There are 186 total results for your 雛 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
幸雛 see styles |
kohina こひな |
(female given name) Kohina |
幼雛 幼雏 see styles |
yòu chú you4 chu2 yu ch`u yu chu |
young bird; nestling |
恋雛 see styles |
kohina こひな |
(female given name) Kohina |
愛雛 see styles |
aina あいな |
(female given name) Aina |
朝雛 see styles |
asahina あさひな |
(surname) Asahina |
来雛 see styles |
kurusu くるす |
(female given name) Kurusu |
梨雛 see styles |
rizu りず |
(female given name) Rizu |
浅雛 see styles |
asahina あさひな |
(surname) Asahina |
琴雛 see styles |
kotohina ことひな |
(female given name) Kotohina |
瑚雛 see styles |
kohina こひな |
(female given name) Kohina |
男雛 see styles |
obina おびな |
Emperor doll (in display with Empress doll) |
真雛 see styles |
mahina まひな |
(female given name) Mahina |
紅雛 see styles |
kuresu くれす |
(female given name) Kuresu |
美雛 see styles |
miina / mina みいな |
(female given name) Miina |
育雛 see styles |
ikusuu / ikusu いくすう |
(noun/participle) brooding |
雄雛 see styles |
obina おびな |
Emperor doll (in display with Empress doll) |
高雛 see styles |
takahina たかひな |
(surname) Takahina |
鳳雛 see styles |
housuu / hosu ほうすう |
gifted young person who shows much promise |
麗雛 see styles |
reisu / resu れいす |
(female given name) Reisu |
雛人形 see styles |
hinaningyou / hinaningyo ひなにんぎょう |
hina doll; doll displayed during the Girls' Festival |
雛太夫 see styles |
hinatayuu / hinatayu ひなたゆう |
(given name) Hinatayū |
雛奈子 see styles |
hinako ひなこ |
(female given name) Hinako |
雛形土 雏形土 see styles |
chú xíng tǔ chu2 xing2 tu3 ch`u hsing t`u chu hsing tu |
cambisol (soil taxonomy) |
雛戯糸 see styles |
hinageshi ひなげし |
(female given name) Hinageshi |
雛戸山 see styles |
hinadosan ひなどさん |
(personal name) Hinadosan |
雛戸川 see styles |
hinatogawa ひなとがわ |
(place-name) Hinatogawa |
雛田谷 see styles |
hinataya ひなたや |
(surname) Hinataya |
雛祭り see styles |
hinamatsuri ひなまつり |
Hinamatsuri (March 3rd); Girls' Festival; Dolls' Festival |
雛罌粟 see styles |
hinageshi ひなげし |
(kana only) red poppy (Papaver rhoeas); common poppy; coquelicot; (female given name) Hinageshi |
雛美礼 see styles |
sumire すみれ |
(female given name) Sumire |
雛芥子 see styles |
hinageshi ひなげし |
(kana only) red poppy (Papaver rhoeas); common poppy; coquelicot |
雛菓子 see styles |
hinagashi ひながし |
sweets for offering at the Dolls' Festival |
雛蝙蝠 see styles |
hinakoumori / hinakomori ひなこうもり |
(kana only) vesper bat (Vespertilionidae spp., esp. the Asian particolored bat, Vespertilio sinensis); evening bat; common bat |
雛諸子 see styles |
hinamoroko; hinamoroko ひなもろこ; ヒナモロコ |
(kana only) Chinese bleak (Aphyocypris chinensis) |
雛遊び see styles |
hinaasobi / hinasobi ひなあそび |
playing with dolls displayed on the Girl's Festival |
お雛様 see styles |
ohinasama おひなさま |
(1) display of dolls during Hinamatsuri; (2) Hinamatsuri (March 3rd); Girls' Festival; Dolls' Festival |
上雛倉 see styles |
kamihinakura かみひなくら |
(place-name) Kamihinakura |
下雛倉 see styles |
shimohinakura しもひなくら |
(place-name) Shimohinakura |
内裏雛 see styles |
dairibina だいりびな |
festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress |
御雛様 see styles |
ohinasama おひなさま |
(1) display of dolls during Hinamatsuri; (2) Hinamatsuri (March 3rd); Girls' Festival; Dolls' Festival |
星礼雛 see styles |
seresu せれす |
(female given name) Seresu |
杏李雛 see styles |
aisu あいす |
(female given name) Aisu |
東雛場 see styles |
higashihinaba ひがしひなば |
(place-name) Higashihinaba |
流し雛 see styles |
nagashibina ながしびな |
paper dolls floated downriver on March 3 |
美雛姫 see styles |
mizuki みずき |
(female given name) Mizuki |
育雛器 see styles |
ikusuuki / ikusuki いくすうき |
breeder |
花想雛 see styles |
kashisu かしす |
(female given name) Kashisu |
西雛場 see styles |
nishihinaba にしひなば |
(place-name) Nishihinaba |
雛あられ see styles |
hinaarare / hinarare ひなあられ |
(kana only) sweetened rice-flour cakes for offering at the Dolls' Festival |
雛の錫杖 see styles |
hinanoshakujou; hinanoshakujou / hinanoshakujo; hinanoshakujo ひなのしゃくじょう; ヒナノシャクジョウ |
(kana only) Burmannia championii (species of flowering plant) |
雛形產品 雏形产品 see styles |
