There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
泳力認定 see styles |
eiryokunintei / eryokuninte えいりょくにんてい |
swimming ability certification |
津川定之 see styles |
tsugawasadayuki つがわさだゆき |
(person) Tsugawa Sadayuki (1944-) |
浅見定雄 see styles |
asamisadao あさみさだお |
(person) Asami Sadao (1931-) |
浮力定律 see styles |
fú lì dìng lǜ fu2 li4 ding4 lu:4 fu li ting lü |
Archimedes' principle (physical law of buoyancy) |
深入禪定 深入禅定 see styles |
shēn rù chán dìng shen1 ru4 chan2 ding4 shen ju ch`an ting shen ju chan ting shinnyū zenjō |
to enter deeply into meditative concentration |
添字指定 see styles |
soejishitei / soejishite そえじしてい |
{comp} subscripting |
清水定彦 see styles |
shimizusadahiko しみずさだひこ |
(person) Shimizu Sadahiko (1930.12-) |
減衰定数 see styles |
gensuijousuu / gensuijosu げんすいじょうすう |
damping ratio; decay constant |
測定不能 see styles |
sokuteifunou / sokutefuno そくていふのう |
(can be adjective with の) unmeasurable; impossible to measure |
測定方法 see styles |
sokuteihouhou / sokutehoho そくていほうほう |
measuring method |
測定装置 see styles |
sokuteisouchi / sokutesochi そくていそうち |
measuring device |
測定限界 see styles |
sokuteigenkai / sokutegenkai そくていげんかい |
(See 検知閾値) measurement limit; measurement limitation; measuring limit |
游移不定 see styles |
yóu yí bù dìng you2 yi2 bu4 ding4 yu i pu ting |
to oscillate without pause (idiom); to fluctuate; (of thoughts) to wander; to waver |
湯地定之 see styles |
yuchisadayuki ゆちさだゆき |
(person) Yuchi Sadayuki |
滅受想定 灭受想定 see styles |
miè shòu xiǎng dìng mie4 shou4 xiang3 ding4 mieh shou hsiang ting metsu jusō jō |
A samādhi in which there is complete extinction of sensation and thought; one of the highest forms of kenosis, resulting from concentration. |
滅定智通 灭定智通 see styles |
miè dìng zhì tōng mie4 ding4 zhi4 tong1 mieh ting chih t`ung mieh ting chih tung metsujō chitsū |
The freedom or supernatural power of the wisdom attained in nirvāṇa, or perfect passivity. |
滅盡定位 灭尽定位 see styles |
miè jìn dìng wèi mie4 jin4 ding4 wei4 mieh chin ting wei metsujinjō i |
state of concentration of thorough cessation |
滅盡定起 灭尽定起 see styles |
miè jìn dìng qǐ mie4 jin4 ding4 qi3 mieh chin ting ch`i mieh chin ting chi metsujin jōki |
the arising of the concentration of total cessation |
漁業協定 see styles |
gyogyoukyoutei / gyogyokyote ぎょぎょうきょうてい |
fisheries agreement |
漢字検定 see styles |
kanjikentei / kanjikente かんじけんてい |
(See 漢検) kanji aptitude test (esp. the Kanji Kentei); The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test |
炭素固定 see styles |
tansokotei / tansokote たんそこてい |
{biochem} carbon fixation; carbon assimilation |
炭酸固定 see styles |
tansankotei / tansankote たんさんこてい |
{biochem} (See 炭素固定) carbon fixation; carbon assimilation |
為替裁定 see styles |
kawasesaitei / kawasesaite かわせさいてい |
exchange arbitration |
無い内定 see styles |
nainaitei / nainaite ないないてい |
(joc) (pun on 内々定) (See 無い・1,内々定) having received no job offers; being without job offers |
無學正定 无学正定 see styles |
wú xué zhèng dìng wu2 xue2 zheng4 ding4 wu hsüeh cheng ting mugaku shōjō |
right concentration of post-learners |
無定形碳 无定形碳 see styles |
wú dìng xíng tàn wu2 ding4 xing2 tan4 wu ting hsing t`an wu ting hsing tan |
amorphous carbon |
無念禪定 无念禅定 see styles |
wú niàn chán dìng wu2 nian4 chan2 ding4 wu nien ch`an ting wu nien chan ting munen zenjō |
no-thought meditation |
無想定位 无想定位 see styles |
wú xiǎng dìng wèi wu2 xiang3 ding4 wei4 wu hsiang ting wei musō jō i |
state of thoughtless meditative concentration |
無罪推定 无罪推定 see styles |
wú zuì tuī dìng wu2 zui4 tui1 ding4 wu tsui t`ui ting wu tsui tui ting |
presumption of innocence (law) |
無色界定 无色界定 see styles |
wú sè jiè dìng wu2 se4 jie4 ding4 wu se chieh ting mushikikai jō |
concentrations of the formless realm |
無間禪定 无间禅定 see styles |
wú jiān chán dìng wu2 jian1 chan2 ding4 wu chien ch`an ting wu chien chan ting mugen zenjō |
meditation of no interruption |
焼肉定食 see styles |
yakinikuteishoku / yakinikuteshoku やきにくていしょく |
set meal with grilled meat |
煉之未定 炼之未定 see styles |
liàn zhī wèi dìng lian4 zhi1 wei4 ding4 lien chih wei ting |
to spend a long time thinking about something while unable to reach a decision |
物価安定 see styles |
bukkaantei / bukkante ぶっかあんてい |
price stability; price stabilization |
物理定数 see styles |
butsuriteisuu / butsuritesu ぶつりていすう |
{physics} (See 万有引力定数・ばんゆういんりょくていすう,プランク定数・プランクていすう) physical constant |
特定中型 see styles |
tokuteichuugata / tokutechugata とくていちゅうがた |
(on street signs) (See 特定中型自動車) mid-sized vehicles weighing over 8t |
特定動物 see styles |
tokuteidoubutsu / tokutedobutsu とくていどうぶつ |
animals designated as dangerous by Japanese law |
特定口座 see styles |
tokuteikouza / tokutekoza とくていこうざ |
{finc} specified account; designated account |
特定地域 see styles |
tokuteichiiki / tokutechiki とくていちいき |
specific area; specified region; designated area |
特定妊婦 see styles |
tokuteininpu / tokuteninpu とくていにんぷ |
{law} specified expectant mother; expectant mother who has been identified as in need of extra support after birth (because of unstable income, mental illness, etc.) |
特定少年 see styles |
tokuteishounen / tokuteshonen とくていしょうねん |
{law} 18 and 19-year olds (legally adults but covered by the 2022 Juvenile Act) |
特定数字 see styles |
tokuteisuuji / tokutesuji とくていすうじ |
{comp} significant digit |
特定疾患 see styles |
tokuteishikkan / tokuteshikkan とくていしっかん |
{med} diseases specified by the Japanese government as being worrisome, having no known treatment and of unknown causes |
特定社員 see styles |
tokuteishain / tokuteshain とくていしゃいん |
{bus;law} specified partner |
特定秘密 see styles |
tokuteihimitsu / tokutehimitsu とくていひみつ |
(See 特定秘密保護法) specially designated secret |
特定空家 see styles |
tokuteiakiya / tokuteakiya とくていあきや |
{law} specially designated vacant house; vacant house that has been declared dangerous or dilapidated by the local authority and may be subject to higher taxes, fines or demolition |
特定行為 see styles |
tokuteikoui / tokutekoi とくていこうい |
designated procedures; specified acts |
特定記号 see styles |
tokuteikigou / tokutekigo とくていきごう |
{comp} identifier |
特定診査 see styles |
tokuteishinsa / tokuteshinsa とくていしんさ |
(abbreviation) (See 特定健康診査) specified health check-up; free health screening program aimed at preventing lifestyle-related diseases for residents aged 40-74 |
特定警戒 see styles |
tokuteikeikai / tokutekekai とくていけいかい |
special precautions; heightened vigilance |
特定銘柄 see styles |
tokuteimeigara / tokutemegara とくていめいがら |
{finc} specified stocks; specified market leaders; designated speculative stocks |
現状否定 see styles |
genjouhitei / genjohite げんじょうひてい |
refusal to accept the present situation; denial of the existing situation; negation of the status quo |
環境設定 see styles |
kankyousettei / kankyosette かんきょうせってい |
{comp} configuration (e.g. of a computer or file); user preferences; system environment; environment setting |
生物検定 see styles |
seibutsukentei / sebutsukente せいぶつけんてい |
bioassay |
生物測定 生物测定 see styles |
shēng wù cè dìng sheng1 wu4 ce4 ding4 sheng wu ts`e ting sheng wu tse ting |
bioassay |
産子検定 see styles |
sanshikentei / sanshikente さんしけんてい |
(1) progeny test (for beef cattle); (2) reproduction test (for pigs) |
用戶定義 用户定义 see styles |
yòng hù dìng yì yong4 hu4 ding4 yi4 yung hu ting i |
user-defined |
甲磺磷定 see styles |
jiǎ huáng lín dìng jia3 huang2 lin2 ding4 chia huang lin ting |
pralidoxime mesylate |
痛定思痛 see styles |
tòng dìng sī tòng tong4 ding4 si1 tong4 t`ung ting ssu t`ung tung ting ssu tung |
to think of the pain when the pain is gone (idiom); to ponder about a painful experience |
百舌勘定 see styles |
mozukanjou / mozukanjo もずかんじょう |
(yoji) (rare) splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount; wheedling the others into paying the whole bill |
目標設定 see styles |
mokuhyousettei / mokuhyosette もくひょうせってい |
goal setting |
