There are 3678 total results for your 家 search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
恐妻家 see styles |
kyousaika / kyosaika きょうさいか |
hen-pecked husband |
情熱家 see styles |
jounetsuka / jonetsuka じょうねつか |
passionate person |
愛好家 see styles |
aikouka / aikoka あいこうか |
(n,n-suf) enthusiast; fan; lover; devotee; aficionado |
愛妻家 see styles |
aisaika あいさいか |
devoted husband |
愛書家 see styles |
aishoka あいしょか |
bibliophile |
愛煙家 see styles |
aienka あいえんか |
heavy smoker; habitual smoker; person who loves smoking; tobacco lover |
愛犬家 see styles |
aikenka あいけんか |
dog lover; person who loves dogs |
愛猫家 see styles |
aibyouka / aibyoka あいびょうか |
cat lover |
愛飲家 see styles |
aiinka / ainka あいいんか |
habitual drinker |
愛鳥家 see styles |
aichouka / aichoka あいちょうか |
bird lover |
感傷家 see styles |
kanshouka / kanshoka かんしょうか |
sentimentalist |
感情家 see styles |
kanjouka / kanjoka かんじょうか |
emotional person |
慈善家 see styles |
cí shàn jiā ci2 shan4 jia1 tz`u shan chia tzu shan chia jizenka じぜんか |
philanthropist; humanitarian; charity donor charitable person; philanthropist |
我が家 see styles |
wagaya わがや wagaie わがいえ |
(exp,n) one's house; one's home; one's family |
戦略家 see styles |
senryakuka せんりゃくか |
strategist |
戦術家 see styles |
senjutsuka せんじゅつか |
tactician; strategist |
戰略家 战略家 see styles |
zhàn lüè jiā zhan4 lu:e4 jia1 chan lu:e chia |
a strategist |
戲劇家 戏剧家 see styles |
xì jù jiā xi4 ju4 jia1 hsi chü chia |
dramatist; playwright |
戸保家 see styles |
toboya とぼや |
(surname) Toboya |
戸類家 see styles |
herukei / heruke へるけい |
(place-name) Herukei |
扇動家 see styles |
sendouka / sendoka せんどうか |
demagogue; agitator |
手腕家 see styles |
shuwanka しゅわんか |
able individual; man of ability |
扯家常 see styles |
chě jiā cháng che3 jia1 chang2 ch`e chia ch`ang che chia chang |
to engage in small talk; to chit chat |
批評家 批评家 see styles |
pī píng jiā pi1 ping2 jia1 p`i p`ing chia pi ping chia hihyouka / hihyoka ひひょうか |
critic critic |
投書家 see styles |
toushoka / toshoka とうしょか |
contributor (e.g. to a newspaper); correspondent |
投機家 see styles |
toukika / tokika とうきか |
speculator; venturer |
投資家 投资家 see styles |
tóu zī jiā tou2 zi1 jia1 t`ou tzu chia tou tzu chia toushika / toshika とうしか |
investor investor |
拉家常 see styles |
lā jiā cháng la1 jia1 chang2 la chia ch`ang la chia chang |
to talk or chat about ordinary daily life |
拳闘家 see styles |
kentouka / kentoka けんとうか |
(See ボクサー・1) boxer |
持ち家 see styles |
mochiya もちや mochiie / mochie もちいえ |
one's (own) house |
指揮家 指挥家 see styles |
zhǐ huī jiā zhi3 hui1 jia1 chih hui chia |
(music) conductor |
挌闘家 see styles |
kakutouka / kakutoka かくとうか |
martial artist; fighter |
振付家 see styles |
furitsukeka ふりつけか |
choreographer |
探検家 see styles |
tankenka たんけんか |
explorer |
探險家 探险家 see styles |
tàn xiǎn jiā tan4 xian3 jia1 t`an hsien chia tan hsien chia |
explorer |
揚羽家 see styles |
agehaya あげはや |
(surname) Agehaya |
摂関家 see styles |
sekkanke せっかんけ |
line of regents and advisers (advisors) |
攀山家 see styles |
pān shān jiā pan1 shan1 jia1 p`an shan chia pan shan chia |
mountaineer (HK) |
攝影家 摄影家 see styles |
shè yǐng jiā she4 ying3 jia1 she ying chia |
photographer |
收藏家 see styles |
shōu cáng jiā shou1 cang2 jia1 shou ts`ang chia shou tsang chia |
a collector (e.g. of artworks) |
改革家 see styles |
gǎi gé jiā gai3 ge2 jia1 kai ko chia kaikakuka かいかくか |
reformer reformer; reformist |
政治家 see styles |
zhèng zhì jiā zheng4 zhi4 jia1 cheng chih chia seijika / sejika せいじか |
statesman; politician; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] politician; statesman |
政略家 see styles |
seiryakuka / seryakuka せいりゃくか |
political tactician |
敏腕家 see styles |
binwanka びんわんか |
capable person; shrewd person |
敗家子 败家子 see styles |
bài jiā zǐ bai4 jia1 zi3 pai chia tzu |
spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal |
教育家 see styles |
jiào yù jiā jiao4 yu4 jia1 chiao yü chia kyouikuka / kyoikuka きょういくか |
educationalist educator; teacher |
數學家 数学家 see styles |
shù xué jiā shu4 xue2 jia1 shu hsüeh chia |
mathematician |
文學家 文学家 see styles |
