There are 2340 total results for your 七 search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
七二会戊 see styles |
naniaibo なにあいぼ |
(place-name) Naniaibo |
七二会甲 see styles |
naniaikou / naniaiko なにあいこう |
(place-name) Naniaikou |
七五三助 see styles |
shimesuke しめすけ |
(personal name) Shimesuke |
七五三吉 see styles |
shimekichi しめきち |
(personal name) Shimekichi |
七五三場 see styles |
shimeba しめば |
(place-name) Shimeba |
七五三太 see styles |
shimeta しめた |
(personal name) Shimeta |
七五三夫 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(given name) Shimeo |
七五三央 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(personal name) Shimeo |
七五三子 see styles |
shimeko しめこ |
(female given name) Shimeko |
七五三懸 see styles |
shimekake しめかけ |
(personal name) Shimekake |
七五三掛 see styles |
shimegake しめがけ |
(personal name) Shimegake |
七五三木 see styles |
shimegi しめぎ |
(surname) Shimegi |
七五三生 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(given name) Shimeo |
七五三田 see styles |
shimeda しめだ |
(surname) Shimeda |
七五三男 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(given name) Shimeo |
七五三緒 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(personal name) Shimeo |
七五三縄 see styles |
shimenawa しめなわ |
(Shinto) rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil |
七五三與 see styles |
shimeyo しめよ |
(personal name) Shimeyo |
七五三造 see styles |
shimezou / shimezo しめぞう |
(given name) Shimezou |
七五三郎 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(personal name) Shimeo |
七五三野 see styles |
namiino / namino なみいの |
(surname) Namiino |
七五三雄 see styles |
shimeo しめお |
(surname, given name) Shimeo |
七五三飾 see styles |
shimekazari しめかざり |
decorating shrines and gates with shimenawa ropes for the New Year |
七人の侍 see styles |
shichininnosamurai しちにんのさむらい |
(work) Seven Samurai (film by Akira Kurosawa); (wk) Seven Samurai (film by Akira Kurosawa) |
七代の滝 see styles |
nanayonotaki ななよのたき |
(place-name) Nanayo Falls |
七佛名經 七佛名经 see styles |
qī fó míng jīng qi1 fo2 ming2 jing1 ch`i fo ming ching chi fo ming ching Shichibutsu myō kyō |
Qifo ming jing |
七佛藥師 七佛药师 see styles |
qī fó yào shī qi1 fo2 yao4 shi1 ch`i fo yao shih chi fo yao shih shichibutsu yakushi |
The seven healing Buddhas, also 七躬醫王, of whom there are two descriptions, one representing them as at various places in the eastern regions of space; another gives five in the east and two in the south. |
七佛通戒 see styles |
qī fó tōng jiè qi1 fo2 tong1 jie4 ch`i fo t`ung chieh chi fo tung chieh shichibutsu (no) tsūkai |
shared precepts of the seven Buddhas of the past |
七保大橋 see styles |
nanahooohashi ななほおおはし |
(place-name) Nanahooohashi |
七保町林 see styles |
nanahomachihayashi ななほまちはやし |
(place-name) Nanahomachihayashi |
七倉ダム see styles |
nanakuradamu ななくらダム |
(place-name) Nanakura Dam |
七倉山荘 see styles |
nanakurasansou / nanakurasanso ななくらさんそう |
(place-name) Nanakurasansō |
七倉神社 see styles |
nanakurajinja ななくらじんじゃ |
(place-name) Nanakura Shrine |
七倉隧道 see styles |
nanakurazuidou / nanakurazuido ななくらずいどう |
(place-name) Nanakurazuidō |
七僧法會 七僧法会 see styles |
qī sēng fǎ huì qi1 seng1 fa3 hui4 ch`i seng fa hui chi seng fa hui shichisō hōe |
An assembly of a monasterial fraternity. |
七光台駅 see styles |
nanakoudaieki / nanakodaieki ななこうだいえき |
(st) Nanakoudai Station |
七入山荘 see styles |
nanairisansou / nanairisanso なないりさんそう |
(place-name) Nanairisansō |
七公三民 see styles |
shichikousanmin / shichikosanmin しちこうさんみん |
(hist) land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 70 percent of the year's crop and the farmers kept 30 percent |
七兵衛山 see styles |
shichibeeyama しちべえやま |
(place-name) Shichibeeyama |
七兵衛川 see styles |
shichibeigawa / shichibegawa しちべいがわ |
(place-name) Shichibeigawa |
七兵衛頭 see styles |
shichibeegashira しちべえがしら |
(personal name) Shichibeegashira |
七分三分 see styles |
shichibusanbu しちぶさんぶ |
seven to three (chances) |
七分之一 see styles |
qī fēn zhī yī qi1 fen1 zhi1 yi1 ch`i fen chih i chi fen chih i |
one seventh |
七分搗き see styles |
shichibuzuki しちぶづき |
seventy percent polished rice |
七加行位 see styles |
qī jiā xíng wèi qi1 jia1 xing2 wei4 ch`i chia hsing wei chi chia hsing wei shichi kegyō i |
seven stages of application |
七北数人 see styles |
nanakitakazuto ななきたかずと |
(person) Nanakita Kazuto |
七北田川 see styles |
nanakitatagawa ななきたたがわ |
(personal name) Nanakitatagawa |
七十三尊 see styles |
qī shí sān zūn qi1 shi2 san1 zun1 ch`i shih san tsun chi shih san tsun shichijūsan son |
The "Diamond world' maṇḍala, or pantheon, of the esoteric sect, containing seventy-three honoured ones. |
七十三石 see styles |
shichijuusangoku / shichijusangoku しちじゅうさんごく |
(place-name) Shichijuusangoku |
七十二候 see styles |
shichijuunikou / shichijuniko しちじゅうにこう |
(See 節気,候・こう) the 72 microseasons of the year based on the 24 solar seasons further divided into 3 |
七十二天 see styles |
qī shí èr tiān qi1 shi2 er4 tian1 ch`i shih erh t`ien chi shih erh tien shichijūni ten |
The seventy-two devas, namely, sixty-nine devas, the lord of Tai Shan, the god of the five roads, and 大吉祥天 Mahāśrī . |
七十二字 see styles |
qī shí èr zì qi1 shi2 er4 zi4 ch`i shih erh tzu chi shih erh tzu shichijūni ji |
Brahma obtained seventy-two words with which to save the world, but failing he swallowed seventy, leaving one at each side of his mouth 阿 and 漚 , i.e. 無 and 有 things are, things are not, being and non-being. |
七十二歳 see styles |
qī shí èr suì qi1 shi2 er4 sui4 ch`i shih erh sui chi shih erh sui shichijūni sai |
The age, 72, at which Buddha is reputed to have preached the Lotus Sutra. |
七十五法 see styles |
qī shí wǔ fǎ qi1 shi2 wu3 fa3 ch`i shih wu fa chi shih wu fa shichijū go hō |
The seventy-five dharmas of the Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya, which classifies all phenomena under seventy-five categories or elements, divided into five groups; cf. 五根, 五境, 無表色. (1) Material 色法 rūpāṇi, 11 . (2) Mind 心法 cittam, 1. (3) Mental qualities 心所有法 citta-saṃprayukta-saṃskārāḥ, 46. (4) Non-mental 心不相應行法 cittaviprayukta-saṃskārāḥ, 14. These are the seventy-two Sarvastivadin divisions (v. Keith, B. I. , p. 201 ). (5) In addition there are three unconditioned or non-phenomenal elements 無爲法 asaṃskṛta dharma, 3 (v. Keith, p. 160) . |
七十古希 see styles |
shichijuukoki / shichijukoki しちじゅうこき |
(expression) (from Du Fu) men seldom live to be seventy; few people live to be seventy |
七十年代 see styles |
qī shí nián dài qi1 shi2 nian2 dai4 ch`i shih nien tai chi shih nien tai |
the seventies; the 1970s |
七十森山 see styles |
nanajuumoriyama / nanajumoriyama ななじゅうもりやま |
(personal name) Nanajuumoriyama |
七反田町 see styles |
shichitandachou / shichitandacho しちたんだちょう |
(place-name) Shichitandachō |
七反谷地 see styles |
nanatanyachi ななたんやち |
(place-name) Nanatanyachi |
七台河市 see styles |
qī tái hé shì qi1 tai2 he2 shi4 ch`i t`ai ho shih chi tai ho shih |
Qitaihe, prefecture-level city, Heilongjiang province |
七右衛門 see styles |
shichiemon しちえもん |
(given name) Shichiemon |
七味温泉 see styles |
shichimionsen しちみおんせん |
(place-name) Shichimionsen |
七嘴八張 七嘴八张 see styles |
qī zuǐ bā zhāng qi1 zui3 ba1 zhang1 ch`i tsui pa chang chi tsui pa chang |
see 七嘴八舌[qi1 zui3 ba1 she2] |
七嘴八舌 see styles |
qī zuǐ bā shé qi1 zui3 ba1 she2 ch`i tsui pa she chi tsui pa she |
lively discussion with everybody talking at once |
七国見山 see styles |
nanakunimiyama ななくにみやま |
(place-name) Nanakunimiyama |
七國集團 七国集团 see styles |
qī guó jí tuán qi1 guo2 ji2 tuan2 ch`i kuo chi t`uan chi kuo chi tuan |
G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia) |
七園未梨 see styles |
nanazonomiri ななぞのみり |
(f,h) Nanazono Miri |
七堂伽藍 七堂伽蓝 see styles |
qī táng qié lán qi1 tang2 qie2 lan2 ch`i t`ang ch`ieh lan chi tang chieh lan shichidougaran / shichidogaran しちどうがらん |
(yoji) complete seven-structured temple compound seven-hall temple |
七大私学 see styles |
shichidaishigaku しちだいしがく |
(See 大学別曹) seven boarding schools established in Kyoto by noble families during the early Heian period |
七宗ダム see styles |
hichisoudamu / hichisodamu ひちそうダム |
(place-name) Hichisou Dam |
七宝台町 see styles |
shippoudaichou / shippodaicho しっぽうだいちょう |
(place-name) Shippoudaichō |
七宝滝寺 see styles |
shippouryuuji / shipporyuji しっぽうりゅうじ |
(place-name) Shippouryūji |
七宝焼き see styles |
shippouyaki / shippoyaki しっぽうやき |
cloisonne ware |
七寶交露 七宝交露 see styles |
qī bǎo jiāo lù qi1 bao3 jiao1 lu4 ch`i pao chiao lu chi pao chiao lu shichihō kyōro |
a jewel-strewn curtain made of the seven jewels |
七寶塔寺 七宝塔寺 see styles |
qī bǎo tǎ sì qi1 bao3 ta3 si4 ch`i pao t`a ssu chi pao ta ssu shichihō tōji |
a stūpa (of a buddha) made of the seven jewels |
七寶妙塔 七宝妙塔 see styles |
qī bǎo miào tǎ qi1 bao3 miao4 ta3 ch`i pao miao t`a chi pao miao ta shichihō myōtō |
a wonderful stūpa (of a buddha) made of the seven jewels |
七寶廟寺 七宝庙寺 see styles |
qī bǎo miào sì qi1 bao3 miao4 si4 ch`i pao miao ssu chi pao miao ssu shichihō byōji |
a shrine (of a buddha) made of the seven jewels |
七寶樹林 七宝树林 see styles |
qī bǎo shù lín qi1 bao3 shu4 lin2 ch`i pao shu lin chi pao shu lin shichihō jurin |
The grove of jewel trees, or trees of the seven precious things―a part of the "Pure-land", or Paradise. |
七寶浮圖 七宝浮图 see styles |
qī bǎo f u tú qi1 bao3 f u2 tu2 ch`i pao f u t`u chi pao f u tu shichihō futo |
a stūpa of a buddha made of the seven jewels |
七寶聖臣 七宝圣臣 see styles |
qī bǎo shèng chén qi1 bao3 sheng4 chen2 ch`i pao sheng ch`en chi pao sheng chen shichihō shōshin |
sagacious ministers as one of the seven valuables |
七寶諸樹 七宝诸树 see styles |
qī bǎo zhū shù qi1 bao3 zhu1 shu4 ch`i pao chu shu chi pao chu shu shippō shoju |
seven-jeweled trees |
七寸五分 see styles |
kutsuwada くつわだ |
(personal name) Kutsuwada |
七尾伶子 see styles |
nanaoreiko / nanaoreko ななおれいこ |
(person) Nanao Reiko (1925.1.12-) |
七尾北湾 see styles |
nanaohokuwan ななおほくわん |
(personal name) Nanaohokuwan |
七尾南湾 see styles |
nanaonanwan ななおなんわん |
(personal name) Nanaonanwan |
七尾和晃 see styles |
nanaokazuaki ななおかずあき |
(person) Nanao Kazuaki |
七尾城址 see styles |
nanaojoushi / nanaojoshi ななおじょうし |
(place-name) Nanao castle ruins |
七尾西湾 see styles |
nanaoseiwan / nanaosewan ななおせいわん |
(personal name) Nanaoseiwan |
七層架構 七层架构 see styles |
qī céng jià gòu qi1 ceng2 jia4 gou4 ch`i ts`eng chia kou chi tseng chia kou |
seven layer architecture (OSI) |
七島川尻 see styles |
shichihokawajiri しちほかわじり |
(place-name) Shichihokawajiri |
七川堰堤 see styles |
shichikawaentei / shichikawaente しちかわえんてい |
(place-name) Shichikawaentei |
七左エ門 see styles |
shichizaemon しちざえもん |
(male given name) Shichizaemon |
七左衛門 see styles |
shichizaemon しちざえもん |
(male given name) Shichizaemon |
七年之癢 七年之痒 see styles |
qī nián zhī yǎng qi1 nian2 zhi1 yang3 ch`i nien chih yang chi nien chih yang |
seven-year itch |
七年戦争 see styles |
shichinensensou / shichinensenso しちねんせんそう |
(hist) Seven Years' War (1756-1763) |
七座神社 see styles |
nanakurajinja ななくらじんじゃ |
(place-name) Nanakura Shrine |
七廻り峠 see styles |
nanamawaritouge / nanamawaritoge ななまわりとうげ |
(place-name) Nanamawaritōge |
七引園地 see styles |
shichihikisonochi しちひきそのち |
(place-name) Shichihikisonochi |
七彎八拐 七弯八拐 see styles |
qī wān bā guǎi qi1 wan1 ba1 guai3 ch`i wan pa kuai chi wan pa kuai |
twisting and turning; tricky and complicated |
七情六欲 see styles |
qī qíng - liù yù qi1 qing2 - liu4 yu4 ch`i ch`ing - liu yü chi ching - liu yü |
(idiom) various emotions and desires |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "七" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.