There are 1642 total results for your 经 search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
經商 经商 see styles |
jīng shāng jing1 shang1 ching shang |
to trade; to carry out commercial activities; in business |
經單 经单 see styles |
jīng dān jing1 dan1 ching tan kyōtan |
tablet of sūtra titles |
經圈 经圈 see styles |
jīng quān jing1 quan1 ching ch`üan ching chüan |
line of longitude; meridian (geography) |
經堂 经堂 see styles |
jīng táng jing1 tang2 ching t`ang ching tang keidou / kedo けいどう |
scripture hall (Buddhism) (surname) Keidou sūtra hall |
經塔 经塔 see styles |
jīng tǎ jing1 ta3 ching t`a ching ta kyōtō |
A pagoda containing the scriptures as relics of the Buddha, or having verses on or in the building material. |
經夾 经夹 see styles |
jīng jiá jing1 jia2 ching chia kyō kō |
palm-leaf scriptures |
經字 经字 see styles |
jīng zì jing1 zi4 ching tzu kyōji |
letters of a scripture |
經學 经学 see styles |
jīng xué jing1 xue2 ching hsüeh keigaku / kegaku けいがく |
study of the Confucian classics (personal name) Keigaku |
經宗 经宗 see styles |
jīng zōng jing1 zong1 ching tsung kyōshū |
The sūtra school, any school which bases its doctrines on the sūtras, e. g. the Tiantai, or Huayan, in contrast to schools based on the śāstras, or philosophical discourses. |
經家 经家 see styles |
jīng jiā jing1 jia1 ching chia kyōke |
One who collected or collects the sūtras, especially Ānanda, who according to tradition recorded the first Buddhist sūtras. |
經寶 经宝 see styles |
jīng bǎo jing1 bao3 ching pao kyōhō |
Gyeongbo |
經師 经师 see styles |
jīng shī jing1 shi1 ching shih kyōshi |
A teacher of the sūtras, or canon in general. |
經常 经常 see styles |
jīng cháng jing1 chang2 ching ch`ang ching chang |
frequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily |
經幡 经幡 see styles |
jīng fān jing1 fan1 ching fan |
Tibetan prayer flag |
經幢 经幢 see styles |
jīng chuáng jing1 chuang2 ching ch`uang ching chuang |
Buddhist stone pillar |
經年 经年 see styles |
jīng nián jing1 nian2 ching nien |
for years; year after year |
經床 经床 see styles |
jīng chuáng jing1 chuang2 ching ch`uang ching chuang kyōshō |
sūtra desk |
經度 经度 see styles |
jīng dù jing1 du4 ching tu |
longitude |
經庫 经库 see styles |
jīng kù jing1 ku4 ching k`u ching ku kyōko |
sūtra repository |
經廚 经厨 see styles |
jīng chú jing1 chu2 ching ch`u ching chu kyōchu |
sūtra repository |
經律 经律 see styles |
jīng lǜ jing1 lv4 ching lü kyōritsu |
scriptures and rules collections |
經意 经意 see styles |
jīng yì jing1 yi4 ching i kyō i |
meaning of [the passages of] a scripture |
經戒 经戒 see styles |
jīng jiè jing1 jie4 ching chieh kyōkai |
sūtras and commandments; the sūtras and morality, or discipline. The commandments found in the sūtras. The commandments regarded as permanent and fundamental. |
經房 经房 see styles |
jīng fáng jing1 fang2 ching fang kyōbō |
sūtra repository |
經手 经手 see styles |
jīng shǒu jing1 shou3 ching shou kyōshu |
(lit.) to pass through one's hands; (fig.) to handle; to deal with A copier of classical works; also called 經生. |
經撞 经撞 see styles |
jīng zhuàng jing1 zhuang4 ching chuang |
shock-resistant |
經教 经教 see styles |
jīng jiào jing1 jiao4 ching chiao kyōkyō |
The teaching of the sūtras, cf. 經量部. |
經文 经文 see styles |
jīng wén jing1 wen2 ching wen kyōmon きょうもん |
scripture; scriptures; CL:本[ben3] (out-dated kanji) (Buddhist term) scriptural text; scriptures; sutras scriptural text |
經旨 经旨 see styles |
jīng zhǐ jing1 zhi3 ching chih kyōshi |
the meaning of the scriptures |
經書 经书 see styles |
jīng shū jing1 shu1 ching shu |
