There are 1607 total results for your 温 search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
金太郎温泉 see styles |
kintarouonsen / kintaroonsen きんたろうおんせん |
(place-name) Kintarōonsen |
金田一温泉 see styles |
kintaichionsen きんたいちおんせん |
(personal name) Kintaichionsen |
銀婚湯温泉 see styles |
ginkonyuonsen ぎんこんゆおんせん |
(place-name) Ginkonyuonsen |
鍋田川温泉 see styles |
nabetagawaonsen なべたがわおんせん |
(place-name) Nabetagawaonsen |
長万部温泉 see styles |
oshamanbeonsen おしゃまんべおんせん |
(place-name) Oshamanbeonsen |
長谷川温雄 see styles |
hasegawaharuo はせがわはるお |
(person) Hasegawa Haruo |
阿寒湖温泉 see styles |
akankoonsen あかんこおんせん |
(place-name) Akankoonsen |
雌阿寒温泉 see styles |
meakanonsen めあかんおんせん |
(place-name) Meakan'onsen |
電気温水器 see styles |
denkionsuiki でんきおんすいき |
electric water heater |
霊泉寺温泉 see styles |
reisenjionsen / resenjionsen れいせんじおんせん |
(place-name) Reisenjionsen |
霧島温泉駅 see styles |
kirishimaonseneki きりしまおんせんえき |
(st) Kirishimaonsen Station |
飯坂温泉駅 see styles |
iizakaonseneki / izakaonseneki いいざかおんせんえき |
(st) Iizakaonsen Station |
養老牛温泉 see styles |
yourouushionsen / yoroushionsen ようろううしおんせん |
(place-name) Yōrouushionsen |
馬頭温泉郷 see styles |
batouonsenkyou / batoonsenkyo ばとうおんせんきょう |
(place-name) Batouonsenkyō |
體溫檢測儀 体温检测仪 see styles |
tǐ wēn jiǎn cè yí ti3 wen1 jian3 ce4 yi2 t`i wen chien ts`e i ti wen chien tse i |
infrared body thermometer; temperature gun |
高温ガス炉 see styles |
kouongasuro / koongasuro こうおんガスろ |
high-temperature gas-cooled reactor |
鬼ヶ嶽温泉 see styles |
onigadakeonsen おにがだけおんせん |
(place-name) Onigadakeonsen |
鬼怒川温泉 see styles |
kinugawaonsen きぬがわおんせん |
(place-name) Kinugawaonsen |
鬼首温泉郷 see styles |
onikoubeonsenkyou / onikobeonsenkyo おにこうべおんせんきょう |
(place-name) Onikoubeonsenkyō |
鳴子温泉駅 see styles |
narukoonseneki なるこおんせんえき |
(st) Narukoonsen Station |
鶴巻温泉駅 see styles |
tsurumakionseneki つるまきおんせんえき |
(st) Tsurumakionsen Station |
鹿の子温泉 see styles |
kanokoonsen かのこおんせん |
(place-name) Kanokoonsen |
鹿教湯温泉 see styles |
kakeyuonsen かけゆおんせん |
(place-name) Kakeyuonsen |
麒隣山温泉 see styles |
kirinzanonsen きりんざんおんせん |
(place-name) Kirinzan'onsen |
黒川温泉峡 see styles |
kurokawaonsenkyou / kurokawaonsenkyo くろかわおんせんきょう |
(place-name) Kurokawaonsenkyō |
Variations: |
unki うんき |
heat; warmth; sultriness |
Variations: |
ontama おんたま |
(abbreviation) (See 温泉玉子) soft-boiled egg |
温井トンネル see styles |
nukuitonneru ぬくいトンネル |
(place-name) Nukui Tunnel |
温室効果ガス see styles |
onshitsukoukagasu / onshitsukokagasu おんしつこうかガス |
greenhouse effect gas; greenhouse gas |
温帯夏雨気候 see styles |
ontaikaukikou / ontaikaukiko おんたいかうきこう |
temperate climate with a rainy summer |
温暖湿潤気候 see styles |
ondanshitsujunkikou / ondanshitsujunkiko おんだんしつじゅんきこう |
temperate humid climate |
温根別町伊文 see styles |
onnebetsuchouibun / onnebetsuchoibun おんねべつちょういぶん |
(place-name) Onnebetsuchōibun |
温水洗浄便座 see styles |
onsuisenjoubenza / onsuisenjobenza おんすいせんじょうべんざ |
bidet toilet with a heated water function; warm-water washlet |
温泉トンネル see styles |
onsentonneru おんせんトンネル |
(place-name) Onsen Tunnel |
温泉保養公園 see styles |
onsenhoyoukouen / onsenhoyokoen おんせんほようこうえん |
(place-name) Onsenhoyou Park |
温泉郡中島町 see styles |
onsengunnakajimachou / onsengunnakajimacho おんせんぐんなかじまちょう |
(place-name) Onsengunnakajimachō |
温泉郡川内町 see styles |
