There are 1906 total results for your 面 search. I have created 20 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
しかめっ面 see styles |
shikamettsura しかめっつら |
frown; scowl; grimace |
ふくれっ面 see styles |
fukurettsura ふくれっつら |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) sulky look; sullen look |
ビュー平面 see styles |
byuuheimen / byuhemen ビューへいめん |
{comp} view plane |
フェルミ面 see styles |
ferumimen フェルミめん |
{physics} Fermi surface |
ヘルプ画面 see styles |
herupugamen ヘルプがめん |
{comp} help screen |
ホーム画面 see styles |
hoomugamen ホームがめん |
home screen (e.g. on a smartphone) |
マイナス面 see styles |
mainasumen マイナスめん |
negative aspect; downside; disadvantage |
メンタル面 see styles |
mentarumen メンタルめん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) mental aspect; mental side |
リーマン面 see styles |
riimanmen / rimanmen リーマンめん |
{math} Riemann surface |
ロック画面 see styles |
rokkugamen ロックがめん |
lock screen (on a computer, smartphone, etc.) |
七面大菩薩 see styles |
shichimendaibosatsu しちめんだいぼさつ |
(place-name) Shichimendaibosatsu |
三面貯水池 see styles |
miomotechosuichi みおもてちょすいち |
(place-name) Miomotechosuichi |
上不了檯面 上不了台面 see styles |
shàng bù liǎo tái miàn shang4 bu4 liao3 tai2 mian4 shang pu liao t`ai mien shang pu liao tai mien |
better kept under the table (idiom); not to be disclosed; too inferior to show in public |
両面コピー see styles |
ryoumenkopii / ryomenkopi りょうめんコピー |
two-sided photocopying; double-sided copy |
両面テープ see styles |
ryoumenteepu / ryomenteepu りょうめんテープ |
double-sided tape; mounting tape |
二正面作戦 see styles |
nishoumensakusen / nishomensakusen にしょうめんさくせん |
two-front war |
仮面の告白 see styles |
kamennokokuhaku かめんのこくはく |
(work) Confessions of a Mask (1949 novel by Yukio Mishima); (wk) Confessions of a Mask (1949 novel by Yukio Mishima) |
仮面を被る see styles |
kamenokaburu かめんをかぶる |
(exp,v5r) (1) to wear a mask; (2) (idiom) to hide one's true intentions |
仮面舞踏会 see styles |
kamenbutoukai / kamenbutokai かめんぶとうかい |
masquerade ball |
仮面高血圧 see styles |
kamenkouketsuatsu / kamenkoketsuatsu かめんこうけつあつ |
{med} masked hypertension |
備中川面駅 see styles |
bicchuukawamoeki / bicchukawamoeki びっちゅうかわもえき |
(st) Bicchuukawamo Station |
光面內質網 光面内质网 see styles |
guāng miàn nèi zhì wǎng guang1 mian4 nei4 zhi4 wang3 kuang mien nei chih wang |
smooth endoplasmic reticulum |
全画面表示 see styles |
zengamenhyouji / zengamenhyoji ぜんがめんひょうじ |
{comp} (See フルスクリーン) full screen display |
全面核戦争 see styles |
zenmenkakusensou / zenmenkakusenso ぜんめんかくせんそう |
all-out nuclear war |
八疸身面黃 八疸身面黄 see styles |
bā dǎn shēn miàn huáng ba1 dan3 shen1 mian4 huang2 pa tan shen mien huang |
eight types of jaundice with yellowing of body and face (TCM) |
内面の自由 see styles |
naimennojiyuu / naimennojiyu ないめんのじゆう |
(exp,n) (See 表現の自由) freedom of thought |
前方境界面 see styles |
zenpoukyoukaimen / zenpokyokaimen ぜんぽうきょうかいめん |
{comp} front plane |
前面に出す see styles |
zenmennidasu ぜんめんにだす |
(exp,v5s) to highlight something; to bring something to the forefront |
勿来町九面 see styles |
nakosomachikokozura なこそまちここづら |
(place-name) Nakosomachikokozura |
十一面観音 see styles |
juuichimenkannon / juichimenkannon じゅういちめんかんのん |
eleven-faced Avalokiteshvara; eleven-faced Kannon; (place-name) Jūichimenkannon |
十一面觀音 十一面观音 see styles |
shí yī miàn guān yīn shi2 yi1 mian4 guan1 yin1 shih i mien kuan yin Jūichi men Kannon じゅういちめんかんのん |
(out-dated kanji) eleven-faced Avalokiteshvara; eleven-faced Kannon The eleven-faced Guanyin, especially connected with tantric performances, ekādaśamukha; there are three or more sūtras on the subject. |
双曲放物面 see styles |
soukyokuhoubutsumen / sokyokuhobutsumen そうきょくほうぶつめん |
hyperbolic paraboloid |
