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<...1011121314151617>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草 see styles |
yòu yào mǎ r hǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo you4 yao4 ma3 r5 hao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3 yu yao ma r hao , yu yao ma r pu ch`ih ts`ao yu yao ma r hao , yu yao ma r pu chih tsao |
see 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草|又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草[you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3] |
Variations: |
sukikatte すきかって |
(noun or adjectival noun) doing whatever one pleases; selfishness; self-indulgence |
Variations: |
sukikonomu すきこのむ |
(transitive verb) (usu. as 好き好んで, with neg. sentence) to do something by choice; to like; to be fond of |
好むと好まざるとにかかわらず see styles |
konomutokonomazarutonikakawarazu このむとこのまざるとにかかわらず |
(exp,adv) whether one likes it or not |
Variations: |
nakayoku なかよく |
(adverb) on good terms (with); on friendly terms (with); (getting along) well; in harmony; happily; peacefully |
Variations: |
iimeiwaku / imewaku いいめいわく |
(exp,n,adj-na) (the いい is ironic) real nuisance; becoming inconvenienced by someone else's problems (through no fault of one's own) |
Variations: |
ohitoyoshi おひとよし |
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (1) good-naturedness; (2) good-natured person; credulous person; easy mark; simple soul; soft touch |
Variations: |
kiryouyoshi / kiryoyoshi きりょうよし |
good looks; pretty woman; good-looking woman |
Variations: |
kokochiyoge ここちよげ |
(adjectival noun) looking like one is in a good mood |
Variations: |
kinoyoi きのよい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 気が良い・きがよい) good-natured |
Variations: |
sousukan(総sukan); sousukan(総sukan, 総好kan) / sosukan(総sukan); sosukan(総sukan, 総好kan) そうスカン(総スカン); そうすかん(総すかん, 総好かん) |
(slang) (oft. as 〜を食らう or 〜を食う) (See 好かん) being disliked by everyone |
Variations: |
yokarou / yokaro よかろう |
(expression) (dated) (kana only) (kyb:) (archaic or dialectal equiv. of よいだろう) probably good; fine, isn't it?; very well |
Variations: |
yorigonomi(選ri好mi, yori好mi); erigonomi(選ri好mi, eri好mi) よりごのみ(選り好み, より好み); えりごのみ(選り好み, えり好み) |
(noun, transitive verb) being particular (about); being fussy; being picky; being choosy; being fastidious |
Variations: |
atarashiimonozuki / atarashimonozuki あたらしいものずき |
(irreg. variant of 新し物好き) (See 新し物好き) neophilia; love of new or novel things; one who loves new or novel things |
Variations: |
sukihoudai / sukihodai すきほうだい |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) self-indulgence; doing as one pleases |
Variations: |
daisuki だいすき |
(adjectival noun) liking very much; loving (something or someone); adoring; being very fond of |
Variations: |
iime / ime いいめ |
(exp,n) (1) dice roll with the desired result; lucky throw of the dice; (exp,n) (2) good luck; stroke of luck; hoped-for result |
Variations: |
iisen / isen いいせん |
(exp,n) (usu. as いい線(を)いく, いい線(を)いってる, etc.) (See いい線いってる) (on the) right track; (on the) right lines |
Variations: |
iikao / ikao いいかお |
(exp,n) (1) big-shot; influential person; (exp,n) (2) happy face; smiling face; (exp,n) (3) (often 〜(を)する) sympathetic attitude; getting along with; being all smiles; (exp,n) (4) good looks; nice face |
Variations: |
bukakkou / bukakko ぶかっこう |
(adjectival noun) (1) unshapely; ill-formed; misshapen; (adjectival noun) (2) awkward; clumsy |
Variations: |
hanashizuki はなしずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) talkative person; gossip |
Variations: |
monozuki ものずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) (idle) curiosity; fancifulness; whimsy; (having) strange tastes |
Variations: |
sensakuzuki せんさくずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) curiosity; inquisitiveness; (2) nosy person; busybody |
Variations: |
iihito(ii人, 善i人, 好i人); yoihito(yoi人, 善i人, 好i人) / ihito(i人, 善i人, 好i人); yoihito(yoi人, 善i人, 好i人) いいひと(いい人, 善い人, 好い人); よいひと(よい人, 善い人, 好い人) |
(exp,n) (1) good-natured person; good person; (exp,n) (2) (one's) lover; boyfriend; girlfriend |
Variations: |
iiko; yoiko(好i子, 良i子, 好i児) / iko; yoiko(好i子, 良i子, 好i児) いいこ; よいこ(好い子, 良い子, 好い児) |
(exp,n) good boy; good girl |
Variations: |
iiotoko(ii男, 好i男, 良i男); yoiotoko(好i男, 良i男, yoi男) / iotoko(i男, 好i男, 良i男); yoiotoko(好i男, 良i男, yoi男) いいおとこ(いい男, 好い男, 良い男); よいおとこ(好い男, 良い男, よい男) |
(1) (esp. 好い男) handsome man; looker; (2) (esp. 良い男) good guy; great guy; (3) influential person (esp. in the yakuza); (4) sumo wrestler |
Variations: |
kireizuki / kirezuki きれいずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) love of cleanliness; liking to keep things clean; tidiness (of people); neatness |
Variations: |
iikagennisuru / ikagennisuru いいかげんにする |
(exp,vs-i) to put an end to something; to get something over with; to quit something one has been engaged in too long or to an excessive degree |
Variations: |
dasakakkoii(dasakakko好i); dasakakkoii(dasakakko好i); dasakakkoii / dasakakkoi(dasakakko好i); dasakakkoi(dasakakko好i); dasakakkoi ダサかっこいい(ダサかっこ好い); ださかっこいい(ださかっこ好い); ダサカッコイイ |
(adj-ix) (kana only) (slang) (See ダサい,かっこいい) cheesy yet cool; so uncool it's cool; cool but uncool |
不管白貓黑貓,捉住老鼠就是好貓 不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就是好猫 see styles |
bù guǎn bái māo hēi māo , zhuō zhù lǎo shǔ jiù shì hǎo māo bu4 guan3 bai2 mao1 hei1 mao1 , zhuo1 zhu4 lao3 shu3 jiu4 shi4 hao3 mao1 pu kuan pai mao hei mao , cho chu lao shu chiu shih hao mao |
it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black; as long as it catches mice it's a good cat (variant of a Sichuanese saying used in a speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1962, usually associated with his economic reforms starting in 1978, in which pragmatism was favored over ideological purity) |
老子英雄兒好漢,老子反動兒混蛋 老子英雄儿好汉,老子反动儿混蛋 see styles |
lǎo zi yīng xióng ér hǎo hàn , lǎo zi fǎn dòng ér hún dàn lao3 zi5 ying1 xiong2 er2 hao3 han4 , lao3 zi5 fan3 dong4 er2 hun2 dan4 lao tzu ying hsiung erh hao han , lao tzu fan tung erh hun tan |
If the father is a hero, the son is a real man. If the father is a reactionary, the son is a bastard. (Cultural Revolution slogan); fig. like father, like son |
Variations: |
sukikononde すきこのんで |
(expression) by choice; by preference; willingly; for the love of it; for the fun of it |
Variations: |
okonomiyakiya おこのみやきや |
(See お好み焼き) okonomiyaki restaurant |
Variations: |
sougouokuzusu / sogookuzusu そうごうをくずす |
(exp,v5s) to smile broadly; to grin widely |
Variations: |
yoisen よいせん |
(exp,n) (See いい線・いいせん) more or less right; you are on the right track; getting warm |
Variations: |
kakkowarui(kakko悪i); kakkowarui(kakko悪i); kakkouwarui(格好悪i) / kakkowarui(kakko悪i); kakkowarui(kakko悪i); kakkowarui(格好悪i) かっこわるい(かっこ悪い); カッコわるい(カッコ悪い); かっこうわるい(格好悪い) |
(adjective) unattractive; ugly; unstylish; uncool |
Variations: |
kodomozuki こどもずき |
being fond of children; person fond of children |
Variations: |
atakamoyoshi あたかもよし |
(adverb) luckily; fortunately |
帶著希望去旅行,比到達終點更美好 带着希望去旅行,比到达终点更美好 see styles |
dài zhe xī wàng qù lǚ xíng , bǐ dào dá zhōng diǎn gèng měi hǎo dai4 zhe5 xi1 wang4 qu4 lu:3 xing2 , bi3 dao4 da2 zhong1 dian3 geng4 mei3 hao3 tai che hsi wang ch`ü lü hsing , pi tao ta chung tien keng mei hao tai che hsi wang chü lü hsing , pi tao ta chung tien keng mei hao |
It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. |
Variations: |
koukiissubekarazu / kokissubekarazu こうきいっすべからず |
(expression) (proverb) make hay while the sun shines |
好學近乎知,力行近乎仁,知恥近乎勇 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇 see styles |
hào xué jìn hū zhī , lì xíng jìn hū rén , zhī chǐ jìn hū yǒng hao4 xue2 jin4 hu1 zhi1 , li4 xing2 jin4 hu1 ren2 , zhi1 chi3 jin4 hu1 yong3 hao hsüeh chin hu chih , li hsing chin hu jen , chih ch`ih chin hu yung hao hsüeh chin hu chih , li hsing chin hu jen , chih chih chin hu yung |
to love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius) |
Variations: |
yoku よく |
(adverb) (1) (kana only) (See 良い・1) nicely; properly; well; skillfully; skilfully; (adverb) (2) (kana only) frequently; often; (adverb) (3) (kana only) I'm glad that you ...; thank you for ...; (adverb) (4) (kana only) (you have) quite the nerve to; I don't know how you can ... |
Variations: |
toshikakkou / toshikakko としかっこう |
apparent age (of someone); rough age |
Variations: |
nakayoshikoyoshi なかよしこよし |
(See 仲良し・1) close friend; good friend; bosom buddy; chum; pal |
Variations: |
kokochiyoi ここちよい |
(adjective) comfortable; pleasant |
Variations: |
yoikoto よいこと |
(exp,n) (1) (See いい事・いいこと・1) good thing; nice thing; (exp,n) (2) (usu. as 〜を良いことに(して)) (See いい事・いいこと・2) good excuse; good grounds; good opportunity; (interjection) (3) (feminine speech) (See いい事・いいこと・3) interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response |
Variations: |
kakkougaii(格好gaii, 格好ga良i); kakkougayoi(格好ga良i, 格好gayoi) / kakkogai(格好gai, 格好ga良i); kakkogayoi(格好ga良i, 格好gayoi) かっこうがいい(格好がいい, 格好が良い); かっこうがよい(格好が良い, 格好がよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool |
Variations: |
kakkounoii(格好no良i, 格好noii); kakkounoyoi(格好no良i, 格好noyoi) / kakkonoi(格好no良i, 格好noi); kakkonoyoi(格好no良i, 格好noyoi) かっこうのいい(格好の良い, 格好のいい); かっこうのよい(格好の良い, 格好のよい) |
(exp,adj-ix) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool |
Variations: |
nakayoshi なかよし |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) close friendship; close friend; good friend; bosom buddy; chum; pal; (n,vs,vi) (2) (euph) (colloquialism) intimate relations; sexual intercourse; sex |
Variations: |
ohitoyoshi おひとよし |
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (1) good-naturedness; (2) good-natured person; credulous person; easy mark; simple soul; soft touch |
Variations: |
sumiyoi すみよい |
(adjective) comfortable to live in |
Variations: |
nichinichikorekoujitsu; nichinichikorekounichi; hibikorekoujitsu; hibikorekounichi / nichinichikorekojitsu; nichinichikorekonichi; hibikorekojitsu; hibikorekonichi にちにちこれこうじつ; にちにちこれこうにち; ひびこれこうじつ; ひびこれこうにち |
(expression) (proverb) every day is a good day; enjoy every day |
Variations: |
shimaiyuukoutoshikankei / shimaiyukotoshikanke しまいゆうこうとしかんけい |
sister-city relationship |
Variations: |
monozuki ものずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) (idle) curiosity; fancifulness; whimsy; (having) strange tastes |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adjectival noun) (3) (usu. in suggestions or orders) (See いい加減にする) reasonable; moderate; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
nakayoshi なかよし |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) intimate friend; close friend; bosom buddy; chum |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adj-na,adv) (3) (used to express one's wish for something to end) (See いい加減にする) (already) enough; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
watashigonomi わたしごのみ |
(adj-no,n) my kind of; my favorite |
Variations: |
hodoyoku ほどよく |
(adverb) rightly; properly; moderately |
Variations: |
yoi(p); ei(ok) / yoi(p); e(ok) よい(P); えい(ok) |
(adjective) (1) (also いい (all senses)) (See いい・1) good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable; (adjective) (2) (See いい・2) sufficient; enough; ready; prepared; (adjective) (3) (See いい・3) profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial; (adjective) (4) (as て(も)良い, と(も)良い, etc.; indicates permission or compromise) (See いい・4) OK; all right; fine; no problem |
Variations: |
iiotoko; yoiotoko(sk) / iotoko; yoiotoko(sk) いいおとこ; よいおとこ(sk) |
(1) handsome man; looker; (2) good guy; great guy; (3) influential person (esp. in the yakuza); (4) sumo wrestler |
Variations: |
hitogaii(人gaii, 人ga良i); hitogayoi(人ga良i, 人gayoi, 人ga好i) / hitogai(人gai, 人ga良i); hitogayoi(人ga良i, 人gayoi, 人ga好i) ひとがいい(人がいい, 人が良い); ひとがよい(人が良い, 人がよい, 人が好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality |
Variations: |
kinoii(気noii, 気no良i); kinoyoi(気no良i, 気noyoi, 気no好i) / kinoi(気noi, 気no良i); kinoyoi(気no良i, 気noyoi, 気no好i) きのいい(気のいい, 気の良い); きのよい(気の良い, 気のよい, 気の好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) good-natured |
Variations: |
kodomozuki こどもずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) being fond of children; person who likes children; (2) being liked by children |
Variations: |
kakkounomato / kakkonomato かっこうのまと |
(exp,n) ready target; fair game |
Variations: |
kakkokawaii(kakko可愛i); kakkoukawaii(格好可愛i); kakkokawaii; kakkokawaii(kakko可愛i) / kakkokawai(kakko可愛i); kakkokawai(格好可愛i); kakkokawai; kakkokawai(kakko可愛i) カッコかわいい(カッコ可愛い); かっこうかわいい(格好可愛い); カッコカワイイ; かっこかわいい(かっこ可愛い) |
(exp,adj-i) (See 格好・かっこう・2) cool and cute; cool in a cute way; cute in a cool way |
Variations: |
kokochiyoi(心地yoi, 心地良i, 心地好i)(p); kokochiii(心地ii) / kokochiyoi(心地yoi, 心地良i, 心地好i)(p); kokochii(心地i) ここちよい(心地よい, 心地良い, 心地好い)(P); ここちいい(心地いい) |
(exp,adj-ix) comfortable; pleasant |
Variations: |
oriyoku おりよく |
(adverb) (ant: 折悪しく) fortunately; luckily |
Variations: |
iisenoiku; yoisenoiku(良i線o行ku, 好i線o行ku) / isenoiku; yoisenoiku(良i線o行ku, 好i線o行ku) いいせんをいく; よいせんをいく(良い線を行く, 好い線を行く) |
(exp,v5k-s) (See いい線行く・いいせんいく) to be on the right track; to go well |
Variations: |
yoi(p); ei(ok) / yoi(p); e(ok) よい(P); えい(ok) |
(adjective) (1) (also いい (all senses)) (See いい・1) good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable; (adjective) (2) (See いい・2) sufficient; enough; ready; prepared; (adjective) (3) (See いい・3) profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial; (adjective) (4) (as て(も)良い, と(も)良い, etc.; indicates permission or compromise) (See いい・4) OK; all right; fine; no problem; (suf,adj-i) (5) (after the -masu stem of a verb) easy to ... |
Variations: |
okonomiyaki おこのみやき |
okonomiyaki; savoury pancake containing meat or seafood and vegetables |
Variations: |
kokochiyoi(心地yoi, 心地良i, 心地好i)(p); kokochiii(心地ii, 心地良i, 心地好i) / kokochiyoi(心地yoi, 心地良i, 心地好i)(p); kokochii(心地i, 心地良i, 心地好i) ここちよい(心地よい, 心地良い, 心地好い)(P); ここちいい(心地いい, 心地良い, 心地好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) comfortable; pleasant |
Variations: |
kokochiyoi(心地yoi, 心地良i, 心地好i)(p); kokochiii(心地良i, 心地ii, 心地好i) / kokochiyoi(心地yoi, 心地良i, 心地好i)(p); kokochii(心地良i, 心地i, 心地好i) ここちよい(心地よい, 心地良い, 心地好い)(P); ここちいい(心地良い, 心地いい, 心地好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) comfortable; pleasant |
Variations: |
okonomiyaki おこのみやき |
{food} okonomiyaki; savoury pancake fried on an iron griddle with vegetables, meat and-or seafood and topped with various sauces and condiments |
Variations: |
kakkoii(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i); kakkouii; kakkoii(p); kakkoii(p); kakkoee(sk) / kakkoi(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i); kakkoi; kakkoi(p); kakkoi(p); kakkoee(sk) かっこいい(P); かっこよい(格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い); かっこういい; カッコイイ(P); カッコいい(P); かっこええ(sk) |
(adj-ix) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
iiko; yoiko(良i子) / iko; yoiko(良i子) いいこ; よいこ(良い子) |
(exp,n) good boy; good girl |
Variations: |
kakkowarui; kakkouwarui(格好悪i) / kakkowarui; kakkowarui(格好悪i) かっこわるい; かっこうわるい(格好悪い) |
(adjective) unattractive; ugly; unstylish; uncool |
Variations: |
kireizuki / kirezuki きれいずき |
(n,adj-na,adj-no) love of cleanliness; liking to keep things clean; tidiness (of people); neatness |
Variations: |
iikagen / ikagen いいかげん |
(adjectival noun) (1) irresponsible; perfunctory; careless; (adjectival noun) (2) lukewarm; half-baked; halfhearted; vague; (adj-na,adv) (3) (used to express one's wish for something to end) (See いい加減にする) (already) enough; (adverb) (4) considerably; quite; rather; pretty |
Variations: |
kokimiyoi(小気味良i, 小気味yoi, 小気味好i); kokimiii(小気味良i, 小気味ii, 小気味好i) / kokimiyoi(小気味良i, 小気味yoi, 小気味好i); kokimii(小気味良i, 小気味i, 小気味好i) こきみよい(小気味良い, 小気味よい, 小気味好い); こきみいい(小気味良い, 小気味いい, 小気味好い) |
(adj-ix) delightful; satisfying; gratifying; brisk; piquant |
Variations: |
kimochiyoi きもちよい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 気持ちいい・きもちいい) (ant: 気持ち悪い) good feeling; feeling good |
Variations: |
sukikosomononojouzunare / sukikosomononojozunare すきこそもののじょうずなれ |
(expression) (proverb) what one likes, one will do well; you become good at what you like doing |
Variations: |
kimochiii(気持chiii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi) / kimochii(気持chii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi) きもちいい(気持ちいい, 気持ち良い); きもちよい(気持ち良い, 気持ちよい) |
(adj-ix) feeling good; feeling nice; feeling pleasant |
Variations: |
okonomiyaki おこのみやき |
{food} okonomiyaki; savoury pancake fried on an iron griddle with vegetables, meat and-or seafood and topped with various sauces and condiments |
Variations: |
seikakugaii; seikakugayoi(性格ga良i) / sekakugai; sekakugayoi(性格ga良i) せいかくがいい; せいかくがよい(性格が良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (ant: 性格が悪い) good-natured; congenial; having a nice personality |
Variations: |
kakkoutsukeru / kakkotsukeru かっこうつける |
(v1,vi) (See かっこつける) to affect a stylish air; to try to look good; to show off |
Variations: |
kakkoii(格好ii, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i)(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi); kakkouii(格好ii, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i); kakkoii(p); kakkoii(p) / kakkoi(格好i, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i)(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi); kakkoi(格好i, 格好良i, kakko良i, kakko良i); kakkoi(p); kakkoi(p) かっこいい(格好いい, 格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い)(P); かっこよい(格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い, 格好よい); かっこういい(格好いい, 格好良い, カッコ良い, かっこ良い); カッコイイ(P); カッコいい(P) |
(adj-ix) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi, kakko好i); kakkouyoi(格好良i, 格好yoi, kakkou良i) / kakkoyoi(格好良i, kakko良i, 格好yoi, kakko好i); kakkoyoi(格好良i, 格好yoi, kakko良i) かっこよい(格好良い, かっこ良い, 格好よい, かっこ好い); かっこうよい(格好良い, 格好よい, かっこう良い) |
(adjective) (kana only) (See 格好いい・かっこいい) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
sukikirai すききらい |
likes and dislikes; tastes; preferences; pickiness (esp. about food); choosiness; fussiness |
Variations: |
nichinichikorekoujitsu; hibikorekoujitsu; nichinichikorekounichi(ik); hibikorekounichi(ik) / nichinichikorekojitsu; hibikorekojitsu; nichinichikorekonichi(ik); hibikorekonichi(ik) にちにちこれこうじつ; ひびこれこうじつ; にちにちこれこうにち(ik); ひびこれこうにち(ik) |
(expression) (proverb) every day is a good day; enjoy every day |
Variations: |
hitogaii; hitogayoi(人ga良i, 人ga好i) / hitogai; hitogayoi(人ga良i, 人ga好i) ひとがいい; ひとがよい(人が良い, 人が好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) generous; soft-hearted; having a good personality |
Variations: |
hitonoii; hitonoyoi(人no良i, 人no好i) / hitonoi; hitonoyoi(人no良i, 人no好i) ひとのいい; ひとのよい(人の良い, 人の好い) |
(exp,adj-ix) of good character; kindhearted; good-natured |
Variations: |
kimochiii(気持chiii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi, 気持chi好i, kimochi良i) / kimochii(気持chii, 気持chi良i); kimochiyoi(気持chi良i, 気持chiyoi, 気持chi好i, kimochi良i) きもちいい(気持ちいい, 気持ち良い); きもちよい(気持ち良い, 気持ちよい, 気持ち好い, きもち良い) |
(exp,adj-ix) (ant: 気持ち悪い) good feeling; feeling good |
Variations: |
sandonomeshiyorisuki さんどのめしよりすき |
(expression) very fond of; more fond of than eating; so fond of that someone would rather not eat than go without; more important than three meals a day |
Variations: |
kakkoii(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i); kakkouii; kakkoii(p); kakkoii(p); kakkoee(sk) / kakkoi(p); kakkoyoi(格好良i); kakkoi; kakkoi(p); kakkoi(p); kakkoee(sk) かっこいい(P); かっこよい(格好良い); かっこういい; カッコイイ(P); カッコいい(P); かっこええ(sk) |
(adj-ix) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
Variations: |
kakkoutsukeru(格好tsukeru, 格好付keru, 恰好tsukeru, 恰好付keru); kakkotsukeru(ik) / kakkotsukeru(格好tsukeru, 格好付keru, 恰好tsukeru, 恰好付keru); kakkotsukeru(ik) かっこうつける(格好つける, 格好付ける, 恰好つける, 恰好付ける); かっこつける(ik) |
(Ichidan verb) (kana only) to affect a stylish air; to try to look good; to show off |
Variations: |
yoitokodori よいとこどり |
(exp,n,vs) (See いいとこ取り・いいとこどり) focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information) |
Variations: |
gokigenyou / gokigenyo ごきげんよう |
(interjection) (1) (kana only) nice to see you; good morning; good evening; (interjection) (2) (kana only) adieu; farewell; bon voyage |
Variations: |
tadekuumushimosukizuki(蓼食u虫mo好ki好ki, 蓼喰u虫mo好ki好ki); tadekuumushimosukizuki(tade食u虫mo好ki好ki, tade喰u虫mo好ki好ki) / tadekumushimosukizuki(蓼食u虫mo好ki好ki, 蓼喰u虫mo好ki好ki); tadekumushimosukizuki(tade食u虫mo好ki好ki, tade喰u虫mo好ki好ki) たでくうむしもすきずき(蓼食う虫も好き好き, 蓼喰う虫も好き好き); タデくうむしもすきずき(タデ食う虫も好き好き, タデ喰う虫も好き好き) |
(expression) (proverb) some prefer nettles; there's no accounting for taste; every man to his taste |
Variations: |
iitokodori(良itoko取ri, iitoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, ii所取ri, 好itoko取ri); yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, yoitoko取ri, yoi所取ri, 好itoko取ri) / itokodori(良itoko取ri, itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, i所取ri, 好itoko取ri); yoitokodori(良itoko取ri, 良itokodori, 良i所取ri, yoitoko取ri, yoi所取ri, 好itoko取ri) いいとこどり(良いとこ取り, いいとこ取り, 良いとこどり, 良い所取り, いい所取り, 好いとこ取り); よいとこどり(良いとこ取り, 良いとこどり, 良い所取り, よいとこ取り, よい所取り, 好いとこ取り) |
(exp,n,vs) focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "好" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.