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There are 1687 total results for your search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
liǎng juǎn wú liáng shòu jīng zōng yào
    liang3 juan3 wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 zong1 yao4
liang chüan wu liang shou ching tsung yao
 Ryōkan muryōju kyō shūyō
Doctrinal Essentials of the Two-fascicle Sūtra of Immeasurable Life



see styles
bā míng pǔ mì tuó luó ní jīng
    ba1 ming2 pu3 mi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
pa ming p`u mi t`o lo ni ching
    pa ming pu mi to lo ni ching
 Hachimyō fumitsu darani kyō
Sūtra of the Dhāranī of the Universal and Esoteric Eight Names



see styles
bā dà pú sà màn tú luó jīng
    ba1 da4 pu2 sa4 man4 tu2 luo2 jing1
pa ta p`u sa man t`u lo ching
    pa ta pu sa man tu lo ching
 Hachi daibosatsu mandara kyō
Maṇḍala of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas



see styles
shèng fān yīng luò tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 fan1 ying1 luo4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng fan ying lo t`o lo ni ching
    sheng fan ying lo to lo ni ching
 Shōhon yōraku darani kyō
Sūtra of the Dhāranī for Bearing the Banners and Seals



see styles
shèng chuáng bì yìn tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 chuang2 bi4 yin4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng ch`uang pi yin t`o lo ni ching
    sheng chuang pi yin to lo ni ching
 Shōtō hi'in darani kyō
Sūtra of the Dhāranī for Bearing the Banners and Seals



see styles
shàn fǎ fāng biàn tuó luó ní jīng
    shan4 fa3 fang1 bian4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
shan fa fang pien t`o lo ni ching
    shan fa fang pien to lo ni ching
 Zembō hōben daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Fine Means of Access



see styles
yuán jué jīng dà shū shì yì chāo
    yuan2 jue2 jing1 da4 shu1 shi4 yi4 chao1
yüan chüeh ching ta shu shih i ch`ao
    yüan chüeh ching ta shu shih i chao
 Engakukyō daisho shakugi shō
Subcommentary to the Great commentary on the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment



see styles
yuán jué jīng dào chǎng xiū zhèng yí
    yuan2 jue2 jing1 dao4 chang3 xiu1 zheng4 yi2
yüan chüeh ching tao ch`ang hsiu cheng i
    yüan chüeh ching tao chang hsiu cheng i
 Engakukyō dōjō shushōgi
Manual of Procedures for the Cultivation of Realization of Ritual Practice According to the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment



see styles
jī dǐ shén jīng jié sūn sǔn shāng
    ji1 di3 shen2 jing1 jie2 sun1 sun3 shang1
chi ti shen ching chieh sun sun shang
basal ganglia lesions



see styles
rǎng xiàng jīn gāng tuó luó ní jīng
    rang3 xiang4 jin1 gang1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
jang hsiang chin kang t`o lo ni ching
    jang hsiang chin kang to lo ni ching
 Esō kongō daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Smashing Vajra



see styles
dà shèng rì zǐ wáng suǒ wèn jīng
    da4 sheng4 ri4 zi3 wang2 suo3 wen4 jing1
ta sheng jih tzu wang so wen ching
 Daijō nichishiō shomon kyō



see styles
dà shèng běn shēng xīn dì guān jīng
    da4 sheng4 ben3 sheng1 xin1 di4 guan1 jing1
ta sheng pen sheng hsin ti kuan ching
 Daijō honshō shinchi kan kyō
Great Vehicle Sūtra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground in the Buddha's Life (?)


see styles
dà chéng léng jiā jīng wéi shí lùn
    da4 cheng2 leng2 jia1 jing1 wei2 shi2 lun4
ta ch`eng leng chia ching wei shih lun
    ta cheng leng chia ching wei shih lun
Viṃśatikā-vijñaptimātratā-siddhi-śāstra. A title of one of three treatises by Vasubandhu, tr. A.D. 508-535, 大乘唯識論 tr. 557-569, and 唯識二十論 tr. by Xuanzang in 661 being the other two.



