There are 2491 total results for your 外 search. I have created 25 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
切り外す see styles |
kirihazusu きりはずす |
(transitive verb) to miss in attempting to kill |
力の外交 see styles |
chikaranogaikou / chikaranogaiko ちからのがいこう |
power diplomacy |
化外の地 see styles |
kegainochi けがいのち |
(exp,n) (hist) (See 化外) lands outside (Chinese) civilization |
北外川原 see styles |
kitasodekawara きたそでかわら |
(place-name) Kitasodekawara |
十日外面 see styles |
tookadomo とおかども |
(place-name) Tookadomo |
千里之外 see styles |
qiān lǐ zhī wài qian1 li3 zhi1 wai4 ch`ien li chih wai chien li chih wai |
thousand miles distant |
南外ダム see styles |
nangaidamu なんがいダム |
(place-name) Nangai Dam |
南外川原 see styles |
minamisodekawara みなみそでかわら |
(place-name) Minamisodekawara |
南陽外史 see styles |
nanyougaishi / nanyogaishi なんようがいし |
(given name) Nan'yougaishi |
取り外し see styles |
torihazushi とりはずし |
removal; dismantling; detaching |
取り外す see styles |
torihazusu とりはずす |
(transitive verb) to dismantle; to demount; to take something away; to detach |
口力外道 see styles |
kǒu lì wài dào kou3 li4 wai4 dao4 k`ou li wai tao kou li wai tao kuriki gedō |
One of the eleven heretical sects of India. which is said to have compared the mouth to the great void out of which all things were produced. The great void produced the four elements, these produced herbs, and these in turn all the living; or more in detail the void produced wind, wind fire, fire warmth, warmth water, water congealed and formed earth which produced herbs, herbs cereals and life, hence life is food; ultimately all returns to the void, which is nirvana. |
口腔外科 see styles |
koukuugeka; koukougeka / kokugeka; kokogeka こうくうげか; こうこうげか |
dental surgery; oral surgery |
古今中外 see styles |
gǔ jīn zhōng wài gu3 jin1 zhong1 wai4 ku chin chung wai |
at all times and in all places (idiom) |
古山界外 see styles |
furuyamakaige ふるやまかいげ |
(place-name) Furuyamakaige |
吃裡爬外 吃里爬外 see styles |
chī lǐ pá wài chi1 li3 pa2 wai4 ch`ih li p`a wai chih li pa wai |
to work against the interests of sb one derives support from; to double-cross one's employer; to bite the hand that feeds you |
同期外れ see styles |
doukihazure / dokihazure どうきはずれ |
synchronisation loss (in digital communications); synchronization loss |
善隣外交 see styles |
zenringaikou / zenringaiko ぜんりんがいこう |
(yoji) good-neighbor diplomacy; a good-neighbor policy |
喜出望外 see styles |
xǐ chū wàng wài xi3 chu1 wang4 wai4 hsi ch`u wang wai hsi chu wang wai |
to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom); overjoyed at the turn of events |
国外脱出 see styles |
kokugaidasshutsu こくがいだっしゅつ |
(noun/participle) fleeing abroad |
国外追放 see styles |
kokugaitsuihou / kokugaitsuiho こくがいついほう |
deportation; expulsion from the country |
国外退去 see styles |
kokugaitaikyo こくがいたいきょ |
deportation |
国外逃亡 see styles |
kokugaitoubou / kokugaitobo こくがいとうぼう |
(noun/participle) fleeing the country |
国外駐在 see styles |
kokugaichuuzai / kokugaichuzai こくがいちゅうざい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) overseas posting; expatriate (employee); expat |
國外市場 国外市场 see styles |
guó wài shì chǎng guo2 wai4 shi4 chang3 kuo wai shih ch`ang kuo wai shih chang |
foreign market |
國際外交 国际外交 see styles |
guó jì wài jiāo guo2 ji4 wai4 jiao1 kuo chi wai chiao |
foreign policy |
在外公館 see styles |
zaigaikoukan / zaigaikokan ざいがいこうかん |
diplomatic mission; overseas diplomatic establishment |
在外投票 see styles |
zaigaitouhyou / zaigaitohyo ざいがいとうひょう |
overseas ballot |
在外資産 see styles |
zaigaishisan ざいがいしさん |
foreign assets |
在外邦人 see styles |
zaigaihoujin / zaigaihojin ざいがいほうじん |
Japanese nationals resident abroad; overseas Japanese |
坂の外夜 see styles |
bannotoyo ばんのとよ |
(person) Banno Toyo |
垣外俣谷 see styles |
kaitomatadani かいとまただに |
(place-name) Kaitomatadani |
域外適用 see styles |
ikigaitekiyou / ikigaitekiyo いきがいてきよう |
extraterritorial application (e.g. of a law); extraterritoriality |
堤外新田 see styles |
