There are 593 total results for your 参 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
參半 参半 see styles |
cān bàn can1 ban4 ts`an pan tsan pan |
half; half and half; both ... and ...; just as much ... as ...; equally |
參句 参句 see styles |
sān jù san1 ju4 san chü sanku |
investigating the phrase |
參問 参问 see styles |
sān wèn san1 wen4 san wen sanmon |
To seek instruction— generally as a class. |
參堂 参堂 see styles |
sān táng san1 tang2 san t`ang san tang sandō |
The initiation to the services of one newly ordained. |
參天 参天 see styles |
cān tiān can1 tian1 ts`an t`ien tsan tien |
(of a tree etc) to reach up to the sky |
參孫 参孙 see styles |
cān sūn can1 sun1 ts`an sun tsan sun |
Samson (name); biblical hero around 1100 BC |
參學 参学 see styles |
cān xué can1 xue2 ts`an hsüeh tsan hsüeh sangaku |
practice and study [of Chan] |
參宿 参宿 see styles |
shēn xiù shen1 xiu4 shen hsiu |
Three Stars (Chinese constellation) See: 参宿 |
參展 参展 see styles |
cān zhǎn can1 zhan3 ts`an chan tsan chan |
to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc |
參差 参差 see styles |
cēn cī cen1 ci1 ts`en tz`u tsen tzu sansa |
uneven; jagged; snaggletooth; ragged; serrated irregular |
參席 参席 see styles |
sān xí san1 xi2 san hsi sanseki |
arrange seats (?) |
參後 参后 see styles |
sān hòu san1 hou4 san hou sango |
參退 after the evening assembly. |
參徹 参彻 see styles |
cān chè can1 che4 ts`an ch`e tsan che santetsu |
to awaken under the guidance of a Buddhist master |
參悟 参悟 see styles |
cān wù can1 wu4 ts`an wu tsan wu |
More info & calligraphy: Truth Flashed Through The Mind |
參意 参意 see styles |
sān yì san1 yi4 san i sani |
investigating the meaning |
參戰 参战 see styles |
cān zhàn can1 zhan4 ts`an chan tsan chan |
to go to war; to engage in war |
參拜 参拜 see styles |
cān bài can1 bai4 ts`an pai tsan pai |
to formally call on; to worship (a God); to pay homage to sb |
參政 参政 see styles |
cān zhèng can1 zheng4 ts`an cheng tsan cheng |
to be involved in politics; participation in politics See: 参政 |
參數 参数 see styles |
cān shù can1 shu4 ts`an shu tsan shu |
parameter |
參校 参校 see styles |
cān jiào can1 jiao4 ts`an chiao tsan chiao |
to proofread; to revise one or more editions of a text using an authoritative edition as a source book; to editorially revise a text |
參演 参演 see styles |
cān yǎn can1 yan3 ts`an yen tsan yen |
to take part in a performance; to appear in (a movie etc) |
參照 参照 see styles |
cān zhào can1 zhao4 ts`an chao tsan chao |
to consult a reference; to refer to (another document) See: 参照 |
參狀 参状 see styles |
sān zhuàng san1 zhuang4 san chuang san jō |
visiting card |
參看 参看 see styles |
cān kàn can1 kan4 ts`an k`an tsan kan |
to consult for reference; see also; please refer to See: 参看 |
參禪 参禅 see styles |
cān chán can1 chan2 ts`an ch`an tsan chan noshi wo ri |
More info & calligraphy: Zen UnderstandingTo inquire, discuss, seek religious instruction. |
參究 参究 see styles |
sān jiū san1 jiu1 san chiu sankyū |
focusing on penetration |
參籠 参笼 see styles |
sān lóng san1 long2 san lung sanrō |
staying for religious practices |
參考 参考 see styles |
cān kǎo can1 kao3 ts`an k`ao tsan kao sankou / sanko さんこう |
consultation; reference; to consult; to refer (out-dated kanji) (noun - becomes adjective with の) reference; consultation |
參股 参股 see styles |
cān gǔ can1 gu3 ts`an ku tsan ku |
equity participation (finance) |
參與 参与 see styles |
cān yù can1 yu4 ts`an yü tsan yü |
to participate (in something) See: 参与 |
參茸 参茸 see styles |
shēn róng shen1 rong2 shen jung |
ginseng and young deer antler (used in TCM) |
參薯 参薯 see styles |
shēn shǔ shen1 shu3 shen shu |
Dioscorea alata (Kinampay or aromatic purple yam, a sweet root crop) See: 参薯 |
