There are 7435 total results for your 場 search. I have created 75 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
馬場野 see styles |
babano ばばの |
(place-name, surname) Babano |
馬場頭 see styles |
babagashira ばばがしら |
(place-name) Babagashira |
馬戸場 see styles |
matoba まとば |
(surname) Matoba |
馬捨場 see styles |
umasuteba うますてば |
(place-name) Umasuteba |
馬放場 see styles |
umahanashiba うまはなしば |
(place-name) Umahanashiba |
馬欠場 see styles |
umakakeba うまかけば |
(surname) Umakakeba |
馬洗場 see styles |
umaaraiba / umaraiba うまあらいば |
(place-name) Umaaraiba |
馴馬場 驯马场 see styles |
xùn mǎ chǎng xun4 ma3 chang3 hsün ma ch`ang hsün ma chang |
horse training ground |
駄場中 see styles |
dabanaka だばなか |
(surname) Dabanaka |
駄場崎 see styles |
dabasaki だばさき |
(surname) Dabasaki |
駄賃場 see styles |
dachinba だちんば |
(surname) Dachinba |
駐機場 see styles |
chuukijou / chukijo ちゅうきじょう |
aircraft parking apron |
駐車場 see styles |
chuushajou / chushajo ちゅうしゃじょう |
parking lot; car park; carpark; parking garage |
駐輪場 see styles |
chuurinjou / churinjo ちゅうりんじょう |
parking area for bicycles; bicycle parking |
駒場北 see styles |
komabakita こまばきた |
(place-name) Komabakita |
駒場南 see styles |
komabaminami こまばみなみ |
(place-name) Komabaminami |
駒場川 see styles |
komabagawa こまばがわ |
(place-name) Komabagawa |
駒場東 see styles |
komabahigashi こまばひがし |
(place-name) Komabahigashi |
駒場橋 see styles |
komababashi こまばばし |
(place-name) Komababashi |
駒場町 see styles |
komanbachou / komanbacho こまんばちょう |
(place-name) Komanbachō |
駒場西 see styles |
komabanishi こまばにし |
(place-name) Komabanishi |
駕立場 see styles |
kagotateba かごたてば |
(place-name) Kagotateba |
騎射場 see styles |
kishaba きしゃば |
(place-name) Kishaba |
験潮場 see styles |
kenchoujou / kenchojo けんちょうじょう |
(place-name) Kenchōjō |
體育場 体育场 see styles |
tǐ yù chǎng ti3 yu4 chang3 t`i yü ch`ang ti yü chang |
stadium; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] |
高乗場 see styles |
koujouba / kojoba こうじょうば |
(surname) Kōjōba |
高場山 see styles |
takabayama たかばやま |
(personal name) Takabayama |
高場島 see styles |
takabajima たかばじま |
(personal name) Takabajima |
高場新 see styles |
takabashin たかばしん |
(place-name) Takabashin |
高場森 see styles |
takabamori たかばもり |
(personal name) Takabamori |
高市場 see styles |
takaichiba たかいちば |
(place-name) Takaichiba |
高橋場 see styles |
takahashiba たかはしば |
(place-name) Takahashiba |
高球場 高球场 see styles |
gāo qiú chǎng gao1 qiu2 chang3 kao ch`iu ch`ang kao chiu chang |
golf course; golf links |
高陣場 see styles |
takajinba たかじんば |
(place-name) Takajinba |
魚市場 see styles |
uoichiba うおいちば |
fish market; (place-name) Uoichiba |
鱈場蟹 see styles |
tarabagani たらばがに |
(kana only) red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) |
鳥居場 see styles |
toriipa / toripa とりいぱ |
(surname) Toriipa |
鳥屋場 see styles |
toyaba とやば |
(place-name) Toyaba |
鳥打場 see styles |
toriuchiba とりうちば |
(place-name) Toriuchiba |
鳥矢場 see styles |
toyaba とやば |
(place-name) Toyaba |
鳥谷場 see styles |
toyaba とやば |
(place-name) Toyaba |
鳴木場 see styles |
narukoba なるこば |
(place-name) Narukoba |
鶴木場 see styles |
tsurukiba つるきば |
(place-name) Tsurukiba |
鷹場山 see styles |
takabayama たかばやま |
(place-name) Takabayama |
鷹待場 see styles |
takamatsuba たかまつば |
(place-name) Takamatsuba |
黒場崎 see styles |
babasaki ばばさき |
(surname) Babasaki |
黒木場 see styles |
kurokiba くろきば |
(surname) Kurokiba |
鼻知場 see styles |
hanachiba はなちば |
(surname) Hanachiba |
場ちがい see styles |
bachigai ばちがい |
(exp,adj-na,n) out-of-place; inappropriate; sticking out like a sore thumb |
場つなぎ see styles |
batsunagi ばつなぎ |
filling in (e.g. between speakers at a meeting, acts at a show); material used to fill in (between speeches at a meeting, etc.); anecdote |
場の理論 see styles |
banoriron ばのりろん |
{physics} field theory |
場を取る see styles |
baotoru ばをとる |
(exp,v5r) to occupy much space |
場内放送 see styles |
jounaihousou / jonaihoso じょうないほうそう |
(announcement over) the public address system (e.g. in stadium) |
場區應急 场区应急 see styles |
chǎng qū yìng jí chang3 qu1 ying4 ji2 ch`ang ch`ü ying chi chang chü ying chi |
site area emergency (nuclear facility emergency classification) |
場合の数 see styles |
baainokazu / bainokazu ばあいのかず |
(exp,n) number of possible outcomes; number of ways (e.g. of arranging something) |
場合分け see styles |
