There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
価格協定 see styles |
kakakukyoutei / kakakukyote かかくきょうてい |
price agreement; price-maintenance agreement |
価格安定 see styles |
kakakuantei / kakakuante かかくあんてい |
price stabilization; price stabilisation |
価格改定 see styles |
kakakukaitei / kakakukaite かかくかいてい |
price revision; new pricing |
価格設定 see styles |
kakakusettei / kakakusette かかくせってい |
price decision; price setting; pricing |
保定地區 保定地区 see styles |
bǎo dìng dì qū bao3 ding4 di4 qu1 pao ting ti ch`ü pao ting ti chü |
Baoding county (old name) |
個人特定 see styles |
kojintokutei / kojintokute こじんとくてい |
identifying an individual; pinpointing an individual |
値段設定 see styles |
nedansettei / nedansette ねだんせってい |
pricing; price setting |
倫理規定 see styles |
rinrikitei / rinrikite りんりきてい |
code of ethics; ethical code; ethical consideration; ethical provision; ethics regulation; honor (honour) code |
假否定句 see styles |
jiǎ fǒu dìng jù jia3 fou3 ding4 ju4 chia fou ting chü |
false negative |
假肯定句 see styles |
jiǎ kěn dìng jù jia3 ken3 ding4 ju4 chia k`en ting chü chia ken ting chü |
false affirmative |
停戦協定 see styles |
teisenkyoutei / tesenkyote ていせんきょうてい |
cease-fire deal |
傳輸協定 传输协定 see styles |
chuán shū xié dìng chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4 ch`uan shu hsieh ting chuan shu hsieh ting |
transfer protocol; transportation protocol |
債権勘定 see styles |
saikenkanjou / saikenkanjo さいけんかんじょう |
accounts receivable |
優決定系 see styles |
yuuketteikei / yuketteke ゆうけっていけい |
{math} (ant: 劣決定系) overdetermined |
元永定正 see styles |
motonagasadamasa もとながさだまさ |
(person) Motonaga Sadamasa (1922.11.26-) |
入力設定 see styles |
nyuuryokusettei / nyuryokusette にゅうりょくせってい |
input settings; input configuration |
入正定聚 see styles |
rù zhèng dìng jù ru4 zheng4 ding4 ju4 ju cheng ting chü nyū shōjō shu |
to join the correctly determined group |
入滅盡定 入灭尽定 see styles |
rù miè jìn dìng ru4 mie4 jin4 ding4 ju mieh chin ting nyū metsujin jō |
entering into the concentration of total extinction [of mental activity] |
入無想定 入无想定 see styles |
rù wú xiǎng dìng ru4 wu2 xiang3 ding4 ju wu hsiang ting nyū musōjō |
entering the no-thought concentration |
入無色定 入无色定 see styles |
rù wú sè dìng ru4 wu2 se4 ding4 ju wu se ting nyū mushiki jō |
enter into the formless concentration |
全面否定 see styles |
zenmenhitei / zenmenhite ぜんめんひてい |
(noun/participle) total denial; complete denial; denying totally (flatly, outright) |
公定価格 see styles |
kouteikakaku / kotekakaku こうていかかく |
official price; government-imposed price limit |
公定地価 see styles |
kouteichika / kotechika こうていちか |
assessed value of land |
公定歩合 see styles |
kouteibuai / kotebuai こうていぶあい |
official discount (bank) rate |
公定相場 see styles |
kouteisouba / kotesoba こうていそうば |
ceiling price; official quotation |
六不定過 六不定过 see styles |
liù bù dìng guò liu4 bu4 ding4 guo4 liu pu ting kuo roku furyō ka |
six fallacies of inconclusiveness in the reason |
六種決定 六种决定 see styles |
liù zhǒng jué dìng liu4 zhong3 jue2 ding4 liu chung chüeh ting roku shu ketsujō |
The six kinds of certainty resulting from observance of the six pāramitās: 財成決定 the certainty of wealth; 生勝決定 of rebirth in honorable families; 不退決定 of no retrogression (to lower conditions); 修習決定 of progress in practice; 定業決定 of unfailingly good karma; 無功用決定 of effortless abode in truth and wisdom. 大乘莊嚴論 12. |
六角定頼 see styles |
rokkakusadayori ろっかくさだより |
(person) Rokkaku Sadayori |
共不定因 see styles |
gòng bù dìng yīn gong4 bu4 ding4 yin1 kung pu ting yin gū fujō in |
a reason that is uncertain due to its sharing in both positive and negative examples |
共不定過 共不定过 see styles |
gòng bù dìng guō gong4 bu4 ding4 guo1 kung pu ting kuo gū fujō ka |