see styles
dà shèng pí shā mén gōng dé jīng
    da4 sheng4 pi2 sha1 men2 gong1 de2 jing1
ta sheng p`i sha men kung te ching
    ta sheng pi sha men kung te ching
 Daijō Bishamon kudoku kyō
The Mahāyāna Sūtra of Merits of Vaiśravaṇa



see styles
wú liáng qīng jìng píng děng jué jīng
    wu2 liang2 qing1 jing4 ping2 deng3 jue2 jing1
wu liang ch`ing ching p`ing teng chüeh ching
    wu liang ching ching ping teng chüeh ching
 Muryō shōjō byōdō kaku kyō
Sūtra of Immeasurable Pure Perfect Enlightenment



see styles
dà shèng pú sà zàng zhèng fǎ jīng
    da4 sheng4 pu2 sa4 zang4 zheng4 fa3 jing1
ta sheng p`u sa tsang cheng fa ching
    ta sheng pu sa tsang cheng fa ching
 Daijō bosatsu zō shōbō kyō
Sūtra of the True Dharma of the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva Canon



see styles
dà zhōu kān dìng zhòng jīng mù lù
    da4 zhou1 kan1 ding4 zhong4 jing1 mu4 lu4
ta chou k`an ting chung ching mu lu
    ta chou kan ting chung ching mu lu
 Daishū kanjō shūkyō mokuroku
Catalogue of Scriptures, Authorized by the Great Zhou



see styles
dà zhōu qiàn dìng zhòng jīng mù lù
    da4 zhou1 qian4 ding4 zhong4 jing1 mu4 lu4
ta chou ch`ien ting chung ching mu lu
    ta chou chien ting chung ching mu lu
 Daishū senjō shukyō mokuroku
The catalogue in 14 juan of the Buddhist scripture made under the Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty, the name of which she changed to Zhou.



see styles
dà fāng guǎng fó huā yán jīng shū
    da4 fang1 guang3 fo2 hua1 yan2 jing1 shu1
ta fang kuang fo hua yen ching shu
 Daihōkō butsu kegonkyō so
Dafangguang fo huayan jing shou



see styles
dà rì jīng yì shì yǎn mì chāo
    da4 ri4 jing1 yi4 shi4 yan3 mi4 chao1
ta jih ching i shih yen mi ch`ao
    ta jih ching i shih yen mi chao
 Dainichikyō gishaku emmi sho
Esoteric Extracts from the Presentations in the Abridged Commentary to the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra



see styles
dà bān niè pán jīng tú pí fēn
    da4 ban1 nie4 pan2 jing1 tu2 pi2 fen1
ta pan nieh p`an ching t`u p`i fen
    ta pan nieh pan ching tu pi fen
 Daihan nehan kyō dabi fun
The Latter Portion of the Sūtra on the Great Decease



see styles
dà bō rě bō luó mì duō jīng
    da4 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 jing1
ta po je po lo mi to ching
 Dai hannya haramitta kyō
Mahā-prajñāpāramitā sūtra, said to have been delivered by Śākyamuni in four places at sixteen assemblies, i.e. Gṛidhrakūṭa near Rājagṛha (Vulture Peak); Śrāvastī; Paranirmitavaśavartin, and Veluvana near Rājagṛha (Bamboo Garden). It consists of 600 juan as translated by Xuanzang. Parts of it were translated by others under various titles and considerable differences are found in them. It is the fundamental philosophical work of the Mahāyāna school, the formulation of wisdom, which is the sixth pāramitā.



see styles
dà hù míng dà tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 hu4 ming2 da4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta hu ming ta t`o lo ni ching
    ta hu ming ta to lo ni ching
 Daigo myō dai daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Great Mantra Protector



see styles
rú lái bù sī yì jìng jiè jīng
    ru2 lai2 bu4 si1 yi4 jing4 jie4 jing1
ju lai pu ssu i ching chieh ching
 Nyorai fushigi kyōgai kyō
Sūtra on the Tathāgata's Inconceivable State



see styles
rú lái fāng biàn shàn qiǎo zhòu jīng
    ru2 lai2 fang1 bian4 shan4 qiao3 zhou4 jing1
ju lai fang pien shan ch`iao chou ching
    ju lai fang pien shan chiao chou ching
 Nyorai hōben zenkōju kyō
Rulai fangbian shanqiaozhou jing