onsengunkawauchichou / onsengunkawauchicho おんせんぐんかわうちちょう |
(place-name) Onsengunkawauchichō |
温泉郡重信町 see styles |
onsengunshigenobuchou / onsengunshigenobucho おんせんぐんしげのぶちょう |
(place-name) Onsengunshigenobuchō |
温海トンネル see styles |
atsumitonneru あつみトンネル |
(place-name) Atsumi Tunnel |
あつみ温泉駅 see styles |
atsumionseneki あつみおんせんえき |
(st) Atsumionsen Station |
いわない温泉 see styles |
iwanaionsen いわないおんせん |
(place-name) Iwanaionsen |
せせらぎ温泉 see styles |
seseragionsen せせらぎおんせん |
(place-name) Seseragionsen |
カルルス温泉 see styles |
karurusuonsen カルルスおんせん |
(place-name) Karurusuonsen |
ガラメキ温泉 see styles |
garamekionsen ガラメキおんせん |
(place-name) Garamekionsen |
キュリー温度 see styles |
kyuriiondo / kyuriondo キュリーおんど |
Curie temperature |
ラジウム温泉 see styles |
rajiumuonsen ラジウムおんせん |
radium hot spring; radioactive hot spring |
三斗小屋温泉 see styles |
sandogoyaonsen さんどごやおんせん |
(place-name) Sandogoyaonsen |
中三依温泉駅 see styles |
nakamiyorionseneki なかみよりおんせんえき |
(st) Nakamiyorionsen Station |
中山平温泉駅 see styles |
nakayamadairaonseneki なかやまだいらおんせんえき |
(st) Nakayamadairaonsen Station |
全球氣候升溫 全球气候升温 see styles |
quán qiú qì hòu shēng wēn quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4 sheng1 wen1 ch`üan ch`iu ch`i hou sheng wen chüan chiu chi hou sheng wen |
global warming |
八幡平温泉郷 see styles |
hachimantaionsenkyou / hachimantaionsenkyo はちまんたいおんせんきょう |
(place-name) Hachimantaionsenkyō |
出雲湯村温泉 see styles |
izumoyumuraonsen いずもゆむらおんせん |
(place-name) Izumoyumuraonsen |
北湯沢温泉町 see styles |
kitayuzawaonsenchou / kitayuzawaonsencho きたゆざわおんせんちょう |
(place-name) Kitayuzawaonsenchō |
十勝川温泉北 see styles |
tokachigawaonsenkita とかちがわおんせんきた |
(place-name) Tokachigawaonsenkita |
十勝川温泉南 see styles |
tokachigawaonsenminami とかちがわおんせんみなみ |
(place-name) Tokachigawaonsenminami |
四季美谷温泉 see styles |
shikibitanionsen しきびたにおんせん |
(place-name) Shikibitanionsen |
国立温泉病院 see styles |
kokuritsuonsenbyouin / kokuritsuonsenbyoin こくりつおんせんびょういん |
(place-name) Kokuritsuonsen Hospital |
国際温度目盛 see styles |
kokusaiondomemori こくさいおんどめもり |
{physics} International Temperature Scale; ITS |
大雪高原温泉 see styles |
taisetsukougenonsen / taisetsukogenonsen たいせつこうげんおんせん |
(place-name) Taisetsukougen'onsen |
天塩川温泉駅 see styles |
teshiogawaonseneki てしおがわおんせんえき |
(st) Teshiogawaonsen Station |
太陽熱温水器 see styles |
taiyounetsuonsuiki / taiyonetsuonsuiki たいようねつおんすいき |
solar water-heater |
奥鬼怒温泉郷 see styles |
okukinuonsenkyou / okukinuonsenkyo おくきぬおんせんきょう |
(place-name) Okukinuonsenkyō |
宇奈月温泉駅 see styles |
unazukionseneki うなづきおんせんえき |
(st) Unazukionsen Station |
安達太良温泉 see styles |
adataraonsen あだたらおんせん |
(place-name) Adataraonsen |
定山渓温泉東 see styles |
jouzankeionsenhigashi / jozankeonsenhigashi じょうざんけいおんせんひがし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsenhigashi |
定山渓温泉西 see styles |
jouzankeionsennishi / jozankeonsennishi じょうざんけいおんせんにし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsennishi |
定山溪温泉東 see styles |
jouzankeionsenhigashi / jozankeonsenhigashi じょうざんけいおんせんひがし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsenhigashi |
定山溪温泉西 see styles |
jouzankeionsennishi / jozankeonsennishi じょうざんけいおんせんにし |
(place-name) Jōzankeionsennishi |
小川温泉元湯 see styles |
ogawaonsenmotoyu おがわおんせんもとゆ |
(place-name) Ogawaonsenmotoyu |
小野上温泉駅 see styles |
onogamionseneki おのがみおんせんえき |
