There are 2273 total results for your 六 search. I have created 23 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
rokuwari ろくわり |
sixty percent |
Variations: |
rokushaku ろくしゃく |
(1) (六尺 only) six feet; (2) (六尺 only) (abbreviation) (See 六尺褌) traditional Japanese G-string for men; (3) (esp. 陸尺) palanquin bearer |
Variations: |
rokuji ろくじ |
(1) six o'clock; (2) (六時 only) {Buddh} (See 晨朝,日中・1,日没,初夜,中夜,後夜・1) six periods of a day (morning, midday, afternoon, evening, midnight, late night) |
Variations: |
roppu ろっぷ |
(See 三焦) the six internal organs (large intestine, small intestine, gallbladder, stomach, san jiao, urinary bladder) |
六ッ合牧場 see styles |
mutsugoubokujou / mutsugobokujo むつごうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Mutsugoubokujō |
六ツ野飛地 see styles |
mutsunotobichi むつのとびち |
(place-name) Mutsunotobichi |
六ヶ郷用水 see styles |
rokkagouyousui / rokkagoyosui ろっかごうようすい |
(place-name) Rokkagouyousui |
六一兒童節 六一儿童节 see styles |
liù yī ér tóng jié liu4 yi1 er2 tong2 jie2 liu i erh t`ung chieh liu i erh tung chieh |
Children's Day (June 1st), PRC national holiday for children under 14 |
六丁の目中 see styles |
rokuchounomenaka / rokuchonomenaka ろくちょうのめなか |
(place-name) Rokuchōnomenaka |
六丁の目元 see styles |
rokuchounomemoto / rokuchonomemoto ろくちょうのめもと |
(place-name) Rokuchōnomemoto |
六丁の目北 see styles |
rokuchounomekita / rokuchonomekita ろくちょうのめきた |
(place-name) Rokuchōnomekita |
六丁の目南 see styles |
rokuchounomeminami / rokuchonomeminami ろくちょうのめみなみ |
(place-name) Rokuchōnomeminami |
六丁の目東 see styles |
rokuchounomehigashi / rokuchonomehigashi ろくちょうのめひがし |
(place-name) Rokuchōnomehigashi |
六丁の目西 see styles |
rokuchounomenishi / rokuchonomenishi ろくちょうのめにし |
(place-name) Rokuchōnomenishi |
六二五事變 六二五事变 see styles |
liù èr wǔ shì biàn liu4 er4 wu3 shi4 bian4 liu erh wu shih pien |
Korean War (dating from North Korean invasion on 25th Jun 1950) |
六二五戰爭 六二五战争 see styles |
liù èr wǔ zhàn zhēng liu4 er4 wu3 zhan4 zheng1 liu erh wu chan cheng |
the Korean War (started June 25 1950) |
六人部昭典 see styles |
mutobeakinori むとべあきのり |
(person) Mutobe Akinori |
六代御前墓 see styles |
rokudaigozenhaka ろくだいごぜんはか |
(place-name) Rokudaigozenhaka |
六供浄水場 see styles |
rokkyoujousuijou / rokkyojosuijo ろっきょうじょうすいじょう |
(place-name) Rokkyō Water Purification Plant |
六価クロム see styles |
rokkakuromu ろっかクロム |
hexavalent chromium |
六分阿毘曇 六分阿毘昙 see styles |
liù fēn ā pí tán liu4 fen1 a1 pi2 tan2 liu fen a p`i t`an liu fen a pi tan Rokubun abidon |
six Part Abhidharma |
六十二見經 六十二见经 see styles |
liù shí èr jiàn jīng liu4 shi2 er4 jian4 jing1 liu shih erh chien ching Rokujūni ken kyō |
Sūtra on the Sixty-two Views |
六十二邪見 六十二邪见 see styles |
liù shí èr xié jiàn liu4 shi2 er4 xie2 jian4 liu shih erh hsieh chien rokujūni jaken |