wén xué jiā wen2 xue2 jia1 wen hsüeh chia |
writer; man of letters; CL:個|个[ge4] |
文法家 see styles |
bunpouka / bunpoka ぶんぽうか |
grammarian |
文章家 see styles |
bunshouka / bunshoka ぶんしょうか |
(skilled) writer; essayist |
文筆家 see styles |
bunpitsuka ぶんぴつか |
writer; author; literary person; one who lives from writing |
文芸家 see styles |
bungeika / bungeka ぶんげいか |
man of letters; writer |
新儒家 see styles |
xīn rú jiā xin1 ru2 jia1 hsin ju chia |
New Confucianism, a social and political movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy; see also 當代新儒家|当代新儒家[Dang1 dai4 Xin1 Ru2 jia1] |
新在家 see styles |
shinzaike しんざいけ |
(place-name, surname) Shinzaike |
新家中 see styles |
shinkenaka しんけなか |
(place-name) Shinkenaka |
新家子 see styles |
shinyako しんやこ |
(surname) Shin'yako |
新家川 see styles |
shingegawa しんげがわ |
(place-name) Shingegawa |
新家東 see styles |
shinkehigashi しんけひがし |
(place-name) Shinkehigashi |
新家町 see styles |
ninomichou / ninomicho にのみちょう |
(place-name) Ninomichō |
新家西 see styles |
shinkenishi しんけにし |
(place-name) Shinkenishi |
新家谷 see styles |
shingeya しんげや |
(surname) Shingeya |
新家駅 see styles |
shingeeki しんげえき |
(st) Shinge Station |
新熏家 see styles |
xīn xūn jiā xin1 xun1 jia1 hsin hsün chia shingun ke |
a Buddhist philosopher who advocates the theory of newly perfumed seeds |
旅行家 see styles |
ryokouka / ryokoka りょこうか |
traveller; traveler |
族姓家 see styles |
zú xìng jiā zu2 xing4 jia1 tsu hsing chia zokushō ke |
a great clan |
日出家 see styles |
hijiya ひぢや |
(place-name) Hidiya |
明き家 see styles |
akiya あきや |
vacant house; unoccupied house |
明石家 see styles |
akashiya あかしや |
(surname) Akashiya |
星命家 see styles |
xīng mìng jiā xing1 ming4 jia1 hsing ming chia |
astrologer (esp. Daoist) |
星相家 see styles |
xīng xiàng jiā xing1 xiang4 jia1 hsing hsiang chia |
astrologer |
晩出家 see styles |
wǎn chū jiā wan3 chu1 jia1 wan ch`u chia wan chu chia banshukke |
renouncing the world late in life |
書法家 书法家 see styles |
shū fǎ jiā shu1 fa3 jia1 shu fa chia |
calligrapher |
書畫家 书画家 see styles |
shū huà jiā shu1 hua4 jia1 shu hua chia |
calligrapher and painter |
書道家 see styles |
shodouka / shodoka しょどうか |
(See 書家・しょか) calligrapher |
曽家峠 see styles |
zoketouge / zoketoge ぞけとうげ |
(personal name) Zoketōge |
月の家 see styles |
tsukinoya つきのや |
(surname) Tsukinoya |
有家川 see styles |
ukegawa うけがわ |
(surname) Ukegawa |
有家町 see styles |
ariechou / ariecho ありえちょう |
(place-name) Ariechō |
木久家 see styles |
kikuya きくや |
(surname) Kikuya |
木家下 see styles |
kokage こかげ |
(surname) Kokage |
本在家 see styles |
honzaike ほんざいけ |
(place-name) Honzaike |
本家平 see styles |
omoyadahira おもやだひら |
(place-name) Omoyadahira |
本有家 see styles |
běn yǒu jiā ben3 you3 jia1 pen yu chia hon'u ke |
A division of the Dharmalakṣana school 法相宗. |
村上家 see styles |
murakamike むらかみけ |
(place-name) Murakamike |
東郡家 see styles |
higashikooge ひがしこおげ |
(place-name) Higashikooge |
東領家 see styles |
higashiryouke / higashiryoke ひがしりょうけ |
(place-name) Higashiryōke |
東高家 see styles |
higashitakei / higashitake ひがしたけい |
(place-name) Higashitakei |
松の家 see styles |
matsunoya まつのや |
(surname) Matsunoya |
松家公 see styles |
matsuyaisao まつやいさお |
(person) Matsuya Isao |
松廼家 see styles |
matsunoya まつのや |
(surname) Matsunoya |
松鶴家 see styles |
shokakuya しょかくや |
(surname) Shokakuya |
林家翹 林家翘 see styles |
lín jiā qiáo lin2 jia1 qiao2 lin chia ch`iao lin chia chiao |
Lin Chia-Chiao (1916-2013), Chinese-American physicist, astronomer and applied mathematician |
柔道家 see styles |
juudouka / judoka じゅうどうか |
judo practitioner; judoka |
柳在家 see styles |
yanagizaike やなぎざいけ |
(place-name) Yanagizaike |
柳貴家 see styles |
yanagiya やなぎや |
(surname) Yanagiya |
栗家山 see styles |
kurikeyama くりけやま |
(surname) Kurikeyama |
核國家 核国家 see styles |
hé guó jiā he2 guo2 jia1 ho kuo chia |
nuclear nations |
核家族 see styles |
kakukazoku かくかぞく |
nuclear family |
格闘家 see styles |
kakutouka / kakutoka かくとうか |
martial artist; fighter |
栽培家 see styles |
saibaika さいばいか |
grower; farmer |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "家" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.