參見 参见 see styles |
cān jiàn can1 jian4 ts`an chien tsan chien |
to refer to; see also; compare (cf.); to pay respect to |
參觀 参观 see styles |
cān guān can1 guan1 ts`an kuan tsan kuan |
to look around; to tour; to visit |
參詣 参诣 see styles |
sān yì san1 yi4 san i sankei |
To approach the gods or Buddhas in worship. |
參詳 参详 see styles |
cān xiáng can1 xiang2 ts`an hsiang tsan hsiang sanshō |
to collate and examine critically (texts etc) to examine thoroughly [with non-discursive thought] |
參請 参请 see styles |
sān qǐng san1 qing3 san ch`ing san ching san shō |
To request instruction, or discussion. |
參謀 参谋 see styles |
cān móu can1 mou2 ts`an mou tsan mou |
staff officer; to give advice |
參謁 参谒 see styles |
cān yè can1 ye4 ts`an yeh tsan yeh sanetsu |
to visit; to pay one's respects to (a revered figure etc); to pay homage (at a tomb etc) call on a person of high rank |
參議 参议 see styles |
cān yì can1 yi4 ts`an i tsan i |
consultant; adviser |
參賽 参赛 see styles |
cān sài can1 sai4 ts`an sai tsan sai |
to compete; to take part in a competition |
參贊 参赞 see styles |
cān zàn can1 zan4 ts`an tsan tsan tsan |
to serve as an adviser; (diplomatic rank) attaché; counselor |
參軍 参军 see styles |
cān jun can1 jun1 ts`an chün tsan chün |
to join the army; (official title in imperial China) military adviser; aide-de-camp |
參辰 参辰 see styles |
shēn chén shen1 chen2 shen ch`en shen chen shinshin |
Orion and Mercury |
參退 参退 see styles |
sān tuì san1 tui4 san t`ui san tui san tsui |
after the evening assembly |
參透 参透 see styles |
cān tòu can1 tou4 ts`an t`ou tsan tou |
to fully grasp; to penetrate |
參選 参选 see styles |
cān xuǎn can1 xuan3 ts`an hsüan tsan hsüan |
to be a candidate in an election or other selection process; to run for office; to turn out to vote |
參酌 参酌 see styles |
cān zhuó can1 zhuo2 ts`an cho tsan cho |
to consider (a matter); to deliberate See: 参酌 |
參量 参量 see styles |
cān liàng can1 liang4 ts`an liang tsan liang |
parameter (math); quantity used as a parameter; modulus (math.) |
參閱 参阅 see styles |
cān yuè can1 yue4 ts`an yüeh tsan yüeh |
to consult; to refer to; to read (instructions) |
參院 参院 see styles |
cān yuàn can1 yuan4 ts`an yüan tsan yüan |
abbr. for 參議院|参议院[can1 yi4 yuan4], senate; upper chamber (of legislative assembly) See: 参院 |
參雜 参杂 see styles |
cān zá can1 za2 ts`an tsa tsan tsa |
to mix |
參預 参预 see styles |
cān yù can1 yu4 ts`an yü tsan yü |
variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4] |
參頭 参头 see styles |
sān tóu san1 tou2 san t`ou san tou san jū |
One versed in the ceremonies and capable of leading others. |
參飽 参饱 see styles |
cān bǎo can1 bao3 ts`an pao tsan pao sanpō |
to have gotten one's fill |
古参 see styles |
kosan こさん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 新参) senior; veteran; old-timer |
同參 同参 see styles |
tóng cān tong2 can1 t`ung ts`an tung tsan dōsan |
a fellow student under the same teacher |
坐參 坐参 see styles |
zuò sān zuo4 san1 tso san zasan |
The evening meditation at a monastery (preceding instruction by the abbot). |
墓参 see styles |
bosan ぼさん hakamairi はかまいり |
(noun/participle) visit to a grave |
大参 see styles |
daisan だいさん |
(surname) Daisan |
夷参 see styles |
isama いさま |
(place-name) Isama |
学参 see styles |
gakusan がくさん |
(See 学習参考書) study reference; study-aid book |
宇参 see styles |
usan うさん |
(surname) Usan |
實參 实参 see styles |
shí cān shi2 can1 shih ts`an shih tsan |
(computing) actual parameter; argument (abbr. for 實際參數|实际参数[shi2 ji4 can1 shu4]) |
小參 小参 see styles |
xiǎo cān xiao3 can1 hsiao ts`an hsiao tsan shōsan |