sixty-two mistaken views |
六十四位元 see styles |
liù shí sì wèi yuán liu4 shi2 si4 wei4 yuan2 liu shih ssu wei yüan |
64-bit (computing) |
六十四梵音 see styles |
liù shí sì fàn yīn liu4 shi2 si4 fan4 yin1 liu shih ssu fan yin rokujūshi bon'on |
The sixty-four Aryan or noble characteristics of a Buddha's tones or voice, e. g. snigdha 流澤聲 smooth; mṛdukā 柔軟聲 gentle, etc. |
六卷泥洹經 六卷泥洹经 see styles |
liù juǎn ní huán jīng liu4 juan3 ni2 huan2 jing1 liu chüan ni huan ching Rokkan nion kyō |
Six Fascicle Nirvāṇa Sūtra |
六右衛門町 see styles |
rokuuemonmachi / rokuemonmachi ろくうえもんまち |
(place-name) Rokuuemonmachi |
六字の名号 see styles |
rokujinomyougou / rokujinomyogo ろくじのみょうごう |
(exp,n) (See 南無阿弥陀仏・なむあみだぶつ,六字名号) the six written characters of Buddha's name (used in prayer) |
六字呪王經 六字呪王经 see styles |
liù zì zhòu wáng jīng liu4 zi4 zhou4 wang2 jing1 liu tzu chou wang ching Rokujijuō kyō |
Liuzi zhouwang jing |
六字大明呪 see styles |
liù zì dà míng zhòu liu4 zi4 da4 ming2 zhou4 liu tzu ta ming chou rokujidaimyouju / rokujidaimyoju ろくじだいみょうじゅ |
{Buddh} great six-syllable mantra ("om mani padme hum") great six-syllable mantra |
六家七宗論 六家七宗论 see styles |
liù jiā qī zōng lùn liu4 jia1 qi1 zong1 lun4 liu chia ch`i tsung lun liu chia chi tsung lun Rikka shichishū ron |
Liujia qizong lun |
六嶋由岐子 see styles |
rokushimayukiko ろくしまゆきこ |
(person) Rokushima Yukiko |
六左ヱ門滝 see styles |
rokuzaemondaki ろくざえもんだき |
(place-name) Rokuzaemondaki; Rokuzawemondaki |
六左衛門森 see styles |
rokuzaemonmori ろくざえもんもり |
(personal name) Rokuzaemonmori |
六度無極經 六度无极经 see styles |
liù dù wú jí jīng liu4 du4 wu2 ji2 jing1 liu tu wu chi ching Roku domugoku kyō |
Sūtra on the Collection of the Six Perfections |
六度無極集 六度无极集 see styles |
liù dù wú jí jí liu4 du4 wu2 ji2 ji2 liu tu wu chi chi Rokudo mugoku shū |
Sūtra on the Collection of the Six Perfections |
六弗化硫黄 see styles |
rokufukkaiou / rokufukkaio ろくふっかいおう |
sulfur hexafluoride |
六弥太瀑布 see styles |
rokuyatabakufu ろくやたばくふ |
(place-name) Rokuyatabakufu |
六志内大橋 see styles |
rokushinaioohashi ろくしないおおはし |
(place-name) Rokushinaioohashi |
六把野新田 see styles |
roppanoshinden ろっぱのしんでん |
(place-name) Roppanoshinden |
六日の菖蒲 see styles |
muikanoayame むいかのあやめ |
(exp,n) (idiom) (See 端午の節句) something that comes too late to be useful; iris (blooming) on the 6th (i.e. one day too late for the Boy's Day celebration) |
六日市本町 see styles |
muikaichihonchou / muikaichihoncho むいかいちほんちょう |
(place-name) Muikaichihonchō |
六日町温泉 see styles |
muikamachionsen むいかまちおんせん |
(place-name) Muikamachionsen |
六日町病院 see styles |
muikamachibyouin / muikamachibyoin むいかまちびょういん |
(place-name) Muikamachi Hospital |
六日町盆地 see styles |
muikamachibonchi むいかまちぼんち |
(place-name) Muikamachi Basin |
六日間戦争 see styles |
muikakansensou / muikakansenso むいかかんせんそう |
(hist) (See 第三次中東戦争) Six-Day War (June 5-10, 1967); Third Arab-Israeli War |
六朝四大家 see styles |
liù cháo sì dà jiā liu4 chao2 si4 da4 jia1 liu ch`ao ssu ta chia liu chao ssu ta chia |
Four Great Painters of the Six Dynasties, namely: Cao Buxing 曹不興|曹不兴[Cao2 Bu4 xing1], Gu Kaizhi 顧愷之|顾恺之[Gu4 Kai3 zhi1], Lu Tanwei 陸探微|陆探微[Lu4 Tan4 wei1] and Zhang Sengyou 張僧繇|张僧繇[Zhang1 Seng1 you2] |
六条天皇陵 see styles |
rokujoutennouryou / rokujotennoryo ろくじょうてんのうりょう |
(place-name) Rokujōtennouryō |
六条御息所 see styles |
rokujounomiyasudokoro / rokujonomiyasudokoro ろくじょうのみやすどころ |
(place-name) Rokujō no Miyasudokoro (Genji Monogatari) |
六条福寿町 see styles |
rokujoufukujuchou / rokujofukujucho ろくじょうふくじゅちょう |
(place-name) Rokujōfukujuchō |
六根本煩惱 六根本烦恼 see styles |
liù gēn běn fán nǎo liu4 gen1 ben3 fan2 nao3 liu ken pen fan nao roku konpon bonnō |
six basic mental defilements |
六根淸淨位 六根淸净位 see styles |
liù gēn qīng jìng wèi liu4 gen1 qing1 jing4 wei4 liu ken ch`ing ching wei liu ken ching ching wei rokkon shōjō i |
The state of the organs thus purified is defined by Tiantai as the 十信位 of the 別教, or the 相似卽 of the 圓教, v. 六卽. |
六椹八幡宮 see styles |
rokusawarahachimanguu / rokusawarahachimangu ろくさわらはちまんぐう |
(place-name) Rokusawarahachimanguu |
六段の調べ see styles |
rokudannoshirabe ろくだんのしらべ |
rokudan (name of a koto composition) |
六波羅攻略 see styles |
rokuharakouryaku / rokuharakoryaku ろくはらこうりゃく |
(hist) Battle of Rokuhara (Genkō War; 1333); Capture of Rokuhara |
六波羅蜜多 六波罗蜜多 see styles |
liù bō luó mì duō liu4 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 liu po lo mi to ropparamitta |
six perfections |
六波羅裏門 see styles |
rokuharauramon ろくはらうらもん |
(place-name) Rokuharauramon |
六波羅雅一 see styles |
rokuharamasakazu ろくはらまさかず |
(person) Rokuhara Masakazu |
六無常六譬 六无常六譬 see styles |
liù wú cháng liù pì liu4 wu2 chang2 liu4 pi4 liu wu ch`ang liu p`i liu wu chang liu pi roku mujō rokuhi |
v. 六喩. |
六田川水路 see styles |
rokutagawasuiro ろくたがわすいろ |
(place-name) Rokutagawasuiro |
六甲おろし see styles |
rokkouoroshi / rokkooroshi ろっこうおろし |
cold northerly winter wind from the Rokko Mountains |
六甲山上駅 see styles |
rokkousanjoueki / rokkosanjoeki ろっこうさんじょうえき |
(st) Rokkousanjō Station |
六甲山牧場 see styles |
rokkousanbokujou / rokkosanbokujo ろっこうさんぼくじょう |
(place-name) Rokkousanbokujō |
六番安楽寺 see styles |
rokubananrakuji ろくばんあんらくじ |
(place-name) Rokuban'anrakuji |
六百刈田沢 see styles |
roppyakugaridasawa ろっぴゃくがりださわ |
(place-name) Roppyakugaridasawa |
六神石神社 see styles |
rokkoushijinja / rokkoshijinja ろっこうしじんじゃ |
(place-name) Rokkoushi Shrine |
六種倶生惑 六种倶生惑 see styles |
liù zhǒng jù shēng huò liu4 zhong3 ju4 sheng1 huo4 liu chung chü sheng huo roku shu gushō waku |
The six deceivers common to all the living— greed, anger, torpor, ignorance, doubt, and incorrect views. |
六種妄想縛 六种妄想缚 see styles |
liù zhǒng wàng xiǎng fú liu4 zhong3 wang4 xiang3 fu2 liu chung wang hsiang fu roku shu mōsō baku |
six kinds of deluded conceptual bondage |
六種巧方便 六种巧方便 see styles |
liù zhǒng qiǎo fāng biàn liu4 zhong3 qiao3 fang1 bian4 liu chung ch`iao fang pien liu chung chiao fang pien roku shu gyō hōben |
The six able devices of Bodhisattvas: (1) preaching deep truths in simple form to lead on people gladly to believe; (2) promising them every good way of realizing their desires, of wealth, etc.; (3) showing a threatening aspect to the disobedient to induce reform; (4) rebuking and punishing them with a like object; (5) granting wealth to induce grateful offerings and almsgiving; (6) descending from heaven, leaving home, attaining bodhi, and leading all to joy and purity. 菩薩地持經 8. |
六種波羅蜜 六种波罗蜜 see styles |
liù zhǒng bō luó mì liu4 zhong3 bo1 luo2 mi4 liu chung po lo mi roku shu haramitsu |
six transcendent practices |
六經十一論 六经十一论 see styles |
liù jīng shí yī lùn liu4 jing1 shi2 yi1 lun4 liu ching shih i lun rokkyō jūichiron |
six sūtras and eleven treatises |
六義薄伽梵 六义薄伽梵 see styles |
liù yì bó qié fàn liu4 yi4 bo2 qie2 fan4 liu i po ch`ieh fan liu i po chieh fan Rokugi Bagyabo |
Blessed One of Six Virtues |
六苦行外道 see styles |
liù kǔ xíng wài dào liu4 ku3 xing2 wai4 dao4 liu k`u hsing wai tao liu ku hsing wai tao roku kugyō gedō |
six kinds of non-Buddhist asceticism |
六角レンチ see styles |
rokkakurenchi ろっかくレンチ |
(See 六角穴付ボルト) hexagonal wrench; Allen key |
六角堂東町 see styles |
rokkakudouhigashimachi / rokkakudohigashimachi ろっかくどうひがしまち |
(place-name) Rokkakudouhigashimachi |
六角堂西町 see styles |
rokkakudounishimachi / rokkakudonishimachi ろっかくどうにしまち |
(place-name) Rokkakudounishimachi |
六角大宮町 see styles |
rokkakuoomiyachou / rokkakuoomiyacho ろっかくおおみやちょう |
(place-name) Rokkakuoomiyachō |
六角油小路 see styles |
rokkakuaburanokouji / rokkakuaburanokoji ろっかくあぶらのこうじ |
(place-name) Rokkakuaburanokōji |
六角猪熊町 see styles |
rokkakuinokumachou / rokkakuinokumacho ろっかくいのくまちょう |
(place-name) Rokkakuinokumachō |
六角穴付き see styles |
rokkakuanatsuki ろっかくあなつき |
hexagon socket head; allen socket head |
六軒屋町西 see styles |
rokkenyachounishi / rokkenyachonishi ろっけんやちょうにし |
(place-name) Rokken'yachōnishi |
六道伽陀經 六道伽陀经 see styles |
liù dào qié tuó jīng liu4 dao4 qie2 tuo2 jing1 liu tao ch`ieh t`o ching liu tao chieh to ching Rokudō kada kyō |
A sutra dealing with the six ways of rebirth. |
六道佛菩薩 六道佛菩萨 see styles |
liù dào fó pú sà liu4 dao4 fo2 pu2 sa4 liu tao fo p`u sa liu tao fo pu sa rokudō no butsu bosatsu |
The Buddhas and bodhisattvas of the six gati, i. e. the six dizang 六地藏 q. v.; also the 六觀音 q. v.; the six dizang are also styled 六道能化菩薩 Bodhisattvas who can change the lot of those in the six gati. |
