There are 2935 total results for your 線 search. I have created 30 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
神戸本線 see styles |
koubehonsen / kobehonsen こうべほんせん |
(personal name) Kōbehonsen |
神経線維 see styles |
shinkeiseni / shinkeseni しんけいせんい |
nerve fiber; nerve fibre |
福塩北線 see styles |
fukuenhokusen ふくえんほくせん |
(personal name) Fukuenhokusen |
福塩南線 see styles |
fukuennansen ふくえんなんせん |
(personal name) Fukuennansen |
福知山線 see styles |
fukuchiyamasen ふくちやません |
(serv) Fukuchiyama Line; (serv) Fukuchiyama Line |
私設回線 see styles |
shisetsukaisen しせつかいせん |
{comp} leased line; private circuit; private line |
秋雨前線 see styles |
akisamezensen あきさめぜんせん |
autumn rain front; fall rain front |
秋霖前線 see styles |
shuurinzensen / shurinzensen しゅうりんぜんせん |
(rare) (See 秋雨前線) autumn rain front; fall rain front |
秩父本線 see styles |
chichibuhonsen ちちぶほんせん |
(personal name) Chichibuhonsen |
穏健路線 see styles |
onkenrosen おんけんろせん |
moderate line; middle-of-the-road line (in politics) |
空間線量 see styles |
kuukansenryou / kukansenryo くうかんせんりょう |
(See 空間線量率) air dose (esp. radioactivity) |
穿針引線 穿针引线 see styles |
chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn chuan1 zhen1 yin3 xian4 ch`uan chen yin hsien chuan chen yin hsien |
lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between |
穿針走線 穿针走线 see styles |
chuān zhēn zǒu xiàn chuan1 zhen1 zou3 xian4 ch`uan chen tsou hsien chuan chen tsou hsien |
to thread a needle |
竜ケ崎線 see styles |
ryuugasakisen / ryugasakisen りゅうがさきせん |
(serv) Ryūgasaki Line |
競合脱線 see styles |
kyougoudassen / kyogodassen きょうごうだっせん |
train derailment due to a concurrence of causes |
競馬場線 see styles |
keibajousen / kebajosen けいばじょうせん |
(personal name) Keibajōsen |
第1期線 see styles |
daiikkisen / daikkisen だいいっきせん |
(personal name) Daiikkisen |
第2期線 see styles |
dainikisen だいにきせん |
(personal name) Dainikisen |
等伏角線 see styles |
toufukkakusen; toufukukakusen / tofukkakusen; tofukukakusen とうふっかくせん; とうふくかくせん |
{geol} isoclinic line |
等偏角線 see styles |
touhenkakusen / tohenkakusen とうへんかくせん |
isogonic line; isogonal line |
等變壓線 等变压线 see styles |
děng biàn yā xiàn deng3 bian4 ya1 xian4 teng pien ya hsien |
isallobar (line of equal pressure gradient) |
等高線図 see styles |
toukousenzu / tokosenzu とうこうせんず |
{comp} contour map |
筋原線維 see styles |
kingenseni きんげんせんい |
myofibril |
筑豊本線 see styles |
chikuhouhonsen / chikuhohonsen ちくほうほんせん |
(personal name) Chikuhouhonsen |
管圓線蟲 管圆线虫 see styles |
guǎn yuán xiàn chóng guan3 yuan2 xian4 chong2 kuan yüan hsien ch`ung kuan yüan hsien chung |
"eel worm", a parasitic worm carrying meningitis |
篠ノ井線 see styles |
shinonoisen しののいせん |
(personal name) Shinonoisen |
米坂東線 see styles |
yonesakatousen / yonesakatosen よねさかとうせん |
(personal name) Yonesakatousen |
米坂西線 see styles |
yonesakasaisen よねさかさいせん |
(personal name) Yonesakasaisen |
精輝橋線 see styles |
seikibashisen / sekibashisen せいきばしせん |
(personal name) Seikibashisen |
紀勢中線 see styles |
kiseichuusen / kisechusen きせいちゅうせん |
(personal name) Kiseichuusen |
紀勢本線 see styles |
kiseihonsen / kisehonsen きせいほんせん |
(serv) Kisei Main Line (Wakayama-Mie railway); (serv) Kisei Main Line (Wakayama-Mie railway) |
紀勢東線 see styles |
kiseitousen / kisetosen きせいとうせん |
(personal name) Kiseitousen |
紀勢西線 see styles |
kiseisaisen / kisesaisen きせいさいせん |
(personal name) Kiseisaisen |
紅葉前線 see styles |
kouyouzensen / koyozensen こうようぜんせん |
autumn foliage front; fall foliage front |
紅葉山線 see styles |
momijiyamasen もみじやません |
(personal name) Momijiyamasen |
純愛路線 see styles |
junairosen じゅんあいろせん |
(going) the pure love stories route (in movie making) |
紫外射線 紫外射线 see styles |
zǐ wài shè xiàn zi3 wai4 she4 xian4 tzu wai she hsien |
ultraviolet ray |
紫外線光 紫外线光 see styles |
zǐ wài xiàn guāng zi3 wai4 xian4 guang1 tzu wai hsien kuang |
ultraviolet light |
経緯線網 see styles |
keiisenmou / kesenmo けいいせんもう |
graticule |
統一戦線 see styles |
touitsusensen / toitsusensen とういつせんせん |
united front |
統一戰線 统一战线 see styles |
tǒng yī zhàn xiàn tong3 yi1 zhan4 xian4 t`ung i chan hsien tung i chan hsien |
united front |
綜合布線 综合布线 see styles |
zōng hé bù xiàn zong1 he2 bu4 xian4 tsung ho pu hsien |
integrated wiring |
網走本線 see styles |
abashirihonsen あばしりほんせん |
(personal name) Abashirihonsen |
総武本線 see styles |
soubuhonsen / sobuhonsen そうぶほんせん |
(personal name) Soubuhonsen |
羅氏線圈 罗氏线圈 see styles |
luó shì xiàn quān luo2 shi4 xian4 quan1 lo shih hsien ch`üan lo shih hsien chüan |
Rogowski coil |
美國在線 美国在线 see styles |
měi guó zài xiàn mei3 guo2 zai4 xian4 mei kuo tsai hsien |
America Online (AOL) |
美濃町線 see styles |
minomachisen みのまちせん |
(personal name) Minomachisen |
群眾路線 群众路线 see styles |
qún zhòng lù xiàn qun2 zhong4 lu4 xian4 ch`ün chung lu hsien chün chung lu hsien |
the mass line, CCP term for Party policy aimed at broadening and cultivating contacts with the masses |
羽越中線 see styles |
uetsuchuusen / uetsuchusen うえつちゅうせん |
(personal name) Uetsuchuusen |
羽越北線 see styles |
uetsuhokusen うえつほくせん |
(personal name) Uetsuhokusen |
羽越南線 see styles |
uetsunansen うえつなんせん |
(personal name) Uetsunansen |
羽越本線 see styles |
uetsuhonsen うえつほんせん |
(personal name) Uetsuhonsen |
耐容線量 see styles |
taiyousenryou / taiyosenryo たいようせんりょう |
tolerance dose |
脱線行為 see styles |
dassenkoui / dassenkoi だっせんこうい |
aberration; aberrant behavior; eccentric (erratic) behavior; indulging in an escapade |
膠原線維 see styles |
kougenseni / kogenseni こうげんせんい |
collagen fiber; collagen fibre |
自由曲線 see styles |
jiyuukyokusen / jiyukyokusen じゆうきょくせん |
{comp} freeform curve |
臼ノ浦線 see styles |
usunourasen / usunorasen うすのうらせん |
(personal name) Usunourasen |
興浜北線 see styles |
kouhinhokusen / kohinhokusen こうひんほくせん |
(personal name) Kōhinhokusen |
興浜南線 see styles |
kouhinnansen / kohinnansen こうひんなんせん |
(personal name) Kōhinnansen |
航空無線 see styles |
koukuumusen / kokumusen こうくうむせん |
aeronautical radio; aircraft radio |
花火線香 see styles |
hanabisenkou / hanabisenko はなびせんこう |
(rare version) (See 線香花火) toy fireworks; sparklers |
芽室基線 see styles |
memurokisen めむろきせん |
(place-name) Memurokisen |
茂寄幹線 see styles |
moyorikansen もよりかんせん |
(place-name) Moyorikansen |
薄明光線 see styles |
hakumeikousen / hakumekosen はくめいこうせん |
crepuscular rays; sunbeams |
蚊取線香 see styles |
katorisenkou / katorisenko かとりせんこう |
mosquito coil; anti-mosquito incense |
蛍茶屋線 see styles |
hotarujayasen ほたるぢゃやせん |
(personal name) Hotarudzayasen |
蛸足配線 see styles |
takoashihaisen たこあしはいせん |
overloading an electrical circuit; piggybacked electrical outlet; "octopus outlet" |
