There are 1722 total results for your 居 search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...101112131415161718>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
長府中土居本町 see styles |
choufunakadoihonmachi / chofunakadoihonmachi ちょうふなかどいほんまち |
(place-name) Chōfunakadoihonmachi |
長府土居の内町 see styles |
choufudoinouchichou / chofudoinochicho ちょうふどいのうちちょう |
(place-name) Choufudoinouchichō |
附馬牛町安居台 see styles |
tsukimoushichouaodai / tsukimoshichoaodai つきもうしちょうあおだい |
(place-name) Tsukimoushichōaodai |
Variations: |
isukumu いすくむ |
(v5m,vi) (rare) (See 居すくまる) to be unable to move while seated (because of fear, surprise, etc.); to freeze in one's seat |
Variations: |
izurai いづらい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 辛い・づらい) difficult to be (in a place); not feeling like staying |
Variations: |
isuwaru いすわる |
(v5r,vi) to remain; to stay (somewhere) |
居民消費價格指數 居民消费价格指数 see styles |
jū mín xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù ju1 min2 xiao1 fei4 jia4 ge2 zhi3 shu4 chü min hsiao fei chia ko chih shu |
consumer price index CPI |
Variations: |
mureiru / mureru むれいる |
(v1,vi) to crowd in; to come together |
ずには居られない see styles |
zunihairarenai ずにはいられない |
(exp,adj-i) (kana only) (after neg. verb stem) (See ないではいられない) feel compelled to; can't help but feel; can't help but do |
低層住居専用地域 see styles |
teisoujuukyosenyouchiiki / tesojukyosenyochiki ていそうじゅうきょせんようちいき |
{law} low-rise residential zone |
壬生東土居ノ内町 see styles |
mibuhigashidoinouchichou / mibuhigashidoinochicho みぶひがしどいのうちちょう |
(place-name) Mibuhigashidoinouchichō |
壬生西土居ノ内町 see styles |
mibunishidoinouchichou / mibunishidoinochicho みぶにしどいのうちちょう |
(place-name) Mibunishidoinouchichō |
安居同修之威神力 see styles |
ān jū tóng xiū zhī wēi shén lì an1 ju1 tong2 xiu1 zhi1 wei1 shen2 li4 an chü t`ung hsiu chih wei shen li an chü tung hsiu chih wei shen li ango dōshu no jinriki |
mighty supernatural power of those who have practiced together during the retreat |
嵯峨鳥居本一華表 see styles |
sagatoriimotoikkahyou / sagatorimotoikkahyo さがとりいもといっかひょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotoikkahyou |
嵯峨鳥居本中筋町 see styles |
sagatoriimotonakasujichou / sagatorimotonakasujicho さがとりいもとなかすじちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotonakasujichō |
嵯峨鳥居本仏餉田 see styles |
sagatoriimotobutsushouden / sagatorimotobutsushoden さがとりいもとぶつしょうでん |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotobutsushouden |
嵯峨鳥居本仙翁町 see styles |
sagatoriimotosennouchou / sagatorimotosennocho さがとりいもとせんのうちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotosennouchō |
嵯峨鳥居本六反町 see styles |
sagatoriimotorokutanchou / sagatorimotorokutancho さがとりいもとろくたんちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotorokutanchō |
嵯峨鳥居本化野町 see styles |
sagatoriimotoadashinochou / sagatorimotoadashinocho さがとりいもとあだしのちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotoadashinochō |
嵯峨鳥居本北代町 see styles |
sagatoriimotokitadaichou / sagatorimotokitadaicho さがとりいもときただいちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotokitadaichō |
嵯峨鳥居本小坂町 see styles |
sagatoriimotokozakachou / sagatorimotokozakacho さがとりいもとこざかちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotokozakachō |
嵯峨鳥居本深谷町 see styles |
sagatoriimotofukatanichou / sagatorimotofukatanicho さがとりいもとふかたにちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotofukatanichō |
東山梨郡春日居町 see styles |
higashiyamanashigunkasugaichou / higashiyamanashigunkasugaicho ひがしやまなしぐんかすがいちょう |
(place-name) Higashiyamanashigunkasugaichō |
榛名神社一之鳥居 see styles |
harunajinjaichinotorii / harunajinjaichinotori はるなじんじゃいちのとりい |
(place-name) Harunajinjaichinotorii |
権現山洞窟住居跡 see styles |
