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There are 4707 total results for your search. I have created 48 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(personal name) Nanten'yama


see styles
(place-name) Minamiamaeda


see styles
(place-name) Minamitenden


see styles
(place-name) Minamitenjin


see styles
nán tiān zhú
    nan2 tian1 zhu2
nan t`ien chu
    nan tien chu
 nan tenjiku
southern India



see styles
nán tiān mén
    nan2 tian1 men2
nan t`ien men
    nan tien men
South Gate to Heaven, the name a gate constructed on various mountains, most notably on Mount Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1]; (mythology) southern gate of the Heavenly Palace


see styles
livery coat


see styles
(place-name) Daitenpaku


see styles
 shitenryuu / shitenryu
(surname) Shitenryū



see styles
sī tiān tái
    si1 tian1 tai2
ssu t`ien t`ai
    ssu tien tai
Observatory or Bureau of Astronomy (official title) from the Tang dynasty onwards


see styles
 shitenryuu / shitenryu
(surname) Shitenryū


see styles
jí xiáng tiān
    ji2 xiang2 tian1
chi hsiang t`ien
    chi hsiang tien
 kisshouten; kichijouten / kisshoten; kichijoten
    きっしょうてん; きちじょうてん
{Buddh} Sri-mahadevi (consort of Vaishravana)


see styles
tóng shēng tiān
    tong2 sheng1 tian1
t`ung sheng t`ien
    tung sheng tien
 dōshō ten
同生神; 同名 The first two of these terms are intp. as the guardian deva, or spirit, who is sahaja, i. e. born or produced simultaneously with the person he protects; the last is the deva who has the same name as the one he protects.


see styles
(place-name) Mukaiamagata



see styles
wú tiān míng
    wu2 tian1 ming2
wu t`ien ming
    wu tien ming
Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director


see styles
    koutenshi / kotenshi
(kana only) skylark (Alauda arvensis); (1) (kana only) skylark (Alauda arvensis); (2) Mongolian lark (Melanocorypha mongolica)


see styles
(place-name) Watenbetsu


see styles
China and India; far away


see styles
shàn tiān zǐ
    shan4 tian1 zi3
shan t`ien tzu
    shan tien tzu
 zen tenshi
good sons of gods



see styles
shàn xiàn tiān
    shan4 xian4 tian1
shan hsien t`ien
    shan hsien tien
 Zengen Ten
(or 善現色) Suḍṛśa, the seventh brahmaloka; the eighth region of the fourth dhyāna.



see styles
shàn jiàn tiān
    shan4 jian4 tian1
shan chien t`ien
    shan chien tien
 Zenken Ten
heaven of skillful appearance



see styles
xǐ jiàn tiān
    xi3 jian4 tian1
hsi chien t`ien
    hsi chien tien
 Kiken ten
The Trāyastriṃśas, or thirty-three devas or gods of Indra's heaven, on the summit of Meru.


see styles
sì tiān xià
    si4 tian1 xia4
ssu t`ien hsia
    ssu tien hsia
 shi tenka
The four quarters or continents of the world.


see styles
(place-name) Shitenchi


see styles
(place-name) Shitengi


see styles
sì tiān wáng
    si4 tian1 wang2
ssu t`ien wang
    ssu tien wang
 shitennou / shitenno
(1) {Buddh} the Four Heavenly Kings (Dhrtarastra, Virudhaka, Virupaksa, and Vaisravana); (2) the big four (i.e. four leaders in a given field)
(四大王) catur-mahārājas, or Lokapālas; the four deva-kings. Indra's external 'generals 'who dwell each on a side of Mount Meru, and who ward off from the world the attacks of malicious spirits, or asuras, hence their name 護世四王 the four deva-kings, guardians of the world. Their abode is the 四 catur-maharāja-kāyikas; and their titles are: East 持國 Deva who keeps (his) kingdom; colour white; name Dhṛtarsaṣtra. South 增長 Deva of increase and growth; blue; name Virūḍhaka. West 廣目 The broad-eyed (also ugly-eyed) deva (perhaps a form of Siva); red; name Virūpākṣa. North 多聞 The deva who hears much and is well-versed; yellow; name Vaiśravaṇa, or Dhanada; he is a form of Kuvera, the god of wealth. These are the four giant temple guardians introduced as such to China by Amogha; cf. 四王經.


