There are 2716 total results for your 樹 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
阿樹慧 see styles |
akie あきえ |
(female given name) Akie |
阿樹枝 see styles |
akie あきえ |
(female given name) Akie |
阿樹江 see styles |
akie あきえ |
(female given name) Akie |
阿樹真 see styles |
ajuma あじゅま |
(female given name) Ajuma |
阿樹絵 see styles |
akie あきえ |
(female given name) Akie |
阿樹美 see styles |
akimi あきみ |
(female given name) Akimi |
阿樹良 see styles |
akira あきら |
(female given name) Akira |
阿樹菜 see styles |
akina あきな |
(female given name) Akina |
阿樹那 see styles |
akina あきな |
(female given name) Akina |
阿樹野 see styles |
akino あきの |
(female given name) Akino |
雙樹林 双树林 see styles |
shuāng shù lín shuang1 shu4 lin2 shuang shu lin Sōju rin |
Śāla Forest |
雲樹寺 see styles |
unjuji うんじゅじ |
(place-name) Unjuji |
露兜樹 see styles |
takonoki たこのき |
(kana only) Pandanus boninensis (species of shrub) |
霸王樹 霸王树 see styles |
bà wáng shù ba4 wang2 shu4 pa wang shu |
Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerei) |
青樹泉 see styles |
aokiizumi / aokizumi あおきいずみ |
(person) Aoki Izumi |
青樹町 see styles |
aokichou / aokicho あおきちょう |
(place-name) Aokichō |
青檀樹 青檀树 see styles |
qīng tán shù qing1 tan2 shu4 ch`ing t`an shu ching tan shu |
blue sandalwood (Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim), the bark of which is used to manufacture 宣紙|宣纸 |
風樹茂 see styles |
kazakishigeru かざきしげる |
(person) Kazaki Shigeru |
養樹園 see styles |
youjuen / yojuen ようじゅえん |
(tree) nursery; arboretum |
香告樹 see styles |
kazuki かずき |
(given name) Kazuki |
香樹子 see styles |
kazuko かずこ |
(female given name) Kazuko |
香樹実 see styles |
kazumi かずみ |
(female given name) Kazumi |
香泡樹 香泡树 see styles |
xiāng pāo shù xiang1 pao1 shu4 hsiang p`ao shu hsiang pao shu |
citron (Citrus medica); grapefruit |
香津樹 see styles |
katsuki かつき |
(given name) Katsuki |
高樹澪 see styles |
takagimio たかぎみお |
(person) Takagi Mio (1959.12-) |
高樹鄉 高树乡 see styles |
gāo shù xiāng gao1 shu4 xiang1 kao shu hsiang |
Kaoshu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan |
高玉樹 see styles |
kougyokuju / kogyokuju こうぎょくじゅ |
(personal name) Kōgyokuju |
高竦樹 see styles |
gāo sǒng shù gao1 song3 shu4 kao sung shu |
palm tree |
高遍樹 see styles |
gāo biàn shù gao1 bian4 shu4 kao pien shu |
(Skt. pārijātaka) tree |
魅羅樹 see styles |
miraaju / miraju みらーじゅ |
(female given name) Mira-ju |
魔樹羅 see styles |
majura まじゅら |
(female given name) Majura |
鳳凰樹 see styles |
hououboku / hooboku ほうおうぼく |
(irregular kanji usage) (kana only) royal poinciana (Delonix regia); flamboyant |
鴨脚樹 see styles |
ichou / icho いちょう |
(kana only) ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba); gingko; maidenhair tree |
麗衣樹 see styles |
riina / rina りいな |
(female given name) Riina |
麵包樹 面包树 see styles |
miàn bāo shù mian4 bao1 shu4 mien pao shu |
breadfruit tree; Artocarpus altilis |
麻樹亞 see styles |
makia まきあ |
(female given name) Makia |