gongenyamadoukutsujuukyoato / gongenyamadokutsujukyoato ごんげんやまどうくつじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Gongenyamadoukutsujuukyoato |
深草稲荷鳥居前町 see styles |
fukakusainaritoriimaechou / fukakusainaritorimaecho ふかくさいなりとりいまえちょう |
(place-name) Fukakusainaritoriimaechō |
猫の子一匹居ない see styles |
nekonokoippikiinai / nekonokoippikinai ねこのこいっぴきいない |
(adjective) completely deserted |
鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯 see styles |
oninoinumanisentaku おにのいぬまにせんたく |
(expression) (idiom) (See 洗濯・2) playing while the cat is away; taking a break while the boss is out; doing what one wants when one is (finally) alone; relaxing while the demon is out |
Variations: |
idokoro; kyosho; idoko いどころ; きょしょ; いどこ |
(1) whereabouts; address; (2) (きょしょ only) place of temporary residence |
Variations: |
idokoro(居所); kyosho(居所, 居処); idoko(居所, 居doko) いどころ(居所); きょしょ(居所, 居処); いどこ(居所, 居どこ) |
(1) whereabouts; address; (2) (きょしょ only) place of temporary residence |
Variations: |
nakai なかい |
waitress (in a ryokan or traditional restaurant); hostess |
Variations: |
hitorishibai ひとりしばい |
(noun/participle) one-person show; one-woman show; one-man show; performing solo; monodrama |
Variations: |
haragairu はらがいる |
(exp,v1) (archaism) to calm down |
ないでは居られない see styles |
naidehairarenai ないではいられない |
(exp,adj-i) (kana only) (See ずにはいられない) feel compelled to; can't help but feel; can't help but do |
サルガ鼻洞窟住居跡 see styles |
sarugabanadoukutsujuukyoato / sarugabanadokutsujukyoato サルガばなどうくつじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Sarugabanadoukutsujuukyoato |
中高層住居専用地域 see styles |
chuukousoujuukyosenyouchiiki / chukosojukyosenyochiki ちゅうこうそうじゅうきょせんようちいき |
{law} (See 中高層・ちゅうこうそう) medium and high-rise residential zone |
嵯峨鳥居本一華表町 see styles |
sagatoriimotoikkahyouchou / sagatorimotoikkahyocho さがとりいもといっかひょうちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotoikkahyouchō |
嵯峨鳥居本仏餉田町 see styles |
sagatoriimotobutsushoudenchou / sagatorimotobutsushodencho さがとりいもとぶつしょうでんちょう |
(place-name) Sagatoriimotobutsushoudenchō |
戍立石器時代住居跡 see styles |
seiritsusekkijidaijuukyoato / seritsusekkijidaijukyoato せいりつせっきじだいじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Seiritsusekkijidaijuukyoato |
旧居留地・大丸前駅 see styles |
kyuukyoryuuchidaimarumaeeki / kyukyoryuchidaimarumaeeki きゅうきょりゅうちだいまるまええき |
(st) Kyūkyoryūchi Daimarumae Station (Kobe) |
水上石器時代住居跡 see styles |
minakamisekkijidaijuukyoato / minakamisekkijidaijukyoato みなかみせっきじだいじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Minakamisekkijidaijuukyoato |
治に居て乱を忘れず see styles |
chiniiteranowasurezu / chiniteranowasurezu ちにいてらんをわすれず |
(expression) (proverb) forewarned is forearmed |
譲原石器時代住居跡 see styles |
yuzuriharasekkijidaijuukyoato / yuzuriharasekkijidaijukyoato ゆずりはらせっきじだいじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Yuzuriharasekkijidaijuukyoato |
長居第二陸上競技場 see styles |
nagaidainirikujoukyougijou / nagaidainirikujokyogijo ながいだいにりくじょうきょうぎじょう |
(personal name) Nagaidainirikujōkyōgijou |
高麗石器時代住居跡 see styles |
komasekkijidaijuukyoato / komasekkijidaijukyoato こませっきじだいじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Komasekkijidaijuukyoato |
Variations: |
inuki いぬき |
going concern; stocks and all; goods and furniture included |
Variations: |
izakaya いざかや |
izakaya; Japanese bar that also serves various dishes and snacks |
Variations: |
shakuyazumai しゃくやずまい |
living in rented quarters |
西秋留石器時代住居跡 see styles |
nishiakirusekkijidaijuukyoato / nishiakirusekkijidaijukyoato にしあきるせっきじだいじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Nishiakirusekkijidaijuukyoato |
陸上自衛隊久居駐屯地 see styles |
rikujoujieitaihisaichuutonchi / rikujojietaihisaichutonchi りくじょうじえいたいひさいちゅうとんち |
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaihisaichuutonchi |
Variations: |
itsuku いつく |
(v5k,vi) to settle down; to stay (for good); to stay long; to stay on |
Variations: |
igokochiyoi いごこちよい |
(adjective) comfortable (to live in); snug; cozy; cosy |
Variations: |
wabizumai わびずまい |
solitary life; wretched abode |
Variations: |
kikaokubeshi; kikakakyo(奇貨可居) きかおくべし; きかかきょ(奇貨可居) |
(expression) (yoji) you must seize every golden opportunity; strike while the iron is hot; when you find a rare good buy, seize upon it for a future sale at a much higher price |
在日本大韓民国居留民団 see styles |
zainihondaikanminkokukyoryuumindan / zainihondaikanminkokukyoryumindan ざいにほんだいかんみんこくきょりゅうみんだん |
(org) Korean Residents Union in Japan (former name); (o) Korean Residents Union in Japan (former name) |
小人閑居して不善をなす see styles |
shoujinkankyoshitefuzenonasu / shojinkankyoshitefuzenonasu しょうじんかんきょしてふぜんをなす |
(expression) (proverb) An idle brain is the devil's shop |
小人閑居して不善を為す see styles |
shoujinkankyoshitefuzenonasu / shojinkankyoshitefuzenonasu しょうじんかんきょしてふぜんをなす |
(expression) (proverb) An idle brain is the devil's shop |
新居浜工業高等専門学校 see styles |
niihamakougyoukoutousenmongakkou / nihamakogyokotosenmongakko にいはまこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう |
(org) Niihama National College of Technology; (o) Niihama National College of Technology |
Variations: |
iawasu いあわす |
(v5s,vi) (See 居合わせる) to happen to be present |
Variations: |
inokoriteate いのこりてあて |
overtime pay |
居ても立ってもいられない see styles |
itemotattemoirarenai いてもたってもいられない |
(exp,adj-i) unable to contain oneself; itching to do something; cannot sit still |
居ても立っても居られない see styles |
itemotattemoirarenai いてもたってもいられない |
(exp,adj-i) unable to contain oneself; itching to do something; cannot sit still |
居候三杯目にはそっと出し see styles |
isourousanbaimenihasottodashi / isorosanbaimenihasottodashi いそうろうさんばいめにはそっとだし |
(expression) (proverb) the non-paying lodger asks for a third helping of rice with much hesitation |
Variations: |
kumoi くもい |
(1) (archaism) sky; (2) cloud; (3) distant place; high place; (4) imperial court |
Variations: |
sarushibai さるしばい |
(1) monkey show; (2) (idiom) bad acting; overacting; unconvincing performance; farce; clumsy subterfuge |
Variations: |
karizumai かりずまい |
(n,vs,vi) temporary residence |
Variations: |
okayadokari; okayadokari おかやどかり; オカヤドカリ |
(kana only) concave land hermit crab (Coenobita cavipes) |
Variations: |
shikiiomatagu / shikiomatagu しきいをまたぐ |
(exp,v5g) to cross the threshold; to pass the threshold |
鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃宿居申法 see styles |
鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃宿wa申鐃循wa申 鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃宿わ申鐃循わ申 |
{comp} Polish notation |
Variations: |
izumai いずまい |
(one's) seating posture; way one sits |
Variations: |
igokochigayoi いごこちがよい |
(exp,adj-i) (ant: 居心地が悪い) comfortable (to live in); snug; cosy; cozy |
Variations: |
igokochinoyoi いごこちのよい |
(exp,adj-i) comfortable (to live in); snug; cozy; cosy |
鐃旬ワ申優奪鐃銃居申攣鐃? see styles |
鐃旬wa申優奪箸鐃緒申鐃盾ku鐃緒申鐃緒申; 鐃旬wa申優奪肇鐃緒申鐃盾ku鐃緒申鐃緒申 鐃旬ワ申優奪箸鐃緒申鐃盾く鐃緒申鐃緒申; 鐃旬ワ申優奪肇鐃緒申鐃盾ク鐃緒申鐃緒申 |
(kana only) (See 鐃緒申鐃緒申鐃緒シ鐃緒申皀?申鐃緒申鐃? bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) |
伊勢原八幡台石器時代住居跡 see styles |
iseharahachimandaisekkijidaijuukyoato / iseharahachimandaisekkijidaijukyoato いせはらはちまんだいせっきじだいじゅうきょあと |
(place-name) Isehara Hachimandai Stone Age Dwelling Site |
住友重機械工業新居浜製造所 see styles |
sumitomojuukikaikougyouniihamaseizousho / sumitomojukikaikogyonihamasezosho すみともじゅうきかいこうぎょうにいはませいぞうしょ |
(place-name) Sumitomojuukikaikougyouniihamaseizousho |
新居浜一宮神社のクスノキ群 see styles |
niihamaikkujinjanokusunokigun / nihamaikkujinjanokusunokigun にいはまいっくじんじゃのクスノキぐん |
(place-name) Niihamaikkujinjanokusunokigun |
柳の下に何時も泥鰌は居ない see styles |