see styles
rú lái shì jiào shèng jun wáng jīng
    ru2 lai2 shi4 jiao4 sheng4 jun1 wang2 jing1
ju lai shih chiao sheng chün wang ching
 Nyorai jikyō shōgunō kyō
Sūtra where Tathāgata Reveals Teachings to King Prasenajit



see styles
rú yì mó ní tuó luó ní jīng
    ru2 yi4 mo2 ni2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ju i mo ni t`o lo ni ching
    ju i mo ni to lo ni ching
 Nyoi mani daranikyō
Dhāraṇi of the Wish-fulfilling Gem



see styles
miào bì yìn chuáng tuó luó ní jīng
    miao4 bi4 yin4 chuang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
miao pi yin ch`uang t`o lo ni ching
    miao pi yin chuang to lo ni ching
 Myō hiin tō darani kyō
Sūtra of the Dhāraṇī for Bearing the Banners and Seals



see styles
jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng
    jia1 jia1 you3 ben3 nan2 nian4 de5 jing1
chia chia yu pen nan nien te ching
every family has its problems (idiom)



see styles
jí zhào shén biàn sān mó dì jīng
    ji2 zhao4 shen2 bian4 san1 mo2 di4 jing1
chi chao shen pien san mo ti ching
 Jakushō jinben sanmaji kyō
Sūtra on the Samādhi of Singularly Radiant Spiritual Alterations



see styles
shí xiāng bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    shi2 xiang1 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
shih hsiang po je po lo mi ching
 Jissō hannyaharamitsu kyō
Shixiang boruo boluomi jing



see styles
duì wài jīng jì mào yì dà xué
    dui4 wai4 jing1 ji4 mao4 yi4 da4 xue2
tui wai ching chi mao i ta hsüeh
University of International Business and Economics



see styles
xiǎo pǐn bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    xiao3 pin3 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
hsiao p`in po je po lo mi ching
    hsiao pin po je po lo mi ching
 Shōbon hannya haramitsu kyō
(小品) Kumārajīva's abbreviated version, in ten juan, of the Mahā-prajñā-pāramitā-sūtra.



see styles
shī jiā luó yuè liù xiàng bài jīng
    shi1 jia1 luo2 yue4 liu4 xiang4 bai4 jing1
shih chia lo yüeh liu hsiang pai ching
 Shikaraotsu rokukōhai kyō



see styles
shī jiā luó yuè liù fāng lǐ jīng
    shi1 jia1 luo2 yue4 liu4 fang1 li3 jing1
shih chia lo yüeh liu fang li ching
 Shikaraotsu roppōrai kyō



see styles
yán shòu miào mén tuó luó ní jīng
    yan2 shou4 miao4 men2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
yen shou miao men t`o lo ni ching
    yen shou miao men to lo ni ching
 Enju myōmon darani kyō
Yanshou miaomen tuoluoni jing



see styles
mí lè pú sà suǒ wèn jīng lùn
    mi2 le4 pu2 sa4 suo3 wen4 jing1 lun4
mi le p`u sa so wen ching lun
    mi le pu sa so wen ching lun
 Miroku bosatsu shomonkyō ron
Treatise on the Sūtra of the Questions Asked by Maitreya



see styles
xí chú zhōng yāo tuó luó ní jīng
    xi2 chu2 zhong1 yao1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
hsi ch`u chung yao t`o lo ni ching
    hsi chu chung yao to lo ni ching
 Sokujo chūyō darani kyō
Xichu zhongyao tuoluoni jing



see styles
bá jǐ kǔn án tuó luó ní jīng
    ba2 ji3 kun3 an2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
pa chi k`un an t`o lo ni ching
    pa chi kun an to lo ni ching
 Bassai kunan tarani kyō
Sūtra of the Dhāranīs that Remove Suffering and Adversity



see styles
mó hē bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    mo2 he1 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
mo ho po je po lo mi ching
 Maka hannya haramitsu kyō
Mohe boruo boluomi jing



see styles
fàng guāng bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    fang4 guang1 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
fang kuang po je po lo mi ching
 Hōkōhannya haramitsu kyō



see styles
fāng děng tán chí tuó luó ní jīng
    fang1 deng3 tan2 chi2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
fang teng t`an ch`ih t`o lo ni ching
    fang teng tan chih to lo ni ching
 Hōdō danji darani kyō



