There are 454 total results for your 炎 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
司馬炎 司马炎 see styles |
sī mǎ yán si1 ma3 yan2 ssu ma yen |
Sima Yan (236-290), founder and first emperor (265-290) of the Western Jin dynasty 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4], posomethingumous name 晉武帝|晋武帝[Jin4 Wu3di4] |
咽峽炎 咽峡炎 see styles |
yān xiá yán yan1 xia2 yan2 yen hsia yen |
angina; sore throat |
咽頭炎 see styles |
intouen / intoen いんとうえん |
{med} pharyngitis; sore throat |
喉頭炎 see styles |
koutouen / kotoen こうとうえん |
{med} laryngitis |
回腸炎 see styles |
kaichouen / kaichoen かいちょうえん |
{med} ileitis |
外耳炎 see styles |
gaijien がいじえん |
{med} otitis externa |
外陰炎 see styles |
gaiinen / gainen がいいんえん |
{med} vulvitis |
夜炎那 see styles |
yaena やえな |
(female given name) Yaena |
夜炎鼓 see styles |
yaeko やえこ |
(female given name) Yaeko |
大炎熱 大炎热 see styles |
dà yán rè da4 yan2 re4 ta yen je dai ennetsu |
Pratāpana or Mahātāpana; the hell of great heat, the seventh of the eight hot hells. |
大腸炎 see styles |
daichouen / daichoen だいちょうえん |
{med} colitis |
尿道炎 see styles |
nyoudouen / nyodoen にょうどうえん |
{med} urethritis; inflammation of the urethra |
屈腱炎 see styles |
kukkenen くっけんえん |
{med} bowed tendon |
強膜炎 see styles |
kyoumakuen / kyomakuen きょうまくえん |
(med) scleritis |
心筋炎 see styles |
shinkinen しんきんえん |
{med} myocarditis |
心肌炎 see styles |
xīn jī yán xin1 ji1 yan2 hsin chi yen |
myocarditis |
心膜炎 see styles |
shinmakuen しんまくえん |
{med} pericarditis |
憩室炎 see styles |
qì shì yán qi4 shi4 yan2 ch`i shih yen chi shih yen keishitsuen / keshitsuen けいしつえん |
diverticulitis {med} diverticulitis |
扁桃炎 see styles |
hentouen / hentoen へんとうえん |
tonsillitis |
抗炎性 see styles |
kàng yán xìng kang4 yan2 xing4 k`ang yen hsing kang yen hsing |
anti-inflammatory (medicine) |
拇囊炎 see styles |
mǔ náng yán mu3 nang2 yan2 mu nang yen |
bunion; hallux valgus |
會厭炎 会厌炎 see styles |
huì yàn yán hui4 yan4 yan2 hui yen yen |
epiglottitis |
歯周炎 see styles |
shishuuen / shishuen ししゅうえん |
{med} periodontitis |
歯肉炎 see styles |
shinikuen しにくえん |
{med} gingivitis |
歯膜炎 see styles |
shimakuen しまくえん |
{med} periodontitis |
歯齦炎 see styles |
shiginen しぎんえん |
(rare) {med} (See 歯肉炎) gingivitis |
毛嚢炎 see styles |
mounouen / monoen もうのうえん |
{med} folliculitis |
気管炎 see styles |
kikanen きかんえん |
{med} tracheitis |
氣管炎 气管炎 see styles |
qì guǎn yán qi4 guan3 yan2 ch`i kuan yen chi kuan yen |
bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus); henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得嚴|妻子管得严[qi1 zi5 guan3 de5 yan2] used in comic theater) |
消炎剤 see styles |
shouenzai / shoenzai しょうえんざい |
{med} anti-inflammatory agent; antiphlogistic |
消炎片 see styles |
xiāo yán piàn xiao1 yan2 pian4 hsiao yen p`ien hsiao yen pien |
antipyretic tablet (to reduce fever), such as sulfanilamide |
消炎藥 消炎药 see styles |
xiāo yán yào xiao1 yan2 yao4 hsiao yen yao |
anti-inflammatory medicine |
火炎瓶 see styles |
kaenbin かえんびん |
Molotov cocktail; petrol bomb; gasoline bomb |
火炎石 see styles |
kaenseki かえんせき |
(place-name) Kaenseki |
熱時炎 热时炎 see styles |
rè shí yán re4 shi2 yan2 je shih yen netsuji en |
