There are 2273 total results for your 六 search. I have created 23 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
六車由美 see styles |
mugurumayumi むぐるまゆみ |
(person) Muguruma Yumi |
六車襄二 see styles |
mugurumajouji / mugurumajoji むぐるまじょうじ |
(person) Muguruma Jōji |
六軒家川 see styles |
rokkenyagawa ろっけんやがわ |
(place-name) Rokkenyagawa |
六軒家町 see styles |
rokkenyachou / rokkenyacho ろっけんやちょう |
(place-name) Rokkenyachō |
六軒屋敷 see styles |
rokkenyashiki ろっけんやしき |
(place-name) Rokkenyashiki |
六軒屋町 see styles |
rokkenyachou / rokkenyacho ろっけんやちょう |
(place-name) Rokken'yachō |
六軒町裏 see styles |
rokkenchouura / rokkenchoura ろっけんちょううら |
(place-name) Rokkenchōura |
六道四生 see styles |
liù dào sì shēng liu4 dao4 si4 sheng1 liu tao ssu sheng rokudoushishou / rokudoshisho ろくどうししょう |
{Buddh} (See 六道,四生) four kinds of birth in the six destinies The four modes of the six rebirths — womb, egg, moisture, or transformation. |
六道四聖 六道四圣 see styles |
liù dào sì shèng liu4 dao4 si4 sheng4 liu tao ssu sheng rokudō shishō |
The six ways of rebirth, see above, and the four holy ways of rebirth, the latter being respectively into the realms of śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas; the ten are known as the 十界. |
六道地蔵 see styles |
rokudoujizou / rokudojizo ろくどうじぞう |
(place-name) Rokudoujizou |
六道生死 see styles |
liù dào shēng sǐ liu4 dao4 sheng1 si3 liu tao sheng ssu rokudō shōji |
six destinies [of transmigration] |
六道輪廻 六道轮廻 see styles |
liù dào lún huí liu4 dao4 lun2 hui2 liu tao lun hui rokudourinne / rokudorinne ろくどうりんね |
(yoji) endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds transmigration through the six kinds of rebirth |
六道輪迴 六道轮迴 see styles |
liù dào lún huí liu4 dao4 lun2 hui2 liu tao lun hui rokudō rinne |
transmigration through the six kinds of rebirth |
六道集經 六道集经 see styles |
liù dào jí jīng liu4 dao4 ji2 jing1 liu tao chi ching Rokudō shū kyō |
A sutra dealing with the six ways of rebirth. |
六郎兵衛 see styles |
rokurobee ろくろべえ |
(given name) Rokurobee |
六郎原池 see styles |
rokurouharaike / rokuroharaike ろくろうはらいけ |
(place-name) Rokurouharaike |
六郎地山 see styles |
rokurouchisan / rokurochisan ろくろうちさん |
(personal name) Rokurouchisan |
六郎次山 see styles |
rokuroujiyama / rokurojiyama ろくろうじやま |
(personal name) Rokuroujiyama |
六郎洞山 see styles |
rokurouborayama / rokuroborayama ろくろうぼらやま |
(personal name) Rokurouborayama |
六郎舘岳 see styles |
rokuroukandake / rokurokandake ろくろうかんだけ |
(personal name) Rokuroukandake |
六郎館岳 see styles |
rokuroukandake / rokurokandake ろくろうかんだけ |
(place-name) Rokuroukandake |
六部堂越 see styles |
rokubudougoe / rokubudogoe ろくぶどうごえ |
(place-name) Rokubudougoe |
六郷ダム see styles |
rokugoudamu / rokugodamu ろくごうダム |
(place-name) Rokugou Dam |
六郷土手 see styles |
rokugoudote / rokugodote ろくごうどて |
(personal name) Rokugoudote |
六郷政乗 see styles |
rokugoumasanori / rokugomasanori ろくごうまさのり |
(person) Rokugou Masanori |
六郷東根 see styles |
rokugouhigashine / rokugohigashine ろくごうひがしね |
(place-name) Rokugouhigashine |
六郷町轟 see styles |
rokugoumachitodoroki / rokugomachitodoroki ろくごうまちとどろき |
(place-name) Rokugoumachitodoroki |
六郷神社 see styles |
rokugoujinja / rokugojinja ろくごうじんじゃ |
(place-name) Rokugou Shrine |
六郷西根 see styles |
rokugounishine / rokugonishine ろくごうにしね |
(place-name) Rokugounishine |
六里ケ原 see styles |
rokurigahara ろくりがはら |
(personal name) Rokurigahara |
六離合釋 六离合释 see styles |
liù lí hé shì liu4 li2 he2 shi4 liu li ho shih roku ri gasshaku |
Ṣaṭ-samāsa; also 六種釋 (or 六合釋) the six interpretations of compound terms, considered in their component parts or together. (1) 持業釋 or 同依釋 karmadhāraya, referring to the equality of dependence of both terms, e. g. 大乘 Mahāyāna, 'great' and 'vehicle'), both equally essential to 'Mahāyāna' with its specific meaning; (2) 依主釋 (or 六士釋) tatpuruṣa, containing a principal term, e. g. 眼識 eye-perception, where the eye is the qualifying term; (3) 有財釋 (or 多財釋) bahuvrīhi, the sign of possession, e. g. 覺者 he who has enlightenment; (4) 相違釋 dvandva, a term indicating two separate ideas, e. g. 教觀 teaching and meditation; (5) 鄰近釋 avyayībhava, an adverbial compound, or a term resulting from 'neighboring' association, e. g. 念處 thought or remembering place, i. e. memory; (6) 帶數釋 dvigu, a numerative term, e. g. 五蘊 pañcaskandha, the five skandhas. M. W. gives the order as 4, 3, 1, 2, 6, and 5. |
六韜三略 六韬三略 see styles |
liù tāo sān lüè liu4 tao1 san1 lu:e4 liu t`ao san lu:e liu tao san lu:e rikutousanryaku / rikutosanryaku りくとうさんりゃく |
"Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1] and "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 三略[San1 lu:e4], two of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2] (1) (yoji) The Six Secret Teachings and The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (two ancient Chinese military treatises); (2) (yoji) secrets (of the art of war, etc.); mysteries |
六麓荘町 see styles |
rokurokusouchou / rokurokusocho ろくろくそうちょう |
(place-name) Rokurokusōchō |
一丈六像 see styles |
yī zhàng liù xiàng yi1 zhang4 liu4 xiang4 i chang liu hsiang ichijōroku zō |
Sixteen "feet' form, or image, said to be the height of the Buddha's body, or "transformation' body; v. 丈六金身. |
一六勝負 see styles |
ichirokushoubu / ichirokushobu いちろくしょうぶ |
(1) (yoji) gambling on whether the throw of a die will produce a "one" or a "six"; gambling with dice; (2) (yoji) gambling; (3) (yoji) (a) risk; gamble; venture; hazardous attempt |
一六銀行 see styles |
ichirokuginkou / ichirokuginko いちろくぎんこう |
(colloquialism) (See 質屋) pawnshop |
一天地六 see styles |
ittenchiroku いってんちろく |
die; dice |
七情六欲 see styles |
qī qíng - liù yù qi1 qing2 - liu4 yu4 ch`i ch`ing - liu yü chi ching - liu yü |
(idiom) various emotions and desires |
丈六金身 see styles |
zhàng liù jīn shēn zhang4 liu4 jin1 shen1 chang liu chin shen jōroku konjin |
sixteen-foot diamond-body; also a metal or golden image of the Buddha 16 feet high mentioned in the 北史 Northern History. |
三六ヶ沢 see styles |
mirokugasawa みろくがさわ |
(place-name) Mirokugasawa |
三十六物 see styles |
sān shí liù wù san1 shi2 liu4 wu4 san shih liu wu sanjūroku motsu |
thirty-six parts of the human body |
三十六神 see styles |
sān shí liù shén san1 shi2 liu4 shen2 san shih liu shen sanjūroku shin |
(三十六部神) The thirty-six departmental guardian divinities given in the 灌頂三歸五戒帶佩護身咒經. Each is styled 彌栗頭 mṛdu, benign, kindly, for which 善 is used. Their Sanskrit and Chinese names are given in Chinese as follows: (1) 不羅婆 or 善光 kindly light, has to do with attacks of disease; (2) 婆呵婆 or 善明 headaches; (3) 婆邏婆 or 善力 fevers; (4) 抗陀羅 or 善月 disorders of the stomach; (5) 陀利奢 or 善見 tumours; (6) 阿婁呵 or 善供 madness; (7) 伽婆帝 or 善捨 stupidity; (8) 悉抵哆 or 善寂 irascibility; (9) 菩堤薩 or善覺 lust; (10) 提婆羅 or 善天 devils; (11) 阿婆帝 or 善住 deadly injuries; (12) 不若羅 of 善福 graves; (13) 苾闍伽 or 善術 the four quarters; (14) 迦隸婆 or 善帝 enemies; (15) 羅闍遮 or 善主 robbers; (16) 須乾陀 or 善香 creditors; (17) 檀那波 or 善施 thieves; (18) 支多那 or 善意 pestilence; (19) 羅婆那 or 善吉 the five plagues (? typhoid); (20) 鉢婆馱 or 善山 corpse worms; (21) 三摩提 or 善調 continuous concentration; (22) 戾禘馱 or 善備 restlessness; (23) 波利陀 or 善敬 attraction; (24) 波利那 or 善淨 evil cabals; (25) 度伽地 or 善品 deadly poison; (26) 毘梨馱 or 善結 fear; (27) 支陀那 or 善壽 calamities; (28) 伽林摩 or 善逝 childbirth and nursing; (29) 阿留伽 or 善願 the district magistracy; (30) 闍利馱 or 善固 altercations; (31) 阿伽駄 or 善照 anxieties and distresses; (32) 阿訶婆 or 善生 uneasiness; (33) 婆和邏 or 善思 supernatural manifestations; (34) 波利那 or 善藏 jealousy; (35) 固陀那 or 善音 curses; (36) 韋陀羅 or 善妙 exorcism. They have innumerable assistants. He who writes their names and carries them with him can be free from all fear. |
三十六計 三十六计 see styles |
sān shí liù jì san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 san shih liu chi sanjuurokkei / sanjurokke さんじゅうろっけい |
The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and in civil interaction; all the possible schemes and stratagems (yoji) (hist) the 36 (ancient Chinese military) strategies (of which the last resort was said to be beating a retreat) |
三姑六婆 see styles |
sān gū liù pó san1 gu1 liu4 po2 san ku liu p`o san ku liu po |
women with disreputable or illegal professions (idiom) |
三密六大 see styles |
sān mì liù dà san1 mi4 liu4 da4 san mi liu ta sanmitsu rokudai |
The three mystic things associated with the six elements, i.e. the mystic body is associated with earth, water, and fire; the mystic words with wind and space; the mystic mind with 識 cognition. |
三德六味 see styles |
sān dé liù wèi san1 de2 liu4 wei4 san te liu wei santoku rokumi |
[this food] of three virtues and six flavors |
三明六通 see styles |
sān míng liù tōng san1 ming2 liu4 tong1 san ming liu t`ung san ming liu tung sanmyō rokutsū |
three awarenesses and six supernatural powers |
三田六池 see styles |
mitarokuike みたろくいけ |
(place-name) Mitarokuike |
三界六道 see styles |
sān jiè liù dào san1 jie4 liu4 dao4 san chieh liu tao sangai rokudō |
three realms and six destinies |
三細六麤 三细六麤 see styles |
sān xì liù cū san1 xi4 liu4 cu1 san hsi liu ts`u san hsi liu tsu sansai rokuso |
three subtle and six coarse aspects |
三茶六飯 三茶六饭 see styles |
sān chá liù fàn san1 cha2 liu4 fan4 san ch`a liu fan san cha liu fan |
lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes; to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom) |
三親六故 三亲六故 see styles |
sān qīn liù gù san1 qin1 liu4 gu4 san ch`in liu ku san chin liu ku |
old friends and relatives |
三谷六九 see styles |
mitanirokku みたにろっく |
(person) Mitani Rokku |
三面六臂 see styles |
sanmenroppi さんめんろっぴ |
(yoji) rush of business; versatility; man who can do the work of many |
三頭六臂 三头六臂 see styles |
sān tóu liù bì san1 tou2 liu4 bi4 san t`ou liu pi san tou liu pi |
lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom); fig. to possess remarkable abilities; a being of formidable powers |
上六万寺 see styles |
kamirokumanji かみろくまんじ |
(place-name) Kamirokumanji |
上六名町 see styles |
kamimutsunachou / kamimutsunacho かみむつなちょう |
(place-name) Kamimutsunachō |
上六条町 see styles |
kamirokujouchou / kamirokujocho かみろくじょうちょう |
(place-name) Kamirokujōchō |
上六枚川 see styles |
kamirokumaigawa かみろくまいがわ |
(place-name) Kamirokumaigawa |
上六郎木 see styles |
kamirokurougi / kamirokurogi かみろくろうぎ |
(place-name) Kamirokurougi |
上原賢六 see styles |
ueharakenroku うえはらけんろく |
(person) Uehara Kenroku (1924.6.3-1980.9.14) |
上忠六島 see styles |
kamichuurokujima / kamichurokujima かみちゅうろくじま |
(personal name) Kamichuurokujima |
上方才六 see styles |
kamigatazairoku かみがたざいろく |
(archaism) (derogatory term) people from Kansai |
上方贅六 see styles |
kamigatazeiroku; kamigatazeeroku / kamigatazeroku; kamigatazeeroku かみがたぜいろく; かみがたぜえろく |
(derogatory term) (archaism) (used by people in Edo) (See 贅六,上方才六) people from Kansai |
下六万寺 see styles |
shimorokumanji しもろくまんじ |
(place-name) Shimorokumanji |
下六条町 see styles |
shimorokujouchou / shimorokujocho しもろくじょうちょう |
(place-name) Shimorokujōchō |
下六番組 see styles |
shimorokubangumi しもろくばんぐみ |
(place-name) Shimorokubangumi |
下六郎木 see styles |
shimorokurougi / shimorokurogi しもろくろうぎ |
(place-name) Shimorokurougi |
下忠六島 see styles |
shimochuurokujima / shimochurokujima しもちゅうろくじま |
(place-name) Shimochuurokujima |
中内助六 see styles |
nakauchisukeroku なかうちすけろく |
(person) Nakauchi Sukeroku (1962.10.26-) |
中村歌六 see styles |
nakamurakaroku なかむらかろく |
(person) Nakamura Karoku (1950.10.14-) |
九六位山 see styles |
kurokuisan くろくいさん |
(personal name) Kurokuisan |
九六位峠 see styles |
kurokuitouge / kurokuitoge くろくいとうげ |
(place-name) Kurokuitōge |
九十六術 九十六术 see styles |
jiǔ shí liù shù jiu3 shi2 liu4 shu4 chiu shih liu shu kujūrokujutsu |
Also 九十六種外道. Ninety-six classes of non-Buddhists or heretics and their practices, i.e. their six founders and each of them with fifteen schools of disciples; some say 九十五種外道. |
九聲六調 九声六调 see styles |
jiǔ shēng liù diào jiu3 sheng1 liu4 diao4 chiu sheng liu tiao |
nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Cantonese and other southern languages) |
二六之緣 二六之缘 see styles |
èr liù zhī yuán er4 liu4 zhi1 yuan2 erh liu chih yüan niroku no en |
idem 十二因緣. |
二六之願 二六之愿 see styles |
èr liù zhī yuàn er4 liu4 zhi1 yuan4 erh liu chih yüan niroku no gan |
the twelve vows of 藥師. |
二六時中 二六时中 see styles |
èr liù shí zhōng er4 liu4 shi2 zhong1 erh liu shih chung nirokujichuu / nirokujichu にろくじちゅう |
(adv,n) (yoji) night and day; all the time during the twelve (=twenty-four) hours of the day. |
二十六日 see styles |
nijuurokunichi / nijurokunichi にじゅうろくにち |
(1) twenty-sixth day of the month; (2) twenty-six days |
二十六木 see styles |
todoroki とどろき |
(personal name) Todoroki |
二十六歲 二十六岁 see styles |
èr shí liù suì er4 shi2 liu4 sui4 erh shih liu sui |
26 years old |
五臓六腑 see styles |
gozouroppu / gozoroppu ごぞうろっぷ |
(1) (yoji) (See 五臓,六腑) the five viscera and the six internal organs; (2) (yoji) inside one's body; in one's heart |
五臟六腑 五脏六腑 see styles |
wǔ zàng liù fǔ wu3 zang4 liu4 fu3 wu tsang liu fu |
five viscera and six bowels (TCM) |
五行六信 see styles |
gogyourokushin / gogyorokushin ごぎょうろくしん |
(See 六信五行) the five pillars of Islam and six articles of faith |
五輪六大 五轮六大 see styles |
wǔ lún liù dà wu3 lun2 liu4 da4 wu lun liu ta gorin rokudai |
The five are the 五大 five elements, to which the sixth 大 is added, i. e. the six elements, earth, water, fire, air and space, and 識 intelligence or mind. |
五道六道 see styles |
wǔ dào liù dào wu3 dao4 liu4 dao4 wu tao liu tao godō rokudō |
There is difference of statement whether there are five or six gati, i. e. ways or destinies; if six, then there is added the asura, a being having functions both good and evil, both deva and demon. |
五顏六色 五颜六色 see styles |
wǔ yán liù sè wu3 yan2 liu4 se4 wu yen liu se |
multicolored; every color under the sun |
五香六実 see styles |
gokoumutsumi / gokomutsumi ごこうむつみ |
(place-name) Gokoumutsumi |
井出孫六 see styles |
idemagoroku いでまごろく |
(person) Ide Magoroku (1931.9-) |
井堀蒲六 see styles |
iborigamaroku いぼりがまろく |
(place-name) Iborigamaroku |
人五人六 see styles |
rén wǔ - rén liù ren2 wu3 - ren2 liu4 jen wu - jen liu |
(idiom) to make a show of being decent and proper; to display phony or hypocritical behavior |
伏古六条 see styles |
fushikorokujou / fushikorokujo ふしころくじょう |
(place-name) Fushikorokujō |
佐六助沢 see styles |
sarokusukezawa さろくすけざわ |
(place-name) Sarokusukezawa |
佐古六番 see styles |
sakorokuban さころくばん |
(place-name) Sakorokuban |
信達六尾 see styles |
shindachimutsuo しんだちむつお |
(place-name) Shindachimutsuo |
八代六郎 see styles |
yashirorokurou / yashirorokuro やしろろくろう |
(person) Yashiro Rokurou |
八面六臂 see styles |
hachimenroppi はちめんろっぴ |
(yoji) competent in all fields; jack of all trades; very active in many fields; versatile; all-round; 8 faces and 6 arms |
兼六元町 see styles |
kenrokumotomachi けんろくもとまち |
(place-name) Kenrokumotomachi |
兼行六度 see styles |
jiān xíng liù dù jian1 xing2 liu4 du4 chien hsing liu tu kengyō rokudo |
concurrent practice of the six perfections |
前田六条 see styles |
maedarokujou / maedarokujo まえだろくじょう |
(place-name) Maedarokujō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "六" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.