see styles
pǔ xián pú sà tuó luó ní jīng
    pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
p`u hsien p`u sa t`o lo ni ching
    pu hsien pu sa to lo ni ching
 Fugen bosatsu daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of Samantabhadra



see styles
zuì shàng mì mì nǎn á tiān jīng
    zui4 shang4 mi4 mi4 nan3 a2 tian1 jing1
tsui shang mi mi nan a t`ien ching
    tsui shang mi mi nan a tien ching
 Saijō himitsu nadaten gyō
King of Ritual Procedures for the God Naḍa



see styles
zhān tán xiāng shēn tuó luó ní jīng
    zhan1 tan2 xiang1 shen1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chan t`an hsiang shen t`o lo ni ching
    chan tan hsiang shen to lo ni ching
 Sendan kōshin darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Sandalwood Limb



see styles
fàn wǎng jīng pú sà xīn dì pǐn
    fan4 wang3 jing1 pu2 sa4 xin1 di4 pin3
fan wang ching p`u sa hsin ti p`in
    fan wang ching pu sa hsin ti pin
 Bonmō kyō bosatsu shinji hon
Sūtra of Brahma's Net



see styles
fàn wǎng jīng pú sà jiè běn shū
    fan4 wang3 jing1 pu2 sa4 jie4 ben3 shu1
fan wang ching p`u sa chieh pen shu
    fan wang ching pu sa chieh pen shu
 Bonmōkyō bosatsu kaihon sho
Commentary to the Chapter on the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Sūtra of Brahma's Net



see styles
fàn wǎng pú sà jiè jīng yì shū
    fan4 wang3 pu2 sa4 jie4 jing1 yi4 shu1
fan wang p`u sa chieh ching i shu
    fan wang pu sa chieh ching i shu
 Bonmō bosatsukai kyō gisho
Commentary on the Doctrine of the Sūtra of the Bodhisattva Precepts of Brahma's Net



see styles
lèng qié ā bá tuó luó bǎo jīng
    leng4 qie2 a1 ba2 tuo2 luo2 bao3 jing1
leng ch`ieh a pa t`o lo pao ching
    leng chieh a pa to lo pao ching
 Ryōga abattara hōkyō



see styles
lèng qié ā bá duō luó bǎo jīng
    leng4 qie2 a1 ba2 duo1 luo2 bao3 jing1
leng ch`ieh a pa to lo pao ching
    leng chieh a pa to lo pao ching
 Ryōga abatsutara hō kyō



see styles
wú liàng gōng dé tuó luó ní jīng
    wu2 liang4 gong1 de2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
wu liang kung te t`o lo ni ching
    wu liang kung te to lo ni ching
 Muryō kudoku daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of Immeasurable Merit



see styles
wú liáng shòu jīng yōu bō tí shè
    wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 you1 bo1 ti2 she4
wu liang shou ching yu po t`i she
    wu liang shou ching yu po ti she
 Muryōjukyō upadaisha
Treatise on the Sūtra of Limitless Life



see styles
wú liáng qīng jìng píng děng jué jīng
    wu2 liang2 qing1 jing4 ping2 deng3 jue2 jing1
wu liang ch`ing ching p`ing teng chüeh ching
    wu liang ching ching ping teng chüeh ching
 Muryō shōjō byōdō kaku kyō
Sūtra of Immeasurable Life



see styles
mì mì sān mèi dà jiào wáng jīng
    mi4 mi4 san1 mei4 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1
mi mi san mei ta chiao wang ching
 Himitsu sammai daikyōō kyō



see styles
chēng zàn jìng tǔ fó shè shòu jīng
    cheng1 zan4 jing4 tu3 fo2 she4 shou4 jing1
ch`eng tsan ching t`u fo she shou ching
    cheng tsan ching tu fo she shou ching
 Shōsan jōdo butsu shōju kyō
Sūtra In Praise of the Pure Land



see styles
bō rě bō luó mì duō xīn jīng
    bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 xin1 jing1
po je po lo mi to hsin ching
the Heart Sutra



see styles
bō rě bō luó mì duō xīn jīng
    bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 xin1 jing1
po je po lo mi to hsin ching
 Hannya haramitta shingyō