麻樹奈 see styles |
makina まきな |
(female given name) Makina |
麻樹子 see styles |
makiko まきこ |
(female given name) Makiko |
麻樹枝 see styles |
makie まきえ |
(female given name) Makie |
麻樹生 see styles |
makio まきお |
(given name) Makio |
麻樹那 see styles |
majuna まじゅな |
(female given name) Majuna |
麻生樹 see styles |
maaju / maju まーじゅ |
(female given name) Ma-ju |
麻由樹 see styles |
mayuki まゆき |
(female given name) Mayuki |
麻綾樹 see styles |
ayaki あやき |
(female given name) Ayaki |
麻華樹 see styles |
makaju まかじゅ |
(female given name) Makaju |
黄嘉樹 see styles |
oukaju / okaju おうかじゅ |
(personal name) Oukaju |
黄心樹 see styles |
ogatamanoki おがたまのき |
(kana only) Michelia compressa (species of Japanese tree similar to champak) |
黒樹洋 see styles |
kurokihiroshi くろきひろし |
(person) Kuroki Hiroshi (1973.3.11-) |
龍樹宗 see styles |
lóng shù zōng long2 shu4 zong1 lung shu tsung |
School of Nāgârjuna |
龍樹山 see styles |
ryuukiyama / ryukiyama りゅうきやま |
(surname) Ryūkiyama |
龍華樹 龙华树 see styles |
lóng huā shù long2 hua1 shu4 lung hua shu |
nāga-puṣpa; 奔那伽 puṣpanāga, the dragon-flower tree, which will be the bodhi-tree of Maitreya, the Buddhist Messiah, when he comes to earth. |
龍血樹 龙血树 see styles |
lóng xuè shù long2 xue4 shu4 lung hsüeh shu |
dragon tree; Dracaena (botany) |
樹なつみ see styles |
itsukinatsumi いつきなつみ |
(person) Itsuki Natsumi (1960.2.5-) |
樹ますみ see styles |
itsukimasumi いつきますみ |
(personal name) Itsukimasumi |
樹まり子 see styles |
itsukimariko いつきマリこ |
(female given name) Itsukimariko |
樹れい子 see styles |
itsukireiko / itsukireko いつきれいこ |
(female given name) Itsukireiko |
樹上開花 树上开花 see styles |
shù shàng kāi huā shu4 shang4 kai1 hua1 shu shang k`ai hua shu shang kai hua |
to deck the tree with false blossoms; to make something of no value appear valuable (idiom) |
樹下太郎 see styles |
kinoshitatarou / kinoshitataro きのしたたろう |
(person) Kinoshita Tarō |
樹亜采子 see styles |
itsukiasako いつきあさこ |
(female given name) Itsukiasako |
樹原亜紀 see styles |
kiharaaki / kiharaki きはらあき |
(person) Kihara Aki (1969.3.30-) |
樹大招風 树大招风 see styles |
shù dà zhāo fēng shu4 da4 zhao1 feng1 shu ta chao feng |
lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (idiom); fig. a famous or rich person attracts criticism |
樹木崇拝 see styles |
jumokusuuhai / jumokusuhai じゅもくすうはい |
dendrolatry (worship of trees) |
樹木希林 see styles |
kikikirin きききりん |
(person) Kiki Kirin (1943.1-) |
樹枝狀晶 树枝状晶 see styles |
shù zhī zhuàng jīng shu4 zhi1 zhuang4 jing1 shu chih chuang ching |
dendrite (crystallography) |
樹状突起 see styles |
jujoutokki / jujotokki じゅじょうとっき |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) dendrite; dendron |
樹状細胞 see styles |
jujousaibou / jujosaibo じゅじょうさいぼう |
dendritic cell |
樹狀細胞 树状细胞 see styles |
shù zhuàng xì bāo shu4 zhuang4 xi4 bao1 shu chuang hsi pao |
dendritic cell |
樹碑立傳 树碑立传 see styles |
shù bēi lì zhuàn shu4 bei1 li4 zhuan4 shu pei li chuan |
lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idiom); to monumentalize; to glorify; to sing the praises of |
樹脂光沢 see styles |
jushikoutaku / jushikotaku じゅしこうたく |
{geol} resinous lustre; resinous luster |
樹脂加工 see styles |
jushikakou / jushikako じゅしかこう |
resin treatment |
樹里咲穂 see styles |
jurisakiho じゅりさきほ |
(person) Juri Sakiho |
Variations: |
kaede; kaede かえで; カエデ |
maple (Acer spp.); maple tree |
モト冬樹 see styles |
motofuyuki モトふゆき |
(person) Moto Fuyuki (1951.5-) |
一井雅樹 see styles |
ichiimasaki / ichimasaki いちいまさき |
(person) Ichii Masaki (1959.4.8-) |
一尾直樹 see styles |
ichionaoki いちおなおき |
(person) Ichio Naoki |
一嶋三樹 see styles |
ichishimamiki いちしまみき |
(person) Ichishima Miki (1964.11.16-2000.7.4) |
一樹千尋 see styles |
itsukichihiro いつきちひろ |
(person) Itsuki Chihiro |
七寶樹林 七宝树林 see styles |
qī bǎo shù lín qi1 bao3 shu4 lin2 ch`i pao shu lin chi pao shu lin shichihō jurin |
The grove of jewel trees, or trees of the seven precious things―a part of the "Pure-land", or Paradise. |
七寶諸樹 七宝诸树 see styles |
qī bǎo zhū shù qi1 bao3 zhu1 shu4 ch`i pao chu shu chi pao chu shu shippō shoju |
seven-jeweled trees |
七重行樹 七重行树 see styles |
qī zhòng xíng shù qi1 zhong4 xing2 shu4 ch`i chung hsing shu chi chung hsing shu shichijū gyō ju |
The seven avenues of gem trees in Paradise. |
三宅正樹 see styles |
miyakemasaki みやけまさき |
(person) Miyake Masaki |
三指樹懶 see styles |
miyubinamakemono; miyubinamakemono みゆびなまけもの; ミユビナマケモノ |
(kana only) three-toed sloth |
三枝浩樹 see styles |
saigusahiroki さいぐさひろき |
(person) Saigusa Hiroki |
三樹三郎 see styles |
mikisaburou / mikisaburo みきさぶろう |
(male given name) Mikisaburō |
三樹之進 see styles |
mikinoshin みきのしん |
(given name) Mikinoshin |
三樹太郎 see styles |
mikitarou / mikitaro みきたろう |
(male given name) Mikitarō |
三橋直樹 see styles |
mitsuhashinaoki みつはしなおき |
(person) Mitsuhashi Naoki |
三浦実樹 see styles |
miuramiki みうらみき |
(person) Miura Miki (1980.12.28-) |
上村春樹 see styles |
uemuraharuki うえむらはるき |
(person) Uemura Haruki (1951.2.14-) |
上田正樹 see styles |
uedamasaki うえだまさき |
(person) Ueda Masaki (1949.7-) |
上野博樹 see styles |
uenohiroki うえのひろき |
(person) Ueno Hiroki (1950.6.23-) |
上野樹里 see styles |
uenojuri うえのじゅり |
(person) Ueno Juri (1986.5.25-) |
並樹乃眇 see styles |
namikinosugame なみきのすがめ |
(person) Namikino Sugame |
並樹史朗 see styles |
namikishirou / namikishiro なみきしろう |
(person) Namiki Shirou (1951.10.19-) |
中尾美樹 see styles |
nakaomiki なかおみき |
(person) Nakao Miki (1979-) |
中尾英樹 see styles |
nakaohideki なかおひでき |
(person) Nakao Hideki (1938-) |
中島沙樹 see styles |
nakajimasaki なかじまさき |
(person) Nakajima Saki (1978.9.1-) |
中川秀樹 see styles |
nakagawahideki なかがわひでき |
(person) Nakagawa Hideki (1971.4.7-) |
中村克樹 see styles |
nakamurakatsuki なかむらかつき |
(person) Nakamura Katsuki (1962.9.18-) |
中村大樹 see styles |
nakamuradaiki なかむらだいき |
(person) Nakamura Daiki (1962.12.25-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "樹" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.