yanaginoshitaniitsumodojouhainai / yanaginoshitanitsumodojohainai やなぎのしたにいつもどじょうはいない |
(expression) (proverb) Good luck does not always repeat itself |
柳の下に何時も泥鰌は居らぬ see styles |
yanaginoshitaniitsumodojouhaoranu / yanaginoshitanitsumodojohaoranu やなぎのしたにいつもどじょうはおらぬ |
(expression) (obscure) a fox is not taken twice in the same snare; there are no birds in last year's nest; there aren't always loach under the willow tree |
鐃循¥申鐃淳ング居申鐃緒申 see styles |
鐃循¥申鐃淳nguwa申鐃緒申蕕? /(n) homing torpedo/ 鐃循¥申鐃淳ングわ申鐃緒申蕕? /(n) homing torpedo/ |
homing torpedo |
Variations: |
inemuri いねむり |
(n,vs,vi) nodding off (while sitting); dozing |
Variations: |
itatamarenai いたたまれない |
(exp,adj-i) (kana only) unable to stay (on); unable to endure being somewhere a second longer; feel like running away |
Variations: |
itatamaranai いたたまらない |
(exp,adj-i) (kana only) (See 居たたまれない) unable to stay (on); unable to endure being somewhere a second longer; feel like running away |
Variations: |
yadokari; gouna(寄居虫)(ok); kamina(寄居虫)(ok); yadokari / yadokari; gona(寄居虫)(ok); kamina(寄居虫)(ok); yadokari やどかり; ごうな(寄居虫)(ok); かみな(寄居虫)(ok); ヤドカリ |
(1) (kana only) hermit crab; (2) (宿借り, 宿借 only) renting a house; (3) (宿借り, 宿借 only) tenant |
Variations: |
inagara いながら |
(adverb) from where one sits; while sitting by |
Variations: |
itakedaka いたけだか |
(noun or adjectival noun) high-handed; overbearing |
Variations: |
izumaiotadasu いずまいをただす |
(exp,v5s) to sit up straight; to straighten one's posture; to straighten up |
歌人は居ながらにして名所を知る see styles |
kajinhainagaranishitemeishooshiru / kajinhainagaranishitemeshooshiru かじんはいながらにしてめいしょをしる |
(exp,v5r) (proverb) poets can stay in one place and still know all the famous sights |
Variations: |
shibaigakaru しばいがかる |
(v5r,vi) (usu. as 芝居がかった) to be affected; to be theatrical; to be pompous |
Variations: |
igokochiii(居心地ii, 居心地良i); igokochiyoi(居心地良i, 居心地yoi) / igokochii(居心地i, 居心地良i); igokochiyoi(居心地良i, 居心地yoi) いごこちいい(居心地いい, 居心地良い); いごこちよい(居心地良い, 居心地よい) |
(adj-ix) comfortable (to live in); snug; cozy; cosy |
Variations: |
tachii / tachi たちい |
movements; sitting and standing |
Variations: |
namiiru / namiru なみいる |
(v1,vi) to sit in a row; to be present (and lined up) |
Variations: |
suefuro すえふろ |
(See すいふろ) deep bathtub with a water-heating tank; bathtub heated from below |
Variations: |
nekonokoippikiinai / nekonokoippikinai ねこのこいっぴきいない |
(exp,adj-i) (idiom) completely deserted |
Variations: |
idokoro; kyosho; idoko いどころ; きょしょ; いどこ |
(1) whereabouts; address; (2) (きょしょ only) place of temporary residence |
Variations: |
iainuki いあいぬき |
(1) (See 居合い) iai; art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards; (2) iai sword-drawing performance (used during the Edo period to sell medicine and other wares) |
Variations: |
iainuki いあいぬき |
(1) (See 居合い) iai; art of drawing one's sword, cutting down one's opponent and sheathing the sword afterwards; (2) (hist) iai sword-drawing performance (used during the Edo period to sell medicine and other wares) |
Variations: |
isukumaru; izukumaru(sk) いすくまる; いずくまる(sk) |
(v5r,vi) (rare) to be unable to move while seated (because of fear, surprise, etc.) |
Variations: |
inagaranishite いながらにして |
(expression) from one's home; while sitting at home; without leaving one's house; without moving from one's chair; without taking a step outside |
Variations: |
tachiifurumai / tachifurumai たちいふるまい |
movements; bearing; deportment; carriage; behavior; behaviour; demeanor; demeanour; manners |
Variations: |
sumai すまい |
(1) (See 住居・じゅうきょ) dwelling; house; residence; address; (n-suf,n) (2) (pronounced ずまい as a suffix) living; life |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "居" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.