classic books in Confucianism; scriptures; sutras |
經期 经期 see styles |
jīng qī jing1 qi1 ching ch`i ching chi |
menstrual period |
經本 经本 see styles |
jīng běn jing1 ben3 ching pen kyōhon |
manuscript |
經查 经查 see styles |
jīng chá jing1 cha2 ching ch`a ching cha |
upon investigation |
經案 经案 see styles |
jīn gàn jin1 gan4 chin kan kin'an |
sūtra reading desk |
經業 经业 see styles |
jīng yè jing1 ye4 ching yeh kyōgō |
activities based on a scripture |
經樓 经楼 see styles |
jīng lóu jing1 lou2 ching lou kyōrō |
sūtra room |
經權 经权 see styles |
jīng quán jing1 quan2 ching ch`üan ching chüan kyōgon |
the constant and the expedient |
經歷 经历 see styles |
jīng lì jing1 li4 ching li kyōreki |
to experience; to go through; experience (CL:段[duan4],次[ci4]) passage |
經法 经法 see styles |
jīng fǎ jing1 fa3 ching fa kyōhō |
The doctrines of the sūtras as spoken by the Buddha. |
經源 经源 see styles |
jīng yuán jing1 yuan2 ching yüan Kyōgen |
Kyōgen |
經濟 经济 see styles |
jīng jì jing1 ji4 ching chi |
economy; economic |
經營 经营 see styles |
jīng yíng jing1 ying2 ching ying keiei |
to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate to establish a firm set of rules or goals and work accordingly |
經王 经王 see styles |
jīng wáng jing1 wang2 ching wang kyōō |
the King of scriptures |
經理 经理 see styles |
jīng lǐ jing1 li3 ching li |
manager; director; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] |
經生 经生 see styles |
jīng shēng jing1 sheng1 ching sheng kyōshō |
To pass through life; also a copier of classical works. |
經由 经由 see styles |
jīng yóu jing1 you2 ching yu |
via |
經疏 经疏 see styles |
jīng shū jing1 shu1 ching shu kyōsho |
scriptural commentary |
經痛 经痛 see styles |
jīng tòng jing1 tong4 ching t`ung ching tung |
period pain; menstrual cramps; dysmenorrhea |
經目 经目 see styles |
jīng mù jing1 mu4 ching mu kyōmoku |
title of a scripture |
經眼 经眼 see styles |
jīng yǎn jing1 yan3 ching yen kyōgen |
sūtra eye |
經石 经石 see styles |
jīng shí jing1 shi2 ching shih kyōseki |
a sūtra tablet |
經穴 经穴 see styles |
jīng xué jing1 xue2 ching hsüeh |
acupuncture point (any point on any meridian); category of 12 specific acupuncture points near the wrist or ankle, each lying on a different meridian (one of five categories collectively termed 五輸穴|五输穴) |
經笥 经笥 see styles |
jīng sì jing1 si4 ching ssu kyōshi |
A case for the scriptures, bookcase or box, also 經箱 et al. |
經筵 经筵 see styles |
jīng yán jing1 yan2 ching yen |
place where the emperor listened to lectures (traditional) |
經管 经管 see styles |
jīng guǎn jing1 guan3 ching kuan |
to be in charge of |
經籍 经籍 see styles |
jīng jí jing1 ji2 ching chi keiseki |
religious text a scriptural text |
經紀 经纪 see styles |
jīng jì jing1 ji4 ching chi |
to manage (a business); manager; broker |
經紗 经纱 see styles |
jīng shā jing1 sha1 ching sha |
warp (vertical thread in weaving) |
經絡 经络 see styles |
jīng luò jing1 luo4 ching lo |
energy channels; meridian (TCM); (dialect) trick; tactic |
經線 经线 see styles |
jīng xiàn jing1 xian4 ching hsien |
warp; line of longitude; meridian (geography) |
經緯 经纬 see styles |
jīng wěi jing1 wei3 ching wei kyōi |
warp and woof; longitude and latitude; main points horizontal and vertical |
經者 经者 see styles |
jīng zhě jing1 zhe3 ching che kyōsha |
One who expounds the sūtras and śāstras; one who keeps the teaching of the Lotus Sūtra. |
經脈 经脉 see styles |
jīng mài jing1 mai4 ching mai |
channel of TCM |
經藏 经藏 see styles |
jīng zàng jing1 zang4 ching tsang kyōzō |
The sūtra-piṭaka. |
經號 经号 see styles |
jīng hào jing1 hao4 ching hao kyōgō |