六郎左衛門 see styles |
rokurouzaemon / rokurozaemon ろくろうざえもん |
(male given name) Rokurouzaemon |
六部大乘經 六部大乘经 see styles |
liù bù dà shèng jīng liu4 bu4 da4 sheng4 jing1 liu pu ta sheng ching rokubu daijō kyō |
The six works chosen by Cien 慈恩 as authoritative in the 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana school, i. e. 大方廣佛華嚴經 of which there are three translations; 解深密經4 tr.; 如來出現功德莊嚴經 untranslated; 阿毘達磨經 untranslated; 楞伽經 3 tr.; 厚嚴經 (also called 大乘密嚴經). |
六郷土手駅 see styles |
rokugoudoteeki / rokugodoteeki ろくごうどてえき |
(st) Rokugoudote Station |
六郷町一漆 see styles |
rokugoumachihitotsuurushi / rokugomachihitotsurushi ろくごうまちひとつうるし |
(place-name) Rokugoumachihitotsuurushi |
六郷町桐原 see styles |
rokugoumachikiribara / rokugomachikiribara ろくごうまちきりばら |
(place-name) Rokugoumachikiribara |
六郷町長橋 see styles |
rokugoumachinagahashi / rokugomachinagahashi ろくごうまちながはし |
(place-name) Rokugoumachinagahashi |
六阿也怛那 see styles |
liù ā yě dán à liu4 a1 ye3 dan2 a4 liu a yeh tan a roku ayatanna |
six bases of the senses |
六阿耶怛那 see styles |
liù ā yé dán à liu4 a1 ye2 dan2 a4 liu a yeh tan a roku ayatanna |
six bases of the senses |
Variations: |
tanroku たんろく |
(abbreviation) (abbr. of 単六型乾電池) AAAA battery; AAAA cell |
Variations: |
shouroku / shoroku しょうろく |
(abbreviation) (abbr. of 小学校6年(生)) sixth year of elementary school; sixth year elementary school student |
Variations: |
dairoku だいろく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) sixth |
Variations: |
zeiroku; zeeroku / zeroku; zeeroku ぜいろく; ぜえろく |
(archaism) (derogatory term) (See 才六・さいろく・2) person from Kansai |
一推六二五 see styles |
yī tuī liù èr wǔ yi1 tui1 liu4 er4 wu3 i t`ui liu erh wu i tui liu erh wu |
1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule); (fig.) to deny responsibility; to pass the buck |
一退六二五 see styles |
yī tuì liù èr wǔ yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3 i t`ui liu erh wu i tui liu erh wu |
see 一推六二五[yi1 tui1 liu4er4wu3] |
三十六字母 see styles |
sān shí liù zì mǔ san1 shi2 liu4 zi4 mu3 san shih liu tzu mu sanjuurokujibo / sanjurokujibo さんじゅうろくじぼ |
thirty six initial consonants of Song phonetic theory 36 Initials (system for transcribing initial consonants of Middle Chinese) |
三十六歌仙 see styles |
sanjuurokkasen / sanjurokkasen さんじゅうろっかせん |
(hist) the thirty-six immortal poets (of the Heian period; as named by Fujiwara no Kintō) |
三十六部神 see styles |
sān shí liù bù shén san1 shi2 liu4 bu4 shen2 san shih liu pu shen sanjūrokubu shin |
thirty-six departmental guardian deities |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "六" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.