Mirage, idem 陽炎. |
爾炎慧 尔炎慧 see styles |
ěr yán huì er3 yan2 hui4 erh yen hui nien e |
intelligence that cognizes knowable objects (?) |
牙周炎 see styles |
yá zhōu yán ya2 zhou1 yan2 ya chou yen |
periodontitis (gum disorder) |
牙齦炎 牙龈炎 see styles |
yá yín yán ya2 yin2 yan2 ya yin yen |
gingivitis |
甲溝炎 甲沟炎 see styles |
jiǎ gōu yán jia3 gou1 yan2 chia kou yen |
paronychia (medicine) |
発炎筒 see styles |
hatsuentou / hatsuento はつえんとう |
(warning) flare (esp. used on roads and railways) |
皮膚炎 see styles |
hifuen ひふえん |
{med} dermatitis |
盲腸炎 盲肠炎 see styles |
máng cháng yán mang2 chang2 yan2 mang ch`ang yen mang chang yen mouchouen / mochoen もうちょうえん |
appendicitis (1) (colloquialism) (See 虫垂炎) appendicitis; (2) {med} typhlitis; cecitis |
睾丸炎 see styles |
kouganen / koganen こうがんえん |
{med} orchitis; inflammation of the testes |
瞼腺炎 睑腺炎 see styles |
jiǎn xiàn yán jian3 xian4 yan2 chien hsien yen |
sty (eyelid swelling) |
神経炎 see styles |
shinkeien / shinkeen しんけいえん |
{med} neuritis |
章太炎 see styles |
zhāng tài yán zhang1 tai4 yan2 chang t`ai yen chang tai yen |
Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution |
精巣炎 see styles |
seisouen / sesoen せいそうえん |
{med} orchitis; inflammation of the testes |
結腸炎 结肠炎 see styles |
jié cháng yán jie2 chang2 yan2 chieh ch`ang yen chieh chang yen kecchouen / kecchoen けっちょうえん |
colitis (medicine) {med} (See 大腸炎) colitis |
結膜炎 结膜炎 see styles |
jié mó yán jie2 mo2 yan2 chieh mo yen ketsumakuen けつまくえん |
conjunctivitis {med} conjunctivitis |
網膜炎 see styles |
moumakuen / momakuen もうまくえん |
{med} retinitis |
緋深炎 see styles |
himika ひみか |
(female given name) Himika |
耐炎性 see styles |
taiensei / taiense たいえんせい |
(adj-no,n) flame-resistant; flameproof |
肝臓炎 see styles |
kanzouen / kanzoen かんぞうえん |
{med} (See 肝炎) hepatitis |
肩周炎 see styles |
jiān zhōu yán jian1 zhou1 yan2 chien chou yen |
adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) |
肺胞炎 see styles |
haihouen / haihoen はいほうえん |
{med} alveolitis |
胃腸炎 see styles |
ichouen / ichoen いちょうえん |
{med} gastroenteritis |
胆嚢炎 see styles |
tannouen / tannoen たんのうえん |
inflammation of the gall-bladder; cholesystitis |
胆管炎 see styles |
tankanen たんかんえん |
{med} cholangitis; angiocholitis |
胰腺炎 see styles |
yí xiàn yán yi2 xian4 yan2 i hsien yen |
pancreatitis |
胰臟炎 胰脏炎 see styles |
yí zàng yán yi2 zang4 yan2 i tsang yen |
pancreatitis |
胸膜炎 see styles |
xiōng mó yán xiong1 mo2 yan2 hsiung mo yen kyoumakuen / kyomakuen きょうまくえん |
pleurisy {med} pleurisy |
脈管炎 see styles |
myakkanen みゃっかんえん |
{med} vasculitis |
脊椎炎 see styles |
sekitsuien せきついえん |
{med} spondylitis |
脊髄炎 see styles |
sekizuien せきずいえん |
{med} myelitis |
脊髓炎 see styles |
jǐ suǐ yán ji3 sui3 yan2 chi sui yen |
myelitis; inflammation of spinal cord |
脳膜炎 see styles |
noumakuen / nomakuen のうまくえん |
(obsolete) (See 髄膜炎) meningitis |
腎盂炎 肾盂炎 see styles |
shèn yú yán shen4 yu2 yan2 shen yü yen jinuen じんうえん |
pyelitis (medicine) {med} pyelitis |
腎臓炎 see styles |
jinzouen / jinzoen じんぞうえん |
{med} kidney inflammation; nephritis |
腦膜炎 脑膜炎 see styles |
nǎo mó yán nao3 mo2 yan2 nao mo yen |
meningitis |