baaiwake / baiwake ばあいわけ |
(noun/participle) grouping; case classification |
場外乱闘 see styles |
jougairantou / jogairanto じょうがいらんとう |
(1) {sports} brawl outside the stadium; fighting outside ring (wrestling); ring-side battle; (2) (idiom) verbal fight via the media |
場外取引 see styles |
jougaitorihiki; bagaitorihiki / jogaitorihiki; bagaitorihiki じょうがいとりひき; ばがいとりひき |
over-the-counter trading; OTC trading; off-floor trading |
場外市場 see styles |
jougaishijou; bagaishijou / jogaishijo; bagaishijo じょうがいしじょう; ばがいしじょう |
(1) {finc} over-the-counter market; OTC market; (2) retail market next to a wholesale market; outer market |
場外應急 场外应急 see styles |
chǎng wài yìng jí chang3 wai4 ying4 ji2 ch`ang wai ying chi chang wai ying chi |
general emergency (or "off-site emergency") (nuclear facility emergency classification) |
場外馬券 see styles |
jougaibaken / jogaibaken じょうがいばけん |
off-track betting |
場当たり see styles |
baatari / batari ばあたり |
(1) playing to the gallery; grandstanding; gag; claptrap; (adj-na,adj-no) (2) ad hoc; haphazard; (3) (abbreviation) dress rehearsal |
場所ヶ内 see styles |
bashogauchi ばしょがうち |
(place-name) Bashogauchi |
場所塞ぎ see styles |
bashofusagi ばしょふさぎ |
obstruction |
場所布団 see styles |
bashobuton ばしょぶとん |
{sumo} waiting wrestler's sitting cushion |
場所手当 see styles |
bashoteate ばしょてあて |
{sumo} allowance for non-salaried wrestlers during tournaments |
場面場面 see styles |
bamenbamen ばめんばめん |
(expression) (often as 場面場面で) (See 場面・1) (in) various settings; act to act; place to place |
場面緘黙 see styles |
bamenkanmoku ばめんかんもく |
(See 場面緘黙症) selective mutism |
場面転換 see styles |
bamentenkan ばめんてんかん |
(noun/participle) scene change; cutaway; cut |
あき場所 see styles |
akibasho あきばしょ |
(sumo) autumn (fall) (September) tournament, held in Tokyo |
この場合 see styles |
konobaai / konobai このばあい |
(expression) in this case |
たまり場 see styles |
tamariba たまりば |
gathering spot; haunt; rendezvous; meeting place; hang-out |
つり足場 see styles |
tsuriashiba つりあしば |
suspended scaffolding |
ガス工場 see styles |
gasukoujou / gasukojo ガスこうじょう |
(place-name) Gasu Factory |
クマ牧場 see styles |
kumabokujou / kumabokujo クマぼくじょう |
(place-name) Kumabokujō |
ゴミ置場 see styles |
gomiokiba ゴミおきば |
garbage (rubbish) collection point |
ゴルフ場 see styles |
gorufujou / gorufujo ゴルフじょう |
golf course; golf links |
スキー場 see styles |
sukiijou / sukijo スキーじょう |
ski resort; ski area; (place-name) Suki-jou |
ドル相場 see styles |
dorusouba / dorusoba ドルそうば |
exchange rates of the dollar |
ハム工場 see styles |
hamukoujou / hamukojo ハムこうじょう |
(place-name) Hamu Factory |
ポンプ場 see styles |
ponpujou / ponpujo ポンプじょう |
(place-name) Ponpujō |
ラサ工場 see styles |
rasakoujou / rasakojo ラサこうじょう |
(place-name) Rasa Factory |
レース場 see styles |
reesujou / reesujo レースじょう |
racecourse; race track |
一場千秋 see styles |
ichibachiaki いちばちあき |
(person) Ichiba Chiaki |
一場靖弘 see styles |
ichibayasuhiro いちばやすひろ |
(person) Ichiba Yasuhiro (1982.7.5-) |
一日市場 see styles |
hitoichiba ひといちば |
(place-name) Hitoichiba |
一色市場 see styles |
ishikiichiba / ishikichiba いしきいちば |
(place-name) Ishikiichiba |
一難場山 see styles |
ichinanbayama いちなんばやま |
(personal name) Ichinanbayama |
七五三場 see styles |
shimeba しめば |
(place-name) Shimeba |
七日市場 see styles |
nanokaichiba なのかいちば |
(place-name) Nanokaichiba |
万場大橋 see styles |
manbaoohashi まんばおおはし |
(place-name) Manbaoohashi |
三共工場 see styles |
sankyoukoujou / sankyokojo さんきょうこうじょう |
(place-name) Sankyō Factory |
三共牧場 see styles |
sankyoubokujou / sankyobokujo さんきょうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Sankyōbokujō |
三原牧場 see styles |
miharabokujou / miharabokujo みはらぼくじょう |
(place-name) Miharabokujō |
三垂牧場 see styles |
mitarubokujou / mitarubokujo みたるぼくじょう |
(place-name) Mitarubokujō |
三城牧場 see styles |
mishirobokujou / mishirobokujo みしろぼくじょう |
(place-name) Mishirobokujō |
三愛牧場 see styles |
sanaibokujou / sanaibokujo さんあいぼくじょう |
(place-name) San'aibokujō |
三日市場 see styles |
mikkaichiba みっかいちば |
(place-name) Mikkaichiba |
三株牧場 see styles |
mikabubokujou / mikabubokujo みかぶぼくじょう |
(place-name) Mikabubokujō |
三桜工場 see styles |
sanoukoujou / sanokojo さんおうこうじょう |
(place-name) San'ou Factory |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "場" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.