There are 234 total results for your 析 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
彈偏析小 弹偏析小 see styles |
dàn piān xī xiǎo dan4 pian1 xi1 xiao3 tan p`ien hsi hsiao tan pien hsi hsiao danhen shakushō |
to criticize the biased and refute the lesser [teachings] |
微量分析 see styles |
biryoubunseki / biryobunseki びりょうぶんせき |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) microanalysis |
心理分析 see styles |
xīn lǐ fēn xī xin1 li3 fen1 xi1 hsin li fen hsi |
psychoanalysis |
性格分析 see styles |
seikakubunseki / sekakubunseki せいかくぶんせき |
character analysis; personality assessment |
情報分析 see styles |
jouhoubunseki / johobunseki じょうほうぶんせき |
{comp} information analysis |
情感分析 see styles |
qíng gǎn fēn xī qing2 gan3 fen1 xi1 ch`ing kan fen hsi ching kan fen hsi |
sentiment analysis |
意味分析 see styles |
imibunseki いみぶんせき |
{comp} semantic factoring |
感度分析 see styles |
kandobunseki かんどぶんせき |
sensitivity analysis (e.g. in simulations) |
数値解析 see styles |
suuchikaiseki / suchikaiseki すうちかいせき |
numerical analysis |
數值分析 数值分析 see styles |
shù zhí fēn xī shu4 zhi2 fen1 xi1 shu chih fen hsi |
numerical analysis (math.) |
數學分析 数学分析 see styles |
shù xué fēn xī shu4 xue2 fen1 xi1 shu hsüeh fen hsi |
mathematical analysis; calculus |
數理分析 数理分析 see styles |
shù lǐ fēn xī shu4 li3 fen1 xi1 shu li fen hsi |
mathematical analysis; calculus |
數量分析 数量分析 see styles |
shù liàng fēn xī shu4 liang4 fen1 xi1 shu liang fen hsi |
quantitative analysis |
旋光分析 see styles |
senkoubunseki / senkobunseki せんこうぶんせき |
polarimetric analysis |
時段分析 时段分析 see styles |
shí duàn fēn xī shi2 duan4 fen1 xi1 shih tuan fen hsi |
time interval analysis |
條分縷析 条分缕析 see styles |
tiáo fēn lǚ xī tiao2 fen1 lu:3 xi1 t`iao fen lü hsi tiao fen lü hsi |
to analyze thoroughly, point by point (idiom) |
構文解析 see styles |
koubunkaiseki / kobunkaiseki こうぶんかいせき |
{ling;comp} parsing; syntactic analysis |
機能分析 see styles |
kinoubunseki / kinobunseki きのうぶんせき |
{comp} functional analysis |
次数解析 see styles |
jisuukaiseki / jisukaiseki じすうかいせき |
{math} order analysis |
比色分析 see styles |
bǐ sè fēn xī bi3 se4 fen1 xi1 pi se fen hsi hishokubunseki ひしょくぶんせき |
colorimetric analysis {chem} colorimetry; colorimetric analysis |
比較分析 比较分析 see styles |
bǐ jiào fēn xī bi3 jiao4 fen1 xi1 pi chiao fen hsi |
comparative analysis |
泛函分析 see styles |
fàn hán fēn xī fan4 han2 fen1 xi1 fan han fen hsi |
(math.) functional analysis |
波形解析 see styles |
hakeikaiseki / hakekaiseki はけいかいせき |
waveform analysis |
活化分析 see styles |
huó huà fēn xī huo2 hua4 fen1 xi1 huo hua fen hsi |
activation analysis |
精神分析 see styles |
jīng shén fēn xī jing1 shen2 fen1 xi1 ching shen fen hsi seishinbunseki / seshinbunseki せいしんぶんせき |
psychoanalysis (noun - becomes adjective with の) psychoanalysis |
経済分析 see styles |
keizaibunseki / kezaibunseki けいざいぶんせき |
economic assessment |
統計分析 see styles |
toukeibunseki / tokebunseki とうけいぶんせき |
statistical analysis |
統計解析 see styles |
toukeikaiseki / tokekaiseki とうけいかいせき |
statistical analysis |
腹膜透析 see styles |
fukumakutouseki / fukumakutoseki ふくまくとうせき |
{med} peritoneal dialysis |
自己分析 see styles |
jikobunseki じこぶんせき |
self-analysis; autoanalysis |
花粉分析 see styles |
kafunbunseki かふんぶんせき |
pollen analysis |
血液透析 see styles |
xuè yè tòu xi xue4 ye4 tou4 xi5 hsüeh yeh t`ou hsi hsüeh yeh tou hsi ketsuekitouseki / ketsuekitoseki けつえきとうせき |
hemodialysis {med} hemodialysis; haemodialysis |
複素解析 see styles |
fukusokaiseki ふくそかいせき |
{math} complex analysis |
要求分析 see styles |
youkyuubunseki / yokyubunseki ようきゅうぶんせき |
{comp} requirements analysis |
解析函數 解析函数 see styles |
jiě xī hán shù jie3 xi1 han2 shu4 chieh hsi han shu |
(math.) an analytic function (of a complex variable) |
解析力学 see styles |
kaisekirikigaku かいせきりきがく |
{physics} analytical mechanics; analytical dynamics |
解析幾何 解析几何 see styles |
jiě xī jǐ hé jie3 xi1 ji3 he2 chieh hsi chi ho |
analytic geometry; coordinate geometry |
解析接続 see styles |
kaisekisetsuzoku かいせきせつぞく |
{math} analytic continuation |
解析関数 see styles |
kaisekikansuu / kaisekikansu かいせきかんすう |
{math} analytic function |
記号解析 see styles |
kigoukaiseki / kigokaiseki きごうかいせき |
symbolic analysis |
語義分析 语义分析 see styles |
yǔ yì fēn xī yu3 yi4 fen1 xi1 yü i fen hsi |
semantic analysis |
調和分析 调和分析 see styles |
tiáo hé fēn xī tiao2 he2 fen1 xi1 t`iao ho fen hsi tiao ho fen hsi |
harmonic analysis (math.) |
調査分析 see styles |
chousabunseki / chosabunseki ちょうさぶんせき |
(noun/participle) diagnosis; analysis |
談話分析 see styles |
danwabunseki だんわぶんせき |
discourse analysis |
透析療法 see styles |
tousekiryouhou / tosekiryoho とうせきりょうほう |
dialysis; dialytic treatment |
連鎖解析 see styles |
rensakaiseki れんさかいせき |
{biol} linkage analysis |
重量分析 see styles |
juuryoubunseki / juryobunseki じゅうりょうぶんせき |
(See 容量分析) gravimetric analysis |
開析台地 see styles |
kaisekidaichi かいせきだいち |
dissected plateau |
開管分析 see styles |
kaikanbunseki かいかんぶんせき |
open tube test |
関数解析 see styles |
kansuukaiseki / kansukaiseki かんすうかいせき |
functional analysis |
関連解析 see styles |
kanrenkaiseki かんれんかいせき |
{biol} association analysis |
限界分析 see styles |
genkaibunseki げんかいぶんせき |
{econ} marginal analysis |
静的解析 see styles |
seitekikaiseki / setekikaiseki せいてきかいせき |
{comp} static response analysis |
ゲノム分析 see styles |
genomubunseki ゲノムぶんせき |
{genet} genome analysis |
ゲノム解析 see styles |
genomukaiseki ゲノムかいせき |
{genet} genome analysis; genomic analysis |
データ分析 see styles |
deetabunseki データぶんせき |
{comp} data analysis |
データ解析 see styles |
deetakaiseki データかいせき |
{comp} data analysis |
マクロ分析 see styles |
makurobunseki マクロぶんせき |
macroanalysis; macroeconomic analysis |
主成分分析 see styles |
shuseibunbunseki / shusebunbunseki しゅせいぶんぶんせき |
{math} principal component analysis; PCA |
分散分析法 see styles |
bunsanbunsekihou / bunsanbunsekiho ぶんさんぶんせきほう |
{comp} analysis of variance |
分析心理学 see styles |
bunsekishinrigaku ぶんせきしんりがく |
analytical psychology |
分析心理學 分析心理学 see styles |
fēn xī xīn lǐ xué fen1 xi1 xin1 li3 xue2 fen hsi hsin li hsüeh |
analytical psychology; Jungian psychology See: 分析心理学 |
分析的言語 see styles |
bunsekitekigengo ぶんせきてきげんご |
analytic language |
多変量解析 see styles |
tahenryoukaiseki / tahenryokaiseki たへんりょうかいせき |
{math;stat} multivariate analysis |
多様性解析 see styles |
tayouseikaiseki / tayosekaiseki たようせいかいせき |
diversity analysis |
巨視的分析 see styles |
kyoshitekibunseki きょしてきぶんせき |
(See マクロ分析) macroanalysis |
形態素解析 see styles |
keitaisokaiseki / ketaisokaiseki けいたいそかいせき |
{ling} morphological analysis |
時系列分析 see styles |
jikeiretsubunseki / jikeretsubunseki じけいれつぶんせき |
{comp} time series analysis |
構文解析器 see styles |
koubunkaisekiki / kobunkaisekiki こうぶんかいせきき |
{comp} (See パーサー) parser |
構造化分析 see styles |
kouzoukabunseki / kozokabunseki こうぞうかぶんせき |
{comp} Structured Analysis; SA |
生物分析法 see styles |
