There are 212 total results for your 亡 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
逃亡者 see styles |
táo wáng zhě tao2 wang2 zhe3 t`ao wang che tao wang che toubousha / tobosha とうぼうしゃ |
runaway runaway; fugitive |
陣亡者 阵亡者 see styles |
zhèn wáng zhě zhen4 wang2 zhe3 chen wang che |
people killed in battle |
鬼亡子 see styles |
kinako きなこ |
(female given name) Kinako |
亡くなす see styles |
nakunasu なくなす |
(transitive verb) (See 亡くす) to lose (a wife, child, etc.) |
亡くなる see styles |
nakunaru なくなる |
(v5r,vi) (euph) to die; to pass away |
亡五衆物 亡五众物 see styles |
wáng wǔ zhòng wù wang2 wu3 zhong4 wu4 wang wu chung wu mōgoshu motsu |
The things left behind at death by any one of the five orders of monks or nuns; clothing, etc., being divided among the other monks or nuns; valuables and land, etc., going to the establishment. |
亡命之徒 see styles |
wáng mìng zhī tú wang2 ming4 zhi1 tu2 wang ming chih t`u wang ming chih tu |
runaway (idiom); desperate criminal; fugitive |
亡命政権 see styles |
boumeiseiken / bomeseken ぼうめいせいけん |
government in exile |
亡命文学 see styles |
boumeibungaku / bomebungaku ぼうめいぶんがく |
exile literature |
亡命生活 see styles |
boumeiseikatsu / bomesekatsu ぼうめいせいかつ |
life in exile |
亡國滅種 亡国灭种 see styles |
wáng guó miè zhǒng wang2 guo2 mie4 zhong3 wang kuo mieh chung |
country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction |
亡羊の嘆 see styles |
bouyounotan / boyonotan ぼうようのたん |
(exp,n) (idiom) bemoaning the frustration of reaching truth (for surplus of academic paths); being at a loss |
亡羊補牢 亡羊补牢 see styles |
wáng yáng bǔ láo wang2 yang2 bu3 lao2 wang yang pu lao bouyouhorou / boyohoro ぼうようほろう |
lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom); fig. to act belatedly; better late than never; to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted (yoji) locking the barn door after the horse has bolted; doing something too late; mending the pen after the sheep are lost |
人琴俱亡 see styles |
rén qín jù wáng ren2 qin2 ju4 wang2 jen ch`in chü wang jen chin chü wang |
person and lute have both vanished (idiom); death of a close friend |
六解一亡 see styles |
liù jiě yī wáng liu4 jie3 yi1 wang2 liu chieh i wang rokuge ichimō |
When the six knots are untied the unity disappears. ' The six knots represent the six organs 六根 causing mortality, the cloth or cord tied in a series of knots represents nirvana. This illustrates the interdependence of nirvana and mortality. Cf. 六結; v. 梯伽經 5. |
危急存亡 see styles |
kikyuusonbou / kikyusonbo ききゅうそんぼう |
(yoji) life-and-death matter; an emergency or crisis where survival is threatened |
名存實亡 名存实亡 see styles |
míng cún shí wáng ming2 cun2 shi2 wang2 ming ts`un shih wang ming tsun shih wang |
the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom) |
唇亡齒寒 唇亡齿寒 see styles |
chún wáng chǐ hán chun2 wang2 chi3 han2 ch`un wang ch`ih han chun wang chih han |
lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold (idiom); fig. intimately interdependent |
国外逃亡 see styles |
kokugaitoubou / kokugaitobo こくがいとうぼう |
(noun/participle) fleeing the country |
国家存亡 see styles |
kokkasonbou / kokkasonbo こっかそんぼう |
the fate of a nation; life-or-death (situation) for a nation; national crisis |
國破家亡 国破家亡 see styles |
guó pò jiā wáng guo2 po4 jia1 wang2 kuo p`o chia wang kuo po chia wang |