see styles
 shihouten / shihoten
(surname) Shihouten


see styles
sì wáng tiān
    si4 wang2 tian1
ssu wang t`ien
    ssu wang tien
 shiouten / shioten
{Buddh} (See 四天王・1,六欲天) heaven of the Four Great Kings; one of the six heavens of the desire realm; (surname) Shinouten
four heavenly kings kings



see styles
sì chán tiān
    si4 chan2 tian1
ssu ch`an t`ien
    ssu chan tien
 shi zenten
four meditation heavens



see styles
sì zhǒng tiān
    si4 zhong3 tian1
ssu chung t`ien
    ssu chung tien
 shishu ten
The four classes of devas include (1) 名 famous rulers on earth styled 王, 子; (2) 生 the highest incarnations of the six paths; (3) 淨 the pure, or the saints, from śrāvakas to pratyekabuddhas, and (4) 義 all bodhisattvas above the ten stages 十住. The Buddhas are not included; 智度論 22.


see styles
sì kōng tiān
    si4 kong1 tian1
ssu k`ung t`ien
    ssu kung tien
 shi gūten
four formless heavens


see styles
huí nán tiān
    hui2 nan2 tian1
hui nan t`ien
    hui nan tien
weather phenomenon characterized by condensation of warm moist air on cool surfaces during the transition from winter to spring in Southern China


see styles
(given name) Kaitenshi


see styles
dì jū tiān
    di4 ju1 tian1
ti chü t`ien
    ti chü tien
 jigo ten
Indra's heaven on the top of Sumeru, below the 空居 heavens in space.


see styles
(personal name) Tatechi


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

Fallen Angel
{Christn} fallen angel (esp. Lucifer)


see styles
 zoujouten; zouchouten / zojoten; zochoten
    ぞうじょうてん; ぞうちょうてん
{Buddh} Virudhaka (Buddhist deity)



see styles
zēng zhǎng tiān
    zeng1 zhang3 tian1
tseng chang t`ien
    tseng chang tien
Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings)
Virūḍhaka, the Mahārāja of the southern quarter.



see styles
duō wén tiān
    duo1 wen2 tian1
to wen t`ien
    to wen tien
 Tamon Ten
Vaisravana (one of the Heavenly Kings)
(Buddhist term) Vaisravana (Buddhist deity)


see styles
(irregular kanji usage) (Buddhist term) Vaisravana (Buddhist deity)


see styles
yè mó tiān
    ye4 mo2 tian1
yeh mo t`ien
    yeh mo tien
{Buddh} (See 六欲天) heaven without fighting; one of the six heavens of the desire realm
Yamadeva; the third devaloka, which is also called 須夜摩 or 蘇夜摩, intp. as 時分 or 善時分 the place where the times, or seasons, are always good.


see styles
dà shèng tiān
    da4 sheng4 tian1
ta sheng t`ien
    ta sheng tien
 Daijō ten
"Mahāyāna-deva", a title given to 玄奘 Xuanzang, who was also styled 木叉提婆 Moksa-deva.


see styles
(place-name) Dairokuten


see styles
dà qián tiān
    da4 qian2 tian1
ta ch`ien t`ien
    ta chien tien
three days ago


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

Archangel / Arch Angel


see styles
(surname) Daitenzan


see styles
(personal name) Ooamabashi


see styles
 daitengu; ootengu
    だいてんぐ; おおてんぐ
(1) (See 天狗・1) large tengu; powerful tengu; (2) (idiom) (See 天狗・2) big braggart; blowhard


see styles
 daitensou / daitenso
(place-name) Daitensō


see styles
 daitenshou / daitensho
(surname) Daitenshou



see styles
dà tiān é
    da4 tian1 e2
ta t`ien o
    ta tien o
(bird species of China) whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus)


see styles
 daitenryuu / daitenryu
(surname) Daitenryū



see styles
dà hòu tiān
    da4 hou4 tian1
ta hou t`ien
    ta hou tien
three days from now; day after day after tomorrow


see styles
dà fàn tiān
    da4 fan4 tian1
ta fan t`ien
    ta fan tien
 Daibon ten
Mahābrahman; Brahma; 跋羅吸摩; 波羅賀磨; 梵覽摩; 梵王; 梵王; 梵. Eitel says: "The first person of the Brahminical Trimūrti, adopted by Buddhism, but placed in an inferior position, being looked upon not as Creator, but as a transitory devatā whom every Buddhistic saint surpasses on obtaining bodhi. Notwithstanding this, the Saddharma-puṇḍarīka calls Brahma 'the father of all living beings'" 一切衆生之父. Mahābrahman is the unborn or uncreated ruler over all, especially according to Buddhism over all the heavens of form, i.e. of mortality. He rules over these heavens, which are of threefold form: (a) Brahma (lord), (b) Brahma-purohitas (ministers), and (c) Brahma-pāriṣadyāh (people). His heavens are also known as the middle dhyāna heavens, i.e. between the first and second dhyānas. He is often represented on the right of the Buddha. According to Chinese accounts the Hindus speak of him (1) as born of Nārāyaṇa, from Brahma's mouth sprang the brahmans, from his arms the kṣatriyas, from his thighs the vaiśyas, and from his feet the śūdras; (2) as born from Viṣṇu; (3) as a trimūrti, evidently that of Brahma, Viṣṇu, and Śiva, but Buddhists define Mahābrahma's dharmakāya as Maheśvara (Śiva), his saṃbhogakāya as Nārāyaṇa, and his nirmāṇakāya as Brahmā. He is depicted as riding on a swan, or drawn by swans.