chú xíng chǎn pǐn chu2 xing2 chan3 pin3 ch`u hsing ch`an p`in chu hsing chan pin |
prototype |
雛菊花環 雏菊花环 see styles |
chú jú huā huán chu2 ju2 hua1 huan2 ch`u chü hua huan chu chü hua huan |
daisy chain; chain sinnet |
雛鑑別師 see styles |
hinakanbetsushi ひなかんべつし |
(abbreviation) chicken sexer |
伏竜鳳雛 see styles |
fukuryouhousuu / fukuryohosu ふくりょうほうすう |
(yoji) gifted young person who shows much promise; unrecognized genius; great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel |
伏龍鳳雛 伏龙凤雏 see styles |
fú lóng fèng chú fu2 long2 feng4 chu2 fu lung feng ch`u fu lung feng chu |
hidden genius (idiom) |
木目込雛 see styles |
kimekomibina きめこみびな |
(See 木目込人形) kimekomi doll |
臥竜鳳雛 see styles |
garyouhousuu / garyohosu がりょうほうすう |
(yoji) gifted young person who shows much promise; unrecognized genius; great person whose talent is hidden under a bushel |
龍駒鳳雛 龙驹凤雏 see styles |
lóng jū fèng chú long2 ju1 feng4 chu2 lung chü feng ch`u lung chü feng chu |
brilliant young man; talented young scholar |
Variations: |
hinasaki ひなさき |
(1) (rare) (See 烏帽子) slightly protruding part of the front of an eboshi; (2) (archaism) clitoris |
雛形あきこ see styles |
hinagataakiko / hinagatakiko ひながたあきこ |
(person) Hinagata Akiko (1978.1.27-) |
Variations: |
obina おびな |
Emperor doll (in display with Empress doll) |
Variations: |
ensuu / ensu えんすう |
(rare) (See 鳳凰) mythical Chinese bird similar to the Chinese phoenix |
東洋雛蝙蝠 see styles |
touyouhinakoumori; touyouhinakoumori / toyohinakomori; toyohinakomori とうようひなこうもり; トウヨウヒナコウモリ |
(kana only) Asian particolored bat (Vespertilio sinensis) |
Variations: |
hinagiku; hinagiku ひなぎく; ヒナギク |
(kana only) daisy (Bellis perennis); English daisy |
Variations: |
hinadori ひなどり |
chick; baby bird |
雛成トンネル see styles |
hinanaritonneru ひななりトンネル |
(place-name) Hinanari Tunnel |
初生雛鑑別師 see styles |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
Variations: |
hinaarare / hinarare ひなあられ |
(kana only) sweetened rice-flour cakes for offering at the Dolls' Festival |
Variations: |
hinageshi; hinageshi ひなげし; ヒナゲシ |
(kana only) common poppy (Papaver rhoeas); corn poppy; field poppy; red poppy |
Variations: |
hinakoumori; hinakoumori / hinakomori; hinakomori ひなこうもり; ヒナコウモリ |
(kana only) vesper bat (Vespertilionidae spp., esp. the Asian particolored bat, Vespertilio sinensis); evening bat; common bat |
新雛鶴トンネル see styles |
shinhinazurutonneru しんひなづるトンネル |
(place-name) Shinhinazuru Tunnel |
Variations: |
hinaningyou / hinaningyo ひなにんぎょう |
hina doll; doll displayed during the Girls' Festival |
Variations: |
hinagashi ひながし |
sweets for offering at the Dolls' Festival |
Variations: |
hinaasobi / hinasobi ひなあそび |
playing with dolls displayed on the Girl's Festival |
Variations: |
dairibina だいりびな |
festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress |
Variations: |
mebina めびな |
Empress doll (in display with Emperor doll) |
Variations: |
hinakanbetsushi ひなかんべつし |
(abbreviation) (See 初生ひな鑑別師・しょせいひなかんべつし) chicken sexer |
Variations: |
kimekomibina きめこみびな |
(See 木目込人形) kimekomi doll |
Variations: |
hinageshi; hinageshi ひなげし; ヒナゲシ |
(kana only) common poppy (Papaver rhoeas); corn poppy; field poppy; red poppy |
Variations: |
ohinasama おひなさま |
(1) (See 雛人形・ひなにんぎょう) display of dolls during Hinamatsuri; (2) (See 雛祭・ひなまつり) Hinamatsuri (March 3); Girls' Festival; Dolls' Festival |
Variations: |
hiyokomame(hiyoko豆, 雛豆); hiyokomame(hiyoko豆); hiyokomame ひよこまめ(ひよこ豆, 雛豆); ヒヨコまめ(ヒヨコ豆); ヒヨコマメ |
chickpea (Cicer arietinum); garbanzo bean |
Variations: |
hinagata ひながた |
(1) model; miniature; pattern; (2) sample; specimen; (3) prescribed form |
Variations: |
hinadan ひなだん |
(1) (See 雛人形) tiered doll stand (for hina dolls); (2) tiered platform; tiered gallery |
Variations: |
obina おびな |
(See 雛・ひな・2) Emperor hina doll |
Variations: |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
Variations: |
hinamatsuri ひなまつり |
Hinamatsuri (March 3); Girls' Festival; Dolls' Festival |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 86 results for "雛" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.