融和路線 see styles |
yuuwarosen / yuwarosen ゆうわろせん |
policy of reconciliation |
行軍路線 行军路线 see styles |
xíng jun lù xiàn xing2 jun1 lu4 xian4 hsing chün lu hsien |
army itinerary; route of march |
衰變曲線 衰变曲线 see styles |
shuāi biàn qū xiàn shuai1 bian4 qu1 xian4 shuai pien ch`ü hsien shuai pien chü hsien |
decay curves |
補給幹線 see styles |
hokyuukansen / hokyukansen ほきゅうかんせん |
main supply route |
西九州線 see styles |
nishikyuushuusen / nishikyushusen にしきゅうしゅうせん |
(personal name) Nishikyūshuusen |
西大阪線 see styles |
nishioosakasen にしおおさかせん |
(personal name) Nishioosakasen |
西横黒線 see styles |
nishioukokusen / nishiokokusen にしおうこくせん |
(personal name) Nishioukokusen |
西武園線 see styles |
seibuensen / sebuensen せいぶえんせん |
(personal name) Seibuensen |
西紀勢線 see styles |
nishikiseisen / nishikisesen にしきせいせん |
(personal name) Nishikiseisen |
西部戦線 see styles |
seibusensen / sebusensen せいぶせんせん |
(hist) Western Front (of WWI) |
西鹿島線 see styles |
nishikajimasen にしかじません |
(personal name) Nishikajimasen |
西1線北 see styles |
nishiissenkita / nishissenkita にしいっせんきた |
(place-name) Nishiissenkita |
西1線南 see styles |
nishiissenminami / nishissenminami にしいっせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishiissenminami |
西2線北 see styles |
nishinisenkita にしにせんきた |
(place-name) Nishinisenkita |
西2線南 see styles |
nishinisenminami にしにせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishinisenminami |
西3線北 see styles |
nishisansenkita にしさんせんきた |
(place-name) Nishisansenkita |
西3線南 see styles |
nishisansenminami にしさんせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishisansenminami |
西4線北 see styles |
nishiyonsenkita にしよんせんきた |
(place-name) Nishiyonsenkita |
西4線南 see styles |
nishiyonsenminami にしよんせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishiyonsenminami |
西5線北 see styles |
nishigosenkita にしごせんきた |
(place-name) Nishigosenkita |
西5線南 see styles |
nishigosenminami にしごせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishigosenminami |
西6線北 see styles |
nishirokusenkita にしろくせんきた |
(place-name) Nishirokusenkita |
西6線南 see styles |
nishirokusenminami にしろくせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishirokusenminami |
西7線北 see styles |
nishinanasenkita にしななせんきた |
(place-name) Nishinanasenkita |
西7線南 see styles |
nishinanasenminami にしななせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishinanasenminami |
西8線北 see styles |
nishihassenkita にしはっせんきた |
(place-name) Nishihassenkita |
西8線南 see styles |
nishihassenminami にしはっせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishihassenminami |
西9線北 see styles |
nishikyuusenkita / nishikyusenkita にしきゅうせんきた |
(place-name) Nishikyūsenkita |
西9線南 see styles |
nishikyuusenminami / nishikyusenminami にしきゅうせんみなみ |
(place-name) Nishikyūsenminami |
見切り線 see styles |
mikirisen みきりせん |
boundary; edge; break line |
視線速度 see styles |
shisensokudo しせんそくど |
radial velocity; line-of-sight velocity |
角平分線 角平分线 see styles |
jiǎo píng fēn xiàn jiao3 ping2 fen1 xian4 chiao p`ing fen hsien chiao ping fen hsien |
angle bisector |
計根別線 see styles |
kenebetsusen けねべつせん |
(personal name) Kenebetsusen |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "線" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.