see styles
dà bái tiān
    da4 bai2 tian1
ta pai t`ien
    ta pai tien
broad daylight



see styles
dà shèng tiān
    da4 sheng4 tian1
ta sheng t`ien
    ta sheng tien
 dai shōten
idem 大聖歡喜 v. 歡喜, on whom there are three works.



see styles
dà biàn tiān
    da4 bian4 tian1
ta pien t`ien
    ta pien tien
 Daiben ten
Sarasvatī 大辯才 (大辯才女); 大辯功德 (大辯才功德); 薩羅婆縛底; 薩羅酸底 A river, 'the modern Sursooty'; the goddess of it, who 'was persuaded to descend from heaven and confer her invention of language and letters on the human race by the sage Bhārata, whence one of her names is Bharatī'; sometimes assumes the form of a swan; eloquence, or literary elegance is associated with her. Cf. M. W. Known as the mother of speech, eloquence, letters, and music. Chinese texts describe this deity sometimes as male, but generally as female, and under several forms. As 'goddess of music and poetry' she is styled 妙 (or 美 ) 音; 妙音樂; 妙音佛母. She is represented in two forms, one with two arms and a lute, another with eight arms. Sister of Yama. 'A consort of both Brahmā and Mañjuśrī,' Getty. In Japan, when with a lute, Benten is a form of Saravastī, colour white, and riding a peacock. Tib. sbyaṅs-can-ma, or ṅag-gi-lha-mo; M. kele-yin iikin tegri; J. ben-zai-ten, or benten.


see styles
dà hēi tiān
    da4 hei1 tian1
ta hei t`ien
    ta hei tien
 Daikoku ten
Mahākāla 摩訶迦 (or 謌) 羅 the great black deva 大黑神. Two interpretations are given. The esoteric cult describes the deva as the masculine form of Kālī, i.e. Durgā, the wife of Śiva; with one face and eight arms, or three faces and six arms, a necklace of skulls, etc. He is worshipped as giving warlike power, and fierceness; said also to be an incarnation of Vairocana for the purpose of destroying the demons; and is described as 大時 the "great time" (-keeper) which seems to indicate Vairocana, the sun. The exoteric cult interprets him as a beneficent deva, a Pluto, or god of wealth. Consequently he is represented in two forms, by the one school as a fierce deva, by the other as a kindly happy deva. He is shown as one of the eight fierce guardians with trident, generally blue-black but sometimes white; he may have two elephants underfoot. Six arms and hands hold jewel, skull cup, chopper, drum, trident, elephant-goad. He is the tutelary god of Mongolian Buddhism. Six forms of Mahākāla are noted: (1) 比丘大黑 A black-faced disciple of the Buddha, said to be the Buddha as Mahādeva in a previous incarnation, now guardian of the refectory. (2) 摩訶迦羅大黑女 Kālī, the wife of Śiva. (3) 王子迦羅大黑 The son of Śiva. (4) 眞陀大黑 Cintāmaṇi, with the talismanic pearl, symbol of bestowing fortune. (5) 夜叉大黑 Subduer of demons. (6) 摩迦羅大黑 Mahākāla, who carries a bag on his back and holds a hammer in his right hand. J., Daikoku; M., Yeke-gara; T., Nag-po c'en-po.


see styles
(1) {Buddh} Mahakala (incarnation of Mahesvara); (2) Daikokuten (god of wealth); (place-name) Daikokuten


see styles
(ateji / phonetic) (noun or adjectival noun) very strange; odd; queer


see styles
 houtenike / hotenike
(place-name) Houten'ike


see styles
(place-name) Okutenjin


see styles
hǎo bàn tiān
    hao3 ban4 tian1
hao pan t`ien
    hao pan tien
most of the day


see styles
 koutenki / kotenki
(noun or adjectival noun) fine weather


see styles
miào yīn tiān
    miao4 yin1 tian1
miao yin t`ien
    miao yin tien
 Myōon Ten
(妙音樂) Sarasvatī, the wife or female energy of Brahmā. Also called 辨才 (辨才女) Jap. Benzaiten, or Benten; goddess of eloquence, learning, and music, bestower of the Sanskrit language and letters, and the bestower of 財 riches; also the river goddess. Sometimes considered as masculine. Honoured among the seven gods of luck, and often represented as mounted on a dragon or a serpent.