teigaishinden / tegaishinden ていがいしんでん |
(place-name) Teigaishinden |
場外乱闘 see styles |
jougairantou / jogairanto じょうがいらんとう |
(1) {sports} brawl outside the stadium; fighting outside ring (wrestling); ring-side battle; (2) (idiom) verbal fight via the media |
場外取引 see styles |
jougaitorihiki; bagaitorihiki / jogaitorihiki; bagaitorihiki じょうがいとりひき; ばがいとりひき |
over-the-counter trading; OTC trading; off-floor trading |
場外市場 see styles |
jougaishijou; bagaishijou / jogaishijo; bagaishijo じょうがいしじょう; ばがいしじょう |
(1) {finc} over-the-counter market; OTC market; (2) retail market next to a wholesale market; outer market |
場外應急 场外应急 see styles |
chǎng wài yìng jí chang3 wai4 ying4 ji2 ch`ang wai ying chi chang wai ying chi |
general emergency (or "off-site emergency") (nuclear facility emergency classification) |
場外馬券 see styles |
jougaibaken / jogaibaken じょうがいばけん |
off-track betting |
塗灰外道 涂灰外道 see styles |
tú huī wài dào tu2 hui1 wai4 dao4 t`u hui wai tao tu hui wai tao zuke gedō |
Pāṃśupatas, perhaps Pāsupatas, followers of Śiva, Śaiva ascetics; a class of heretics who smeared themselves with ashes. |
塞外民族 see styles |
sāi wài mín zú sai1 wai4 min2 zu2 sai wai min tsu saige minzoku |
Turkic tribes |
塵中格外 尘中格外 see styles |
chén zhōng gé wài chen2 zhong1 ge2 wai4 ch`en chung ko wai chen chung ko wai jinchū kakugai |
mundane and transmundane |
変な外人 see styles |
hennagaijin へんながいじん |
(slang) weird foreigner |
多種外道 多种外道 see styles |
duō zhǒng wài dào duo1 zhong3 wai4 dao4 to chung wai tao tashu gedō |
many kinds of non-Buddhist beliefs (or believers) |
大垣外向 see styles |
oogaitomukou / oogaitomuko おおがいとむこう |
(place-name) Oogaitomukou |
大外川沢 see styles |
oosotogawasawa おおそとがわさわ |
(place-name) Oosotogawasawa |
大外羽駅 see styles |
ootobaeki おおとばえき |
(st) Ootoba Station |
大森垣外 see styles |
oomorigaito おおもりがいと |
(place-name) Oomorigaito |
大気圏外 see styles |
taikikengai たいきけんがい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) outside Earth's atmosphere; outer space; exoatmosphere; exo-atmosphere |
大界外相 see styles |
dà jiè wài xiàng da4 jie4 wai4 xiang4 ta chieh wai hsiang daikai gesō |
Four characters often placed on the boundary stones of monasterial grounds. |
天外伺朗 see styles |
tengeshirou / tengeshiro てんげしろう |
(person) Tenge Shirou |
天外來客 天外来客 see styles |
tiān wài lái kè tian1 wai4 lai2 ke4 t`ien wai lai k`o tien wai lai ko |
visitors from outer space |
天魔外道 see styles |
tiān mó wài dào tian1 mo2 wai4 dao4 t`ien mo wai tao tien mo wai tao tenma gedō |
Māras and heretics— both enemies of Buddha-truth. |
太陽系外 see styles |
taiyoukeigai / taiyokegai たいようけいがい |
(adj-no,n) {astron} extrasolar; trans-Neptunian; outside the solar system |
奇想天外 see styles |
kisoutengai / kisotengai きそうてんがい |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) fantastic; bizarre; incredible; unbelievable |
女生外向 see styles |
nǚ shēng wài xiàng nu:3 sheng1 wai4 xiang4 nü sheng wai hsiang |
a woman is born to leave her family (idiom); a woman's heart is with her husband |
婚外交渉 see styles |
kongaikoushou / kongaikosho こんがいこうしょう |
extramarital sex |
婚外性交 see styles |
kongaiseikou / kongaiseko こんがいせいこう |
adultery; extra-marital intercourse |
季節外れ see styles |
kisetsuhazure きせつはずれ |
(n,adj-na,adj-no) unseasonable; out of season |
宮武外骨 see styles |
miyatakegaikotsu みやたけがいこつ |
(person) Miyatake Gaikotsu (1867.2.22-1955.7.28) |
宿作外道 see styles |
sù zuò wài dào su4 zuo4 wai4 dao4 su tso wai tao shukusa gedō |
One of the ascetic sects who sought release from penalties for the deeds of a former life by severe austerities now. |
寂默外道 see styles |
jí mò wài dào ji2 mo4 wai4 dao4 chi mo wai tao jakumoku gedō |
Ascetics vowed to silence who dwell among tombs or in solitude. |
対外取引 see styles |
taigaitorihiki たいがいとりひき |
overseas transactions; foreign transactions |
対外投資 see styles |
taigaitoushi / taigaitoshi たいがいとうし |
foreign investment |
対外援助 see styles |
taigaienjo たいがいえんじょ |
foreign aid; international aid |
対外政策 see styles |
taigaiseisaku / taigaisesaku たいがいせいさく |
foreign policy |
対外関係 see styles |
taigaikankei / taigaikanke たいがいかんけい |
foreign relations; international relations; external relations; diplomacy |
専門外来 see styles |
senmongairai せんもんがいらい |
specialist outpatient department |
對外政策 对外政策 see styles |
duì wài zhèng cè dui4 wai4 zheng4 ce4 tui wai cheng ts`e tui wai cheng tse |
foreign policy |
對外貿易 对外贸易 see styles |
duì wài mào yì dui4 wai4 mao4 yi4 tui wai mao i |
foreign trade |
對外關係 对外关系 see styles |
duì wài guān xì dui4 wai4 guan1 xi4 tui wai kuan hsi |
foreign relations |
小乘外道 see styles |
xiǎo shèng wài dào xiao3 sheng4 wai4 dao4 hsiao sheng wai tao shōjō gedō |
Hīnayāna and the heretical sects; also, Hīnayāna is a heretical sect. |
小外川沢 see styles |
kosotogawazawa こそとがわざわ |
(place-name) Kosotogawazawa |
小麦外皮 see styles |
komugigaihi こむぎがいひ |
wheat bran |
尾崎英外 see styles |
ozakihideto おざきひでと |
(person) Ozaki Hideto |
局外中立 see styles |
jú wài zhōng lì ju2 wai4 zhong1 li4 chü wai chung li kyokugaichuuritsu / kyokugaichuritsu きょくがいちゅうりつ |
neutralism (yoji) neutrality |
屋外広告 see styles |
okugaikoukoku / okugaikokoku おくがいこうこく |
outdoor advertisements |
屋外撮影 see styles |
okugaisatsuei / okugaisatsue おくがいさつえい |
outdoor photography; outdoor filming |
山内入外 see styles |
yamauchiirisoto / yamauchirisoto やまうちいりそと |
(place-name) Yamauchiirisoto |
山家山外 see styles |
shān jiā shān wài shan1 jia1 shan1 wai4 shan chia shan wai sange sangai |
on the mountain and off the mountain |
山岸外史 see styles |
yamagishigaishi やまぎしがいし |
(person) Yamagishi Gaishi |
島原外港 see styles |
shimabaragaikou / shimabaragaiko しまばらがいこう |
(personal name) Shimabaragaikou |
崇洋媚外 see styles |
chóng yáng mèi wài chong2 yang2 mei4 wai4 ch`ung yang mei wai chung yang mei wai |
to revere everything foreign and pander to overseas powers (idiom); blind worship of foreign goods and ideas |
川崎杜外 see styles |
kawasakitogai かわさきとがい |
(person) Kawasaki Togai |
市外局番 see styles |
shigaikyokuban しがいきょくばん |
(telephone) area code |
市外通話 see styles |
shigaitsuuwa / shigaitsuwa しがいつうわ |
toll call |
市外電話 see styles |
shigaidenwa しがいでんわ |
long-distance call |
席を外す see styles |
sekiohazusu せきをはずす |
(exp,v5s) to leave one's seat; to temporarily excuse oneself (from a meeting, etc.); to step outside; to be away (from one's desk, etc.) |
常見外道 常见外道 see styles |
cháng jiàn wài dào chang2 jian4 wai4 dao4 ch`ang chien wai tao chang chien wai tao jōken gedō |
non-Buddhists holding eternalistic views |
常識外れ see styles |
joushikihazure / joshikihazure じょうしきはずれ |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) unconventional; eccentric; offbeat; aberrant; outlandish; crazy |
平岩外四 see styles |
hiraiwagaishi ひらいわがいし |
(person) Hiraiwa Gaishi (1914.8-) |
広報外交 see styles |
kouhougaikou / kohogaiko こうほうがいこう |
public diplomacy |
座を外す see styles |
zaohazusu ざをはずす |
(exp,v5s) to withdraw from someone's presence; to leave the room |
弦外之意 see styles |
xián wài zhī yì xian2 wai4 zhi1 yi4 hsien wai chih i |
see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1] |
弦外之音 see styles |
xián wài zhī yīn xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1 hsien wai chih yin |
overtone (music); (fig.) connotation; implied meaning |
弦外之響 弦外之响 see styles |
xián wài zhī xiǎng xian2 wai4 zhi1 xiang3 hsien wai chih hsiang |
see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1] |
弱腰外交 see styles |
yowagoshigaikou / yowagoshigaiko よわごしがいこう |
weak foreign policy; weak-kneed diplomacy |
当て外れ see styles |
atehazure あてはずれ |
(noun or adjectival noun) disappointment |
形成外科 see styles |
keiseigeka / kesegeka けいせいげか |
plastic surgery; reconstructive surgery; cosmetic surgery |
從裡到外 从里到外 see styles |
cóng lǐ dào wài cong2 li3 dao4 wai4 ts`ung li tao wai tsung li tao wai |
from the inside to the outside; through and through; thoroughly |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "外" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.