同一平面上 see styles |
douitsuheimenjou / doitsuhemenjo どういつへいめんじょう |
(can be adjective with の) (often 同一平面上に) coplanar; in the same plane; flush; even (with) |
向こう正面 see styles |
mukoujoumen / mukojomen むこうじょうめん |
(1) opposite the front; front seats in a theater; stalls; orchestra seats; (2) {sumo} (seat facing) south side of ring |
單葉雙曲面 单叶双曲面 see styles |
dān yè shuāng qū miàn dan1 ye4 shuang1 qu1 mian4 tan yeh shuang ch`ü mien tan yeh shuang chü mien |
hyperboloid of one sheet (math.) |
図面を引く see styles |
zumenohiku ずめんをひく |
(exp,v5k) to draw a plan |
地層切断面 see styles |
chisousetsudanmen / chisosetsudanmen ちそうせつだんめん |
(place-name) Chisousetsudanmen |
地面核爆炸 see styles |
dì miàn hé bào zhà di4 mian4 he2 bao4 zha4 ti mien ho pao cha |
surface nuclear explosion |
場面緘黙症 see styles |
bamenkanmokushou / bamenkanmokusho ばめんかんもくしょう |
selective mutism |
大地水準面 大地水准面 see styles |
dà dì shuǐ zhǔn miàn da4 di4 shui3 zhun3 mian4 ta ti shui chun mien |
geoid |
大川湖面橋 see styles |
ookawakomenkyou / ookawakomenkyo おおかわこめんきょう |
(place-name) Ookawakomenkyō |
太秦面影町 see styles |
uzumasaomokagechou / uzumasaomokagecho うずまさおもかげちょう |
(place-name) Uzumasaomokagechō |
太陽面通過 see styles |
taiyoumentsuuka / taiyomentsuka たいようめんつうか |
transit (of a planet) over the Sun |
奥三面ダム see styles |
okumiomotedamu おくみおもてダム |
(place-name) Okumiomote Dam |
安藤橡面坊 see styles |
andoutochimenbou / andotochimenbo あんどうとちめんぼう |
(personal name) Andōtochimenbou |
対流圏界面 see styles |
tairyuukenkaimen / tairyukenkaimen たいりゅうけんかいめん |
tropopause |
将基面貴巳 see styles |
shougimentakashi / shogimentakashi しょうぎめんたかし |
(person) Shougimen Takashi |
對偶多面體 对偶多面体 see styles |
duì ǒu duō miàn tǐ dui4 ou3 duo1 mian4 ti3 tui ou to mien t`i tui ou to mien ti |
dual polyhedron |
小面データ see styles |
shoumendeeta / shomendeeta しょうめんデータ |
{comp} facet data |
平均海水面 see styles |
heikinkaisuimen / hekinkaisuimen へいきんかいすいめん |
mean sea level |
平行六面体 see styles |
heikourokumentai / hekorokumentai へいこうろくめんたい |
{math} parallelepiped |
平行六面體 平行六面体 see styles |
píng xíng liù miàn tǐ ping2 xing2 liu4 mian4 ti3 p`ing hsing liu mien t`i ping hsing liu mien ti |
(math.) parallelepiped See: 平行六面体 |
平面三角法 see styles |
heimensankakuhou / hemensankakuho へいめんさんかくほう |
planar trigonometry |
平面幾何学 see styles |
heimenkikagaku / hemenkikagaku へいめんきかがく |
{math} plane geometry |
平面駐車場 see styles |
heimenchuushajou / hemenchushajo へいめんちゅうしゃじょう |
single-level parking lot; surface parking lot |
後方境界面 see styles |
kouhoukyoukaimen / kohokyokaimen こうほうきょうかいめん |
{comp} back plane |
微分断面積 see styles |
bibundanmenseki びぶんだんめんせき |
{physics} differential cross-section |
意大利直麵 意大利直面 see styles |
yì dà lì zhí miàn yi4 da4 li4 zhi2 mian4 i ta li chih mien |
spaghetti |
戦闘正面幅 see styles |
sentoushoumenhaba / sentoshomenhaba せんとうしょうめんはば |
frontage |
戸面原ダム see styles |
tozuraharadamu とづらはらダム |
(place-name) Tozurahara Dam |
採煤工作面 采煤工作面 see styles |
cǎi méi gōng zuò miàn cai3 mei2 gong1 zuo4 mian4 ts`ai mei kung tso mien tsai mei kung tso mien |
(mining) coalface |
斜面対策工 see styles |
shamentaisakukou / shamentaisakuko しゃめんたいさくこう |
slope stabilization |
曲線下面積 see styles |
kyokusenkamenseki きょくせんかめんせき |
{math} area under the curve; AUC |
月面宙返り see styles |
getsumenchuugaeri / getsumenchugaeri げつめんちゅうがえり |
{sports} (See ムーンサルト) moonsault (type of somersault) |
月面探査車 see styles |
getsumentansasha げつめんたんさしゃ |
lunar rover; Moon rover |
本来の面目 see styles |
honrainomenmoku ほんらいのめんもく |
(exp,n) {Buddh} one's true nature |
楠葉面取町 see styles |
kuzuhamendorichou / kuzuhamendoricho くずはめんどりちょう |
(place-name) Kuzuhamendorichō |
正二十面体 see styles |