腮腺炎 see styles |
sāi xiàn yán sai1 xian4 yan2 sai hsien yen |
mumps |
腱鞘炎 see styles |
jiàn qiào yán jian4 qiao4 yan2 chien ch`iao yen chien chiao yen kenshouen / kenshoen けんしょうえん |
tenosynovitis (medicine) {med} tenosynovitis |
腸胃炎 肠胃炎 see styles |
cháng wèi yán chang2 wei4 yan2 ch`ang wei yen chang wei yen |
gastroenteritis |
腹膜炎 see styles |
fukumakuen ふくまくえん |
{med} peritonitis |
膀胱炎 see styles |
páng guāng yán pang2 guang1 yan2 p`ang kuang yen pang kuang yen boukouen / bokoen ぼうこうえん |
cystitis {med} cystitis; inflammation of the bladder |
膵臓炎 see styles |
suizouen / suizoen すいぞうえん |
{med} pancreatitis |
舟嚢炎 see styles |
tounouen / tonoen とうのうえん |
navicular disease; navicular syndrome |
虫垂炎 see styles |
chuusuien / chusuien ちゅうすいえん |
{med} appendicitis |
虹彩炎 see styles |
kousaien / kosaien こうさいえん |
{med} iritis |
蜂巣炎 see styles |
housouen / hosoen ほうそうえん |
{med} (See 蜂窩織炎) cellulitis |
血管炎 see styles |
kekkanen けっかんえん |
{med} vasculitis; angiitis |
角膜炎 see styles |
jiǎo mó yán jiao3 mo2 yan2 chiao mo yen kakumakuen かくまくえん |
keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) {med} keratitis; corneitis |
蹄葉炎 see styles |
teiyouen / teyoen ていようえん |
{med} laminitis; founder |
迷路炎 see styles |
meijien / mejien めいじえん |
{med} (See 内耳炎) labyrinthitis |
遮炎性 see styles |
shaensei / shaense しゃえんせい |
flame shielding performance; flame interruption performance; flame screening performance |
金剛炎 金刚炎 see styles |
jīn gāng yán jin1 gang1 yan2 chin kang yen kongō en |
Diamond-blaze, a circle of fire to forbid the entry of evil spirits, also called 金炎; 火院 (or 火院界印 or火院密縫印). |
銃口炎 see styles |
juukouen / jukoen じゅうこうえん |
(rare) muzzle flash |
関節炎 see styles |
kansetsuen かんせつえん |
{med} arthritis |
闌尾炎 阑尾炎 see styles |
lán wěi yán lan2 wei3 yan2 lan wei yen |
appendicitis (medicine) |
關節炎 关节炎 see styles |
guān jié yán guan1 jie2 yan2 kuan chieh yen |
arthritis |
防炎剤 see styles |
bouenzai / boenzai ぼうえんざい |
fire-extinguishing agent |
防炎性 see styles |
bouensei / boense ぼうえんせい |
flame retardancy; flame proofness |
陰道炎 阴道炎 see styles |
yīn dào yán yin1 dao4 yan2 yin tao yen |
vaginal infection; inflammation of the vulva or vagina; colpitis |
陳慶炎 陈庆炎 see styles |
chén qìng yán chen2 qing4 yan2 ch`en ch`ing yen chen ching yen |
Tony Tan (1940-), president of Singapore 2011-2017 |
静脈炎 see styles |
joumyakuen / jomyakuen じょうみゃくえん |
{med} phlebitis |
鞏膜炎 see styles |
kyoumakuen / kyomakuen きょうまくえん |
(med) scleritis |
須炎摩 see styles |
xū yán mó xu1 yan2 mo2 hsü yen mo |
Suyāma |
顧炎武 顾炎武 see styles |
gù yán wǔ gu4 yan2 wu3 ku yen wu |
Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), late Ming and early Qing Confucian philosopher, linguist and historian, played a founding role in phonology of early Chinese, author of Rizhilu or Record of daily study 日知錄|日知录 |
食道炎 see styles |
shokudouen / shokudoen しょくどうえん |
{med} esophagitis |
骨端炎 see styles |
kottanen こったんえん |
{med} epiphysitis |
骨膜炎 see styles |
kotsumakuen こつまくえん |
{med} periostitis |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "炎" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.