the country ruined and the people starving (idiom) |
坐亡入脫 坐亡入脱 see styles |
zuò wáng rù tuō zuo4 wang2 ru4 tuo1 tso wang ju t`o tso wang ju to za mō nyū datsu |
passing away while sitting in meditation |
坐脫入亡 坐脱入亡 see styles |
zuò tuō rù wáng zuo4 tuo1 ru4 wang2 tso t`o ju wang tso to ju wang zadatsu nyūmō |
passing away while in meditation |
多岐亡羊 see styles |
takibouyou / takiboyo たきぼうよう |
(yoji) too many options making selection difficult; truth being hard to find as paths to it proliferate |
大腦死亡 大脑死亡 see styles |
dà nǎo sǐ wáng da4 nao3 si3 wang2 ta nao ssu wang |
brain death |
存亡攸關 存亡攸关 see styles |
cún wáng yōu guān cun2 wang2 you1 guan1 ts`un wang yu kuan tsun wang yu kuan |
a make-or-break matter; a matter of life and death |
家破人亡 see styles |
jiā pò rén wáng jia1 po4 ren2 wang2 chia p`o jen wang chia po jen wang |
family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned; destitute and homeless |
導致死亡 导致死亡 see styles |
dǎo zhì sǐ wáng dao3 zhi4 si3 wang2 tao chih ssu wang |
to lead to death; to result in death |
念當終亡 念当终亡 see styles |
niàn dāng zhōng wáng nian4 dang1 zhong1 wang2 nien tang chung wang nen tōshūmō |
mindfulness of [the inevitability of] death |
政権亡者 see styles |
seikenmouja / sekenmoja せいけんもうじゃ |
one who is obsessed with (getting into, holding on to) political power; one who is obsessed with the idea of taking over government |
政治亡命 see styles |
seijiboumei / sejibome せいじぼうめい |
political asylum; political exile |
敵前逃亡 see styles |
tekizentoubou / tekizentobo てきぜんとうぼう |
desertion in the face of the enemy; deserting under enemy fire |
普請送亡 普请送亡 see styles |
pǔ qǐng sòng wáng pu3 qing3 song4 wang2 p`u ch`ing sung wang pu ching sung wang fushin sōbō |
all invited to send off the deceased |
有名亡實 有名亡实 see styles |
yǒu míng wáng shí you3 ming2 wang2 shi2 yu ming wang shih |
lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name; nominal |
死亡事故 see styles |
shiboujiko / shibojiko しぼうじこ |
fatal accident; deadly accident |
死亡人數 死亡人数 see styles |
sǐ wáng rén shù si3 wang2 ren2 shu4 ssu wang jen shu |
number of people killed; death toll |
死亡保険 see styles |
shibouhoken / shibohoken しぼうほけん |
life insurance; insurance payable at death |
死亡保障 see styles |
shibouhoshou / shibohosho しぼうほしょう |
death benefit (from life insurance) |
死亡宣告 see styles |
shibousenkoku / shibosenkoku しぼうせんこく |
declaration of death; pronouncing someone to be dead |
死亡届け see styles |
shiboutodoke / shibotodoke しぼうとどけ |
report of death; notification of a death |
死亡広告 see styles |
shiboukoukoku / shibokokoku しぼうこうこく |
obituary; notification of death |
死亡時刻 see styles |
shiboujikoku / shibojikoku しぼうじこく |
time of death |
死亡筆記 死亡笔记 see styles |
sǐ wáng bǐ jì si3 wang2 bi3 ji4 ssu wang pi chi |
Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugumi 大場鶇|大场鸫[Da4 chang3 Dong1] (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi 小畑健[Xiao3 tian2 Jian4] |
死亡記事 see styles |
shiboukiji / shibokiji しぼうきじ |
obituary notice |
治乱興亡 see styles |
chirankoubou / chirankobo ちらんこうぼう |
(yoji) nation's times of peace and war, rise and fall |
流亡政府 see styles |
liú wáng zhèng fǔ liu2 wang2 zheng4 fu3 liu wang cheng fu |
government-in-exile |
流連荒亡 see styles |
ryuurenkoubou / ryurenkobo りゅうれんこうぼう |
