There are 2730 total results for your 事 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
軍事演習 军事演习 see styles |
jun shì yǎn xí jun1 shi4 yan3 xi2 chün shih yen hsi gunjienshuu / gunjienshu ぐんじえんしゅう |
military exercise; war game military exercise |
軍事独裁 see styles |
gunjidokusai ぐんじどくさい |
military dictatorship |
軍事産業 see styles |
gunjisangyou / gunjisangyo ぐんじさんぎょう |
defense contractor; defence contractor; defense industry; defence industry |
軍事科學 军事科学 see styles |
jun shì kē xué jun1 shi4 ke1 xue2 chün shih k`o hsüeh chün shih ko hsüeh |
military science |
軍事秘密 see styles |
gunjihimitsu ぐんじひみつ |
military secret |
軍事能力 see styles |
gunjinouryoku / gunjinoryoku ぐんじのうりょく |
military capability |
軍事行動 军事行动 see styles |
jun shì xíng dòng jun1 shi4 xing2 dong4 chün shih hsing tung gunjikoudou / gunjikodo ぐんじこうどう |
military operation military movements |
軍事衛星 see styles |
gunjieisei / gunjiese ぐんじえいせい |
military satellite |
軍事衝突 see styles |
gunjishoutotsu / gunjishototsu ぐんじしょうとつ |
military clash; military conflict; military confrontation |
軍事裁判 see styles |
gunjisaiban ぐんじさいばん |
court-martial |
軍事訓練 军事训练 see styles |
jun shì xùn liàn jun1 shi4 xun4 lian4 chün shih hsün lien gunjikunren ぐんじくんれん |
military exercise; army drill military exercise; drill |
軍事設施 军事设施 see styles |
jun shì shè shī jun1 shi4 she4 shi1 chün shih she shih |
military installations |
軍事警察 see styles |
gunjikeisatsu / gunjikesatsu ぐんじけいさつ |
military police |
軍事転用 see styles |
gunjitenyou / gunjitenyo ぐんじてんよう |
diversion to military use |
軍事輸送 see styles |
gunjiyusou / gunjiyuso ぐんじゆそう |
military transport |
軍事部門 军事部门 see styles |
jun shì bù mén jun1 shi4 bu4 men2 chün shih pu men |
military branch |
軍事配備 see styles |
gunjihaibi ぐんじはいび |
military deployment |
軍事顧問 see styles |
gunjikomon ぐんじこもん |
military adviser; military advisor |
軍事體育 军事体育 see styles |
jun shì tǐ yù jun1 shi4 ti3 yu4 chün shih t`i yü chün shih ti yü |
military sports; military fitness (curriculum etc); abbr. to 軍體|军体 |
軼事遺聞 轶事遗闻 see styles |
yì shì yí wén yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2 i shih i wen |
anecdote (about historical person); lost or apocryphal story |
農事活動 农事活动 see styles |
nóng shì huó dòng nong2 shi4 huo2 dong4 nung shih huo tung |
agricultural activities |
農事産業 see styles |
noujisangyou / nojisangyo のうじさんぎょう |
agri business |
迷事煩惱 迷事烦恼 see styles |
mí shì fán nǎo mi2 shi4 fan2 nao3 mi shih fan nao meiji bonnō |
afflictions derived from confusion in regard to phenomena |
逆さま事 see styles |
sakasamagoto さかさまごと |
(1) (obscure) (kana only) child dying before parents; (2) (obscure) occurrence out of sequence; wrong order |
通信事業 see styles |
tsuushinjigyou / tsushinjigyo つうしんじぎょう |
communications industry |
通州事件 see styles |
tsuushuujiken / tsushujiken つうしゅうじけん |
(hist) Tungchow Mutiny (1937); Tongzhou Incident |
通過事後 通过事后 see styles |
tōng guò shì hòu tong1 guo4 shi4 hou4 t`ung kuo shih hou tung kuo shih hou |
off-line |
造謠生事 造谣生事 see styles |
zào yáo shēng shì zao4 yao2 sheng1 shi4 tsao yao sheng shih |
to start rumours and create trouble |
連結事業 see styles |
renketsujigyou / renketsujigyo れんけつじぎょう |
consolidated operations |
連絡事項 see styles |
renrakujikou / renrakujiko れんらくじこう |
message; informative matter |
逸事遺聞 逸事遗闻 see styles |
yì shì yí wén yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2 i shih i wen |
variant of 軼事遺聞|轶事遗闻[yi4 shi4 yi2 wen2] |
逼惱苦事 逼恼苦事 see styles |
bīn ǎo kǔ shì bin1 ao3 ku3 shi4 pin ao k`u shih pin ao ku shih hikinōku ji |
to act of torment |
遇事生風 遇事生风 see styles |