seinijuumentai / senijumentai せいにじゅうめんたい |
{math} regular icosahedron |
正十二面体 see styles |
seijuunimentai / sejunimentai せいじゅうにめんたい |
{math} regular dodecahedron |
正面切って see styles |
shoumenkitte / shomenkitte しょうめんきって |
(exp,adv) openly; squarely; directly; to a person's face |
水面貯木場 see styles |
suimenchobokujou / suimenchobokujo すいめんちょぼくじょう |
(place-name) Suimenchobokujō |
河内町面木 see styles |
kawachimachiomonogi かわちまちおものぎ |
(place-name) Kawachimachiomonogi |
泣き面に蜂 see styles |
nakitsuranihachi なきつらにはち |
(exp,n) misfortunes seldom come alone; it seldom rains but it pours |
洗面化粧台 see styles |
senmenkeshoudai / senmenkeshodai せんめんけしょうだい |
washstand; basin stand |
満面の笑み see styles |
manmennoemi まんめんのえみ |
(exp,n) radiant smile; contented smile |
滑面小胞体 see styles |
katsumenshouhoutai / katsumenshohotai かつめんしょうほうたい |
{biol} smooth endoplasmic reticulum; smooth ER |
無額面株式 see styles |
mugakumenkabushiki むがくめんかぶしき |
(See 無額面株) no-par stock; no-par-value stock |
猿面海老根 see styles |
sarumenebine; sarumenebine さるめんえびね; サルメンエビネ |
(kana only) Calanthe tricarinata (species of orchid) |
獅身人面像 狮身人面像 see styles |
shī shēn rén miàn xiàng shi1 shen1 ren2 mian4 xiang4 shih shen jen mien hsiang |
sphinx |
球面三角法 see styles |
kyuumensankakuhou / kyumensankakuho きゅうめんさんかくほう |
{math} spherical trigonometry |
球面天文学 see styles |
kyuumentenmongaku / kyumentenmongaku きゅうめんてんもんがく |
spherical astronomy |
球面幾何学 see styles |
kyuumenkikagaku / kyumenkikagaku きゅうめんきかがく |
{math} spherical geometry |
田面木博公 see styles |
tamogihiromasa たもぎひろまさ |
(person) Tamogi Hiromasa (1962.5.30-) |
町野町井面 see styles |
machinomachiinomote / machinomachinomote まちのまちいのもて |
(place-name) Machinomachiinomote |
画面コピー see styles |
gamenkopii / gamenkopi がめんコピー |
{comp} (See スクリーンキャプチャ) screen capture; screen dump; screen grab |
画面サイズ see styles |
gamensaizu がめんサイズ |
{comp} screen size |
界面活性剤 see styles |
kaimenkasseizai / kaimenkassezai かいめんかっせいざい |
surfactant |
真面目腐る see styles |
majimekusaru まじめくさる |
(v5r,vi) to become extremely serious (in attitude); to look solemn; to assume a solemn air |
矢面に立つ see styles |
yaomotenitatsu やおもてにたつ |
(exp,v5t) (idiom) to be in the firing line; to bear the brunt of (an attack, criticism, etc.); to face (e.g. questioning) |
石英粗面岩 see styles |
sekieisomengan / sekiesomengan せきえいそめんがん |
(See 流紋岩) liparite |
箕面川ダム see styles |
minoogawadamu みのおがわダム |
(place-name) Minoogawa Dam |
粗面小胞体 see styles |
somenshouhoutai / somenshohotai そめんしょうほうたい |
{biol} rough endoplasmic reticulum; rough ER; granular endoplasmic reticulum |
糙面內質網 糙面内质网 see styles |
cāo miàn nèi zhì wǎng cao1 mian4 nei4 zhi4 wang3 ts`ao mien nei chih wang tsao mien nei chih wang |
rough endoplasmic reticulum |
臆面もない see styles |
okumenmonai おくめんもない |
(exp,adj-i) bold; audacious; impudent; unashamed; unabashed |
臆面もなく see styles |
okumenmonaku おくめんもなく |
(adverb) boldly; audaciously; impudently; unashamedly; unabashedly |
菱形六面體 菱形六面体 see styles |
líng xíng liù miàn tǐ ling2 xing2 liu4 mian4 ti3 ling hsing liu mien t`i ling hsing liu mien ti |
(math.) rhombohedron |
蛙の面に水 see styles |
kaerunotsuranimizu かえるのつらにみず |
(expression) like water off a duck's back; water on a frog's face |
表面活化劑 表面活化剂 see styles |
biǎo miàn huó huà jì biao3 mian4 huo2 hua4 ji4 piao mien huo hua chi |
surfactant |
表面活性剤 see styles |
hyoumenkasseizai / hyomenkassezai ひょうめんかっせいざい |
(See 界面活性剤) surface-active agent; surfactant |
表面活性劑 表面活性剂 see styles |
biǎo miàn huó xìng jì biao3 mian4 huo2 xing4 ji4 piao mien huo hsing chi |
surfactant |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "面" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.