(yoji) spending all one's time in idle amusement away from home; being absorbed in self-indulgent pleasures |
淪沒喪亡 沦没丧亡 see styles |
lún mò sàng wáng lun2 mo4 sang4 wang2 lun mo sang wang |
to die; to perish |
父母雙亡 父母双亡 see styles |
fù mǔ shuāng wáng fu4 mu3 shuang1 wang2 fu mu shuang wang |
to have lost both one's parents |
生死存亡 see styles |
shēng sǐ cún wáng sheng1 si3 cun2 wang2 sheng ssu ts`un wang sheng ssu tsun wang |
matter of life and death |
盛衰興亡 see styles |
seisuikoubou / sesuikobo せいすいこうぼう |
(yoji) rise and fall; ups and downs; waxing and waning; prosperity and decline; vicissitudes |
精盡人亡 精尽人亡 see styles |
jīng jìn rén wáng jing1 jin4 ren2 wang2 ching chin jen wang |
to die from excessive ejaculation |
胎児死亡 see styles |
taijishibou / taijishibo たいじしぼう |
fetal death (foetal); embryonic demise |
臨床死亡 临床死亡 see styles |
lín chuáng sǐ wáng lin2 chuang2 si3 wang2 lin ch`uang ssu wang lin chuang ssu wang |
clinical death |
自取滅亡 自取灭亡 see styles |
zì qǔ miè wáng zi4 qu3 mie4 wang2 tzu ch`ü mieh wang tzu chü mieh wang |
to court disaster (idiom); to dig one's own grave |
興亡盛衰 see styles |
koubouseisui / kobosesui こうぼうせいすい |
rise and fall; prosperity and decline; vicissitudes |
若有所亡 see styles |
ruò yǒu suǒ wáng ruo4 you3 suo3 wang2 jo yu so wang |
see 若有所失[ruo4 you3 suo3 shi1] |
認定死亡 see styles |
ninteishibou / ninteshibo にんていしぼう |
{law} declared death without identification of a body |
超過死亡 see styles |
choukashibou / chokashibo ちょうかしぼう |
excess deaths; excess mortality |
追亡逐北 see styles |
zhuī wáng zhú běi zhui1 wang2 zhu2 bei3 chui wang chu pei |
to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy |
逃亡生活 see styles |
toubouseikatsu / tobosekatsu とうぼうせいかつ |
life on the run |
金の亡者 see styles |
kanenomouja / kanenomoja かねのもうじゃ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) money monger; money-happy person; person who is money-mad; money-grubber |
Variations: |
bouhachi / bohachi ぼうはち |
(1) (See 八徳) customer at a brothel; john; someone who has forgotten the eight virtues; (2) brothel; owner of a brothel |
亡僧喪儀幡 亡僧丧仪幡 see styles |
wáng sēng sàng yí fān wang2 seng1 sang4 yi2 fan1 wang seng sang i fan bōsō sōgibata |
banners for funeral of a deceased monk |
亡兵紀念日 亡兵纪念日 see styles |
wáng bīng jì niàn rì wang2 bing1 ji4 nian4 ri4 wang ping chi nien jih |
Memorial Day (American holiday) |
亡命希望者 see styles |
boumeikibousha / bomekibosha ぼうめいきぼうしゃ |
asylum seeker |
Variations: |
horobu ほろぶ |
(v5b,vi) (See 滅びる) to be ruined; to go under; to perish; to be destroyed |
乳児死亡率 see styles |
nyuujishibouritsu / nyujishiboritsu にゅうじしぼうりつ |
infant mortality |
存亡の危機 see styles |
sonbounokiki / sonbonokiki そんぼうのきき |
(exp,n) existential threat; life-or-death crisis |
幼児死亡率 see styles |
youjishibouritsu / yojishiboritsu ようじしぼうりつ |
infant mortality rate |
戦争未亡人 see styles |
sensoumiboujin / sensomibojin せんそうみぼうじん |
war widow |
新生児死亡 see styles |
shinseijishibou / shinsejishibo しんせいじしぼう |
{med} neonatal death |
死亡保険金 see styles |
shibouhokenkin / shibohokenkin しぼうほけんきん |
death benefit; life insurance payout |
死亡給付金 see styles |
shiboukyuufukin / shibokyufukin しぼうきゅうふきん |
death benefit |
死亡診断書 see styles |
shiboushindansho / shiboshindansho しぼうしんだんしょ |
death certificate |