(st) Onogamionsen Station |
岳温泉西大和 see styles |
dakeonsennishidaiwa だけおんせんにしだいわ |
(place-name) Dakeonsennishidaiwa |
川原湯温泉駅 see styles |
kawarayuonseneki かわらゆおんせんえき |
(st) Kawarayuonsen Station |
平内海中温泉 see styles |
hirauchikaichuuonsen / hirauchikaichuonsen ひらうちかいちゅうおんせん |
(place-name) Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen |
戸狩野沢温泉 see styles |
togarinozawaonsen とがりのざわおんせん |
(personal name) Togarinozawaonsen |
接岨峡温泉駅 see styles |
sessokyouonseneki / sessokyoonseneki せっそきょうおんせんえき |
(st) Sessokyōonsen Station |
日之影温泉駅 see styles |
hinokageonseneki ひのかげおんせんえき |
(st) Hinokageonsen Station |
日奈久温泉駅 see styles |
hinaguonseneki ひなぐおんせんえき |
(st) Hinaguonsen Station |
日本温泉協会 see styles |
nihononsenkyoukai / nihononsenkyokai にほんおんせんきょうかい |
(org) Japan Spa Association; (o) Japan Spa Association |
旧交を温める see styles |
kyuukouoatatameru / kyukooatatameru きゅうこうをあたためる |
(exp,v1) to renew old friendship |
旧情を温める see styles |
kyuujouoatatameru / kyujooatatameru きゅうじょうをあたためる |
(exp,v1) to renew an old friendship |
柿下温泉口駅 see styles |
kakishitaonsenguchieki かきしたおんせんぐちえき |
(st) Kakishitaonsenguchi Station |
榊原温泉口駅 see styles |
sakakibaraonsenguchieki さかきばらおんせんぐちえき |
(st) Sakakibaraonsenguchi Station |
水無海浜温泉 see styles |
mizunashikaihinonsen みずなしかいひんおんせん |
(place-name) Mizunashikaihin'onsen |
池ノ端温泉郷 see styles |
ikenohataonsenkyou / ikenohataonsenkyo いけのはたおんせんきょう |
(place-name) Ikenohataonsenkyō |
洞爺湖温泉町 see styles |
touyakoonsenchou / toyakoonsencho とうやこおんせんちょう |
(place-name) Touyakoonsenchō |
海洋溫差發電 海洋温差发电 see styles |
hǎi yáng wēn chā fā diàn hai3 yang2 wen1 cha1 fa1 dian4 hai yang wen ch`a fa tien hai yang wen cha fa tien |
ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) |
渋沢温泉小屋 see styles |
shibusawaonsengoya しぶさわおんせんごや |
(place-name) Shibusawaonsengoya |
湯の山温泉駅 see styles |
yunoyamaonseneki ゆのやまおんせんえき |
(st) Yunoyamaonsen Station |
湯の川温泉駅 see styles |
yunokawaonseneki ゆのかわおんせんえき |
(st) Yunokawaonsen Station |
湯西川温泉駅 see styles |
yunishigawaonseneki ゆにしがわおんせんえき |
(st) Yunishigawaonsen Station |
湯野上温泉駅 see styles |
yunokamionseneki ゆのかみおんせんえき |
(st) Yunokamionsen Station |
湿球黒球温度 see styles |
shikkyuukokkyuuondo / shikkyukokkyuondo しっきゅうこっきゅうおんど |
(See 暑さ指数) wet-bulb globe temperature; WBGT |
溫室廢氣儲存 温室废气储存 see styles |
wēn shì fèi qì chǔ cún wen1 shi4 fei4 qi4 chu3 cun2 wen shih fei ch`i ch`u ts`un wen shih fei chi chu tsun |
greenhouse gas sequestration |
然別湖畔温泉 see styles |
shikaribetsukohanonsen しかりべつこはんおんせん |
(place-name) Shikaribetsukohan'onsen |
白木川内温泉 see styles |
shirakigawauchionsen しらきがわうちおんせん |
(place-name) Shirakigawauchionsen |
立ち寄り温泉 see styles |
tachiyorionsen たちよりおんせん |
hot spring resort where customers can bathe without spending the night |
美方郡温泉町 see styles |
mikatagunonsenchou / mikatagunonsencho みかたぐんおんせんちょう |
(place-name) Mikatagun'onsenchō |
脳低体温療法 see styles |
nouteitaionryouhou / notetaionryoho のうていたいおんりょうほう |
therapeutic hypothermia for brain injury |
芦ノ牧温泉駅 see styles |
ashinomakionseneki あしのまきおんせんえき |
(st) Ashinomakionsen Station |
葭池温泉前駅 see styles |
yoshiikeonsenmaeeki / yoshikeonsenmaeeki よしいけおんせんまええき |
(st) Yoshiikeonsenmae Station |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "温" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.