There are 2491 total results for your 外 search. I have created 25 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
御堂垣外 see styles |
midougaito / midogaito みどうがいと |
(place-name) Midougaito |
御見外れ see styles |
omisore おみそれ |
(noun/participle) (1) failing to recognize someone; (2) underestimation |
心外千万 see styles |
shingaisenban しんがいせんばん |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) being totally upset (by); being completely nonplussed (by); being mortified (at); feeling aggrieved (at); finding (it) highly regrettable |
心外無佛 心外无佛 see styles |
xīn wài wú fó xin1 wai4 wu2 fo2 hsin wai wu fo shinge ni hotoke nashi |
outside of the mind there is noo Buddha |
心外無法 心外无法 see styles |
xīn wài wú fǎ xin1 wai4 wu2 fa3 hsin wai wu fa shin ge muhō |
nothing exists outside of the mind |
心的外傷 see styles |
shintekigaishou / shintekigaisho しんてきがいしょう |
psychic trauma; psychological trauma |
心臓外科 see styles |
shinzougeka / shinzogeka しんぞうげか |
heart surgery |
思いの外 see styles |
omoinohoka おもいのほか |
(adv,adj-no) unexpectedly; surprisingly; unexpected |
意外事故 see styles |
yì wài shì gù yi4 wai4 shi4 gu4 i wai shih ku |
accident |
意料之外 see styles |
yì liào zhī wài yi4 liao4 zhi1 wai4 i liao chih wai |
(idiom) contrary to expectation; unexpected |
戦狼外交 see styles |
senrougaikou / senrogaiko せんろうがいこう |
wolf warrior diplomacy |
戸外制作 see styles |
kogaiseisaku / kogaisesaku こがいせいさく |
en plein air; plein air painting |
戸外撮影 see styles |
kogaisatsuei / kogaisatsue こがいさつえい |
outdoor photography |
拇趾外翻 see styles |
mǔ zhǐ wài fān mu3 zhi3 wai4 fan1 mu chih wai fan |
bunion; hallux valgus |
拒之門外 拒之门外 see styles |
jù zhī mén wài ju4 zhi1 men2 wai4 chü chih men wai |
to lock one's door and refuse to see sb |
排外主義 see styles |
haigaishugi はいがいしゅぎ |
antiforeignism; exclusionism; exclusivism; chauvinism |
排外思想 see styles |
haigaishisou / haigaishiso はいがいしそう |
anti-foreign sentiment; xenophobia; exclusionism; exclusivism |
排外運動 see styles |
haigaiundou / haigaiundo はいがいうんどう |
anti-foreign movement |
攘外安內 攘外安内 see styles |
rǎng wài ān nèi rang3 wai4 an1 nei4 jang wai an nei |
to resist foreign aggression and pacify the interior of the country (idiom) |
教外別伝 see styles |
kyougebetsuden / kyogebetsuden きょうげべつでん |
(yoji) (in Zen Buddhism) (See 不立文字) Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment; spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters; spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind |
教外別傳 教外别传 see styles |
jiào wài bié chuán jiao4 wai4 bie2 chuan2 chiao wai pieh ch`uan chiao wai pieh chuan kyōge betsuden |
separate transmission outside of the teaching |
整形外科 see styles |
zhěng xíng wài kē zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1 cheng hsing wai k`o cheng hsing wai ko seikeigeka / sekegeka せいけいげか |
plastic surgery; orthopedics (1) orthopedic surgery; orthopaedic surgery; orthopedics; orthopaedics; (2) (colloquialism) (See 形成外科,美容外科) plastic surgery; cosmetic surgery |
整数以外 see styles |
seisuuigai / sesuigai せいすういがい |
{comp} non-integer |
數論外道 数论外道 see styles |
shǔ lùn wài dào shu3 lun4 wai4 dao4 shu lun wai tao Shuron gedō |
Sāṃkhya non-Buddhists |
斷見外道 断见外道 see styles |
duàn jiàn wài dào duan4 jian4 wai4 dao4 tuan chien wai tao danken gedō |
non-Buddhists holding nihilistic views |
日本国外 see styles |
nihonkokugai にほんこくがい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) outside Japan |
昂首天外 see styles |
áng shǒu - tiān wài ang2 shou3 - tian1 wai4 ang shou - t`ien wai ang shou - tien wai |
(idiom) to raise one's head and look towards the heavens; (idiom) arrogant; haughty |
時候外れ see styles |
jikouhazure / jikohazure じこうはずれ |
unseasonable |
時散外道 时散外道 see styles |
shí sàn wài dào shi2 san4 wai4 dao4 shih san wai tao jisan gedō |
non-Buddhists who took time as most fundamental |
時論外道 时论外道 see styles |
shí lùn wài dào shi2 lun4 wai4 dao4 shih lun wai tao jiron gedō |
non-Buddhist who understood time to be the origin of existence |
曾外祖母 see styles |
zēng wài zǔ mǔ zeng1 wai4 zu3 mu3 tseng wai tsu mu |
great-grandmother (mother's grandmother) |
曾外祖父 see styles |
zēng wài zǔ fù zeng1 wai4 zu3 fu4 tseng wai tsu fu |
great-grandfather (mother's grandfather) |
有頂天外 see styles |
uchoutengai / uchotengai うちょうてんがい |
(yoji) beside oneself with joy; in raptures; in an ecstasy of delight |
期待外れ see styles |
kitaihazure きたいはずれ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) disappointment; let-down |
東外側町 see styles |
higashitogawachou / higashitogawacho ひがしとがわちょう |
(place-name) Higashitogawachō |
東外堀町 see styles |
higashisotoborichou / higashisotoboricho ひがしそとぼりちょう |
(place-name) Higashisotoborichō |
東外川原 see styles |
higashisodekawara ひがしそでかわら |
(place-name) Higashisodekawara |
松島外郷 see styles |
matsushimasotogou / matsushimasotogo まつしまそとごう |
(place-name) Matsushimasotogou |
校外学習 see styles |
kougaigakushuu / kogaigakushu こうがいがくしゅう |
out-of-school learning; off-campus learning |
格外禪旨 格外禅旨 see styles |
gé wài chán zhǐ ge2 wai4 chan2 zhi3 ko wai ch`an chih ko wai chan chih kyakuge zenshi |
way of utmost Chan; Seon |
梵天外道 see styles |
fàn tiān wài dào fan4 tian1 wai4 dao4 fan t`ien wai tao fan tien wai tao bonten gedō |
brahmadeva heretics; the brahmans consider Brahmā to be the Creator of all things and the Supreme Being, which is heresy with Buddhism. |
極紫外線 see styles |
kyokushigaisen きょくしがいせん |
extreme ultraviolet |
樟土手外 see styles |
kunugidotesoto くぬぎどてそと |
(place-name) Kunugidotesoto |
正外部性 see styles |
zhèng wài bù xìng zheng4 wai4 bu4 xing4 cheng wai pu hsing |
positive influence, effect that people's doings or behavior have on others (society) |
武力外交 see styles |
buryokugaikou / buryokugaiko ぶりょくがいこう |
armed diplomacy |
武士垣外 see styles |
bushigaito ぶしがいと |
(surname) Bushigaito |
民間外交 see styles |
minkangaikou / minkangaiko みんかんがいこう |
popular diplomacy; public diplomacy; people's diplomacy; diplomacy carried out by non-government officials |
水田外史 see styles |
mizutagaishi みずたがいし |
(person) Mizuta Gaishi |
江見外堀 see styles |
emisotobori えみそとぼり |
(place-name) Emisotobori |
沙汰の外 see styles |
satanohoka さたのほか |
(expression) absurd; unreasonable; out of the question; preposterous |
河外星系 see styles |
hé wài xīng xì he2 wai4 xing1 xi4 ho wai hsing hsi |
extragalactic star system; galaxy (not including our Galaxy) |
河外星雲 河外星云 see styles |
hé wài xīng yún he2 wai4 xing1 yun2 ho wai hsing yün |
extragalactic nebula |
治外法権 see styles |
chigaihouken / chigaihoken ちがいほうけん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) extraterritoriality |
治外法權 治外法权 see styles |
zhì wài fǎ quán zhi4 wai4 fa3 quan2 chih wai fa ch`üan chih wai fa chüan |
diplomatic immunity; (history) extraterritoriality, the rights (under unequal treaties) of a foreigner to live in China outside Chinese jurisdiction |
法外之地 see styles |
fǎ wài zhī dì fa3 wai4 zhi1 di4 fa wai chih ti |
lawless area |
洛中洛外 see styles |
rakuchuurakugai / rakuchurakugai らくちゅうらくがい |
in and around the city of Kyoto |
海外企業 see styles |
kaigaikigyou / kaigaikigyo かいがいきぎょう |
foreign company; overseas enterprise; overseas firm |
海外出張 see styles |
kaigaishucchou / kaigaishuccho かいがいしゅっちょう |
overseas business trip |
海外取材 see styles |
kaigaishuzai かいがいしゅざい |
overseas reporting; covering a story abroad |
海外在住 see styles |
kaigaizaijuu / kaigaizaiju かいがいざいじゅう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) residing abroad |
海外子女 see styles |
kaigaishijo かいがいしじょ |
(See 帰国子女) (Japanese) children living overseas |
海外展開 see styles |
kaigaitenkai かいがいてんかい |
overseas deployment (e.g. military forces); overseas expansion (e.g. business operations) |
海外市場 see styles |
kaigaishijou / kaigaishijo かいがいしじょう |
overseas (a foreign) market |
海外強化 see styles |
kaigaikyouka / kaigaikyoka かいがいきょうか |
(noun/participle) expanding abroad; tapping overseas markets |
海外投資 see styles |
kaigaitoushi / kaigaitoshi かいがいとうし |
overseas investment |
海外旅行 see styles |
kaigairyokou / kaigairyoko かいがいりょこう |
trip abroad; overseas travel |
海外活動 see styles |
kaigaikatsudou / kaigaikatsudo かいがいかつどう |
overseas activities |
海外派兵 see styles |
kaigaihahei / kaigaihahe かいがいはへい |
troops overseas |
海外派遣 see styles |
kaigaihaken かいがいはけん |
overseas dispatch (e.g. of the Japan Self-Defense Forces) |
海外渡航 see styles |
kaigaitokou / kaigaitoko かいがいとこう |
foreign voyage; travelling overseas; travelling abroad |
海外生活 see styles |
kaigaiseikatsu / kaigaisekatsu かいがいせいかつ |
living abroad; life overseas |
海外留学 see styles |
kaigairyuugaku / kaigairyugaku かいがいりゅうがく |
(noun/participle) studying abroad; studying overseas |
海外移転 see styles |
kaigaiiten / kaigaiten かいがいいてん |
{bus;econ} offshoring; overseas transfer (esp. of production) |
海外華人 海外华人 see styles |
hǎi wài huá rén hai3 wai4 hua2 ren2 hai wai hua jen |
overseas Chinese |
海外視察 see styles |
kaigaishisatsu かいがいしさつ |
(noun/participle) overseas inspection; tour of inspection abroad |
海外貿易 see styles |
kaigaiboueki / kaigaiboeki かいがいぼうえき |
international trade; foreign trade; overseas trade |
海外赤子 see styles |
hǎi wài chì zǐ hai3 wai4 chi4 zi3 hai wai ch`ih tzu hai wai chih tzu |
patriotic overseas compatriot |
海外赴任 see styles |
kaigaifunin かいがいふにん |
overseas assignment; overseas posting |
海外転勤 see styles |
kaigaitenkin かいがいてんきん |
overseas job transfer; international job relocation |
海外送金 see styles |
kaigaisoukin / kaigaisokin かいがいそうきん |
(noun/participle) overseas remittance |
海外進出 see styles |
kaigaishinshutsu かいがいしんしゅつ |
advance (e.g. of Japanese exports) into overseas markets |
海外遠征 see styles |
kaigaiensei / kaigaiense かいがいえんせい |
overseas trip |
海外領土 see styles |
kaigairyoudo / kaigairyodo かいがいりょうど |
overseas territory; overseas possession |
渉外私法 see styles |
shougaishihou / shogaishiho しょうがいしほう |
(See 国際私法) private international law; conflict of laws |
源部外面 see styles |
genbedomo げんべども |
(place-name) Genbedomo |
災害外科 see styles |
saigaigeka さいがいげか |
traumatology; accident surgery |
無慚外道 无惭外道 see styles |
wú cán wài dào wu2 can2 wai4 dao4 wu ts`an wai tao wu tsan wai tao muzan gedō |
Saivites |
無断外泊 see styles |
mudangaihaku むだんがいはく |
(noun/participle) staying out overnight without giving notice; spending night(surname) away from home without permission (leave) |
牛狗外道 see styles |
niú gǒu wài dào niu2 gou3 wai4 dao4 niu kou wai tao goku gedō |
go-vrauka, or kukkura-vratika. Heretics who lived as oxen or dogs. |
理外の理 see styles |
rigainori りがいのり |
transcendental reason |
田代外町 see styles |
tashirohokamachi たしろほかまち |
(place-name) Tashirohokamachi |
界外事教 see styles |
jiè wài shì jiào jie4 wai4 shi4 jiao4 chieh wai shih chiao kaige (no) jikyō |
Tiantai's term for the 別教, which concerned itself with the practice of the bodhisattva life, a life not limited to three regions of reincarnation, but which had not attained to its fundamental principles. |
界外理教 see styles |
jiè wài lǐ jiào jie4 wai4 li3 jiao4 chieh wai li chiao kaige (no) rikyō |
Tiantai's 圓教 the school of the complete Buddha-teaching, i. e. that of Tiantai, which concerns itself with the śūnya doctrines of the infinite, beyond the realms of reincarnation, and the development of the bodhisattva in those realms. |
皇居外苑 see styles |
koukyogaien / kokyogaien こうきょがいえん |
(place-name) Kōkyo Gaien National Garden (Chiyoda, Tokyo) |
監外執行 监外执行 see styles |
jiān wài zhí xíng jian1 wai4 zhi2 xing2 chien wai chih hsing |
to serve (a sentence) outside prison (law) |
真野原外 see styles |
manoharasoto まのはらそと |
(place-name) Manoharasoto |
矯形外科 矫形外科 see styles |
jiǎo xíng wài kē jiao3 xing2 wai4 ke1 chiao hsing wai k`o chiao hsing wai ko |
orthopedic surgery |
石山外畑 see styles |
ishiyamasotohata いしやまそとはた |
(place-name) Ishiyamasotohata |
石田和外 see styles |
ishidakazuto いしだかずと |
(person) Ishida Kazuto (1903.5.20-1979.5.9) |
石神外宿 see styles |
ishigamitojuku いしがみとじゅく |
(place-name) Ishigamitojuku |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "外" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.