shēng wù fēn xī fǎ sheng1 wu4 fen1 xi1 fa3 sheng wu fen hsi fa |
bioanalytical method |
精神分析医 see styles |
seishinbunsekii / seshinbunseki せいしんぶんせきい |
psychiatrist; medically-qualified psychoanalyst |
精神分析学 see styles |
seishinbunsekigaku / seshinbunsekigaku せいしんぶんせきがく |
(study of) psychoanalysis |
自動分析器 see styles |
jidoubunsekiki / jidobunsekiki じどうぶんせきき |
autoanalyzer; automatic analyzer |
血液透析機 血液透析机 see styles |
xuè yè tòu xi jī xue4 ye4 tou4 xi5 ji1 hsüeh yeh t`ou hsi chi hsüeh yeh tou hsi chi |
hemodialysis machine |
行動分析学 see styles |
koudoubunsekigaku / kodobunsekigaku こうどうぶんせきがく |
behaviour analysis; behavior analysis |
解析函數論 解析函数论 see styles |
jiě xī hán shù lùn jie3 xi1 han2 shu4 lun4 chieh hsi han shu lun |
(math.) complex analytic function theory |
解析幾何学 see styles |
kaisekikikagaku かいせききかがく |
{math} analytical geometry |
解析幾何學 解析几何学 see styles |
jiě xī jǐ hé xué jie3 xi1 ji3 he2 xue2 chieh hsi chi ho hsüeh |
analytic geometry; coordinate geometry |
質量分析器 see styles |
shitsuryoubunsekiki / shitsuryobunsekiki しつりょうぶんせきき |
mass spectrometer; mass spectrograph |
質量分析法 see styles |
shitsuryoubunsekihou / shitsuryobunsekiho しつりょうぶんせきほう |
mass spectrometry |
重回帰分析 see styles |
juukaikibunseki / jukaikibunseki じゅうかいきぶんせき |
{math} multiple regression analysis |
階層分析法 see styles |
kaisoubunsekihou / kaisobunsekiho かいそうぶんせきほう |
analytic hierarchy process; AHP |
なぜなぜ分析 see styles |
nazenazebunseki なぜなぜぶんせき |
why-why analysis (analytical method for identifying the root causes of a problem) |
アクセス解析 see styles |
akusesukaiseki アクセスかいせき |
{comp} traffic analysis (esp. web); access analysis |
クオンツ分析 see styles |
kuontsubunseki クオンツぶんせき |
quantitative analysis (esp. financial) |
システム分析 see styles |
shisutemubunseki システムぶんせき |
{comp} systems analysis |
フーリエ解析 see styles |
fuuriekaiseki / furiekaiseki フーリエかいせき |
{math} Fourier analysis |
ベクトル解析 see styles |
bekutorukaiseki ベクトルかいせき |
{math} vector analysis; vector calculus |
マルコフ解析 see styles |
marukofukaiseki マルコフかいせき |
{comp} Markov analysis |
分散名前解析 see styles |
bunsannamaekaiseki ぶんさんなまえかいせき |
{comp} distributed name resolution |
原子吸光分析 see styles |
genshikyuukoubunseki / genshikyukobunseki げんしきゅうこうぶんせき |
{chem} atomic absorption spectrometry; atomic absorption spectroscopy |
地址解析協議 地址解析协议 see styles |
dì zhǐ jiě xī xié yì di4 zhi3 jie3 xi1 xie2 yi4 ti chih chieh hsi hsieh i |
address resolution protocol; ARP |
巡迴分析端口 巡回分析端口 see styles |
xún huí fēn xī duān kǒu xun2 hui2 fen1 xi1 duan1 kou3 hsün hui fen hsi tuan k`ou hsün hui fen hsi tuan kou |
Roving Analysis Port; RAP |
形態素解析器 see styles |
keitaisokaisekiki / ketaisokaisekiki けいたいそかいせきき |
{ling} morphological analyzer |
影響波及解析 see styles |
eikyouhakyuukaiseki / ekyohakyukaiseki えいきょうはきゅうかいせき |
impact analysis |
産業連関分析 see styles |
sangyourenkanbunseki / sangyorenkanbunseki さんぎょうれんかんぶんせき |
interindustry relations analysis |
精神分析学者 see styles |
seishinbunsekigakusha / seshinbunsekigakusha せいしんぶんせきがくしゃ |
psychoanalyst |
聯機分析處理 联机分析处理 see styles |
lián jī fēn xī chǔ lǐ lian2 ji1 fen1 xi1 chu3 li3 lien chi fen hsi ch`u li lien chi fen hsi chu li |
online analysis processing OLAP |
費用便益分析 see styles |
hiyoubenekibunseki / hiyobenekibunseki ひようべんえきぶんせき |
cost-benefit analysis |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "析" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.