fallacy of the reason being shared by both positive and negative examples |
兵隊勘定 see styles |
heitaikanjou / hetaikanjo へいたいかんじょう |
(yoji) Dutch treat; going Dutch |
内田定槌 see styles |
uchidasadatsuchi うちださだつち |
(person) Uchida Sadatsuchi |
写真判定 see styles |
shashinhantei / shashinhante しゃしんはんてい |
(noun/participle) deciding the winner from a photo |
分光測定 see styles |
bunkousokutei / bunkosokute ぶんこうそくてい |
spectrometry; spectroscopy |
初期設定 see styles |
shokisettei / shokisette しょきせってい |
(1) default settings; initial settings; initial configuration; (noun/participle) (2) initialization; initialisation |
判定会議 see styles |
hanteikaigi / hantekaigi はんていかいぎ |
adjudication committee meeting; decision conference |
判定勝ち see styles |
hanteigachi / hantegachi はんていがち |
{sports} winning by decision (in combat sports); winning on points |
判定基準 see styles |
hanteikijun / hantekijun はんていきじゅん |
{comp} criterion |
判定負け see styles |
hanteimake / hantemake はんていまけ |
{sports} losing by decision (in combat sports); losing on points |
前田利定 see styles |
maedatoshisada まえだとしさだ |
(person) Maeda Toshisada (1874.12.10-1944.10.2) |
前野定弘 see styles |
maenosadahiro まえのさだひろ |
(person) Maeno Sadahiro (1941-) |
剩餘定理 剩余定理 see styles |
shèng yú dìng lǐ sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3 sheng yü ting li |
the Remainder Theorem |
割前勘定 see styles |
warimaekanjou / warimaekanjo わりまえかんじょう |
(yoji) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat |
加法定理 see styles |
kahouteiri / kahoteri かほうていり |
{math} trigonometric addition formulas |
加藤定子 see styles |
katousadako / katosadako かとうさだこ |
(person) Katou Sadako |
加藤定彦 see styles |
katousadahiko / katosadahiko かとうさだひこ |
(person) Katou Sadahiko |
劣決定系 see styles |
retsuketteikei / retsuketteke れつけっていけい |
{math} (ant: 優決定系) underdetermined system |
労使協定 see styles |
roushikyoutei / roshikyote ろうしきょうてい |
labour-management agreement (labor) |
動作指定 see styles |
dousashitei / dosashite どうさしてい |
{comp} action entry |
勘定ずく see styles |
kanjouzuku / kanjozuku かんじょうずく |
(noun or adjectival noun) calculating, profit-or-loss mentality |
勘定づく see styles |
kanjouzuku / kanjozuku かんじょうづく |
(noun or adjectival noun) calculating, profit-or-loss mentality |
勘定取り see styles |
kanjoutori / kanjotori かんじょうとり |
bill collector |
勘定奉行 see styles |
kanjoubugyou / kanjobugyo かんじょうぶぎょう |
(1) (hist) chief financial official (Edo period); commissioner of finance; chief treasurer; paymaster; (2) (hist) chief accountant in a daimyo's service (Muromachi period) |
勘定尽く see styles |
kanjouzuku / kanjozuku かんじょうづく |
(noun or adjectival noun) calculating, profit-or-loss mentality |
勘定書き see styles |
kanjougaki / kanjogaki かんじょうがき |
bill; one's account |
勘定照合 see styles |
kanjoushougou / kanjoshogo かんじょうしょうごう |
{finc} reconciliation (in accounting) |
勘定科目 see styles |
kanjoukamoku / kanjokamoku かんじょうかもく |
{bus} account name; account title |
勘定谷戸 see styles |
kanjougaido / kanjogaido かんじょうがいど |
(place-name) Kanjōgaido |
勘定違い see styles |
kanjouchigai / kanjochigai かんじょうちがい |
miscalculation |
勘定高い see styles |
kanjoudakai / kanjodakai かんじょうだかい |
(adjective) calculating; mercenary; closefisted |
勤務評定 see styles |
kinmuhyoutei / kinmuhyote きんむひょうてい |
(work) performance evaluation; performance review; efficiency rating |
勾股定理 see styles |
gōu gǔ dìng lǐ gou1 gu3 ding4 li3 kou ku ting li |
Pythagorean theorem |
十遍處定 十遍处定 see styles |
shí biàn chù dìng shi2 bian4 chu4 ding4 shih pien ch`u ting shih pien chu ting juppensho jō |
ten universals |
卒業検定 see styles |
sotsugyoukentei / sotsugyokente そつぎょうけんてい |
driving school qualifying test (can lead to waiver of a formal test) |
協定憲法 see styles |
kyouteikenpou / kyotekenpo きょうていけんぽう |
agreed constitution (e.g. French Constitution of 1830) |