相反定理 see styles |
souhanteiri / sohanteri そうはんていり |
{physics} reciprocity theorem |
相対勘定 see styles |
aitaikanjou / aitaikanjo あいたいかんじょう |
contra account |
相違決定 相违决定 see styles |
xiāng wéi jué dìng xiang1 wei2 jue2 ding4 hsiang wei chüeh ting sōi ketsujō |
differing, but individually valid reasons that reach opposing conclusions |
真否定句 see styles |
zhēn fǒu dìng jù zhen1 fou3 ding4 ju4 chen fou ting chü |
true negative (TN) |
真肯定句 see styles |
zhēn kěn dìng jù zhen1 ken3 ding4 ju4 chen k`en ting chü chen ken ting chü |
true affirmative (TA) |
知名定男 see styles |
chinasadao ちなさだお |
(person) China Sadao |
確定事項 see styles |
kakuteijikou / kakutejiko かくていじこう |
fixed content; settled matter; done deal |
確定判決 see styles |
kakuteihanketsu / kakutehanketsu かくていはんけつ |
{law} final sentence |
確定可能 see styles |
kakuteikanou / kakutekano かくていかのう |
{comp} definable |
確定效應 确定效应 see styles |
què dìng xiào yìng que4 ding4 xiao4 ying4 ch`üeh ting hsiao ying chüeh ting hsiao ying |
deterministic effect |
確定日付 see styles |
kakuteihizuke / kakutehizuke かくていひづけ |
fixed date |
確定申告 see styles |
kakuteishinkoku / kakuteshinkoku かくていしんこく |
final income tax return; final declaration; final report |
確定裁判 see styles |
kakuteisaiban / kakutesaiban かくていさいばん |
{law} final decision |
禅定寺山 see styles |
zenjoujiyama / zenjojiyama ぜんじょうじやま |
(place-name) Zenjōjiyama |
禅定寺峠 see styles |
zenjoujitouge / zenjojitoge ぜんじょうじとうげ |
(place-name) Zenjōjitōge |
禅定寺川 see styles |
zenteijigawa / zentejigawa ぜんていじがわ |
(place-name) Zenteijigawa |
福田定一 see styles |
fukudateiichi / fukudatechi ふくだていいち |
(person) Fukuda Teiichi |
福田定良 see styles |
fukudasadayoshi ふくださだよし |
(person) Fukuda Sadayoshi |
私定終身 私定终身 see styles |
sī dìng zhōng shēn si1 ding4 zhong1 shen1 ssu ting chung shen |
to make a pledge to be married, without parents' approval |
秋定典江 see styles |
akisadamichie あきさだみちえ |
(person) Akisadami Chie (1945.11-) |
秋定里穂 see styles |
akisadario あきさだりお |
(person) Akisada Rio (1982.9.8-) |
秘書検定 see styles |
hishokentei / hishokente ひしょけんてい |
official test for a secretarial qualification |
積分定数 see styles |
sekibunteisuu / sekibuntesu せきぶんていすう |
{math} constant of integration |
穩定物價 稳定物价 see styles |
wěn dìng wù jià wen3 ding4 wu4 jia4 wen ting wu chia |
stable prices; commodity prices fixed by government (in a command economy); to valorize (a commodity) |
窒素固定 see styles |
chissokotei / chissokote ちっそこてい |
nitrogen fixation |
立定跳遠 立定跳远 see styles |
lì dìng tiào yuǎn li4 ding4 tiao4 yuan3 li ting t`iao yüan li ting tiao yüan |
standing long jump |
筆跡鑑定 see styles |
hissekikantei / hissekikante ひっせきかんてい |
handwriting analysis |
筒井定次 see styles |
tsutsuisadatsugu つついさだつぐ |
(person) Tsutsui Sadatsugu |
算盤勘定 see styles |
sorobankanjou / sorobankanjo そろばんかんじょう |
(1) counting on the abacus; (2) cost-benefit calculation; profit calculation |
精神鑑定 see styles |
seishinkantei / seshinkante せいしんかんてい |
(noun/participle) psychiatric examination |
約定俗成 约定俗成 see styles |
yuē dìng sú chéng yue1 ding4 su2 cheng2 yüeh ting su ch`eng yüeh ting su cheng |
established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement; customary convention |
約定済み see styles |
yakujouzumi / yakujozumi やくじょうずみ |
promised |
紳士協定 see styles |
shinshikyoutei / shinshikyote しんしきょうてい |
gentlemen's agreement |
経常勘定 see styles |
keijoukanjou / kejokanjo けいじょうかんじょう |
current account |
網安定性 see styles |
mouanteisei / moantese もうあんていせい |
{comp} network stability |
網際協定 网际协定 see styles |
wǎng jì xié dìng wang3 ji4 xie2 ding4 wang chi hsieh ting |
Internet protocol; IP |
線量測定 see styles |
senryousokutei / senryosokute せんりょうそくてい |
dosimetry |
繭検定所 see styles |
mayukenteijo / mayukentejo まゆけんていじょ |
(place-name) Mayukenteijo |
羅爾定理 罗尔定理 see styles |
luó ěr dìng lǐ luo2 er3 ding4 li3 lo erh ting li |
Rolle's theorem (in calculus) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.