a special meeting; a discussion following an address.; Small group, a class for instruction outside the regular morning or evening services; also a class in a household. |
岑参 see styles |
shinjin しんじん |
(personal name) Shinjin |
帰参 see styles |
kisan きさん |
(n,vs,vi) (1) returning; coming back; (n,vs,vi) (2) returning to the service of one's master |
徧參 徧参 see styles |
biàn cān bian4 can1 pien ts`an pien tsan henzan |
travel around to various teachers to engage with them on questions of enlightenment |
扶参 see styles |
motomi もとみ |
(female given name) Motomi |
持参 see styles |
jisan じさん |
(noun, transitive verb) bringing; taking; carrying |
推参 see styles |
suisan すいさん |
(noun or adjectival noun) paying an unannounced visit; rudeness |
放參 放参 see styles |
fàng sān fang4 san1 fang san hōsan |
to release from convocation |
政参 see styles |
masami まさみ |
(given name) Masami |
新参 see styles |
shinzan しんざん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 古参) newcomer; tyro |
日参 see styles |
nichishin にちしん |
(n,vs,vi) (1) daily visit to a temple or shrine (to worship); (n,vs,vi) (2) visiting frequently; visiting daily; (given name) Nichishin |
早參 早参 see styles |
zǎo sān zao3 san1 tsao san sōsan |
Morning assembly.; The early morning assembly. |
晩參 晩参 see styles |
wǎn sān wan3 san1 wan san bansan |
The evening service.; evening assembly. |
曹参 see styles |
soushin / soshin そうしん |
(personal name) Soushin |
曹參 曹参 see styles |
cáo cān cao2 can1 ts`ao ts`an tsao tsan |
Cao Can (-190 BC), second chancellor of Han Dynasty, contributed to its founding by fighting on Liu Bang's 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] side during the Chu-Han Contention 楚漢戰爭|楚汉战争[Chu3 Han4 Zhan4 zheng1]; also pr. [Cao2 Shen1] See: 曹参 |
曾参 see styles |
soushin / soshin そうしん |
(person) Zengzi (disciple of Confucius) |
曾參 曾参 see styles |
zēng shēn zeng1 shen1 tseng shen |
Zeng Shen (505-435 BC), a.k.a. 曾子[Zeng1 zi3], student of Confucius, presumed editor or author of Confucian classic the Great Learning 大學|大学[Da4 xue2] See: 曾参 |
朝參 朝参 see styles |
zhāo sān zhao1 san1 chao san chōsan |
early assembly |
毒參 毒参 see styles |
dú shēn du2 shen1 tu shen |
hemlock (Conium maculatum) |
沙參 沙参 see styles |
shā shēn sha1 shen1 sha shen |
ladybell root (Radix adenophorae) |
海参 see styles |
iriko いりこ |
dried sea slug |
海參 海参 see styles |
hǎi shēn hai3 shen1 hai shen |
sea cucumber See: 海参 |
独参 see styles |
dokusan どくさん |
(See 問答) private interview with a Zen Master |
獨參 独参 see styles |
dú sān du2 san1 tu san dokusan |
private interview |
玄參 玄参 see styles |
xuán shēn xuan2 shen1 hsüan shen |
Ningpo figwort (Scrophularia ningpoensis); root of Ningpo figwort (used in TCM) |
直参 see styles |
jikisan じきさん |
immediate follower (of the shogun) |
祥参 see styles |
yasukazu やすかず |
(given name) Yasukazu |
罷參 罢参 see styles |
bà sān ba4 san1 pa san hisan |
To dismiss the assembly. |
苦参 see styles |
kurara くらら |
(kana only) Sophora flavescens |
苦參 苦参 see styles |
kǔ shēn ku3 shen1 k`u shen ku shen |
liquorice (Sophora flavescens), with roots used in TCM See: 苦参 |
虻参 see styles |
asaka あさか |
(personal name) Asaka |
衆参 see styles |
shuusan / shusan しゅうさん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 衆参両院・しゅうさんりょういん) House of Representatives and House of Councillors; both houses of the Diet |
見参 see styles |
kenzan; genzan けんざん; げんざん |
(n,vs,vi) seeing; meeting |
辰参 see styles |
tokikazu ときかず |
(personal name) Tokikazu |
遅参 see styles |
chisan ちさん |
(n,vs,vi) late attendance; lateness; tardiness |
達参 see styles |
tatsumi たつみ |
(given name) Tatsumi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "参" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.