反復測定 see styles |
hanpukusokutei / hanpukusokute はんぷくそくてい |
repeated measure |
反響定位 see styles |
hankyouteii / hankyote はんきょうていい |
(See エコロケーション) echolocation |
収容定員 see styles |
shuuyouteiin / shuyoten しゅうようていいん |
admission capacity |
受取勘定 see styles |
uketorikanjou / uketorikanjo うけとりかんじょう |
accounts receivable |
吉田定房 see styles |
yoshidasadafusa よしださだふさ |
(person) Yoshida Sadafusa |
否定命題 see styles |
hiteimeidai / hitemedai ひていめいだい |
(See 肯定命題) negative proposition |
否定回路 see styles |
hiteikairo / hitekairo ひていかいろ |
{comp} NOT circuit |
否定応答 see styles |
hiteioutou / hiteoto ひていおうとう |
negative acknowledge; NAK |
否定神学 see styles |
hiteishingaku / hiteshingaku ひていしんがく |
negative theology |
否定素子 see styles |
hiteisoshi / hitesoshi ひていそし |
{comp} NOT gate; NOT element |
命中註定 命中注定 see styles |
mìng zhōng zhù dìng ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4 ming chung chu ting |
decreed by fate (idiom); destined; fated |
和平協定 see styles |
waheikyoutei / wahekyote わへいきょうてい |
peace agreement; peace accord |
咬定牙根 see styles |
yǎo dìng - yá gēn yao3 ding4 - ya2 gen1 yao ting - ya ken |
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3jin3-ya2guan1] |
咬定牙關 咬定牙关 see styles |
yǎo dìng - yá guān yao3 ding4 - ya2 guan1 yao ting - ya kuan |
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3jin3-ya2guan1] |
問題定義 see styles |
mondaiteigi / mondaitegi もんだいていぎ |
{comp} problem definition; problem description |
善決定心 善决定心 see styles |
shàn jué dìng xīn shan4 jue2 ding4 xin1 shan chüeh ting hsin zen ketsujō shin |
attitude of wholesome determination |
善決定願 善决定愿 see styles |
shàn jué dìng yuàn shan4 jue2 ding4 yuan4 shan chüeh ting yüan zen ketsujō gan |
vow for skillful determination |
單方決定 单方决定 see styles |
dān fāng jué dìng dan1 fang1 jue2 ding4 tan fang chüeh ting |
to decide without reference to other parties involved; unilateral decision |
四不定法 see styles |
sì bù dìng fǎ si4 bu4 ding4 fa3 ssu pu ting fa shi fujōhō |
four indeterminate mental factors |
四無色定 四无色定 see styles |
sì wú sè dìng si4 wu2 se4 ding4 ssu wu se ting shi musiki jō |
four formless concentrations |
四禪八定 四禅八定 see styles |
sì chán bā dìng si4 chan2 ba1 ding4 ssu ch`an pa ting ssu chan pa ting shizen hachijō |
The four dhyānas on the form-realms and the eight concentrations, i. e. four on the form-realms and four on the formless. realms. |
四色定理 see styles |
yonshokuteiri; shishokuteiri / yonshokuteri; shishokuteri よんしょくていり; ししょくていり |
{math} four-color theorem; four-color map theorem |
四輪定位 四轮定位 see styles |
sì lún dìng wèi si4 lun2 ding4 wei4 ssu lun ting wei |
wheel alignment (automobile maintenance) |
回聲定位 回声定位 see styles |
huí shēng dìng wèi hui2 sheng1 ding4 wei4 hui sheng ting wei |
echolocation |
回転勘定 see styles |
kaitenkanjou / kaitenkanjo かいてんかんじょう |
revolving account |
因数定理 see styles |
insuuteiri / insuteri いんすうていり |
{math} factor theorem |
固定ギア see styles |
koteigia / kotegia こていギア |
fixed gear (on a bicycle) |
固定価格 see styles |
koteikakaku / kotekakaku こていかかく |
fixed price |
固定効果 see styles |
koteikouka / kotekoka こていこうか |
{math} fixed effect |
固定媒体 see styles |
koteibaitai / kotebaitai こていばいたい |
{comp} fixed media |
固定属性 see styles |
koteizokusei / kotezokuse こていぞくせい |
{comp} fixed attribute |
固定接続 see styles |
koteisetsuzoku / kotesetsuzoku こていせつぞく |
{comp} permanent connection; fixed connection |
固定收入 see styles |
gù dìng shōu rù gu4 ding4 shou1 ru4 ku ting shou ju |
fixed income |
固定相場 see styles |
koteisouba / kotesoba こていそうば |
{econ} fixed exchange rates; pegged rate of exchange; fixed rate |
固定翼機 see styles |
koteiyokuki / koteyokuki こていよくき |
(See 回転翼機・かいてんよくき) fixed-wing aircraft |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.