死亡証明書 see styles |
shiboushoumeisho / shiboshomesho しぼうしょうめいしょ |
death certificate |
着床前死亡 see styles |
chakushouzenshibou / chakushozenshibo ちゃくしょうぜんしぼう |
(rare) preimplantation death |
行旅死亡人 see styles |
kouryoshibounin / koryoshibonin こうりょしぼうにん |
unclaimed dead traveler |
超過死亡率 see styles |
choukashibouritsu / chokashiboritsu ちょうかしぼうりつ |
excess mortality rate; mortality displacement |
逃亡犯罪人 see styles |
toubouhanzainin / tobohanzainin とうぼうはんざいにん |
fugitive from justice; fugitive criminal |
亡う(iK) see styles |
ushinau(gikun) うしなう(gikun) |
(transitive verb) (See 失う・うしなう・3) to lose (a loved one); to be bereaved of |
亡き者にする see styles |
nakimononisuru なきものにする |
(exp,vs-i) to kill |
危急存亡の時 see styles |
kikyuusonbounotoki / kikyusonbonotoki ききゅうそんぼうのとき |
crisis; critical moment; critical time |
危急存亡の秋 see styles |
kikyuusonbounotoki / kikyusonbonotoki ききゅうそんぼうのとき |
crisis; critical moment; critical time |
妊産婦死亡率 see styles |
ninsanpushibouritsu / ninsanpushiboritsu にんさんぷしぼうりつ |
{med} maternal mortality rate; maternal mortality ratio |
我利我利亡者 see styles |
garigarimouja / garigarimoja がりがりもうじゃ |
greedy person; grasping person |
抗日救亡團體 抗日救亡团体 see styles |
kàng rì jiù wáng tuán tǐ kang4 ri4 jiu4 wang2 tuan2 ti3 k`ang jih chiu wang t`uan t`i kang jih chiu wang tuan ti |
Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization |
抗日救亡運動 抗日救亡运动 see styles |
kàng rì jiù wáng yùn dòng kang4 ri4 jiu4 wang2 yun4 dong4 k`ang jih chiu wang yün tung kang jih chiu wang yün tung |
the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Protest Movement stemming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变 |
死亡推定時刻 see styles |
shibousuiteijikoku / shibosuitejikoku しぼうすいていじこく |
estimated time of death |
言亡慮絕之空 言亡虑绝之空 see styles |
yán wáng lǜ jué zhī kōng yan2 wang2 lv4 jue2 zhi1 kong1 yen wang lü chüeh chih k`ung yen wang lü chüeh chih kung gonmō ryozetsu no kū |
The 'void' that is beyond words or thought. |
Variations: |
nakitomo なきとも |
deceased friend |
Variations: |
nakimono なきもの |
dead person |
Variations: |
sanrinbou / sanrinbo さんりんぼう |
unlucky day for starting construction of a house (which would result in a fire that spreads to three adjacent houses) |
子宮内胎児死亡 see styles |
shikyuunaitaijishibou / shikyunaitaijishibo しきゅうないたいじしぼう |
intrauterine fetal death (foetal); IUFD |
死亡時画像診断 see styles |
shiboujigazoushindan / shibojigazoshindan しぼうじがぞうしんだん |
autopsy imaging; postmortem computed tomography; PMCT; virtopsy |
陣亡戰士紀念日 阵亡战士纪念日 see styles |
zhèn wáng zhàn shì jì niàn rì zhen4 wang2 zhan4 shi4 ji4 nian4 ri4 chen wang chan shih chi nien jih |
Memorial Day (American holiday) |
Variations: |
onbou / onbo おんぼう |
(1) cemetery guard; (2) crematorium worker |
Variations: |
shiboutodoke / shibotodoke しぼうとどけ |
report of death; notification of a death |
順我者昌逆我者亡 顺我者昌逆我者亡 see styles |
shùn wǒ zhě chāng nì wǒ zhě wáng shun4 wo3 zhe3 chang1 ni4 wo3 zhe3 wang2 shun wo che ch`ang ni wo che wang shun wo che chang ni wo che wang |
submit to me and prosper, or oppose me and perish |
Variations: |
imahanaki いまはなき |
(exp,adj-pn) departed; deceased |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "亡" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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