou / kokusaigakko こくさいがっこう |
(See インターナショナルスクール) international school |
國民中學 国民中学 see styles |
guó mín zhōng xué guo2 min2 zhong1 xue2 kuo min chung hsüeh |
junior high school (Tw); abbr. to 國中|国中[guo2 zhong1] |
國民小學 国民小学 see styles |
guó mín xiǎo xué guo2 min2 xiao3 xue2 kuo min hsiao hsüeh |
elementary school (Tw) |
園芸学会 see styles |
engeigakkai / engegakkai えんげいがっかい |
(org) Japanese Society for Horticultural Science; (o) Japanese Society for Horticultural Science |
土木工学 see styles |
dobokukougaku / dobokukogaku どぼくこうがく |
civil engineering |
土質力学 see styles |
doshitsurikigaku どしつりきがく |
soil mechanics |
地政学的 see styles |
chiseigakuteki / chisegakuteki ちせいがくてき |
(adjectival noun) geopolitical; geostrategic |
地球化学 see styles |
chikyuukagaku / chikyukagaku ちきゅうかがく |
geochemistry |
地球化學 地球化学 see styles |
dì qiú huà xué di4 qiu2 hua4 xue2 ti ch`iu hua hsüeh ti chiu hua hsüeh |
geochemistry See: 地球化学 |
地球工学 see styles |
chikyuukougaku / chikyukogaku ちきゅうこうがく |
climate engineering; geo-engineering |
地球科学 see styles |
chikyuukagaku / chikyukagaku ちきゅうかがく |
earth science; geoscience |
地球科學 地球科学 see styles |
dì qiú kē xué di4 qiu2 ke1 xue2 ti ch`iu k`o hsüeh ti chiu ko hsüeh |
earth science See: 地球科学 |
地理学者 see styles |
chirigakusha ちりがくしゃ |
geographer |
地理學家 地理学家 see styles |
dì lǐ xué jiā di4 li3 xue2 jia1 ti li hsüeh chia |
geographer |
地論學派 地论学派 see styles |
dì lùn xué pài di4 lun4 xue2 pai4 ti lun hsüeh p`ai ti lun hsüeh pai Chiron gakuha |
doctrinal lineage of the School of the Treatise on the Bhūmis |
地質学者 see styles |
chishitsugakusha ちしつがくしゃ |
geologist |
地質學家 地质学家 see styles |
dì zhì xué jiā di4 zhi4 xue2 jia1 ti chih hsüeh chia |
geologist |
地震学者 see styles |
jishingakusha じしんがくしゃ |
seismologist |
地震學家 地震学家 see styles |
dì zhèn xué jiā di4 zhen4 xue2 jia1 ti chen hsüeh chia |
seismologist; earthquake scientist |
地震工学 see styles |
jishinkougaku / jishinkogaku じしんこうがく |
earthquake engineering |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "学" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.