There are 2273 total results for your 六 search. I have created 23 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
加藤六月 see styles |
katoumutsuki / katomutsuki かとうむつき |
(person) Katou Mutsuki (1926.6-) |
北六呂師 see styles |
kitaroku きたろく |
(place-name) Kitaroku |
北六条東 see styles |
kitarokujouhigashi / kitarokujohigashi きたろくじょうひがし |
(place-name) Kitarokujōhigashi |
北六条西 see styles |
kitarokujounishi / kitarokujonishi きたろくじょうにし |
(place-name) Kitarokujōnishi |
北六甲台 see styles |
kitarokkoudai / kitarokkodai きたろっこうだい |
(place-name) Kitarokkoudai |
北山六郎 see styles |
kitayamarokurou / kitayamarokuro きたやまろくろう |
(person) Kitayama Rokurou (1922.8-) |
北甚六原 see styles |
kitajinrokuhara きたじんろくはら |
(place-name) Kitajinrokuhara |
北郷六条 see styles |
kitagourokujou / kitagorokujo きたごうろくじょう |
(place-name) Kitagourokujō |
北野六条 see styles |
kitanorokujou / kitanorokujo きたのろくじょう |
(place-name) Kitanorokujō |
十六万坪 see styles |
juurokumantsubo / jurokumantsubo じゅうろくまんつぼ |
(place-name) Jūrokumantsubo |
十六位元 see styles |
shí liù wèi yuán shi2 liu4 wei4 yuan2 shih liu wei yüan |
16-bit (computing) |
十六善神 see styles |
shí liù shàn shén shi2 liu4 shan4 shen2 shih liu shan shen jūrokuzenshin |
Two lists are given, one of sixteen 大將 mahārājas; another of sixteen 善神 good spirits or gods; all of them are guardians of the good and enemies of evil. |
十六國王 十六国王 see styles |
shí liù guó wáng shi2 liu4 guo2 wang2 shih liu kuo wang jūroku kokuō |
十六大國 The sixteen ancient kingdoms of India whose kings are addressed in the 仁王經 2; i.e. Vaiśālī, Kośala, Śrāvastī, Magadha, Bārāṇasi, Kapilavastu, Kuśinagara, Kauśāmbī, Pañcāla, Pāṭaliputra, Mathurā, Uṣa (Uśīra), Puṇyavardhana, Devāvatāra, Kāśī, and Campā. |
十六大力 see styles |
shí liù dà lì shi2 liu4 da4 li4 shih liu ta li jūroku dairiki |
The sixteen great powers obtainable by a bodhisattva, i.e. of will, mind, action, shame (to do evil), energy, firmness, wisdom, virtue, reasoning, personal appearance, physical powers, wealth, spirit, magic, spreading the truth, subduing demons. |
十六大國 十六大国 see styles |
shí liù dà guó shi2 liu4 da4 guo2 shih liu ta kuo jūroku daikoku |
sixteen major states |
十六大士 see styles |
shí liù dà shì shi2 liu4 da4 shi4 shih liu ta shih jūroku daishi |
sixteen bodhisattvas |
十六大天 see styles |
shí liù dà tiān shi2 liu4 da4 tian1 shih liu ta t`ien shih liu ta tien jūroku daiten |
sixteen celestials |
十六字訣 十六字诀 see styles |
shí liù zì jué shi2 liu4 zi4 jue2 shih liu tzu chüeh |
16-character formula, esp. Mao Zedong's mantra on guerrilla warfare: 敵進我退,敵駐我擾,敵疲我打,敵退我追|敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追[di2 jin4 wo3 tui4 , di2 zhu4 wo3 rao3 , di2 pi2 wo3 da3 , di2 tui4 wo3 zhui1] when the enemy advances we retreat; when the enemy makes camp we harass; when the enemy is exhausted we fight; and when the enemy retreats we pursue |
十六島湾 see styles |
uppuruiwan うっぷるいわん |
(personal name) Uppuruiwan |
十六島町 see styles |
utsupuruichou / utsupuruicho うつぷるいちょう |
(place-name) Utsupuruichō |
十六島鼻 see styles |
uppuruibana うっぷるいばな |
(personal name) Uppuruibana |
十六心行 see styles |
shí liù xīn xíng shi2 liu4 xin1 xing2 shih liu hsin hsing jūroku shingyō |
sixteen practices |
十六想觀 十六想观 see styles |
shí liù xiǎng guān shi2 liu4 xiang3 guan1 shih liu hsiang kuan jūroku sōkan |
idem 十六觀. |
十六所山 see styles |
juurokusenyama / jurokusenyama じゅうろくせんやま |
(place-name) Jūrokusenyama |
十六日町 see styles |
juurokunichimachi / jurokunichimachi じゅうろくにちまち |
(place-name) Jūrokunichimachi |
十六曲坂 see styles |
juurokumagarizaka / jurokumagarizaka じゅうろくまがりざか |
(place-name) Jūrokumagarizaka |
十六曲峠 see styles |
juurokumagaritouge / jurokumagaritoge じゅうろくまがりとうげ |
(place-name) Jūrokumagaritōge |
十六正士 see styles |
shí liù zhèng shì shi2 liu4 zheng4 shi4 shih liu cheng shih jūroku shōji |
sixteen bodhisattvas |
十六沙彌 十六沙弥 see styles |
shí liù shā mí shi2 liu4 sha1 mi2 shih liu sha mi jūroku shami |
sixteen śrāmaneras |
十六烷值 see styles |
shí liù wán zhí shi2 liu4 wan2 zhi2 shih liu wan chih |
cetane number (quality of light diesel fuel, measured by its ignition delay) |
十六特勝 十六特胜 see styles |
shí liù tè shèng shi2 liu4 te4 sheng4 shih liu t`e sheng shih liu te sheng jūroku dokushō |
sixteen superior [forms of meditation] |
十六王子 see styles |
shí liù wáng zǐ shi2 liu4 wang2 zi3 shih liu wang tzu jūroku ōji |
(十六王子佛); 十六沙彌 The sixteen princes in the Lotus Sūtra who became Buddhas after hearing their father preach it. |
十六知見 十六知见 see styles |
shí liù zhī jiàn shi2 liu4 zhi1 jian4 shih liu chih chien jūroku chiken |
十六神我 The sixteen heretical views on me and mine, i.e. the ego in self and others, determinism or fate, immortality, etc.; v. 智度論 25. |
十六神我 see styles |
shí liù shén wǒ shi2 liu4 shen2 wo3 shih liu shen wo jūroku jinga |
sixteen views (of self and self-objects) |
十六羅漢 十六罗汉 see styles |
shí liù luó hàn shi2 liu4 luo2 han4 shih liu lo han juurokurakan / jurokurakan じゅうろくらかん |
{Buddh} the sixteen arhats; (personal name) Jūrokurakan sixteen arhats |
十六聖行 十六圣行 see styles |
shí liù shèng xíng shi2 liu4 sheng4 xing2 shih liu sheng hsing jūroku shōgyō |
sixteen holy functions |
十六菩薩 十六菩萨 see styles |
shí liù pú sà shi2 liu4 pu2 sa4 shih liu p`u sa shih liu pu sa jūroku bosatsu |
十六大士 (or 十六正士) The sixteen bodhisattvas; there are two groups, one of the 顯教 exoteric, one of the 密教 esoteric cults; the exoteric list is indefinite; the esoteric has two lists, one is of four bodhisattvas to each of the Buddhas of the four quarters of the Diamond Realm; the other is of the sixteen who represent the body of bodhisattvas in a 賢 kalpa, such as the present: E. 彌勒, 不空, 除憂, 除惡; S. 香象, 大精進, 虛 空藏智幢; W. 無量光, 賢護, 網明, 月光; N. 無量意 (文殊), 辨積, 金剛藏普賢. |
十六行相 see styles |
shí liù xíng xiàng shi2 liu4 xing2 xiang4 shih liu hsing hsiang jūroku gyōsō |
sixteen defining activities [of the noble truths] |
十六行觀 十六行观 see styles |
shí liù xíng guān shi2 liu4 xing2 guan1 shih liu hsing kuan jūroku gyōkan |
sixteen observances of practice |
十六諦觀 十六谛观 see styles |
shí liù dì guān shi2 liu4 di4 guan1 shih liu ti kuan jūroku taikan |
sixteen meditations on the truths |
十六資具 十六资具 see styles |
shí liù zī jù shi2 liu4 zi1 ju4 shih liu tzu chü jūroku shigu |
Sixteen necessaries of a strict observer of ascetic rules, ranging from garments made of rags collected from the dust heap to sleeping among graves. |
十六進制 十六进制 see styles |
shí liù jìn zhì shi2 liu4 jin4 zhi4 shih liu chin chih |
hexadecimal |
十六進法 see styles |
juurokushinhou / jurokushinho じゅうろくしんほう |
(computer terminology) hexadecimal; hexadecimal notation |
十十六木 see styles |
todoroki とどろき |
(personal name) Todoroki |
南六呂師 see styles |
minamirokuroshi みなみろくろし |
(place-name) Minamirokuroshi |
南六条東 see styles |
minamirokujouhigashi / minamirokujohigashi みなみろくじょうひがし |
(place-name) Minamirokujōhigashi |
南六条町 see styles |
minamirokujouchou / minamirokujocho みなみろくじょうちょう |
(place-name) Minamirokujōchō |
南六条西 see styles |
minamirokujounishi / minamirokujonishi みなみろくじょうにし |
(place-name) Minamirokujōnishi |
南六条通 see styles |
minamirokujoudoori / minamirokujodoori みなみろくじょうどおり |
(place-name) Minamirokujōdoori |
南六軒町 see styles |
minamirokkenmachi みなみろっけんまち |
(place-name) Minamirokkenmachi |
南斗六星 see styles |
nantorokusei / nantorokuse なんとろくせい |
Milk Dipper; southern dipper asterism (star pattern) within Sagittarius |
南沢六条 see styles |
minamisawarokujou / minamisawarokujo みなみさわろくじょう |
(place-name) Minamisawarokujō |
南町六条 see styles |
minamichourokujou / minamichorokujo みなみちょうろくじょう |
(place-name) Minamichōrokujō |
南都六宗 see styles |
nán dū liù zōng nan2 du1 liu4 zong1 nan tu liu tsung nantorokushuu / nantorokushu なんとろくしゅう |
six sects of Buddhism brought to Japan during the Nara period (Sanlun, Satyasiddhi, Faxiang, Abhidharmakosha, Vinaya, and Huayan) six schools of the southern capital (Nara) |
双六ダム see styles |
sugorokudamu すごろくダム |
(place-name) Sugoroku Dam |
双六南峰 see styles |
sugorokunanpou / sugorokunanpo すごろくなんぽう |
(place-name) Sugorokunanpou |
双六小屋 see styles |
sugorokugoya すごろくごや |
(place-name) Sugorokugoya |
吆五喝六 see styles |
yāo wǔ hè liù yao1 wu3 he4 liu4 yao wu ho liu |
lit. to shout out hoping for fives and sixes when gambling with dice; a hubbub of gambling |
吉岡桂六 see styles |
yoshiokakeiroku / yoshiokakeroku よしおかけいろく |
(person) Yoshioka Keiroku |
和田六軒 see styles |
wadarokken わだろっけん |
(place-name) Wadarokken |
喜六屋敷 see styles |
kirokuyashiki きろくやしき |
(place-name) Kirokuyashiki |
喜谷六花 see styles |
kitanirikka きたにりっか |
(person) Kitani Rikka |
四公六民 see styles |
shikourokumin / shikorokumin しこうろくみん |
(archaism) land-tax system during the Edo period under which the government took 40% of the year's crop and the farmers kept 60% |
四六時中 see styles |
shirokujichuu / shirokujichu しろくじちゅう |
(adv,n) (yoji) (because 4 x 6 = 24) around the clock; day and night |
地動六變 地动六变 see styles |
dì dòng liù biàn di4 dong4 liu4 bian4 ti tung liu pien chidō rokuhen |
six kinds of earthquakes |
堀六日町 see styles |
horimuikamachi ほりむいかまち |
(place-name) Horimuikamachi |
堂六神山 see styles |
dourokujinyama / dorokujinyama どうろくじんやま |
(personal name) Dōrokujin'yama |
外六番江 see styles |
sotorokubane そとろくばんえ |
(place-name) Sotorokuban'e |
外道六師 外道六师 see styles |
wài dào liù shī wai4 dao4 liu4 shi1 wai tao liu shih gedō rokushi |
six non-Buddhist teachers |
大六天山 see styles |
dairokutenzan だいろくてんざん |
(personal name) Dairokutenzan |
大門六番 see styles |
daimonrokuban だいもんろくばん |
(place-name) Daimonrokuban |
太平六条 see styles |
taiheirokujou / taiherokujo たいへいろくじょう |
(place-name) Taiheirokujō |
女人六欲 see styles |
nǚ rén liù yù nv3 ren2 liu4 yu4 nü jen liu yü nyonin rokuyoku |
The six feminine attractions; eight are given, but the sixth and eighth are considered to be included in the others: color, looks, style, carriage, talk, voice, refinement, and appearance. |
如月六日 see styles |
kisaragimutsuhi きさらぎむつひ |
(person) Kisaragi Mutsuhi |
安藤楢六 see styles |
andounararoku / andonararoku あんどうならろく |
(person) Andō Nararoku (1900.9.14-1984.1.11) |
宮地嘉六 see styles |
miyachikaroku みやちかろく |
(person) Miyachi Karoku |
富丘六条 see styles |
tomiokarokujou / tomiokarokujo とみおかろくじょう |
(place-name) Tomiokarokujō |
小六英介 see styles |
korokueisuke / korokuesuke ころくえいすけ |
(person) Koroku Eisuke |
小六郎沢 see styles |
korokurousawa / korokurosawa ころくろうさわ |
(place-name) Korokurousawa |
屯田六条 see styles |
tondenrokujou / tondenrokujo とんでんろくじょう |
(place-name) Tondenrokujō |
山口半六 see styles |
yamaguchihanroku やまぐちはんろく |
(person) Yamaguchi Hanroku |
山崎六哉 see styles |
yamazakirokuya やまざきろくや |
(person) Yamazaki Rokuya (1916.7.18-) |
山田六郎 see styles |
yamadarokurou / yamadarokuro やまだろくろう |
(person) Yamada Rokurou (1905.6.3-1983.10.27) |
岡本六史 see styles |
okamotomutsushi おかもとむつし |
(person) Okamoto Mutsushi (1939.2-) |
嶋躰六角 see styles |
shimatairokkaku しまたいろっかく |
(place-name) Shimatairokkaku |
川沿六条 see styles |
kawazoerokujou / kawazoerokujo かわぞえろくじょう |
(place-name) Kawazoerokujō |
常盤六条 see styles |
tokiwarokujou / tokiwarokujo ときわろくじょう |
(place-name) Tokiwarokujō |
平六沢川 see styles |
heirokuzawagawa / herokuzawagawa へいろくざわがわ |
(place-name) Heirokuzawagawa |
平岡六条 see styles |
hiraokarokujou / hiraokarokujo ひらおかろくじょう |
(place-name) Hiraokarokujō |
平岸六条 see styles |
hiragishirokujou / hiragishirokujo ひらぎしろくじょう |
(place-name) Hiragishirokujō |
平木二六 see styles |
hiyokiniroku ひよきにろく |
(person) Hiraki Niroku |
廿六日町 see styles |
nijuurokunichimachi / nijurokunichimachi にじゅうろくにちまち |
(place-name) Nijuurokunichimachi |
忍び六具 see styles |
shinobirokugu しのびろくぐ |
(かぎ縄, 編み笠, 石筆, 三尺手ぬぐい, 薬, 打ち竹) the six tools of the ninja |
忙忙六道 see styles |
máng máng liù dào mang2 mang2 liu4 dao4 mang mang liu tao bōbō rokudō |
Bustling about and absorbed in the six paths of transmigration. |
忠和六条 see styles |
chuuwarokujou / chuwarokujo ちゅうわろくじょう |
(place-name) Chuuwarokujō |
戸浦六宏 see styles |
tourarokkou / torarokko とうらろっこう |
(person) Toura Rokkou (1930.4.30-1993.3.25) |
拓北六条 see styles |
takuhokurokujou / takuhokurokujo たくほくろくじょう |
(place-name) Takuhokurokujō |
播磨六郎 see styles |
harimarokurou / harimarokuro はりまろくろう |
(person) Harima Rokurou (1929.11.22-1999.11.28) |
斉藤清六 see styles |
saitouseiroku / saitoseroku さいとうせいろく |
(person) Saitou Seiroku (1948.6.15-) |
新川六条 see styles |
shinkawarokujou / shinkawarokujo しんかわろくじょう |
(place-name) Shinkawarokujō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "六" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.