see styles
pán sǒu tiān
    pan2 sou3 tian1
p`an sou t`ien
    pan sou tien
Vasudeva, in Brahmanic mythology the father of Kṛṣṇa.


see styles
 kakaadenka / kakadenka
extremely overbearing wife



see styles
shǒu mén tiān
    shou3 men2 tian1
shou men t`ien
    shou men tien
 shumon ten
or 守門尊 The deva gate-guardian of a temple.


see styles
(female given name) Atena


see styles
(female given name) Mitea


see styles
 kantendako; kantendako
    かんてんだこ; カンテンダコ
(kana only) seven-arm octopus (Haliphron atlanticus)


see styles
(female given name) Suteko


see styles
(female given name) Suteki


see styles
(female given name) Sutera


see styles
(given name) Kotenkatsu


see styles
 shoutenchi / shotenchi
a small world


see styles
(place-name) Kotehira


see styles
 shoutenkyou / shotenkyo
(place-name) Shoutenkyō


see styles
(1) (See 天狗・1) small tengu; (2) (idiom) promising young martial arts practitioner


see styles
 kotenryuu / kotenryu
(surname) Kotenryū


see styles
 kotendou / kotendo
(place-name) Kotendou


see styles
(personal name) Kotenka



see styles
xiǎo tiān é
    xiao3 tian1 e2
hsiao t`ien o
    hsiao tien o
(bird species of China) tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus)


see styles
(given name) Korakuten


see styles
shǎo guāng tiān
    shao3 guang1 tian1
shao kuang t`ien
    shao kuang tien
 shōkō ten
(少光); 廅 parīttābhās; the fourth Brahmaloka, i. e. the first region of the second dhyāna heavens, also called 有光壽.



see styles
shǎo jìng tiān
    shao3 jing4 tian1
shao ching t`ien
    shao ching tien
 shōjō ten
(少淨) Parīttaśubhas. The first and smallest heaven (brahmaloka) in the third dhyāna region of form.


see styles
(personal name) Santenmaru


see styles
 iwananten; iwananten
    いわなんてん; イワナンテン
(kana only) keiskei fetterbush (Leucothoe keiskei); doghobble; dog hobble


see styles
xī tiān shī
    xi1 tian1 shi1
hsi t`ien shih
    hsi tien shih
 keten se
Giving in hope of heaven, or bliss; one of the 八種布施.


see styles
{Buddh} Śakra (Deva); Shakra; Indra; Shakra Devanam Indra; the king of heaven in Hindu mythology; (personal name) Taishakuten



see styles
dì shì tiān
    di4 shi4 tian1
ti shih t`ien
    ti shih tien
(place-name) Taishakuten
Śakra Devānām-Indra


see styles
(surname) Kitensai


see styles
mào tiān shān
    mao4 tian1 shan1
mao t`ien shan
    mao tien shan
Mt Maotian in Chengjiang County 澄江縣|澄江县[Cheng2jiang1 Xian4], Yuxi, east Yunnan


see styles
píng tiān xià
    ping2 tian1 xia4
p`ing t`ien hsia
    ping tien hsia
to pacify the country



see styles
jǐ tiān lái
    ji3 tian1 lai2
chi t`ien lai
    chi tien lai
for the past few days


see styles
 koumokuten / komokuten
{Buddh} Virupaksa (Buddhist deity)


see styles
dǐ cháo tiān
    di3 chao2 tian1
ti ch`ao t`ien
    ti chao tien
upside down; upturned



see styles
guǎng guǒ tiān
    guang3 guo3 tian1
kuang kuo t`ien
    kuang kuo tien
 kōka ten
Bṛhatphala, the twelfth brahmaloka, the third of the eight heavens of the fourth dhyāna realm of form.



see styles
guǎng mù tiān
    guang3 mu4 tian1
kuang mu t`ien
    kuang mu tien
Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Kings)
The wide-eyed deva, Virūpākṣa, diversely-eyed, having deformed eyes, an epithet of Śiva, as represented with three eyes; name of one of the four Mahārājas, he who guards the west.


see styles
(place-name) Bentenshita

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "天" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary