There are 618 total results for your 普 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
普級 普级 see styles |
pǔ jí pu3 ji2 p`u chi pu chi |
(classification) general; non-specialist |
普給 普给 see styles |
pǔ jǐ pu3 ji3 p`u chi pu chi fukyū |
broadly supply |
普絵 see styles |
hiroe ひろえ |
(female given name) Hiroe |
普緣 普缘 see styles |
pǔ yuán pu3 yuan2 p`u yüan pu yüan fuen |
pervasively connect to |
普羅 普罗 see styles |
pǔ luó pu3 luo2 p`u lo pu lo fura ふら |
proletariat (loanword); abbr. for 普羅列塔利亞|普罗列塔利亚[pu3 luo2 lie4 ta3 li4 ya4] (given name) Fura |
普美 see styles |
fumi ふみ |
(female given name) Fumi |
普考 see styles |
pǔ kǎo pu3 kao3 p`u k`ao pu kao |
examination for lower levels of Taiwan government service (short for 普通考試|普通考试[pu3 tong1 kao3 shi4]) |
普聞 普闻 see styles |
pǔ wén pu3 wen2 p`u wen pu wen fumon |
heard everywhere |
普花 see styles |
hiroka ひろか |
(female given name) Hiroka |
普茶 see styles |
fucha; fusa ふちゃ; ふさ |
(archaism) entertaining people by serving tea (esp. in the Obaku school of Zen) |
普莎 see styles |
pǔ suō pu3 suo1 p`u so pu so Fusha |
Puṣya, the asterism Tiṣya, and the month Pauṣa; blossom, form, scum; but intp. as 吉祥 auspicious. |
普蘭 普兰 see styles |
pǔ lán pu3 lan2 p`u lan pu lan |
Burang county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Spu hreng rdzong |
普行 see styles |
pǔ xíng pu3 xing2 p`u hsing pu hsing fugyō |
to practice everywhere |
普西 see styles |
pǔ xī pu3 xi1 p`u hsi pu hsi |
psi (Greek letter Ψψ) |
普覆 普复 see styles |
pǔ fù pu3 fu4 p`u fu pu fu fufuku |
completely covering |
普見 普见 see styles |
pǔ jiàn pu3 jian4 p`u chien pu chien fuken |
to see everywhere |
普覺 普觉 see styles |
pǔ jué pu3 jue2 p`u chüeh pu chüeh fukaku |
Universal Enlightenment |
普觀 普观 see styles |
pǔ guān pu3 guan1 p`u kuan pu kuan fu kan |
meditation on one's universal body after rebirth in the Pure Land |
普說 普说 see styles |
pǔ shuō pu3 shuo1 p`u shuo pu shuo fusetsu |
full explanation |
普請 普请 see styles |
pǔ qǐng pu3 qing3 p`u ch`ing pu ching fushin ふしん |
(noun/participle) (1) building; construction; (noun/participle) (2) group effort by Buddhist practitioners; group activities by a community (e.g. cleaning, etc.) communal |
普貨 see styles |
fuka ふか |
(on street signs) regular truck; mid-size truck |
普賢 普贤 see styles |
pǔ xián pu3 xian2 p`u hsien pu hsien fugen ふげん |
Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of Truth Samantabhadra (bodhisattva); Universal Compassion; (place-name) Fugen Samantabhadra, Viśvabhadra; cf. 三曼 Universal sagacity, or favour; lord of the 理 or fundamental law, the dhyāna, and the practice of all Buddhas. He and Mañjuśrī are the right- and left-hand assistants of Buddha, representing 理 and 智 respectively. He rides on a white elephant, is the patron of the Lotus Sūtra and its devotees, and has close connection with the Huayan Sūtra. His region is in the east. The esoteric school has its own special representation of him, with emphasis on the sword indicative of 理 as the basis of 智. He has ten vows. |
普賽 普赛 see styles |
pǔ sài pu3 sai4 p`u sai pu sai |
psi (Greek letter Ψψ) |
普輝 see styles |
hiroki ひろき |
(personal name) Hiroki |
普輪 see styles |
fuwasaki ふわさき |
(surname) Fuwasaki |
普辺 see styles |
fuhen ふへん |
(irregular kanji usage) (adj-no,n,vs) universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent |
普通 see styles |
pǔ tōng pu3 tong1 p`u t`ung pu tung futsuu(p); futsuu(sk) / futsu(p); futsu(sk) ふつう(P); フツー(sk) |
common; ordinary; general; average (adj-no,adj-na) (1) normal; ordinary; regular; usual; common; average; (adverb) (2) normally; ordinarily; usually; generally; commonly; (3) (abbreviation) (See 普通列車) local train; train that stops at every station Universal, reaching everywhere, common to all. |
普遊 see styles |
pǔ yóu pu3 you2 p`u yu pu yu fuyu |
to wander broadly |
普遍 see styles |
pǔ biàn pu3 bian4 p`u pien pu pien fuhen ふへん |
universal; general; widespread; common (adj-no,n,vs) universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent 普循 Universal, everywhere, on all sides. |
普達 普达 see styles |
pǔ dá pu3 da2 p`u ta pu ta futatsu ふたつ |
(female given name) Futatsu universal |
普適 普适 see styles |
pǔ shì pu3 shi4 p`u shih pu shih |
universal |
普選 普选 see styles |
pǔ xuǎn pu3 xuan3 p`u hsüan pu hsüan fusen ふせん |
universal suffrage (abbreviation) (See 普通選挙) universal suffrage |
普郷 see styles |
hirosato ひろさと |
(personal name) Hirosato |
普門 普门 see styles |
pǔ mén pu3 men2 p`u men pu men fumon ふもん |
(surname) Fumon Universal door, the opening into all things, or universality; the universe in anything; the unlimited doors open to a Buddha, or bodhisattva, and the forms in which he can reveal himself. |
普陀 see styles |
pǔ tuó pu3 tuo2 p`u t`o pu to Hoda |
Putuo district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang Potala, cf. 補, 布; it is also Pattala, an ancient port near the mouth of the Indus; the Potala in Lhasa, etc., but in this form especially the sacred island of Pootoo, off Ningpo; also called普陀洛伽山 Potaraka monastery. |
普降 see styles |
pǔ jiàng pu3 jiang4 p`u chiang pu chiang |
precipitation over a large area; widespread rain |
普雄 see styles |
katao かたお |
(given name) Katao |
普雨 see styles |
pǔ yǔ pu3 yu3 p`u yü pu yü fuu / fu ふう |
(given name) Fū Bou |
普願 see styles |
fugan ふがん |
(personal name) Fugan |
普食 see styles |
pǔ shí pu3 shi2 p`u shih pu shih |
(medicine) regular food |
普香 see styles |
pǔ xiāng pu3 xiang1 p`u hsiang pu hsiang Fukō |
Samantagandha |
一普 see styles |
yī pǔ yi1 pu3 i p`u i pu ippu |
A company; a general assembly of monks in a monastery. |
吉普 see styles |
jí pǔ ji2 pu3 chi p`u chi pu |
Jeep (car brand) |
哲普 see styles |
tetsuhiro てつひろ |
(personal name) Tetsuhiro |
基普 see styles |
jī pǔ ji1 pu3 chi p`u chi pu |
More info & calligraphy: Kip |
夏普 see styles |
xià pǔ xia4 pu3 hsia p`u hsia pu |
More info & calligraphy: Sharpe |
奏普 see styles |
kanane かなね |
(female given name) Kanane |
好普 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(given name) Yoshiyuki |
川普 see styles |
chuān pǔ chuan1 pu3 ch`uan p`u chuan pu |
Sichuanese pidgin (the mix of Standard Mandarin and Sichuanese dialect); (Tw) surname Trump |
廣普 广普 see styles |
guǎng pǔ guang3 pu3 kuang p`u kuang pu kōfu |
Guangdong pidgin (a mix of Standard Mandarin and Cantonese) widely and universally |
弘普 see styles |
hóng pǔ hong2 pu3 hung p`u hung pu kōfu |
vast |
彌普 弥普 see styles |
mí pǔ mi2 pu3 mi p`u mi pu mifu |
full |
悉普 see styles |
xī pǔ xi1 pu3 hsi p`u hsi pu shitsufu |
universally |
惠普 see styles |
huì pǔ hui4 pu3 hui p`u hui pu |
Hewlett-Packard |
標普 标普 see styles |
biāo pǔ biao1 pu3 piao p`u piao pu |
Standard and Poor (share index); abbr. for 標準普爾|标准普尔[Biao1 zhun3 Pu3 er3] |
港普 see styles |
gǎng pǔ gang3 pu3 kang p`u kang pu |
Hong Kong pidgin (a mix of Standard Mandarin and Cantonese) |
澤普 泽普 see styles |
zé pǔ ze2 pu3 tse p`u tse pu |
Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang |
皆普 see styles |
jiē pǔ jie1 pu3 chieh p`u chieh pu kaifu |
all |
秀普 see styles |
shuufu / shufu しゅうふ |
(given name) Shuufu |
科普 see styles |
kē pǔ ke1 pu3 k`o p`u ko pu |