fascicle number |
經血 经血 see styles |
jīng xuè jing1 xue4 ching hsüeh |
menstruation (TCM) |
經行 经行 see styles |
jīng xíng jing1 xing2 ching hsing kyōgyō |
to perform walking meditation To walk about when meditating to prevent sleepiness; also as exercise to keep in health; the caṅkramana was a place for such exercise, e.g. a cloister, a corridor. |
經衣 经衣 see styles |
jīng yī jing1 yi1 ching i kyōe |
The garment with sūtra in which the dead were dressed, so called because it had quotations from the sūtras written on it: also 經帷子. |
經要 经要 see styles |
jīng yào jing1 yao4 ching yao kyōyō |
teachings |
經言 经言 see styles |
jīng yán jing1 yan2 ching yen kyō gon |
[the, a] sūtra says... |
經訓 经训 see styles |
jīng xùn jing1 xun4 ching hsün kyōkun |
teachings of a scripture |
經說 经说 see styles |
jīng shuō jing1 shuo1 ching shuo kyōsetsu |
the teachings of the sūtras |
經論 经论 see styles |
jīng lùn jing1 lun4 ching lun kyōron |
The sūtras and śāstras. |
經豪 经豪 see styles |
jīng háo jing1 hao2 ching hao Kyōgō |
Kyōgō |
經費 经费 see styles |
jīng fèi jing1 fei4 ching fei |
funds; expenditure; CL:筆|笔[bi3] |
經貿 经贸 see styles |
jīng mào jing1 mao4 ching mao |
trade |
經身 经身 see styles |
jīng shēn jing1 shen1 ching shen kyōshin |
the scripture itself |
經軌 经轨 see styles |
jīng guǐ jing1 gui3 ching kuei kyōki |
sūtras and regulations (of the esoteric sects). |
經輪 经轮 see styles |
jīng lún jing1 lun2 ching lun kyōrin |
the Wheel of the scriptures |
經辦 经办 see styles |
jīng bàn jing1 ban4 ching pan |
to handle; to deal with |
經過 经过 see styles |
jīng guò jing1 guo4 ching kuo |
to pass; to go through; process; course; CL:個|个[ge4] |
經道 经道 see styles |
jīng dào jing1 dao4 ching tao kyōdō |
The doctrines of the sūtras. |
經部 经部 see styles |
jīng bù jing1 bu4 ching pu kyōbu |
(經量部) Sautrantika, an important Hīnayāna school, which based its doctrine on the sūtras alone, cf. Keith, 151 et al. |
經銷 经销 see styles |
jīng xiāo jing1 xiao1 ching hsiao |
to sell; to sell on commission; to distribute |
經錦 经锦 see styles |
jīng jǐn jing1 jin3 ching chin |
warp brocade; woven fabric with single colored woof but many-colored warp |
經閉 经闭 see styles |
jīng bì jing1 bi4 ching pi |
amenorrhoea |
經閣 经阁 see styles |
jīng gé jing1 ge2 ching ko kyōkaku |
sūtra repository |
經集 经集 see styles |
jīng jí jing1 ji2 ching chi Kyōshū |
Sutta-nipāta |
經題 经题 see styles |
jīng tí jing1 ti2 ching t`i ching ti kyōdai |
sūtra title |
經驗 经验 see styles |
jīng yàn jing1 yan4 ching yen |
experience; to experience |
經體 经体 see styles |
jīng tǐ jing1 ti3 ching t`i ching ti kyō tai |
essence of the scripture |
綖經 綖经 see styles |
yán jīng yan2 jing1 yen ching enkyō |
or 線經 A sūtra, or sūtras. |
線經 线经 see styles |
xiàn jīng xian4 jing1 hsien ching senkyō |
sūtra |
羅經 罗经 see styles |
luó jīng luo2 jing1 lo ching |
compass; same as 羅盤|罗盘 |
翻經 翻经 see styles |
fān jīng fan1 jing1 fan ching hongyō |
To translate the scriptures. |
聖經 圣经 see styles |
shèng jīng sheng4 jing1 sheng ching |
More info & calligraphy: Holy Bible |
自經 自经 see styles |
zì jīng zi4 jing1 tzu ching |
(literary) to hang oneself |
舊經 旧经 see styles |
jiù jīng jiu4 jing1 chiu ching gukyō |
Old writings, or versions. |
茶經 茶经 see styles |
chá jīng cha2 jing1 ch`a ching cha ching |
the Classic of Tea, first monograph ever on tea and its culture, written by 陸羽|陆羽[Lu4 Yu3] between 760-780 |
蓮經 莲经 see styles |
lián jīng lian2 jing1 lien ching Renkyō |
The Lotus Sūtra; v. 法華. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "经" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.