There are 479 total results for your 泥 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
泥鰌 see styles |
donjou / donjo どんじょう donjo どんじょ dojou / dojo どじょう |
(1) (kana only) loach (any fish of family Cobitidae); (2) weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) |
泥鰍 泥鳅 see styles |
ní qiu ni2 qiu5 ni ch`iu ni chiu |
loach; mud fish; CL:條|条[tiao2] |
泥黎 see styles |
ní lí ni2 li2 ni li nairi |
niraya |
刑泥 see styles |
keidoro / kedoro けいどろ |
(kana only) cops and robbers (hide-and-seek game) |
印泥 see styles |
yìn ní yin4 ni2 yin ni |
red ink paste used for seal |
味泥 see styles |
midoro みどろ |
(place-name) Midoro |
嚩泥 see styles |
pó ní po2 ni2 p`o ni po ni bani |
v. 婆那 vana. |
因泥 see styles |
indei / inde いんでい |
(surname) Indei |
土泥 see styles |
todoro とどろ |
(place-name) Todoro |
如泥 see styles |
jodei / jode じょでい |
(personal name) Jodei |
封泥 see styles |
fēng ní feng1 ni2 feng ni fuudei / fude ふうでい |
sealing clay; lute {music} lute |
干泥 see styles |
hidoro ひどろ |
(surname) Hidoro |
彩泥 see styles |
cǎi ní cai3 ni2 ts`ai ni tsai ni |
playdough |
拘泥 see styles |
jū nì ju1 ni4 chü ni koudei / kode こうでい |
to be a stickler for formalities; to rigidly adhere to; to cling to; constrained; ill at ease (n,vs,vi) adhering to; being a stickler for; being particular about; worrying too much about |
掛泥 see styles |
kakarido かかりど |
(place-name) Kakarido |
日泥 see styles |
hidoro ひどろ |
(place-name) Hidoro |
旱泥 see styles |
hidoro ひどろ |
(place-name) Hidoro |
春泥 see styles |
shundei / shunde しゅんでい |
spring sludge; spring mud (caused by the melting of the snow); (muddy) slush; (given name) Shundei |
朱泥 see styles |
shudei / shude しゅでい |
unglazed reddish brown pottery (originally from China) |
果泥 see styles |
guǒ ní guo3 ni2 kuo ni |
fruit puree; fruit pulp |
棗泥 枣泥 see styles |
zǎo ní zao3 ni2 tsao ni |
jujube paste |
欲泥 see styles |
yù ní yu4 ni2 yü ni yokuni |
The mire of desire, or lust. |
水泥 see styles |
shuǐ ní shui3 ni2 shui ni midoro みどろ |
cement; CL:袋[dai4] (place-name) Midoro |
汚泥 see styles |
odei / ode おでい |
(1) sludge; slime; dregs; mire; (2) hopeless situation; hell; despair |
污泥 see styles |
wū ní wu1 ni2 wu ni |
mud; sludge |
沈泥 see styles |
chindei / chinde ちんでい |
silt |
淤泥 see styles |
yū ní yu1 ni2 yü ni |
silt; sludge; ooze |
深泥 see styles |
midoro みどろ |
(place-name) Midoro |
溝泥 see styles |
dobudoro どぶどろ |
ditch mud |
滿泥 满泥 see styles |
mǎn ní man3 ni2 man ni mandei |
漫提 vande, 'I worship.' |
灰泥 see styles |
huī ní hui1 ni2 hui ni |
plaster; mortar |
爛泥 烂泥 see styles |
làn ní lan4 ni2 lan ni |
mud; mire |
真泥 see styles |
midoro みどろ |
(place-name) Midoro |
砂泥 see styles |
sadei / sade さでい |
sand and mud; muddy sand |
築泥 see styles |
tsuihiji ついひじ |
(See 築地・ついじ) mud wall with a roof; roofed mud wall |
脫泥 脱泥 see styles |
tuō ní tuo1 ni2 t`o ni to ni |
to remove mud; desliming (in coal production) |
膠泥 胶泥 see styles |
jiāo ní jiao1 ni2 chiao ni koudei / kode こうでい |
clay (See モルタル) mortar |
芋泥 see styles |
yù ní yu4 ni2 yü ni |
yam paste (a snack in Chaozhou cuisine) |
茂泥 see styles |
mào ní mao4 ni2 mao ni moni |
文尼; 牟尼 muni, a solitary, a recluse, e. g. Śākyamuni, the recluse of the Śākya family; genī; intp. as one who seeks solitude, and one who is able to be kind. |
蒜泥 see styles |
suàn ní suan4 ni2 suan ni |
thoroughly mashed or minced garlic; garlic paste |
薯泥 see styles |
shǔ ní shu3 ni2 shu ni |
mashed potato |
警泥 see styles |
keidoro / kedoro けいどろ |
(kana only) cops and robbers (hide-and-seek game) |
赤泥 see styles |
sekidei / sekide せきでい |
red mud; bauxite tailings; red sludge |
軟泥 软泥 see styles |
ruǎn ní ruan3 ni2 juan ni nandei / nande なんでい |
soft mud; silt; sludge; ooze (geology) sludge; ooze |
辺泥 see styles |
petei / pete ぺてい |
(surname) Petei |
金泥 see styles |
jīn ní jin1 ni2 chin ni kanesako かねさこ |
gold paint; (surname) Kanesako Kaṇṭhaka aśvarāja |
鉱泥 see styles |
koudei / kode こうでい |
fango; mud, herb and wax mix used for therapy |
銀泥 see styles |
gindoro; gindoro ぎんどろ; ギンドロ |
(kana only) white poplar (Populus alba); abele |
長泥 see styles |
nagadoro ながどろ |
(place-name) Nagadoro |
障泥 see styles |
shoudei / shode しょうでい aori あおり |
saddle flap |
雪泥 see styles |
xuě ní xue3 ni2 hsüeh ni setsudei / setsude せつでい |
dirty snow; slush; abbr. for 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪[xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3] slush; slush ice; snow slush |
雲泥 see styles |
undei / unde うんでい |
great difference |
泥の像 see styles |
deinozou / denozo でいのぞう |
mud image |
泥の木 see styles |
doronoki どろのき |
(kana only) Japanese poplar (Populus maximowiczii); (place-name) Doronoki |
泥はね see styles |
dorohane どろはね |
splash of mud; mud spatter |
泥よけ see styles |
doroyoke どろよけ |
fender; mudguard; wing |
泥んこ see styles |
doronko どろんこ |
(1) mud; (adjectival noun) (2) muddy; covered in mud |
泥レス see styles |
dororesu; dororesu どろレス; ドロレス |
(kana only) mud wrestling |
泥人形 see styles |
doroningyou / doroningyo どろにんぎょう |
clay doll |
泥仕合 see styles |
dorojiai どろじあい |
mudslinging contest; mudslinging match |
泥又川 see styles |
doromatagawa どろまたがわ |
(personal name) Doromatagawa |
泥哩底 see styles |
ní lī dǐ ni2 li1 di3 ni li ti Deirichi |
Nirṛti, one of the rakṣa-kings. |
泥囉耶 see styles |
ní luó yé ni2 luo2 ye2 ni lo yeh nairaya |
niraya |
泥団子 see styles |
dorodango どろだんご |
ball of mud; dirt ball |
泥塗れ see styles |
doromamire どろまみれ |
(noun or adjectival noun) muddy; mud-caked |
泥婆娑 see styles |
ní pó suō ni2 po2 suo1 ni p`o so ni po so naibasa |
garment |
泥弄り see styles |
doroijiri どろいじり |
(noun/participle) playing with mud |
泥敷劑 泥敷剂 see styles |
ní fū jì ni2 fu1 ji4 ni fu chi |
poultice |
泥板岩 see styles |
deibangan / debangan でいばんがん |
shale |
泥梨耶 see styles |
ní lí yé ni2 li2 ye2 ni li yeh nairiya |
niraya |
泥梨迦 see styles |
ní lí jiā ni2 li2 jia1 ni li chia nairika |
niraya |
泥棒猫 see styles |
dorobouneko / doroboneko どろぼうねこ |
(1) thieving cat; (2) (derogatory term) adulterer; homewrecker |
泥水匠 see styles |
ní shuǐ jiàng ni2 shui3 jiang4 ni shui chiang |
mason |
泥沢沼 see styles |
dorozawanuma どろざわぬま |
(place-name) Dorozawanuma |
泥沼化 see styles |
doronumaka どろぬまか |
(noun/participle) bogging down; dragging on; turning into a quagmire; becoming mired in a mess |
泥洹僧 see styles |
ní huán sēng ni2 huan2 seng1 ni huan seng naionsō |
nivāsana |
泥洹門 泥洹门 see styles |
ní huán mén ni2 huan2 men2 ni huan men naionmon |
the gate of nirvāṇa |
泥浮山 see styles |
dorobuyama どろぶやま |
(place-name) Dorobuyama |
泥海男 see styles |
dekao でかお |
(given name) Dekao |
泥涅經 泥涅经 see styles |
ní niè jīng ni2 nie4 jing1 ni nieh ching Naine kyō |
The Southern Translation of the Nirvāṇa-sūtra |
泥深い see styles |
dorobukai どろぶかい |
(adjective) miry; swampy; foundrous |
泥湯沢 see styles |
doroyuzawa どろゆざわ |
(place-name) Doroyuzawa |
泥濘む see styles |
nukarumu ぬかるむ |
(v5m,vi) (kana only) to be muddy; to be slushy |
泥濘る see styles |
nukaru(gikun) ぬかる(gikun) |
(v5r,vi) (kana only) to be muddy; to be slushy |
泥濘道 see styles |
nukarumimichi ぬかるみみち |
muddy road |
泥火山 see styles |
deikazan / dekazan でいかざん |
mud volcano |
泥灰岩 see styles |
deikaigan / dekaigan でいかいがん |
marl (unconsolidated lime-rich rock) |
泥炭土 see styles |
deitando / detando でいたんど |
peat soil |
泥炭地 see styles |
deitanchi / detanchi でいたんち |
peatland; peatlands; peat bog; (place-name) Deitanchi |
泥炭蘚 泥炭藓 see styles |
ní tàn xiǎn ni2 tan4 xian3 ni t`an hsien ni tan hsien |
matted sphagnum moss (Sphagnum palustre) |
泥瓦匠 see styles |
ní wǎ jiàng ni2 wa3 jiang4 ni wa chiang |
bricklayer; tiler; mason |
泥田坊 see styles |
dorotabou / dorotabo どろたぼう |
(work) vengeful spirit of a rice paddy's former owner (by artist Toriyama Sekien); (wk) vengeful spirit of a rice paddy's former owner (by artist Toriyama Sekien) |
泥盆紀 泥盆纪 see styles |
ní pén jì ni2 pen2 ji4 ni p`en chi ni pen chi |
Devonian (geological period 417-354m years ago) |
泥盧都 泥卢都 see styles |
ní lú dū ni2 lu2 du1 ni lu tu nairuto |
One of the sixteen hells. |
泥目水 see styles |
doromezu どろめず |
(place-name) Doromezu |
泥石流 see styles |
ní shí liú ni2 shi2 liu2 ni shih liu |
landslide; torrent of mud and stones; mudslide |
泥縄式 see styles |
doronawashiki どろなわしき |
(adj-no,n) (See 泥棒を捕らえて縄を綯う) last-minute; eleventh-hour |
泥縛多 泥缚多 see styles |
ní fú duō ni2 fu2 duo1 ni fu to nibata |
devatā |
泥繋沢 see styles |
dorotsunagisawa どろつなぎさわ |
(place-name) Dorotsunagisawa |
泥腿子 see styles |
ní tuǐ zi ni2 tui3 zi5 ni t`ui tzu ni tui tzu |
peasant; yokel |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "泥" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.