There are 6395 total results for your 石 search. I have created 64 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
石川本 see styles |
ishikawahon いしかわほん |
(place-name) Ishikawahon |
石川橋 see styles |
ishikawabashi いしかわばし |
(place-name) Ishikawabashi |
石川欣 see styles |
ishikawakinichi いしかわきんいち |
(person) Ishikawa Ken'ichi |
石川池 see styles |
ishikawaike いしかわいけ |
(place-name) Ishikawaike |
石川沢 see styles |
ishikawazawa いしかわざわ |
(place-name) Ishikawazawa |
石川浄 see styles |
ishikawakiyoshi いしかわきよし |
(person) Ishikawa Kiyoshi (?-2002.3.7) |
石川淳 see styles |
ishikawajun いしかわじゅん |
(person) Ishikawa Jun (1899-1987) |
石川澄 see styles |
ishikawasumi いしかわすみ |
(person) Ishikawa Sumi (1931.11-) |
石川烈 see styles |
ishikawaisao いしかわいさお |
(person) Ishikawa Isao |
石川町 see styles |
ishikawamachi いしかわまち |
(place-name) Ishikawamachi |
石川県 see styles |
ishikawaken いしかわけん |
Ishikawa Prefecture (Hokuriku area); (place-name) Ishikawa Prefecture |
石川瞳 see styles |
ishikawahitomi いしかわひとみ |
(person) Ishikawa Hitomi (1979.6.12-) |
石川研 see styles |
ishikawaken いしかわけん |
(person) Ishikawa Ken (1970.2.6-) |
石川線 see styles |
ishikawasen いしかわせん |
(personal name) Ishikawasen |
石川翠 see styles |
ishikawamidori いしかわみどり |
(person) Ishikawa Midori |
石川蛙 see styles |
ishikawagaeru; ishikawagaeru いしかわがえる; イシカワガエル |
(kana only) Ishikawa's frog (Odorrana ishikawae) |
石川誠 see styles |
ishikawamakoto いしかわまこと |
(person) Ishikawa Makoto |
石川賢 see styles |
ishikawasatoru いしかわさとる |
(person) Ishikawa Satoru (1981.6.1-) |
石川進 see styles |
ishikawasusumu いしかわすすむ |
(person) Ishikawa Susumu (1933.7.13-) |
石川郡 see styles |
ishikawagun いしかわぐん |
(place-name) Ishikawagun |
石川郷 see styles |
ishikawagou / ishikawago いしかわごう |
(place-name) Ishikawagou |
石川野 see styles |
ishikawano いしかわの |
(place-name) Ishikawano |
石川顕 see styles |
ishikawaakira / ishikawakira いしかわあきら |
(person) Ishikawa Akira (1941.8.3-) |
石州分 see styles |
sekishuubun / sekishubun せきしゅうぶん |
(place-name) Sekishuubun |
石州府 see styles |
sekishuufu / sekishufu せきしゅうふ |
(place-name) Sekishuufu |
石州流 see styles |
sekishuuryuu / sekishuryu せきしゅうりゅう |
(1) Sekishū school of tea ceremony; (2) (See 生け花・1) Sekishū school of ikebana |
石巻山 see styles |
ishimakisan いしまきさん |
(personal name) Ishimakisan |
石巻市 see styles |
ishinomakishi いしのまきし |
(place-name) Ishinomaki (city) |
石巻本 see styles |
ishimakihon いしまきほん |
(place-name) Ishimakihon |
石巻港 see styles |
ishinomakikou / ishinomakiko いしのまきこう |
(place-name) Ishinomakikou |
石巻湾 see styles |
ishinomakiwan いしのまきわん |
(personal name) Ishinomakiwan |
石巻町 see styles |
ishimakichou / ishimakicho いしまきちょう |
(place-name) Ishimakichō |
石巻線 see styles |
ishinomakisen いしのまきせん |
(personal name) Ishinomakisen |
石巻駅 see styles |
ishinomakieki いしのまきえき |
(st) Ishinomaki Station |
石平山 see styles |
ishihirayama いしひらやま |
(place-name) Ishihirayama |
石庫門 石库门 see styles |
shí kù mén shi2 ku4 men2 shih k`u men shih ku men sekkomon せっこもん |
"shikumen" style architecture: traditional (ca. 19th century) residences with courtyards, once common in Shanghai (company) Sekkomon (Japanese chain of Chinese restaurants); (c) Sekkomon (Japanese chain of Chinese restaurants) |
石廊崎 see styles |
irouzaki / irozaki いろうざき |
(place-name) Irouzaki |
石建峠 see styles |
ishitatetouge / ishitatetoge いしたてとうげ |
(personal name) Ishitatetōge |
石引乢 see styles |
ishibikidawa いしびきだわ |
(place-name) Ishibikidawa |
石引池 see styles |
ishibikiike / ishibikike いしびきいけ |
(place-name) Ishibikiike |
石弘之 see styles |
ishihiroyuki いしひろゆき |
(person) Ishi Hiroyuki (1940-) |
石弘光 see styles |
ishihiromitsu いしひろみつ |
(person) Ishi Hiromitsu (1937.4-) |
石後岡 see styles |
ishigooka いしごおか |
(surname) Ishigooka |
石徹白 see styles |
itoshiro いとしろ |
(place-name) Itoshiro |
石戸内 see styles |
ishidouchi / ishidochi いしどうち |
(place-name) Ishidouchi |
石戸宿 see styles |
ishitoshuku いしとしゅく |
(place-name) Ishitoshuku |
石戸屋 see styles |
ishidoya いしどや |
(place-name) Ishidoya |
石戸川 see styles |
ishidogawa いしどがわ |
(place-name) Ishidogawa |
石戸橋 see styles |
ishitobashi いしとばし |
(surname) Ishitobashi |
石戸谷 see styles |
toshidoya としどや |
(surname) Toshidoya |
石手山 see styles |
ishideyama いしでやま |
(place-name) Ishideyama |
石手川 see styles |
ishitegawa いしてがわ |
(personal name) Ishitegawa |
石手洗 see styles |
ishitearai いしてあらい |
(place-name) Ishitearai |
石才駅 see styles |
ishizaieki いしざいえき |
(st) Ishizai Station |
石打ち see styles |
ishiuchi いしうち |
(1) rock fight; stone-throwing fight; (2) custom by which neighbours or friends threw rocks inside a couple's house on their wedding night |
石打場 see styles |
ishiuchiba いしうちば |
(place-name) Ishiuchiba |
石打峠 see styles |
ishiuchitouge / ishiuchitoge いしうちとうげ |
(place-name) Ishiuchitōge |
石打駅 see styles |
ishiuchieki いしうちえき |
(st) Ishiuchi Station |
石扣町 see styles |
ishihatakimachi いしはたきまち |
(place-name) Ishihatakimachi |
石投げ see styles |
ishinage いしなげ |
(1) throwing stones; (2) slingshot; sling |
石投山 see styles |
ishinageyama いしなげやま |
(personal name) Ishinageyama |
石抱き see styles |
ishidaki いしだき |
(hist) form of torture in which the victim kneels on triangular wedges and stone slabs are placed on their lap (Edo period) |
石抱梅 see styles |
ishidakinoume / ishidakinome いしだきのうめ |
(place-name) Ishidakinoume |
石抱橋 see styles |
ishidakibashi いしだきばし |
(place-name) Ishidakibashi |
石拐區 石拐区 see styles |
shí guǎi qū shi2 guai3 qu1 shih kuai ch`ü shih kuai chü |
Shiguai district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市[Bao1 tou2 shi4], Inner Mongolia |
石持前 see styles |
ishimochimae いしもちまえ |
(place-name) Ishimochimae |
石持川 see styles |
ishimochigawa いしもちがわ |
(place-name) Ishimochigawa |
石持沢 see styles |
ishimochizawa いしもちざわ |
(place-name) Ishimochizawa |
石持町 see styles |
ishimochichou / ishimochicho いしもちちょう |
(place-name) Ishimochichō |
石持草 see styles |
ishimochisou; ishimochisou / ishimochiso; ishimochiso いしもちそう; イシモチソウ |
(kana only) shield sundew (Drosera peltata); pale sundew |
石持西 see styles |
ishimochinishi いしもちにし |
(place-name) Ishimochinishi |
石摺り see styles |
ishizuri いしずり |
print from stone; rubbing; rubbed copy |
石敢当 see styles |
sekkantou / sekkanto せっかんとう ishigandou / ishigando いしがんどう ishigantou / ishiganto いしがんとう |
shigandang; stone tablet placed at a three-way street intersection (or dead end) to ward off evil spirits |
石敢當 石敢当 see styles |
shí gǎn dāng shi2 gan3 dang1 shih kan tang sekkantou / sekkanto せっかんとう ishigandou / ishigando いしがんどう ishigantou / ishiganto いしがんとう |
stone tablet erected to ward off evil spirits shigandang; stone tablet placed at a three-way street intersection (or dead end) to ward off evil spirits |
石斑魚 石斑鱼 see styles |
shí bān yú shi2 ban1 yu2 shih pan yü ugui うぐい |
grouper (Portuguese: garoupa); also called 鮨; Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranidae, fish family including grouper) (gikun reading) (kana only) Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis) |
石新保 see styles |
ishishinbo いししんぼ |
(place-name) Ishishinbo |
石景山 see styles |
shí jǐng shān shi2 jing3 shan1 shih ching shan |
Shijingshan, an inner district of west Beijing |
石曽根 see styles |
sekisone せきそね |
(surname) Sekisone |
石曽禰 see styles |
ishisone いしそね |
(surname) Ishisone |
石曾根 see styles |
iwasone いわそね |
(surname) Iwasone |
石曾禰 see styles |
ishisone いしそね |
(surname) Ishisone |
石月努 see styles |
ishitsukitsutomu いしつきつとむ |
(person) Ishitsuki Tsutomu (1977.1.8-) |
石木川 see styles |
ishikigawa いしきがわ |
(place-name) Ishikigawa |
石木戸 see styles |
ishikido いしきど |
(surname) Ishikido |
石木沢 see styles |
ishikizawa いしきざわ |
(place-name) Ishikizawa |
石木田 see styles |
ishikida いしきだ |
(surname) Ishikida |
石木町 see styles |
ishikichou / ishikicho いしきちょう |
(place-name) Ishikichō |
石木郷 see styles |
ishikigou / ishikigo いしきごう |
(place-name) Ishikigou |
石末肺 see styles |
shí mò fèi shi2 mo4 fei4 shih mo fei |
silicosis; grinder's disease; also written 矽末病 |
石末葵 see styles |
ishizueaoi いしずえあおい |
(person) Ishizue Aoi (1986.12.16-) |
石本努 see styles |
ishimototsutomu いしもとつとむ |
(person) Ishimoto Tsutomu (1973.2.4-) |
石本正 see styles |
ishimotoshou / ishimotosho いしもとしょう |
(person) Ishimoto Shou (1920.7-) |
石本茂 see styles |
ishimotoshigeru いしもとしげる |
(person) Ishimoto Shigeru (1913.9.6-) |
石材商 see styles |
sekizaishou / sekizaisho せきざいしょう |
stone dealer |
石材店 see styles |
sekizaiten せきざいてん |
stonemason |
石村川 see styles |
ishimuragawa いしむらがわ |
(place-name) Ishimuragawa |
石松元 see styles |
ishimatsuhajime いしまつはじめ |
(person) Ishimatsu Hajime (1940.9.7-) |
石松子 see styles |
sekishoushi / sekishoshi せきしょうし |
(given name) Sekishoushi |
石松町 see styles |
ishimatsumachi いしまつまち |
(place-name) Ishimatsumachi |
石板瓦 see styles |
shí bǎn wǎ shi2 ban3 wa3 shih pan wa |
slate tile |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "石" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.