yù shì shēng fēng yu4 shi4 sheng1 feng1 yü shih sheng feng |
to stir up trouble at every opportunity (idiom) |
過ぎた事 see styles |
sugitakoto すぎたこと |
(exp,n) bygones; the past; past event |
過酷事故 see styles |
kakokujiko かこくじこ |
severe accident (esp. relating to a nuclear reactor) |
道中無事 see styles |
douchuubuji / dochubuji どうちゅうぶじ |
safe journey |
道楽仕事 see styles |
dourakushigoto / dorakushigoto どうらくしごと |
work done for enjoyment (as a diversion); dilettante work |
道路事情 see styles |
dourojijou / dorojijo どうろじじょう |
road conditions |
道路工事 see styles |
dourokouji / dorokoji どうろこうじ |
road construction; roadworks; road repairs |
遭艱難事 遭艰难事 see styles |
zāo jiān nán shì zao1 jian1 nan2 shi4 tsao chien nan shih sō kannan ji |
encountering difficult situations |
部長刑事 see styles |
buchoukeiji / buchokeji ぶちょうけいじ |
detective-sergeant |
郵便事業 see styles |
yuubinjigyou / yubinjigyo ゆうびんじぎょう |
postal service; post service |
鄭重其事 郑重其事 see styles |
zhèng zhòng qí shì zheng4 zhong4 qi2 shi4 cheng chung ch`i shih cheng chung chi shih |
serious about the matter |
配管工事 see styles |
haikankouji / haikankoji はいかんこうじ |
pipe laying; plumbing |
配線工事 see styles |
haisenkouji / haisenkoji はいせんこうじ |
wiring work; wiring |
酗酒滋事 see styles |
xù jiǔ zī shì xu4 jiu3 zi1 shi4 hsü chiu tzu shih |
drunken fighting; to get drunk and quarrel |
重提舊事 重提旧事 see styles |
chóng tí jiù shì chong2 ti2 jiu4 shi4 ch`ung t`i chiu shih chung ti chiu shih |
to raise the same old topic again; to hark back |
重要事実 see styles |
juuyoujijitsu / juyojijitsu じゅうようじじつ |
{law} material fact; material information |
重要事項 see styles |
juuyoujikou / juyojiko じゅうようじこう |
important matter; matters of weight |
野良仕事 see styles |
norashigoto のらしごと |
farm work; field labour; field labor |
鉄道事故 see styles |
tetsudoujiko / tetsudojiko てつどうじこ |
railroad accident |
鉄道工事 see styles |
tetsudoukouji / tetsudokoji てつどうこうじ |
railroad construction work |
鉄骨工事 see styles |
tekkotsukouji / tekkotsukoji てっこつこうじ |
steel-frame construction work |
開発事業 see styles |
kaihatsujigyou / kaihatsujigyo かいはつじぎょう |
development (work) |
閒來無事 闲来无事 see styles |
xián lái wú shì xian2 lai2 wu2 shi4 hsien lai wu shih |
at leisure; idle; to have nothing to do |
関連事項 see styles |
kanrenjikou / kanrenjiko かんれんじこう |
related (relevant) matters; matters relevant to the subject |
関連記事 see styles |
kanrenkiji かんれんきじ |
related article; related story |
關你屁事 关你屁事 see styles |
guān nǐ pì shì guan1 ni3 pi4 shi4 kuan ni p`i shih kuan ni pi shih |
(coll.) None of your goddamn business!; Mind your own business! |
防禦工事 防御工事 see styles |
fáng yù gōng shì fang2 yu4 gong1 shi4 fang yü kung shih |
fortification; defensive structure |
降格人事 see styles |
koukakujinji / kokakujinji こうかくじんじ |
demotion |
隠居仕事 see styles |
inkyoshigoto いんきょしごと |
post-retirement job; work done by a retired person where earning an income is not a primary concern |
隣保事業 see styles |
rinpojigyou / rinpojigyo りんぽじぎょう |
(See セツルメント・1) settlement work; social work; welfare work |
雑誌記事 see styles |
zasshikiji ざっしきじ |
magazine article |
雑踏事故 see styles |
zattoujiko / zattojiko ざっとうじこ |
crowd incident (e.g. crowd crush, stampede) |
離言說事 离言说事 see styles |
lí yán shuō shì li2 yan2 shuo1 shi4 li yen shuo shih rigonsetsu ji |
an entity separated from its linguistic designation |
電気工事 see styles |
denkikouji / denkikoji でんきこうじ |
electrical work |
霧社事件 see styles |
mushajiken むしゃじけん |
(hist) Musha Incident (Taiwan; 1930); Wushe Uprising |
非常事態 see styles |
hijoujitai / hijojitai ひじょうじたい |
state of emergency |
非訟事件 see styles |
hishoujiken / hishojiken ひしょうじけん |
{law} non-contentious case |
非軍事區 非军事区 see styles |
fēi jun shì qū fei1 jun1 shi4 qu1 fei chün shih ch`ü fei chün shih chü |
demilitarized zone |
音羽珍事 see styles |
otowachinji おとわちんじ |
(place-name) Otowachinji |
音聲佛事 音声佛事 see styles |
yīn shēng fó shì yin1 sheng1 fo2 shi4 yin sheng fo shih |
Buddha's work in saving by his preaching. |
韻人韻事 韵人韵事 see styles |
yùn rén yùn shì yun4 ren2 yun4 shi4 yün jen yün shih |
a charming man enjoys charming pursuits (idiom) |
風流韻事 风流韵事 see styles |
fēng liú yùn shì feng1 liu2 yun4 shi4 feng liu yün shih fuuryuuinji / furyuinji ふうりゅういんじ |
poetic and passionate (idiom); romance; love affair (yoji) elegant appreciation of nature through artistic pursuits such as poetry, painting and calligraphy |
飛機失事 飞机失事 see styles |
fēi jī shī shì fei1 ji1 shi1 shi4 fei chi shih shih |
plane crash |
食事付き see styles |
shokujitsuki しょくじつき |
with meals |
食事制限 see styles |
shokujiseigen / shokujisegen しょくじせいげん |
dietary restriction |
食事療法 see styles |
shokujiryouhou / shokujiryoho しょくじりょうほう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) medical diet; dietary cure |
食糧事情 see styles |
shokuryoujijou / shokuryojijo しょくりょうじじょう |
food situation |
餘留事務 余留事务 see styles |
yú liú shì wù yu2 liu2 shi4 wu4 yü liu shih wu |
unfinished business |
饒益之事 see styles |
ráo yì zhī shì rao2 yi4 zhi1 shi4 jao i chih shih |
works of enrichment [of others] |
馬事公苑 see styles |
bajikouen / bajikoen ばじこうえん |
(place-name) Bajikouen |
事ある毎に see styles |
kotoarugotoni ことあるごとに |
(exp,adv) at every opportunity; for each and every thing that crops up; with every little thing; whenever possible; whenever the chance arises; at every turn |
事あれかし see styles |
kotoarekashi ことあれかし |
(expression) any time now (waiting, hoping for something to happen) |
事ができる see styles |
kotogadekiru ことができる |
(exp,v1) (kana only) can (do); to be able to (do); can be done; is able to be done |
事が出来る see styles |
kotogadekiru ことができる |
(exp,v1) (kana only) can (do); to be able to (do); can be done; is able to be done |
事と次第で see styles |
kototoshidaide こととしだいで |
(expression) if things permit; under certain circumstances |
事にすると see styles |
kotonisuruto ことにすると |
(expression) (kana only) perhaps; maybe; possibly |
事によって see styles |
kotoniyotte ことによって |
(expression) (kana only) (See 事による) via; through; by doing; by means of; using |
事によると see styles |
kotoniyoruto ことによると |
(expression) (kana only) possibly; maybe; perhaps |
事のついで see styles |
kotonotsuide ことのついで |
(expression) (kana only) take the opportunity to (do something else) |
事の起こり see styles |
kotonookori ことのおこり |
(exp,n) how it came about; how it originated; how it happened; the origins of the imbroglio |
事を分ける see styles |
kotoowakeru ことをわける |
(exp,v1) to reason with (a person) |
事を構える see styles |
kotookamaeru ことをかまえる |
(exp,v1) to take an aggressive position; to stir up trouble |
事を起こす see styles |
kotoookosu ことをおこす |
(exp,v5s) to cause trouble; to cause a disturbance |
事例研究法 see styles |
jireikenkyuuhou / jirekenkyuho じれいけんきゅうほう |
case method; case study method |
事前に必要 see styles |
jizennihitsuyou / jizennihitsuyo じぜんにひつよう |
(adjectival noun) prerequisite |
事前の同意 see styles |
jizennodoui / jizennodoi じぜんのどうい |
(exp,n) prior consent |
事前予約要 see styles |
jizenyoyakuyou / jizenyoyakuyo じぜんよやくよう |
advance reservation required |
事前従犯人 see styles |
jizenjuuhannin / jizenjuhannin じぜんじゅうはんにん |
(See 事前従犯) accessory before the fact |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "事" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.