More info & calligraphy:

Heart Sutra Title
Heart Sūtra



see styles
huā jī lóu gé tuó luó ní jīng
    hua1 ji1 lou2 ge2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
hua chi lou ko t`o lo ni ching
    hua chi lou ko to lo ni ching
 Keshaku rōkaku darani kyō
Huaji louge tuoluoni jing



see styles
zhuāng yán wáng tuó luó ní zhòu jīng
    zhuang1 yan2 wang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4 jing1
chuang yen wang t`o lo ni chou ching
    chuang yen wang to lo ni chou ching
 Shōgonnō daranijukyō
Dhāraṇī of the Lords Arrangement



see styles
zhuāng yán wáng tuó luó ní zhòu jīng
    zhuang1 yan2 wang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4 jing1
chuang yen wang t`o lo ni chou ching
    chuang yen wang to lo ni chou ching
 Shōgonō darani ju kyō
Dhāraṇī Sūtra of the Adorned King



see styles
pú sà yīng luò běn yè jīng shū
    pu2 sa4 ying1 luo4 ben3 ye4 jing1 shu1
p`u sa ying lo pen yeh ching shu
    pu sa ying lo pen yeh ching shu
 Bosatsu yōraku hongō kyō sho
Commentary to Sūtra of the Diadem of Past Activities



see styles
huā jī tuó luó ní shén zhòu jīng
    hua1 ji1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 shen2 zhou4 jing1
hua chi t`o lo ni shen chou ching
    hua chi to lo ni shen chou ching
 Keshaku darani shinju kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Flower Heap



see styles
yè yī guān zì zài pú sà jīng
    ye4 yi1 guan1 zi4 zai4 pu2 sa4 jing1
yeh i kuan tzu tsai p`u sa ching
    yeh i kuan tzu tsai pu sa ching
 Yōe kanjizai bosatsu kyō
Dhāraṇī of Leaf-Clad Avalokitêśvara



see styles
sū pó hū tóng zǐ qǐng wèn jīng
    su1 po2 hu1 tong2 zi3 qing3 wen4 jing1
su p`o hu t`ung tzu ch`ing wen ching
    su po hu tung tzu ching wen ching
 Sobako dōji shōmon gyō
Tantra of the Questions of Subāhu



see styles
xū kōng zàng pú sà shén zhòu jīng
    xu1 kong1 zang4 pu2 sa4 shen2 zhou4 jing1
hsü k`ung tsang p`u sa shen chou ching
    hsü kung tsang pu sa shen chou ching
 Kokū zō bosatsu jinju kyō



see styles
guān shì yīn zhé dāo chú zuì jīng
    guan1 shi4 yin1 zhe2 dao1 chu2 zui4 jing1
kuan shih yin che tao ch`u tsui ching
    kuan shih yin che tao chu tsui ching
 Kanzeon settō jozai kyō
Sūtra of Avalokitêśvara Cutting and Removing Wrongs



see styles
guān pǔ xián pú sà xíng fǎ jīng
    guan1 pu3 xian2 pu2 sa4 xing2 fa3 jing1
kuan p`u hsien p`u sa hsing fa ching
    kuan pu hsien pu sa hsing fa ching
 Kan Fugen bosatsu gyōbō kyō
Sūtra of Meditating on Samantabhadra Bodhisattva



see styles
zhū fó jìng jiè shè zhēn shí jīng
    zhu1 fo2 jing4 jie4 she4 zhen1 shi2 jing1
chu fo ching chieh she chen shih ching
 Shobutsu kyōgai shōshinjitsu kyō
Reality Assembly of the Attained Realm of the Buddhas



see styles
zhū fó xīn yìn tuó luó ní jīng
    zhu1 fo2 xin1 yin4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chu fo hsin yin t`o lo ni ching
    chu fo hsin yin to lo ni ching
 Shobutsu shinin darani kyō
Zhufo xinyin tuoluoni jing



see styles
zhū fó jí huì tuó luó ní jīng
    zhu1 fo2 ji2 hui4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chu fo chi hui t`o lo ni ching
    chu fo chi hui to lo ni ching
 Shobutsu shūe darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Endowment of All Buddhas