popularization of science (abbr. for 科學普及|科学普及[ke1xue2 pu3ji2]); (attributive) popular science; (coll.) to explain in layperson's terms |
索普 see styles |
suǒ pǔ suo3 pu3 so p`u so pu |
Thorpe (name) |
義普 see styles |
gifu ぎふ |
(personal name) Gifu |
贊普 赞普 see styles |
zàn pǔ zan4 pu3 tsan p`u tsan pu |
(hist.) title of the Tibetan Tufan ruler |
道普 see styles |
dào pǔ dao4 pu3 tao p`u tao pu Dōfu |
Daopu |
間普 see styles |
mabu まぶ |
(surname) Mabu |
普久原 see styles |
fukuhara ふくはら |
(place-name, surname) Fukuhara |
普久山 see styles |
fukuyama ふくやま |
(surname) Fukuyama |
普久川 see styles |
fungawa ふんがわ |
(place-name) Fungawa |
普久本 see styles |
fukumoto ふくもと |
(surname) Fukumoto |
普二男 see styles |
fujio ふじお |
(male given name) Fujio |
普代川 see styles |
fudaigawa ふだいがわ |
(personal name) Fudaigawa |
普代村 see styles |
fudaimura ふだいむら |
(place-name) Fudaimura |
普代橋 see styles |
fudaibashi ふだいばし |
(place-name) Fudaibashi |
普代駅 see styles |
fudaieki ふだいえき |
(st) Fudai Station |
普信男 see styles |
pǔ xìn nán pu3 xin4 nan2 p`u hsin nan pu hsin nan |
(neologism c. 2020) an ordinary guy who imagines he is God's gift to womankind |
普偏性 see styles |
fuhensei / fuhense ふへんせい |
(irregular kanji usage) universality; ubiquity; omnipresence; catholicity |
普光寺 see styles |
fukouji / fukoji ふこうじ |
(place-name) Fukouji |
普光江 see styles |
fukoue / fukoe ふこうえ |
(surname) Fukoue |
普光院 see styles |
fukouin / fukoin ふこういん |
(surname) Fukouin |
普化宗 see styles |
pǔ huà zōng pu3 hua4 zong1 p`u hua tsung pu hua tsung fukeshuu / fukeshu ふけしゅう |
Fuke school (defunct sect of Zen Buddhism) Fuke shū |
普及品 see styles |
fukyuuhin / fukyuhin ふきゅうひん |
mass-market product (i.e. non-premium) |
普及版 see styles |
fukyuuban / fukyuban ふきゅうばん |
cheap edition (of a book, etc.); popular edition |
普及率 see styles |
fukyuuritsu / fukyuritsu ふきゅうりつ |
diffusion rate; rate of spread |
普同塔 see styles |
pǔ tóng tǎ pu3 tong2 ta3 p`u t`ung t`a pu tung ta fudōtō |
columbarium |
普含寺 see styles |
fuganji ふがんじ |
(place-name) Fuganji |
普天下 see styles |
pǔ tiān xià pu3 tian1 xia4 p`u t`ien hsia pu tien hsia |
throughout the world |
普天王 see styles |
futenou / futeno ふてんおう |
(surname) Futenou |
普天間 see styles |
futenma ふてんま |
(place-name, surname) Futenma |
普契尼 see styles |
pǔ qì ní pu3 qi4 ni2 p`u ch`i ni pu chi ni |
Puccini |
普安縣 普安县 see styles |
pǔ ān xiàn pu3 an1 xian4 p`u an hsien pu an hsien |
Puan county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou |
普定縣 普定县 see styles |
pǔ dìng xiàn pu3 ding4 xian4 p`u ting hsien pu ting hsien |
Puding county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou |
普寧市 普宁市 see styles |
pǔ níng shì pu3 ning2 shi4 p`u ning shih pu ning shih |
Puning, county-level city in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong |
普山田 see styles |
fuyada ふやだ |
(surname) Fuyada |
普布斯 see styles |
pǔ bù sī pu3 bu4 si1 p`u pu ssu pu pu ssu |
Tillandsia pueblensis, a species of air plants |
普希金 see styles |
pǔ xī jīn pu3 xi1 jin1 p`u hsi chin pu hsi chin |
Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837), great Russian romantic poet |
普幹子 see styles |
fumiko ふみこ |
(female given name) Fumiko |
普思子 see styles |
fujiko ふじこ |
(female given name) Fujiko |
普恩寺 see styles |
fuonji ふおんじ |
(place-name) Fuonji |
普拉亞 普拉亚 see styles |
pǔ lā yà pu3 la1 ya4 p`u la ya pu la ya |
Praia, capital of Cape Verde |
普拉提 see styles |
pǔ lā tí pu3 la1 ti2 p`u la t`i pu la ti |
Pilates (physical fitness system) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "普" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.