see styles
dào xíng bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    dao4 xing2 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
tao hsing po je po lo mi ching
 Dōgyō hannya haramitsu kyō



see styles
yuǎn lái de hé shang huì niàn jīng
    yuan3 lai2 de5 he2 shang5 hui4 nian4 jing1
yüan lai te ho shang hui nien ching
the monk coming from afar is good at reading scriptures (idiom); foreign talent is valued higher than local talent



see styles
jīn gāng shàng wèi tuó luó ní jīng
    jin1 gang1 shang4 wei4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chin kang shang wei t`o lo ni ching
    chin kang shang wei to lo ni ching
 Kongō jōmi daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Adamantine Essence



see styles
jīn gāng bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    jin1 gang1 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
chin kang po je po lo mi ching
 Kongō hannyaharamitsu kyō
Diamond Sūtra



see styles
cháng jiāng sān jiǎo zhōu jīng jì qū
    chang2 jiang1 san1 jiao3 zhou1 jing1 ji4 qu1
ch`ang chiang san chiao chou ching chi ch`ü
    chang chiang san chiao chou ching chi chü
Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)



see styles
ā pí tán jīng bā jiān dù lùn
    a1 pi2 tan2 jing1 ba1 jian1 du4 lun4
a p`i t`an ching pa chien tu lun
    a pi tan ching pa chien tu lun
 Abidon kyō hakkendo ron


see styles
xiǎn wú biān fó tǔ gōng dé jīng
    xian3 wu2 bian1 fo2 tu3 gong1 de2 jing1
hsien wu pien fo t`u kung te ching
    hsien wu pien fo tu kung te ching
Sūtra Revealing the Qualities of the Infinite Buddha-Lands



see styles
shǒu dū jīng jì mào yì dà xué
    shou3 du1 jing1 ji4 mao4 yi4 da4 xue2
shou tu ching chi mao i ta hsüeh
Capital University of Economics and Business (Beijing)



see styles
jīng jì hé zuò yǔ fā zhǎn zǔ zhī
    jing1 ji4 he2 zuo4 yu3 fa1 zhan3 zu3 zhi1
ching chi ho tso yü fa chan tsu chih
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); abbr. to 合組織|经合组织


see styles
 shokyou / shokyo
(See 五経) The Book of Documents; The Book of History; Shujing; Shu Ching


see styles
 kyoumon / kyomon
{Buddh} scriptural text; scriptures; sutras



see styles
yī qiè rú lái dǐng bái sǎn gài jīng
    yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 ding3 bai2 san3 gai4 jing1
i ch`ieh ju lai ting pai san kai ching
    i chieh ju lai ting pai san kai ching
 Issai nyorai chō byakusankai kyō



see styles
bù kōng juàn suǒ shén biàn zhēn yán jīng
    bu4 kong1 juan4 suo3 shen2 bian4 zhen1 yan2 jing1
pu k`ung chüan so shen pien chen yen ching
    pu kung chüan so shen pien chen yen ching
 Fukū kenjaku shimpen shingon kyō
Infallible Lasso's Mantra and Supernatural Transformations: King of Ritual Manuals



see styles
bù jīng yī shì , bù zhǎng yī zhì
    bu4 jing1 yi1 shi4 , bu4 zhang3 yi1 zhi4
pu ching i shih , pu chang i chih
lit. you can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); fig. wisdom only comes with experience



see styles
fó miè dù hòu guān hān zàng sòng jīng
    fo2 mie4 du4 hou4 guan1 han1 zang4 song4 jing1
fo mieh tu hou kuan han tsang sung ching
 Butsu metsudogo kankan sōsō kyō
Sūtra of Carrying the Coffin to the Grave After the Death of the Buddha



see styles
fó miè dù hòu guān hān zàng sòng jīng
    fo2 mie4 du4 hou4 guan1 han1 zang4 song4 jing1
fo mieh tu hou kuan han tsang sung ching
 Butsu metsudogo kankan sōsō kyō
Sūtra of Carrying the Coffin to the Grave After the Death of the Buddha



see styles
fó shuō fēn bié shàn è suǒ qǐ jīng
    fo2 shuo1 fen1 bie2 shan4 e4 suo3 qi3 jing1
fo shuo fen pieh shan o so ch`i ching
    fo shuo fen pieh shan o so chi ching
 Bussetsu funbetsu zen'aku shokikyō
Foshuo fenbie shane suoqi jing



see styles
fó shuō wén shū shī lì xún xíng jīng
    fo2 shuo1 wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 xun2 xing2 jing1
fo shuo wen shu shih li hsün hsing ching
 Bussetsu Monjushiri jungyō kyō
Sūtra of Mañjuśrī's Tour



see styles
chū shēng wú biān mén tuó luó ní jīng
    chu1 sheng1 wu2 bian1 men2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ch`u sheng wu pien men t`o lo ni ching
    chu sheng wu pien men to lo ni ching
 Shusshō muhen mon daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the [Birth of the] Infinite Portal



see styles
fēn bié yuán qǐ chū shèng fǎ mén jīng
    fen1 bie2 yuan2 qi3 chu1 sheng4 fa3 men2 jing1
fen pieh yüan ch`i ch`u sheng fa men ching
    fen pieh yüan chi chu sheng fa men ching
 Funbetsu engi shoshō hōmon kyō
Sūtra on The Primacy of the Dharma Gate Distinguishing Conditioned Arising



see styles
shèng tiān wáng bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    sheng4 tian1 wang2 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
sheng t`ien wang po je po lo mi ching
    sheng tien wang po je po lo mi ching
 Shōtennō hannya haramitsu kyō



see styles
shí yī miàn guān shì yīn shén zhòu jīng
    shi2 yi1 mian4 guan1 shi4 yin1 shen2 zhou4 jing1
shih i mien kuan shih yin shen chou ching
 Jūichimen kanzeon shinjukyō



see styles
guó jiā jīng jì mào yì wěi yuán huì
    guo2 jia1 jing1 ji4 mao4 yi4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
kuo chia ching chi mao i wei yüan hui
State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC)



see styles
dà shèng dà jí dì zàng shí lún jīng
    da4 sheng4 da4 ji2 di4 zang4 shi2 lun2 jing1
ta sheng ta chi ti tsang shih lun ching
 Daijō daishū chizō jūrin kyō
Dasheng daji dizang shilun jing



see styles
dà fāng guǎng rú lái mì mì zàng jīng
    da4 fang1 guang3 ru2 lai2 mi4 mi4 zang4 jing1
ta fang kuang ju lai mi mi tsang ching
 Daihōkō nyorai himitsuzō kyō
Tathāgatagarbha-sūtra, tr. A.D.350-431, idem 大方等如來藏, tr. by Buddhabhadra A.D. 417-420, 1 chuan.



see styles
dà fāng guǎng zǒng chí bǎo guāng míng jīng
    da4 fang1 guang3 zong3 chi2 bao3 guang1 ming2 jing1
ta fang kuang tsung ch`ih pao kuang ming ching
    ta fang kuang tsung chih pao kuang ming ching
 Daihōkō sōji hōkōmyō kyō
Dhāraṇī of Jewel Light



see styles
dà fāng děng tán chí tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 fang1 deng3 tan2 chi2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta fang teng t`an ch`ih t`o lo ni ching
    ta fang teng tan chih to lo ni ching
 Dai hōdō danji darani kyō



see styles
dà pǔ níng sì dà zàng jīng mù lù
    da4 pu3 ning2 si4 da4 zang4 jing1 mu4 lu4
ta p`u ning ssu ta tsang ching mu lu
    ta pu ning ssu ta tsang ching mu lu
 Daifuneiji daizōkyō mokuroku
Catalog of the Yuan Canon Printed at Dapuning Temple



see styles
dà shù jǐn nà luó wáng suǒ wèn jīng
    da4 shu4 jin3 na4 luo2 wang2 suo3 wen4 jing1
ta shu chin na lo wang so wen ching
 Daiju kinnaraō shomon kyō
Sūtra of the Questions of The King of the Mahādruma Kinnaras



see styles
dà pí lú zhēn à chéng fó jīng shù
    da4 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 cheng2 fo2 jing1 shu4
ta p`i lu chen a ch`eng fo ching shu
    ta pi lu chen a cheng fo ching shu
 Dai Birushana jōbutsu kyō sho
Commentary on the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "經" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary